Marcsi wrote:
Szia A fodros szél második sorát sima szemekkel kell kötni? Csak az 1 sor van megadva Köszönöm
31.03.2023 - 12:13DROPS Design answered:
Kedves Marcsi! A hullámos szél második sorát ugyanúgy kell kötni mint az első sorát (* 1 sima, 1 RH * ismételjük a *-* közötti részt, és 1 sima szemmel fejezzük be.) Sikeres kézimunkázást!
03.04.2023 - 02:00Patricia wrote:
Is het mogelijk dat de omlagdoek toch van onder naar boven moet worden gebreid, de breedte bij 54 steken komt niet overeen met het aantal cm in de bes hrijving. Met dank!
29.05.2022 - 22:34DROPS Design answered:
Dag Patricia,
De breedte van de 54 steken is ongeveer de breedte van het middenstuk, dus tussen de gaatjes en niet de volledige breedte van 143 cm. Het werk wordt van boven naar beneden gebreid.
04.06.2022 - 21:35Els Adens wrote:
Als de zijde die tegen de hals komt de bovenzijde is, dan wordt er toch van onder naar boven gebreid? Ik begrijp ook niet dat de golvende rand op het einde gebreid wordt, dan zit die toch tegen de hals, waar het meest aantal steken zit??
16.09.2021 - 15:31DROPS Design answered:
Dag Els,
De omslagdoek wordt van boven naar beneden gebreid, dus vanaf de hals naar de golvende rand. De golvende rand brei je dus op het einde.
17.09.2021 - 09:49Laura wrote:
Il lavoro è eseguito col filato a capo o doppio o singolo? Grazie
05.02.2021 - 12:04DROPS Design answered:
Buonasera Laura, lo scialle è lavorato a 1 filo. Buon lavoro!
05.02.2021 - 19:17Jeanny wrote:
I meant do you repeat row 1 to get 48 on opposite side? Where do you put 2nd marker. I’m totally confused. Please help
15.12.2020 - 03:56DROPS Design answered:
Dear Jeanny, you will increase on every other row (= on every row from RS) 1 stitch inside 1 edge stitch + 1 stitch on either side of the 2 markers: K1, YO, knit to marker, YO, marker, k48, marker, YO, knit to last st, YO, K1. The number of sts before and after the 48 sts will increase, but you always should have the same 48 sts as before in the middle of piece. Happy knitting!
15.12.2020 - 08:52Jeannie wrote:
I’m a bit confused on directions. Do you reprove 1 to get the marker on the other side? It doesn’t say where to place the 2nd marker. I’m confused. Please help
15.12.2020 - 03:21DROPS Design answered:
Hi Jeannie, Marker 1 is inserted before the 48 knitted stitches and marker 2 straight after these stitches. Happy knitting!
15.12.2020 - 06:48Dagmar wrote:
Tak for svar - det lyder dejligt så fortsætter jeg - er næsten færdig og rigtig spændt på det :)
03.06.2019 - 14:09Dagmar wrote:
Jeg forstår ikke I skriver den bliver strikket ovenfra og ned, da man begynder med få masker og øger, sjalet er vel bredest for oven ikke? Og I skriver man skal lave bølgekant til slut, men er den ikke forneden? Skal man selv tage maskerne på igen forneden, efter man har afsluttet arbejdet?
01.06.2019 - 14:19DROPS Design answered:
Hej Dagmar, jo men det stemmer, sjalet bliver strikket ovenfra og ned. Hvis du følger opskrifter bliver det som på billedet. Sørg for at du ikke strikker for stramt. God fornøjelse!
03.06.2019 - 08:22Rhonda wrote:
Hi! Sorry just counted stitches- I have 264 stitches and my gauge is 6 stitches to 1 inch - therefore I actually have 44 inches wide and 7 inches deep. Should I continue adding 4 stitches to every R S row to get 60 to 65 inches in final width before blocking? Thanks!
29.05.2019 - 17:34Rhonda wrote:
Hi! I mentioned I was knitting this shawl in Kid silk on 4.5 mm needles and increasing 2 stitches at each edge. That is 4 stitches every RS line as per pattern. You said since I was using smaller needles I would have to increase 4 stitches per RS line. Did you mean 8 stitches? At present i’ve Got about 24 inches in width and about 7 inches in depth. Would you say I need to increase more than 4 stitch perRS line to get about 60 inches in width? And about 16 or 17 inches in depth?
29.05.2019 - 16:36DROPS Design answered:
Dear Rhonda, we are unfortunately not able to adjust every pattern to every single request. If you wish to work this shawl with smaller needle, you will have to adjust the pattern to your own tension; For any further personnal assistance please contact the store where you bought the yarn - even per mail or telephone. Happy knitting!
31.05.2019 - 08:27
Spring Is Here |
Knitted DROPS shawl in garter st in "Kid-Silk".
DROPS 155-12 |
WAVE EDGE: * K 1, 1 YO *, repeat from *-* and finish with K 1. Repeat this row one more time. ---------------------------------------------------------- SHAWL: Worked back and forth, top down on circular needle. Cast on 54 sts on circular needle size 8 mm / US 11 with Kid-Silk. K 1 row. Work next row as follows: K 1, 1 YO, K 2, 1 YO, K 48 (insert a marker on each side of the 48 sts and move it upwards when working), 1 YO, K 2, 1 YO, K 1 = 58 sts. Then K all rows - AT THE SAME TIME inc with YOs as above (after first st, before first marker, after second marker and before last st on row), inc every other row (= 4 inc per inc row) until finished measurements. When piece measures approx. 50 cm / 19¾" vertically, work WAVE EDGE – see explanation above. Bind off sts and YOs with K. SHAPING: Place the piece in lukewarm water until it is soaking wet. Carefully squeeze out the water - do not twist. Then roll the piece in a towel and squeeze to remove more water - the piece will now only be moist. Place the piece on a carpet or mattress - carefully stretch it out to measurements found at the top of pattern. Leave to dry. Repeat the process when the garment has been washed. |
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