Ana Cristina Oliveira wrote:
Bom dia,\r\nÉ possível fazer este modelo no fio Drops melody? Quantas meadas são necessárias para fazer o tamanho M? Que ajustes devem ser feitos? Obrigada
13.09.2023 - 09:24DROPS Design answered:
Bom dia, É.sim, possível fazer este modelo com o fio DROPS Melody. Para o tamanho M, deve contar com 9 ou 10 novelos, consoante o comprimento que pretende. Quanto aos ajustes, não são necessários, porque o fio se tricota com o mesmo número de agulha. O que deve fazer é uma amostra de 10 x 10 cm, primeiro, lavá-la e deixá-la secar e contar o número de malhas e de carreiras que obteve nessa amostra para verificar se tem o mesmo número de malhas da amostra do modelo. Bons tricôs!
14.09.2023 - 13:27
Mary Roche wrote:
Is it possible to make this pattern Milkshake 148-36 in Drops brushed alpaca silk? What adjustments would you suggest? I am thinking just one strand on 5mm needles and choose a1 pattern size larger than required ? I predict it will be more see-through grateful for any help -Mary
06.07.2022 - 10:49DROPS Design answered:
Dear Mrs Roche, you can work this pattern with either 2 strands yarn group A (= Alpaca and Kid-silk here) or 1 strand yarn group C (= Brushed Alpaca Silk for example) - you will find how to calculate new amount of yarn here. Happy knitting!
06.07.2022 - 14:10
Vero Permeke wrote:
Hallo, ik brei niet graag met rondbreinaalden. Kan deze trui ook gebreid worden met gewone breinaalden?
09.06.2022 - 14:17
Letizia wrote:
Hi, I'm a beginner and I'd like to knit this cute sweater. Since I don't have any circular needle at home, I need to buy them... I understood that I need one pair of 7mm but I don't understand the 40cm and 80cm references in brackets. Do I need to get two pairs of circular needles in those sizes? Only one? Any help would be really appreciated. :)
27.11.2021 - 20:13DROPS Design answered:
Dear Letizia, the cm is the length of the cable of the circular needles. You need circular needles due to having a high number of stitches; if you have long single pointed needles, you could work the body with these (although it may be a bit more unconfortable) and you would not have to buy the 80 cm needles. However, you would still need to buy the 7mm/40 cm needle for the neck. Happy knitting!
28.11.2021 - 19:22
Anne Myrvold wrote:
Har tenkt å strikke Milkshake Sweater. Går det ann å kutte ut kid-silk og glitter, og event. bare bruke alpakka garn? Mvh. Anne Myrvold
31.07.2020 - 20:01DROPS Design answered:
Hej Anne, Ja så erstatter du bare DROPS Kid-Silk med Alpaca og bruger 2 tråde DROPS Alpaca istedet :)
03.08.2020 - 14:36
Dauprat wrote:
Je souhaiterai tricoter ce pull mais pas avec des aiguilles circulaires comment faire merci pour votre aide
30.10.2019 - 14:42DROPS Design answered:
Bonjour Mme Dauprat! Regardez la lecon DROPS sur ce sujet ICI. Bon tricot!
30.10.2019 - 17:00
PLAIRE wrote:
Bonjour j'aimerais tricoter ce pull n° Z- 637 avec 2 laines kid silk tricotées en double pour un effet chiné(rouille et brun) n° aig d'après vous et quantité de laine environ pour taille M et plus court? Merci
03.09.2019 - 18:35DROPS Design answered:
Bonjour Mme Plaire, utilisez notre convertisseur pour calculer la quantité nécessaire en Kid-Silk pour remplacer celle en Alpaca. Bon tricot!
04.09.2019 - 08:53
Carolina wrote:
Hej, jag funderar på att göra den här i grått eller naturfärg. Vilka garner blir snygga tillsammans av de märken ni föreslår?
