Sara wrote:
Alla fine delle diminuzioni per il tallone c'è scritto di continuare fino alla lunghezza finale, quale sarebbe la lunghezza finale? Grazie
27.09.2020 - 13:34DROPS Design answered:
Buonasera Sara, quella frase indica solo che deve lavorare con 1 filo fino alla fine del lavoro. Dopo le diminuzioni del tallone deve continuare a seguire le istruzioni indicate. Buon lavoro!
27.09.2020 - 23:05
Sara wrote:
Nelle istruzioni per il tallone devo prima lavorare 5cm e poi faccio le diminuzioni? oppure si inizia con le diminuzioni e dopo queste si lavora fino a raggiungere i 5cm?
23.09.2020 - 13:16DROPS Design answered:
Buonasera Sara, per lavorare il tallone deve lavorare 5 cm a maglia rasata con 2 capi di filato e poi lavorare le diminuzioni per il tallone. Buon lavoro!
24.09.2020 - 22:14
Sara wrote:
Nelle istruzioni per il tallone devo prima lavorare 5cm? oppure si inizia con le diminuzioni e dopo queste si lavora fino a raggiungere i 5cm?
23.09.2020 - 13:15DROPS Design answered:
Buonasera Sara, per lavorare il tallone deve lavorare 5 cm a maglia rasata con 2 capi di filato e poi lavorare le diminuzioni per il tallone. Buon lavoro!
24.09.2020 - 22:14
SARA wrote:
Ho notato che nel pattern c'è scritto filato Alaska, mentre nell'elenco dei materiali è scritto filato alpaca. Quale dei due è corretto?
10.09.2020 - 13:36DROPS Design answered:
Buongiorno Sara. Il filato da usare è Alpaca. Abbiamo corretto il testo. La ringraziamo per la segnalazione. Buon lavoro!
10.09.2020 - 16:26
Elin wrote:
Disse sokkene var meget store i str.. brukte samme trå som ioppskriften...
28.12.2013 - 18:56DROPS Design answered:
Hei Elin. Det var synd at höre. Din strikkefasthed var ogsaa korrekt?
23.01.2014 - 11:56
Susanne wrote:
Hej! Jag håller på att sticka dessa strumpor,nu har jag kommit till mönster M3 som ska stickas 2 gånger på höjden. Jag har 88 maskor på stickorna som man ska men mönstret går inte jämt ut, en repetition är 16 m och 16 är inte delbart med 88. Är det fel eller ska det vara så? Med vänlig hälsning susanne
25.06.2013 - 22:41DROPS Design answered:
Jo men du stickar M.3 5½ gång runt!
09.10.2013 - 10:24
Die Anke wrote:
Schade, habe extra vorab eine Maschenprobe gestrickt, da ich anderes Garn genommen habe. In der Höhe hat es funktioniert, die Rundenbreite leider nicht. Der Strupf ist am Bein zu lose und rutscht. Fuss passt hingegen perfekt.
15.03.2013 - 17:47
A. Fischer wrote:
Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren, schick. Ich stricke gerade Söckchen mit Ajourmuster und war auf der Suche nach Inspiration. Diese Socken gefallen mir gut. Mit freundlichem Gruß A.Fischer
24.03.2012 - 07:27
Liv wrote:
Sommeridyll :-)
24.01.2012 - 23:36
Stefanie wrote:
I love knees highs, and these are so feminine and pretty. Perhaps there could be a style like this (ribbon and all) in the future done in crochet.
23.01.2012 - 23:40
Antoinette |
Knitted DROPS sock with lace in ”Alpaca”.
DROPS 137-36 |
PATTERN: See diagrams M.1 to M.6. DECREASE TIP (applies to toe): Work until 3 sts remain before marker, K 2 tog, K 2 (marker is between these 2 sts), slip 1 st as if to K, K 1, psso. HEEL DECREASE: Work with 2 strands. Row 1 (= RS): Work until 6-7-7 sts remain, slip 1 st as if to K, K 1, psso, turn piece. Row 2 (= WS): Work until 6-7-7 sts remain, slip 1 st as if to P, P 1, psso, turn piece. Row 3 (= RS): Work until 5-6-6 sts remain, slip 1 st as if to K, K 1, psso, turn piece. Row 4 (= WS): Work until 5-6-6 sts remain, slip 1 st as if to P, P 1, psso, turn piece. Continue dec like this with 1 less st before each dec until there are 15-15-17 sts on needle. ---------------------------------------------------------- SOCK: Worked in the round on double pointed needles. Cast on 120-132-144 sts on double pointed needles size 2.5 mm / US 1or 2 with Alpaca. K 1 round, P 1 round and K 1 round. Then work diagram M.1 one time vertically. When diagram M.1 has been worked, 80-88-96 sts remain on needle. Then work diagram M.2 one time vertically, then diagram M.3 two times vertically but the second time finish on the round marked with an arrow – AT THE SAME TIME on this round, dec 8 sts evenly = 72-80-88 sts. REMEMBER THE GAUGE! Piece measures approx. 21 cm / 8¼" after diagram M.3. Work diagram M.4 – AT THE SAME TIME on last round, dec 8 sts evenly = 64-72-80 sts. Then work diagram M.3 one more time vertically but finish on the round marked with an arrow – AT THE SAME TIME on this round, dec 8 sts evenly = 56-64-72 sts. Now work diagram M.4 one time vertically, then diagram M.5 one time vertically – AT THE SAME TIME on last round, dec 2-6-10 sts evenly = 54-58-62 sts. Now work diagram M.2 one more time vertically. The piece measures approx. 42 cm / 16½" in all sizes after diagram M.2. Now keep the first 25-27-29 sts on needle for heel and slip the last 29-31-33 sts on a stitch holder (= mid on top of foot). Work in stockinette st with 2 STRANDS over heel sts for 5-5½-6 cm / 2"-2¼"-2⅜" (this is done to make the heel more durable). Insert a marker. Then work HEEL DECREASE - see explanation above. Then work with 1 strand until finished measurements. After heel dec, pick up 13-14-16 sts along each side of heel and slip the 29-31-33 sts from stitch holder back on needle = 70-74-82 sts. Insert a marker on each side of the 29-31-33 sts on top of foot. Then work diagram M.6 over the middle 13 sts on top of foot and work the other sts in stockinette st. AT THE SAME TIME dec in each side as follows: K tog the last 2 sts BEFORE marker mid on top of foot twisted (i.e. work in back loop of st instead of front) and K tog the first 2 sts AFTER last marker on top of foot. Repeat dec every other round a total of 8-8-10 times = 54-58-62 sts. When diagram M.6 has been worked 2 times on top of foot, continue in stockinette st over all sts. Continue to work until piece measures 18-20-22 cm / 7"-8"-8¾" (= 4-4-5 cm / 1½"-1½"-2" remain). Insert a marker in each side so that there are 27-29-31 sts both on top of foot and under foot. Continue working in stockinette st while AT THE SAME TIME dec for toes on each side of both markers - SEE DECREASE TIP! Repeat dec on every other round a total of 5-5-6 times and then on every round a total of 5-6-6 times = 14 sts remain on needle. Cut the yarn and pull it through the remaining sts, tighten tog and fasten. Thread a silk ribbon in the upper row of eyelet holes - beg in the side. |
Diagram explanations |
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