Nicoletta wrote:
Buongiorno, non ho capito se le maglie da riprendere per il bordo del raglan devono comprendere le tre maglie calate all' inizio dello sprone. La mia interpretazione mi suggerisce di riprendere solo le maglie del raglan escluse le tre, che serviranno da cucitura per il bordino . È corretto? Grazie in anticipo.
01.12.2024 - 09:06
Yvonne wrote:
Stickar Drops Nordisk tröja med Samisk bård. Stickar framstycket nu och är klar med M1 och enligt mönstret, stickas M3 samtidigt avm för hals när det återstår 7 v av M3 men M3 har ju bara 5v ?
12.11.2024 - 14:17DROPS Design answered:
Hei Yvonne. Du har lagt ditt spørsmål under genseren Hello Stripes og her er det ingen M.3. Har du lagt spørsmålet ditt under feil oppskrift? Hvilken oppskrift tenker du på? Husk å oppgi DROPS nr og evnt str. du strikker. mvh DROPS Design
18.11.2024 - 11:10
Diane wrote:
Hallo, Ich stricke die Hose in der Größe 6/9. Dort steht, dass nach 42 cm nochmals 2 cm gestrickt werden sollen. Dabei ist laut Diagramm die Hose aber nur 42 cm groß.
09.11.2024 - 14:33DROPS Design answered:
Liebe Diana, ja ganz richtig, die 2 letzten cm werden innen gefaltet - siehe unter ZUSAMMENNÄHEN. Viel Spaß beim Stricken!
11.11.2024 - 08:33
Yvonne wrote:
Ska sticka tröja Karisma garn på mönstret DropsNordisk tröja med samisk Bård står det färg blå nr 041 men den finns ingen stans ? Är den ersatt med någon annan blå ?
25.10.2024 - 16:39DROPS Design answered:
Hei Yvonne. Om du tenker på SmåDROPS nr. 4-3 og Nordisk genser i Karisma med Samisk Bord, så er farge nr. 041, blå utgått fra vårt sortiment. Man ta en titt på fargekartet til DROPS Karisma. Der finner du 7 blåfarger, alt fra mørkeblå til lyseblå. Kanskje farge nr. 07 kornblå eller farge nr. 30 lys jeansblå kan være et godt alternativ? mvh DROPS Design
28.10.2024 - 09:50
Yvonne wrote:
Byte av garn, kan man byta rakt av, garn Fabel mönster Hello Stripes barntröja till garn Karisma ?
25.10.2024 - 09:52DROPS Design answered:
Hej Yvonne, DROPS Fabel og DROPS Karisma tilhører 2 forskellige grupper med forskellig strikkefasthed, så det fungerer ikke. Du kan erstatte DROPS Fabel med DROPS Baby Merino :)
25.10.2024 - 10:37
Nicoletta wrote:
Buongiorno, non riesco a capire se nella quantità di filato indicata per il maglione è compresa anche la quantità di filato per i pantaloni, visto che la quantità di filato dei calzini è specificata a parte. Eventualmente, se non fosse compresa, quanto filato dei due colori per i pantaloni? Grazie mille
23.08.2024 - 13:31DROPS Design answered:
Buonasera Nicoletta, grazie per la segnalazione. Abbiamo aggiunto la quantità di filato richiesta per i pantaloncini. Buon lavoro!
26.08.2024 - 21:23
Anonyymi wrote:
Villapaidan raglankavennuksessa sanotaan että "kavenna seuraavalla oikean puolen kierroksella". Tarkoittaako se siis että pitää vuoro kierroksin neuloa oikeaa ja nurjaa tai vasemmalle ja oikealle.
06.03.2024 - 10:16DROPS Design answered:
Kyllä, koska kaarroke neulotaan tasona, eli neulot vuorotellen yhden kerroksen työn oikealta puolelta ja yhden kerroksen työn nurjalta puolelta.
06.03.2024 - 17:00
Linda wrote:
I can see in your picture for the jumper with stripes, dots and raglan, pants and socks, you use more than two colours. Do you have a separate pattern which includes these colours?
24.10.2023 - 04:47DROPS Design answered:
Hi Linda, The Drops Fabel yarn gives you the extra colours seen in the picture. Happy knitting!
