Dirk De Hoon wrote:
Må man gerne lave og så sælge disse kaniner for personlig overskud
14.12.2024 - 17:42DROPS Design answered:
Hei Dirk. Nederst på hver oppskrift står det blant annet: Salg af tøj fra DROPS opskrifter er tilladt så længe det sælges enkeltvis eller efter bestilling. Yderligere kommerciel brug af opskrifterne er ikke tilladt. Det skal tydeligt fremgå at tøjet er lavet efter en model af DROPS Design. Ved brug af tøjmærker hvor DROPS Design indgår skal der stå følgende tekst “A DROPS DESIGN made by …..”. Les mer nederst på oppsrkfitssiden. mvh DROPS Design
16.12.2024 - 11:25
Nadia Murat wrote:
Comment preparer l’eau sucree?\r\nMerci.
27.03.2024 - 13:36DROPS Design answered:
Bonjour Mme Murat, mélangez beaucoup de sucre dans de l'eau froide pour créer un sirop - retrouvez plus d'infos dans cette vidéo. Bon crochet!
02.04.2024 - 12:25
Airo wrote:
Todella hyvä
27.03.2023 - 13:58
Kai wrote:
Hello! Can somebody make these following your pattern and then auction them off to benefit a non profit animal rescue?
08.03.2023 - 04:17DROPS Design answered:
Dear Kai, please contact media@garnstudio.com for any further information. Thank you.
08.03.2023 - 09:24
Jean Blakeney wrote:
Do you have just a straight pattern that tells you what to do instead of a diagram to have to go by? I do not use diagrams.
14.04.2022 - 01:20DROPS Design answered:
Dear Jean, this pattern is only available as published. You may check our lesson on how to read crochet diagrams to help you better understand the pattern: https://www.garnstudio.com/lesson.php?id=69&cid=19 . Happy crochetting!
14.04.2022 - 18:42
Cristina wrote:
Hi, I love your bunny designs. Would you have an English translation? I’m not very good with the symbols.\r\nThank you \r\nCristina
27.03.2022 - 03:10DROPS Design answered:
Dear Cristina, we only have diagram to this pattern (make sure you choose UK or US crochet terminology as you are used to read) - but this video might help you to understand how to crochet diagram/the bunny. Happy crocheting!
28.03.2022 - 10:33
Anna wrote:
Po obejrzeniu filmu stwierdzam, że schemat w języku polskim jest źle opisany: wszędzie "oczko ścisłe" -> "półsłupek", "półsłupek w oczko" = "półsłupek z narzuconą nitką".
22.03.2021 - 00:35DROPS Design answered:
Witaj Aniu, dziękujemy za zwrócenie uwagi co do terminologii. Niestety polska terminologia nie jest jednolita, a my w naszych opisach musieliśmy którąś opcuję wybrać. Może to oczywiście był kłopotliwe dla niektórych naszych klientów. Właśnie w tym celu są opracowane różne materiały pomocnicze tj. słowniki, filmy video czy kursy. Mamy nadzieję, że nie zniechęci Cię to do korzystania naszych wzorów. Serdecznie pozdrawiamy!
22.03.2021 - 14:23
Eva wrote:
Díky za hezký čitelný návod. V kombinaci s nápovědou je krásná jarní dekorace hotová raz dva :)
03.03.2021 - 10:05
Rita wrote:
Danke für die Anleitung! Ich habe schon 5 Häschen aus 5 verschiedenen Garnen gehäkelt!
10.04.2020 - 20:59
Karen wrote:
The diagram is not printing completely - I am missing the Head part
06.04.2020 - 23:43DROPS Design answered:
Dear Karen, make sure to check your printer's settings, diagram should be printed on one page (4th page). Happy crocheting!
14.04.2020 - 08:55
Hoppity Hop |
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Crocheted Easter Bunny in DROPS Merino Extra Fine. Theme: Easter.
DROPS Extra 0-1453 |
------------------------------------------------------- EXPLANATIONS FOR THE PATTERN: ------------------------------------------------------- PATTERN: See diagram A.1. ------------------------------------------------------- START THE PIECE HERE: ------------------------------------------------------- EASTER BUNNY - SHORT OVERVIEW OF THE PIECE: The piece is worked from the middle outwards – the whole piece is worked without cutting the strand. STIFFENING So the Easter Bunny will hang nicely, it can be dipped in sugared water or colorless fizzy drink and lain flat to dry. EASTER BUNNY: The piece is worked with hook size 3 mm = US C. Follow diagram A.1, starting with the symbol in the middle - so, work 5 chain stitches and form them into a ring with 1 slip stitch in the first chain stitch – continue following the diagram onwards. REMEMBER THE CROCHET GAUGE. When the diagram is finished, cut the strand and pull it through. If you would like the Easter Bunny a little stiff, read STIFFENING above. |
Diagram explanations |
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Have you made this or any other of our designs? Tag your pictures in social media with #dropsdesign so we can see them! Do you need help with this pattern?You'll find 11 tutorial videos, a Comments/Questions area and more by visiting the pattern on garnstudio.com. © 1982-2025 DROPS Design A/S. We reserve all rights. This document, including all its sub-sections, has copyrights. Read more about what you can do with our patterns at the bottom of each pattern on our site. Have you finished this pattern? |
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