17.11.2018 - 07:50DROPS Design answered:
Hei Carolina. Hva som blir fint er veldig subjektivt, så det beste er om du har anledning tilå gå til et DROPS utsalgssted og se garnene fysisk. Genseren på bildet er strikket med begge kvalitetene i tilnærmet lik faregnyanse, og om du velger tilsvarende i grå eller baige vil du få en gjevn og sterk farge. Om du velger Kid Silken i en lysere nyanse, eventuelt hvit vil dette være med på å duse ned fargen, som kan være en fin effekt om man ønsker det. Her er det ikke noe fasitsvar! God fornøyelse
30.11.2018 - 13:37
Annika Happe-Bartz wrote:
Hallo liebes Team! Ich würde gerne den Milkshake Pulli in Größe M oder L stricken. Da ich aber keinen Glitzer mag, wollte ich nach Alternativen fragen. Kann ich den Glitzer einfach durch einen weiteren Fäden Alpaca ersetzen? Oder einfach den dritten Faden weglassen? Danke für eure Hilfe und liebe Grüße
25.11.2017 - 09:21DROPS Design answered:
Liebe Frau Happe-Bartz, Glitter spielt überhaupt nicht mit der Maschenprobe, den faden können Sie einfach weglassen und nur mit 1 Faden Alpaca + 1 Faden Kid-Silk stricken. Viel Spaß beim stricken!
27.11.2017 - 08:57
Ellen Skovmand wrote:
Kan man undlade glittertråden?
07.01.2017 - 14:16DROPS Design answered:
Hej Ellen. Ja, det kan du sagtens. Den er saa tynd at det har ingen indflydelse paa strikkefastheden.
09.01.2017 - 14:56
Milkshake Sweater |
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Knitted DROPS jumper in garter st in "Alpaca", "Kid-Silk" and "Glitter". Size: S - XXXL.
DROPS 148-36 |
GARTER ST (back and forth on needle): K all rows. 1 ridge = 2 K rows. GARTER ST (in the round on circular needle): 1 ridge = 2 rounds. * K 1 round and P 1 round *, repeat from *-*. ---------------------------------------------------------- JUMPER: The entire body is worked in garter st, sleeves are worked in stockinette st with 6 ridges in garter st at the bottom. BACK PIECE: Worked back and forth on circular needle to make room for all the sts. Cast on 72-78-84-90-98-108 sts (includes 1 edge st in each side) on circular needle size 7 mm / US 10.75 with 1 strand Alpaca, 1 strand Kid-Silk and 1 strand Glitter. Work in GARTER ST - see explanation above. When piece measures 53-54-55-56-57-58 cm / 21"-21¼"-21⅝"-22"-22½"-22¾", bind off 1 edge st in each side = 70-76-82-88-96-106 sts. When piece measures 68-70-72-74-76-78 cm / 26¾"-27½"-28⅜"-29⅛"-30"-30¾", bind off the middle 20-22-24-26-26-28 sts for neck and finish each shoulder separately. Then bind off 1 st on next row from neck = 24-26-28-30-34-38 sts remain on the shoulder. Loosely bind off all sts when piece measures 70-72-74-76-78-80 cm / 27½"-28⅜"-29⅛"-30"-30¾"-31½". FRONT PIECE: Cast on and work as back piece. When piece measures 62-64-66-68-70-72 cm / 24⅜"-25¼"-26"-26¾"-27½"-28⅜", slip the middle 12-14-16-18-18-20 sts on a stitch holder for neck and finish each shoulder separately. Then bind off on every row from neck as follows: 2 sts 2 times, 1 st 1 time = 24-26-28-30-34-38 sts remain on shoulder. Loosely bind off all sts when piece measures 70-72-74-76-78-80 cm / 27½"-28⅜"-29⅛"-30"-30¾"-31½". SLEEVE: Worked back and forth on circular needle. Cast on 38-40-42-44-46-48 sts (includes 1 edge st in each side) on circular needle size 7 mm / US 10.75 with 1 strand Alpaca, 1 strand Kid-Silk and 1 strand Glitter. Work 6 ridges in garter st, continue in stockinette st with 1 edge st in each side in garter st. When piece measures 8 cm / 3⅛", inc 1 st in each side. Repeat inc every 7-6-6-5-4½-3½ cm / 2¾"-2⅜"-2⅜"-2"-1¾"-1¼" 5-6-6-7-7-8 more times (= 6-7-7-8-8-9 inc in total) = 50-54-56-60-62-66 sts. When piece measures 49-48-47-46-44-41 cm / 19¼"-19"-18½"-18"-17¼"-16⅛" (shorter measurements in the larger sizes because of wider shoulders), bind off all sts. ASSEMBLY: Sew the shoulder seams. Sew in sleeves. Sew underarm seams and side seams in one inside 1 edge st. NECK EDGE: Pick up 56 to 74 sts (includes sts on stitch holder) with 1 strand Alpaca, 1 strand Kid-Silk and 1 strand Glitter on circular needle size 7 mm / US 10.75. Work 2 ridges in garter st - see explanation above, bind off. |
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