24.10.2023 - 07:19
Fuchs wrote:
Bonjour, merci pour votre précédente réponse. Pouvez-vous m’expliquer quand commencent les rangs raccourcis ? Combien doit il me rester de mailles à la fin pour la taille 18 mois? A quoi sert-il ? Merci
01.12.2022 - 22:22DROPS Design answered:
Bonjour Mme Fuchs, Il vous reste 78 m après les diminutions du raglan; les rangs raccourcis tricotés dans le dos du pull permettent à l'encolure dos d'être plus haute que l'encolure devant. Tricotez simplement ainsi en 12/18 mois: à partir du milieu dos: 7 m end sur l'endroit, tournez et tricotez 14 m envers sur l'envers, tournez et tricotez 21 m endroit sur l'endroit, tournez et tricotez 28 m envers sur l'envers, les rangs raccourcis sont terminés. Mettez les mailles en attente et tricotez d'abord la bordure des raglans devant/manche avant de faire le col. Bon tricot!
02.12.2022 - 08:11
Fuchs wrote:
Bonjour Pour le pull, à que moment je commence le raglan ? Est ce que la manche de gauche en fait partie pour terminer le rang? Vous dites de diminuer 3 mailles , où et la 2 ème fous quand ? Pouvez vous expliquer le tout 1er rang et le 2 ème rang maille par maille afin que je puisse comprendre ? Merci d'avance
25.11.2022 - 23:02DROPS Design answered:
Bonjour Mme Fuchs, vous commencez à diminuer pour le raglan dès le 3ème rang de l'empiècement; commencez d'abord par rabattre les 3 premières mailles du devant (côté gauche de l'encolure/bordure de boutonnage) tricotez jusqu'à la fin du rang (devant, manche droite, dos, manche gauche), tournez à la fin du rang (manche gauche), rabattez les 3 premières mailles et tricotez le rang suivant sur l'envers. Commencez ensuite à diminuer pour le raglan comme indiqué sous DIMINUTIONS (raglan) = vous diminuez 8 mailles à chacun de ces rangs. Bon tricot!
28.11.2022 - 08:55
Hello Stripes |
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Set of knitted jumper with stripes, dots and raglan, pants and socks for baby and children in DROPS Fabel
DROPS Baby 19-3 |
JUMPER: PATTERN: See diagram M.1 and M.2. The entire pattern is worked in stocking st. DECREASING TIP (applies to raglan): FROM RS: At beg of row: 1 edge st, slip 1 st as if to K, K1, psso. At the end of row (beg when 3 sts remain): K2 tog, 1 edge st. By the other 3 markers dec as follows in each transition between sleeve and body piece (beg 3 sts before marker): K2 tog, K2 (marker sits between these 2 sts), slip 1 st as if to K, K1, psso. FROM WS: At beg of row: 1 edge st, P2 tog. At the end of row (beg when 3 sts remain): P2 tog into back of loop, 1 edge st. By the other 3 markers dec as follows in each transition between sleeve and body piece (beg 3 sts before marker): P2 tog into back of loop, P2 (marker sits between these 2 sts), P2 tog. NOTE! Make sure sts sit the right way as seen from RS. --------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------- JUMPER: BODY PIECE: Worked in the round on circular needle. Cast on 140-156-176 (192-212) sts on circular needle size 2.5 mm with sea mist. K 1 round and continue in rib, K2/P2. When rib measures 4 cm K 1 round, AT THE SAME TIME dec 12-12-16 (16-20) sts evenly = 128-144-160 (176-192) sts. Insert a marker each side = 64-72-80 (88-96) sts between markers. Work M.1. After M.1 continue in M.2. REMEMBER THE KNITTING TENSION! When piece measures approx 17-18-21 (24-27) cm - adjust after 1 stripe in M.2 (i.e. after 5 rows in one colour) - work next round as follows: cast off 4 sts for armhole, work 57-65-73 (81-89) sts (= front piece), cast off 7 sts for armhole, work 57-65-73 (81-89) sts (= back piece) and cast off the last 3 sts for armhole, cut the thread. Insert a marker in the middle sts on back piece (= mid back at neck). Put piece aside and knit the sleeves. SLEEVE: Worked in the round on double pointed needles. Cast on 40-44-44 (48-52) sts on double pointed needles