Jeannette Walraven wrote:
Hallo, ik zou graag dit vest op 2 pennen willen breien van onder naar boven heeft u daar een patroon van?
18.12.2024 - 14:44DROPS Design answered:
Dag Jeannette,
Nee, helaas is dit patroon van boven naar beneden en op de rondbreinaald.
Om een patroon aan te passen om op rechte naalden te breien hebben we een instructie gemaakt. Deze vind je hier. Helaas is dit niet voor alle patronen geschikt.
19.12.2024 - 18:12Jeannette Walraven wrote:
Beste, ik zou graag dit vest van onder naar boven breien dus op 2 pennen, heeft u daar een patroon van? Groetjes
18.12.2024 - 00:10Silla wrote:
Hallo! Ich stricke Gr.L und habe eine Frage zu den Diagrammen: Werden hier Hin- UND Rückreihen dargestellt? (Ich kenne es so, dass nur die Hinreihen abgebildet werden, aber das macht bei den Raglan-Zunahmen ja gar keinen Sinn) Danke für die Antwort. VG Silla
16.09.2024 - 21:56Silla answered:
Danke, ich habe es in den FAQ gefunden🙈🤗
16.09.2024 - 22:26Natasia wrote:
Hej. Jeg er nået til den nederste rib kant på ryg/forstykket (jeg strikker størrelse small). Opskriften siger at jeg skal have 212 masker, hvilket jeg har. Men den siger også at jeg i ribben skal ende med to retmasker før de fire kantmasker. Men det går ikke op. Jeg forstår ikke helt hvad der går galt for mig
14.07.2023 - 16:04DROPS Design answered:
Hei Natasia Oppskriften er oversendt design avd. slik at de kan kontroll sjekke maskeantallet i den minste størrelsen (maskeantallet går opp i de andre størrelsene). Når du øker 35 masker jevnt fordelt før det byttes til rundpinne 4, kan du istedenfor øke 33 masker, slik at du har 210 masker, da vil vrangborden stemme. mvh DROPS Design
26.07.2023 - 08:34ROSA KIAN wrote:
For this pattern , I am doing size M, I cast 106 sts, but after the rib, in the first row that increases a total of 8 its, if I follow all the diagrams, give me a total of 93 its, that is including the 4 its of the band for each side, so there is a discrepancy, Band 4 its + A1, 10 sts + A2 5 sts + 2 sts+ 8 sts + 2 sts + A3 6 sts + 2 times A1 20 sts + A2 5 sts + 2 sts + 8 sts + 2 sts + A3 6 sts +A4 9 sts + 4 sts band = 93 sts, but I cast 106? what I AM DOING WRONG?
06.09.2022 - 02:02DROPS Design answered:
Hi Rosa, When the rib is finished you decrease 13 sts, leaving 93 sts. This then fits the pattern you describe in your question. Happy knitting!
06.09.2022 - 06:55Miu wrote:
I am back to attempting this pattern again. I need your help again. In the YOKE section, I have done one increase of 8 stitches, please clarify that I PURL the next row? The pattern then says I do increase 23 times ( in L)and only increase every other row in the RS the diagram should have 46 rows, but the diagram only have 20 rows, how do I know where to do the pattern of (knit 2 together and YO for the pattern holes ( not the raglan increase)). Thanks for your help.
20.10.2021 - 17:46DROPS Design answered:
Dear Miu, the 8 sts increased on first row explained are for the raglan, these yarn overs are purled twisted on next row - see RAGLAN - then continue in pattern following diagrams increasing for the raglan a total of 23 times on every RS row (= total 46 rows). When diagrams are done, repeat A.2/A.3 towards raglan sts on front and back pieces and work 1 extra repeat of A.1 before A.2/after A.3 on front and back pieces. Happy knitting!
21.10.2021 - 06:55Catalina wrote:
Hola, una vez acabado el raglán no entiendo la nota que sigue "Tejer la hilera siguiente por el lado revés de la manera siguiente: NOTA: Tejer algunos de los puntos (= 1-1-0-1-1-3 puntos) de las mangas en la aguja para el cuerpo, para que la transición entre el cuerpo y las mangas ya no sea en los hilos marcadores." No se como hacerlo si luego tengo que tejer los primeros 39 y deslizar 44. Me ayuda? Gracias
05.09.2021 - 23:00DROPS Design answered:
Hola Catalina. Tienes que trabajar según el patrón: trabajar primero 39 puntos, deslizar sin trabajar 44 puntos, montar los puntos bajo la manga y etc. La nota es para avisarte que algunos puntos se desplazan de la manga al cuerpo para no tener agujeros en la línea de la transición.
06.09.2021 - 14:00Hege wrote:
Dette har vært en morsom jakke å strikke for meg som er noe uerfaren. Jeg har hele tiden holdt meg til oppskriften. MEN vrangbordene blir alt for vide hvis jeg skal øke antallet masker før vrangborden. De blir vide nok uten å øke antallet masker. Vrangborden i halsen er også alt for vid. Hva kan jeg gjøre med den? Den er starten på det hele og vanskelig å rekke opp. Bør jeg hekle en rad slik dere viser i videoen om å stramme inn vide vrangborder?
