Maybritt Leonard wrote:
Hej Jeg ville høre om jeg kan lave denne vest i noget andet garn end bucle? Mvh Maybritt Leonard
09.10.2024 - 09:50DROPS Design answered:
Hej Maybritt. Ja, du kan sticka den i ett annat garn i Garngrupp C, här kan du se en översikt över våra garngrupper. Se bara till att få den stickfasthet som uppges i opskriften. Mvh DROPS Design
11.10.2024 - 14:37
Mies Heisterkamp wrote:
Hi, I'm confused about the start of the pieces. It says after the cast-on to knit 1 row from the RS (right side). What is the right side? As I understand it, you would purl the row after the CO so that it looks like a knit on the other side. But then it will start to curl. The alternative would be to knit the row after CO and that would be then the right side? And you would then go on with a purl row? I really would like to have this explained as I'm eager to knit this nice looking vest.
11.03.2024 - 21:15DROPS Design answered:
Dear Mrs Heisterkamp, just after the cast on, knit all stitches = this will be the right side of the piece, then continue working in stocking stitch, ie pur next row, then knit next row and repeat these 2 rows. Happy knitting!
12.03.2024 - 07:37
Julia wrote:
Habe ich das richtig verstanden: Das Rückenteil wird glatt rechts und die Vorderteile kraus rechts gestrickt? Und was ist in der Anleitung für das Rückenteil beim Abnehmen mit Total gemeint? Das ist schwierig zu verstehen.
24.01.2019 - 14:43DROPS Design answered:
Liebe Julia, Rückenteil und Vorderteile werden alle glatt rechts gestrikt. bei den Vorderteilen stricken Sie nur die Randmasche kraus rechts. "Total" bedeutet die gesamte Abnahmen- bzw Zunahmenanzahl =wieviel Mal Sie ab- bzw zunehmen sollen. Viel Spaß beim stricken!
25.01.2019 - 09:43
Gisela wrote:
Ist es richtig, dass man an der Blende " 80 und 98 Maschen" aufnehmen soll oder eher wie bei der Halskante "ca. 75 bis 85 Maschen"? Letzteres würde für mich eher einen Sinn ergeben ... Ich bitte um Hilfe, vielen Dank im Voraus.
09.01.2016 - 17:26DROPS Design answered:
Ja Sie haben Recht, Sie fassen 80 bis 98 M auf. Das wird gleich korrigiert, danke für den Hinweis!
10.01.2016 - 22:58
Maureen Bower wrote:
Sarah pattern Drops 132-27 Pattern No AB-011 This pattern uses Alpaca bouclé yarn. Is the right side of the fabric meant to be the purl side of the stocking stitch?
13.10.2015 - 22:40DROPS Design answered:
Dear Mrs Bower, the whole pattern is worked in stocking st (= K from RS and P from WS). Happy knnitting!
14.10.2015 - 08:56
Lillian Moe Meiholm wrote:
Deilig vest som passer til alt!
05.06.2011 - 16:08
Suzanne wrote:
Versatile and attractive. Like the pockets.
26.05.2011 - 18:51
Doro wrote:
Die mag ich: schön schlicht und gemütlich!