size 2.5 mm with sea mist. K 1 round and continue in rib, K2/P2. When rib measures 3 cm K 1 round, AT THE SAME TIME dec 4 sts evenly = 36-40-40 (44-48) sts. Insert a marker at beg of round = mid under sleeve. Continue in M.1. After M.1 continue in M.2. AT THE SAME TIME when piece measures 6 cm inc 1 st each side of marker. Repeat the inc on every 4-4-4 (5-6) round a total of 8-8-12 (12-12) times = 52-56-64 (68-72) sts – incorporate inc sts in pattern as you go along. When piece measures approx 16-17-20 (24-28) cm - adjust to the same row in M.2 as on body piece – cast off 7 sts mid under sleeve (= 4 sts after marker at beg of round and 3 sts before marker at the end of round) = 45-49-57 (61-65) sts left on needle. Cut the thread and put piece aside. Knit the other sleeve. YOKE: Slip sleeves on the same circular needle as body piece where cast off for armholes = 204-228-260 (284-308) sts. Insert a marker in all transitions between sleeves and body piece except by the left raglan at front (when jumper is worn). READ ALL OF THE FOLLOWING SECTION BEFORE CONTINUING! Continue back and forth on needle from the left raglan at front. Continue in M.2 - make sure stripes on sleeves and body piece match. Beg by casting off 3 sts at the beg of the next 2 rows (= raglan opening). RAGLAN DEC: Now dec 1 st with start from RS on each side of the 3 markers, at the same time dec 1 st at the beg and at the end of row (= 8 dec per row) – SEE DECREASING TIP! Repeat the dec on every other row a total of 10-12-11 (12-14) times and then on every row: 6-6-11 (12-12) times. After all dec are complete there are 70-78-78 (86-94) sts left on needle and piece measures approx 28-30-34 (38-42) cm from cast on row to the shoulder. Now work shortened rows mid back as follows from RS – continue in the last colour and work shortened rows in this colour: work row to marker mid back, work 6-7-7 (8-9) sts past marker and turn piece (to avoid a hole slip first st as if to K and tighten thread). Work 12-14-14 (16-18) sts and turn piece, work 18-21-21 (24-27) sts and turn piece, work 24-28-28 (32-36) sts and turn piece. Now slip all sts on a stitch holder and work the raglan edges before the neckline. RAGLAN EDGES: Pick up approx 24 to 32 sts (divisible by 4) inside 1 edge st along the raglan opening on sleeve on needle size 2.5 mm with sea mist. Work rib with 1 edge st in garter st and K2 each side as seen from RS. When the edge measures 2 cm cast off with K over K and P over P. Repeat along the raglan opening on front piece, but after 2 rows make 3 buttonholes evenly distributed (the last buttonhole is made on neckline). 1 BUTTONHOLE = cast off 2 sts and cast on 2 new sts on return row. NECK: Slip sts from stitch holder back on circular needle size 2.5 mm and pick up 5 sts on each front band with sea mist = 80-88-88 (96-104) sts. Work rib back and forth on needle from raglan opening as follows as seen from RS: 1 edge st in garter st, * K2/P2 *, repeat from *-* and finish with K2 and 1 edge st in garter st. AT THE SAME TIME after 2 rows make 1 buttonhole over the others on raglan edge. Cast off with K over K and P over P when neck measures 2 cm. ASSEMBLY: Sew openings under sleeves. Sew raglan edges tog at the bottom by opening towards the sleeve. Sew on buttons. ----------------------------------------------------------------- PANTS: PATTERN: See diagram M.1 – pattern worked in stocking st. DECREASING TIP: Dec as follows 3 sts before marker: K2 tog, K1. Dec as follows after marker: K1, slip 1 st as if to K, K1, psso. --------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------- PANTS: Worked in the round on needle from bottom up. LEG: LOOSELY cast on 52-56-60 (64-68) sts on double pointed needles size 2.5 mm with sea mist. Insert a marker at beg of round = inside of leg. K 1 round and continue in rib, K2/P2 in the round