20.08.2021 - 07:45Mona wrote:
Ökningarna för raglan ska de göras på varje rätt varv? Mönstret ska väl också stickas på rätsidan? "Diagrammen visar alla varv i mönstret sett från rätsidan" står det i beskrivningen. När jag tittar på diagrammet så är det hela tiden 2 lika rader ovanpå varandra, motsvarar det ett avigt varv samt ett rätt varv?
22.01.2021 - 16:38DROPS Design answered:
Hej Mona. Ja alla varv (både rätsidan och avigsidan) är med i diagrammet men alla varv visas sett från rätsidan. Mvh DROPS Design
28.01.2021 - 13:56Malene Reinholdt wrote:
Jeg ønsker å strikke denne fine jakke i et annet garn og ser på Drops Alpaca, som er fra garngruppe A. Går det om jeg bruker dobbelt tråd? Hvordan beregner jeg mengden (str L)?
30.09.2020 - 12:20
Awakening Spring Jacket |
Knitted jacket with raglan in DROPS Paris. Piece is knitted top down with lace pattern. Size: S - XXXL
DROPS 202-31 |
---------------------------------------------------------- EXPLANATION FOR THE PATTERN: ---------------------------------------------------------- GARTER STITCH (back and forth): Knit all rows. 1 ridge vertically = knit 2 rows. PATTERN: See diagrams A.1 to A.5. Choose diagram for your size (applies to A.2 and A.3). Diagrams show all rows in pattern seen from the right side. DECREASE TIP-1 (evenly): To calculate how to decrease evenly, use the total number of stitches on row (e.g. 102 stitches), minus bands (e.g. 8 stitches) and divide the remaining stitches by number of decreases to be done (e.g. 9) = 10.4. In this example decrease by knitting alternately every 9th and 10th stitch and every 10th and 11th stitch together. DECREASE TIP-2 (applies to sleeves): All decreases are done from the right side! Decrease 1 stitch on each side of A.5 as follows: Work until 2 stitches remain before A.5, knit 2 together, work A.5, slip 1 stitch knitwise, knit 1, pass slipped stitch over stitch worked (= 2 stitches decreased). INCREASE TIP-1 (applies to sides of body): Increase 4 stitches on row as follows: Increase 1 stitch on each side of A.5 by making 1 yarn over. On next row (wrong side) purl yarn overs twisted to avoid holes. Work the new stitches in stocking stitch. INCREASE TIP-2 (evenly): To calculate how to increase evenly, use the total number of stitches on row (e.g. 177 stitches), minus bands (e.g. 8 stitches) and divide the remaining stitches by number of increases to be done (e.g. 35) = 4.8. In this example increase by making 1 yarn over after approx. every 5th stitch. On next row (wrong side) work yarn overs twisted to avoid holes. RAGLAN: All increases are done from the right side. Increase 1 stitch in each side of 2 knit stitches in every transition between front/back piece and sleeves (= 8 stitches increased on row). Increase 1 stitch by making 1 yarn over. On next row (wrong side) purl yarn overs twisted to avoid holes. Then work the new stitch in stocking stitch on sleeves and work them into pattern on front and back piece. BUTTONHOLES: Decrease for buttonholes on right band (when garment is worn). Decrease from right side when 3 stitches remain on row as follows: Make 1 yarn over, knit the next 2 stitches together, knit last stitch. On next row knit yarn over to make holes. Decrease first buttonhole when rib in neck measures approx. 1½-2 cm. Then decrease the next 5 approx. 8-8-9-9-9-10 cm between each. ---------------------------------------------------------- START THE PIECE HERE: ---------------------------------------------------------- JACKET - SHORT OVERVIEW OF THE PIECE: Worked back and forth on circular needle, top down. Work sleeves in the round on double pointed needles/a short circular needle, top down. NECK EDGE: Cast on 102-106-114-118-126-130 stitches (including 4 band stitches in garter stitch in each side towards mid front) on circular needle size 4 mm with Paris. Purl 1 row from wrong side. Then work rib as follows from right side: 4 band stitches in GARTER STITCH - read explanation above, (knit 2/purl 2) until 6 stitches remain on needle, knit 2, 4 band stitches in garter stitch. Continue back and forth like this until rib measures 2½ cm - remember BUTTONHOLES - read explanation above. Knit 1 row while decreasing 9-13-13-17-17-21 stitches evenly - read DECREASE TIP-1 (evenly) = 93-93-101-101-109-109 stitches. Purl 1 row from wrong side (work the 4 band stitches in each side in garter stitches). YOKE: Switch to circular needle size 5 mm. Work in PATTERN - read explanation above, as follows: 4 band stitches in garter stitch, A.1 over the next 10 stitches, A.2 - choose diagram for your size, over the next 5-5-7-7-9-9 stitches, make 1 yarn over, knit 1, insert a marker thread here (= left front piece), knit 1, make 1 yarn over, knit 8, make 1 yarn over, knit 1, insert a marker thread here (= sleeve), knit 1, 1 yarn over, A.3 - choose diagram for your size, over the next 6-6-8-8-10-10 stitches, A.1 over the next 20 stitches (= 2 repetitions), A.2 over the next 5-5-7-7-9-9 stitches, 1 yarn over, knit 1, insert a marker thread here (= back piece), knit 1, make 1 yarn over, knit 8, make 1 yarn over, knit 1, insert a marker thread here (= sleeve), knit 1, make 1 yarn over, A.3 over the next 6-6-8-8-10-10 stitches, A.4 over the next 9 stitches, 4 band stitches in garter stitch (= right front piece). 