26.05.2011 - 13:57
Elisabeth wrote:
Sød og enkel
23.05.2011 - 16:41
Andrea W wrote:
20.05.2011 - 23:20
Sarah |
Knitted DROPS vest in ”Alpaca Bouclé” with edges in “Alaska”. Sizes S - XXXL
DROPS 132-27 |
GARTER ST (back and forth on needle): K all rows. MEASURING TIP: Measure piece from cast on edge and up to the shoulder on the longer piece. -------------------------------------------------------- BACK PIECE: Cast on 76-82-88-100-108-120 sts on needle size 4.5 mm / US 7 with Alaska and K 1 row from RS - see explanation above. Switch to needle size 5 mm / US 8 and Alpaca Bouclé and work in stockinette st. REMEMBER THE GAUGE! When piece measures 2-2-2-3-3-3 cm / ¾"-¾"-¾"-1⅛"-1⅛"-1⅛", dec 1 st in each side. Repeat dec every 2-2-2-2-2½-2½ cm / ¾"-¾"-¾"-¾"-⅞"-⅞" a total of 3-3-3-3-4-3 times and then every 2½-2½-2½-2½-3-3 cm / ⅞"-⅞"-⅞"-⅞"-1⅛"-1⅛" a total of 2 times = 66-72-78-90-96-110 sts. When piece measures 15-16-16-17-18-18 cm / 6"-6¼"-6¼"-6¾"-7"-7", inc 1 st each side, repeat the inc every 5-7-5-5-4-5 cm / 2"-2¾"-2"-2"-1½"-2" a total of 3-2-3-3-4-2 times = 72-76-84-96-104-114 sts. Continue to work until piece measures 34-35-36-37-38-39 cm / 13⅜"-13¾"-14¼"-14½"-15"-15¼". Now inc for sleeve edges in beg of every row as follows: Inc 1 st 2 times in each side = 76-80-88-100-108-118 sts. Continue in stockinette st - work the outermost 4 edge sts in each side in garter st. When piece measures 57-59-61-63-65-67 cm / 22½"-23¼"-24"-24¾"-25½"-26⅜" - see MEASURING TIP above - bind off the middle 24-24-26-26-28-28 sts for neck and finish each shoulder part separately. On next row from the neck bind off 1 st = 25-27-30-36-39-44 sts remain for shoulder. Work 2 rows and bind off. Piece measures approx. 58-60-62-64-66-68 cm / 22¾"-23⅝"-24⅜"-25¼"-26"-26¾". LEFT FRONT PIECE: Cast on 43-46-49-55-59-66 sts (incl 1 band st) on needle size 4.5 mm / US 7 with Alaska and K 1 row from RS. Switch to needle size 5 mm / US 8 and Alpaca Bouclé and continue in stockinette st - with 1 edge st in garter st towards mid front. When piece measures 2-2-2-3-3-3 cm / ¾"-¾"-¾"-1⅛"-1⅛"-1⅛", dec in the side as on back piece = 38-41-44-50-53-61 sts. Continue to work until piece measures 15-16-16-17-18-18 cm / 6"-6¼"-6¼"-6¾"-7"-7". Now inc in the side as on back piece = 41-43-47-53-57-63 sts. When piece measures 34-35-36-37-38-39 cm / 13⅜"-13¾"-14¼"-14½"-15"-15¼", inc for sleeve edge in the side as follows: Inc 1 st on every other row 2 times = 43-45-49-55-59-65 sts. Continue in stockinette st - work the outermost 4 sts on sleeve edge and 1 edge st towards band in garter st. When piece measures 48-49-50-54-55-57 cm / 19"-19¼"-19¾"-21¼"-21⅝"-22½", bind off in beg of every row from the neck: 6-6-7-7-8-8 sts 1 time, 3 sts 1 time, 2 sts 2 times, 3-3-3-3-3-4 sts 1 time and then on every other row from neck: 1 st 2 times = 25-27-30-36-39-44 sts remain on shoulder after all bind offs. Work 2 rows and bind off. Piece measures approx. 58-60-62-64-66-68 cm / 22¾"-23⅝"-24⅜"-25¼"-26"-26¾". RIGHT FRONT PIECE: Cast on and work as left front piece but reversed. POCKET: Cast on 26 sts on needle size 5 mm / US 8 with Alpaca Bouclé. Work 4 sts in rib K 1/P 1, K 18 sts, 4 sts in rib P 1/K 1. Continue in rib and stockinette st until piece measures approx. 6 cm / 2½" vertically. K 1 row from RS with Alaska and bind off. Knit another pocket. ASSEMBLY: Sew the shoulder seams. Sew side seams up to sts in garter st in armholes in front loop of outermost st to avoid chunky seams. Sew on pockets with the edge in Alaska at the top. NECK EDGE: Knit up approx. 75 to 85 sts from RS around the neck on needle size 4.5 mm / US 7 with Alaska and P 1 row from WS. Loosely bind off with K. BAND: Knit up between 80 and 98 sts with Alaska on needle size 4.5 mm / US 7 and P 1 row from WS. Bind off. Finish the other band the same way. |
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