8 stitches have been increased for RAGLAN - read explanation above. Continue pattern back and forth like this and increase every other row 18-22-23-26-28-30 times in total = 237-269-285-309-333-349 stitches. REMEMBER THE KNITTING TENSION. When diagrams have been worked vertically, continue pattern the same way. I.e. work according to A.2/A.3 towards raglan line on front pieces and back piece, and there is now from for 1 more repetition of A.1 before A.2 and after A.3 on front pieces and back piece. Continue sleeves in stocking stitch. When all increases for raglan are done, piece measures approx. 21-23-25-27-29-31 cm from cast-on edge and down mid front. Work next row from wrong side as follows: NOTE: Work some of the stitches (= 1-1-0-1-1-3 stitches) on sleeves on to needle for body, so that the transition between body and sleeves are now longer at the marker threads. Work the first 39-43-45-49-53-57 stitches, slip the next 44-52-56-60-64-64 stitches on a stitch holder (= sleeve), cast on 10-10-12-12-14-16 new stitches on needle (= in the side under sleeve), work the next 71-79-83-91-99-107 stitches (= back piece), slip the next 44-52-56-60-64-64 stitches on a stitch holder (= sleeve), cast on 10-10-12-12-14-16 new stitches on needle (= in the side under sleeve), work the remaining 39-43-45-49-53-57 stitches on needle. NOW MEASURE PIECE FROM HERE! BODY: = 169-185-197-213-233-253 stitches. Work A.5 (= 8 stitches) over the middle 8 stitches under sleeves, 4 band stitches in garter stitch in each side towards mid front and work as many repetitions lace pattern that will fit out towards each side (pattern should fit pattern on yoke!), work the remaining stitches in stocking stitch. When piece measures 4 cm, increase 1 stitch on each side of A.5 in each side - READ INCREASE TIP-1. Increase like this every 6 cm 2 times in total in all sizes = 177-193-205-221-241-261 stitches. Continue until piece measures 21 cm (adjust to finish after a lace pattern vertically + some rows in stocking stitch). Now increase 33-41-41-45-49-53 stitches evenly – read INCREASE TIP-2 = 210-234-246-266-290-314 stitches. Switch to circular needle size 4 mm. Work rib from right side as follows: 4 band stitches in garter stitch, (knit 2/purl 2) until 6 stitches remain on row, knit 2, 4 band stitches in garter stitch. When rib measures 3 cm, cast off with knit over knit and purl over purl. Make sure that the cast-off edge is not too tight. Use a larger needle size when casting off. Jacket measures approx. 48-50-52-54-56-58 cm from shoulder and down. SLEEVE: Slip the 44-52-56-60-64-64 stitches from stitch holder in one side back on a short circular needle/double pointed needles size 5 mm. Pick in addition up 1 stitch in each of the 10-10-12-12-14-16 stitches under sleeve = 54-62-68-72-78-80 stitches. Continue in the round with stocking stitch and work A.5 over the middle 8 stitches under sleeve. When piece measures 4 cm, decrease 2 stitches under sleeves - read DECREASE TIP-2. Decrease in the different sizes as follows: Size S: Decrease like this every 3 cm 5 times and every 4 cm 4 times (= 9 decreases in total). Size M: Decrease like this every 2 cm 6 times and every 3 cm 6 times (= 12 decreases in total). Size L: Decrease like this every 2 cm 14 times in total. Size XL: Decrease like this every cm 8 times and every 2 cm 8 times (= 16 decreases in total). Size XXL: Decrease like this every cm 9 times and every 2 cm 9 times (= 18 times in total). Size XXXL: Decrease like this every cm 9 times and every 2 cm 9 times (= 18 decreases in total). When all decreases on sleeve are done there are 36-38-40-40-42-44 stitches on round. Continue until sleeve measures 38-37-35-34-32-30 cm (shorter measurements in the larger sizes because of longer yoke). Now increase 8-6-8-8-10-8 stitches evenly – remember INCREASE TIP-2 = 44-44-48-48-52-52 stitches. Switch to double pointed needles size 4 mm. Work rib (knit 2/purl 2) for 4 cm. Cast off stitches with knit over knit and purl over purl. Make sure that the cast-off edge is not too tight. Use a larger needle size when casting off. Sleeve measures approx. 42-41-39-38-36-34 cm. Work the other sleeve the same way. ASSEMBLY: Sew the buttons on to left band. |
Diagram explanations |
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