for 5-5-6 (6-6) cm. K 1 round and continue in M.1. REMEMBER THE KNITTING TENSION! After M.1 continue in off-white and stocking st. AT THE SAME TIME on first round after M.1 inc 1 st on each side of marker. Repeat the inc on every 3-4-5 (8-12) round a total of 10-11-10 (9-8) times = 72-78-80 (82-84) sts. When piece measures 16-19-22 (27-33) cm (inc are now complete) divide piece on the inside of leg and complete piece back and forth on needle (to make it easier to slip both legs on the same circular needle afterwards). Cast on 1 new st each side for seam = 74-80-82 (84-86) sts. When piece measures 18-21-24 (29-35) cm cast off 3 sts at the beg of the next 2 rows with start from RS = 68-74-76 (78-80) sts. Put piece aside and knit the other leg. PANTS: Slip legs on the same circular needle size 2.5 mm = 136-148-152 (156-160) sts – beg of round = mid back. Insert a marker mid front. Continue in the round on needle with off-white and stocking st, AT THE SAME TIME dec 1 st on each side of marker mid front – SEE DECREASING TIP. Repeat the dec on every other round a total of 5-8-7 (6-5) times = 126-132-138 (144-150) sts. When piece measures 32-38-42 (48-55) cm adjust no of sts on round to 124-132-140 (144-152) sts. Now work shortened rows mid back as follows: Work 12 sts from beg of round, turn piece (to avoid a hole slip first st as if to K and tighten thread). Work 24 sts and turn piece, work 36 sts and turn, work 48 sts and turn. Continue like this by working 12 more sts before each turn another 6-6-6 (8-8) times. Now work M.1 on all sts, but work the pattern from top down in diagram. After M.1 continue in sea mist and stocking st. When piece measures 36-42-46 (52-59) cm work next round as follows: * K2 tog, 1 YO *, repeat from *-* (= folding edge). Work 2 cm stocking st and cast off loosely. ASSEMBLY: Sew tog split on the inside of each leg inside 1 edge st. Sew tog opening between legs. Fold the top towards WS along folding edge and fasten to WS but leave a small opening and insert the elastic. -------------------------------------------------------------------- SOCK: PATTERN: See diagram M.1 – pattern worked in stocking st. HEEL DECREASES: ROW 1 (= RS): Work row until 6-6-6 (7-8) sts remain, slip next st as if to K, K1, psso, turn piece. ROW 2 (= WS): Work row until 6-6-6 (7-8) sts remain, slip next st as if to P, P1, psso, turn piece. ROW 3 (= RS): Work row until 5-5-5 (6-7) sts remain, slip next st as if to K, K1, psso, turn piece. ROW 4 (= WS): Work row until 5-5-5 (6-7) sts remain, slip next st as if to P, P1, psso, turn piece. Continue dec like this with 1 less st before each dec until there are 8-10-10 (10-12) sts on needle. DECREASING TIP: Dec as follows before marker: K2 tog. Dec as follows after marker: Slip 1 st as if to K, K1, psso. --------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------- SOCK: Cast on 48-52-52 (56-60) sts on double pointed needles size 2.5 mm with sea mist. Work rib, K2/P2 for 5-6-6 (7-7) cm. K 1 round, AT THE SAME TIME dec 12 sts evenly = 36-40-40 (44-48) sts. Continue in M.1. After M.1 continue in off-white and stocking st. When piece measures 7-8-8 (9-9) cm keep the first 18-20-20 (22-26) sts on needle for heel and slip the remaining 18-20-20 (22-22) sts on a stitch holder (= upper foot). Work stocking st back and forth on needle on heel sts for 3-3.5-4 (4-4.5) cm – insert 1 marker. Now work HEEL DECREASES – SEE ABOVE! After heel dec pick up 8-9-10 (10-11) sts each side of heel and slip sts from stitch holder back on needle = 42-48-50 (52-56) sts. Continue in the round in stocking st. AT THE SAME TIME on first round dec 1 st before the 18-20-20 (22-22) sts on upper foot by K2 tog, and dec 1 st after the 18-20-20 (22-22) sts on upper foot by slipping 1 st as if to K, K1 and psso. Repeat the dec on every other round a total of 3-6-7 (5-7) times = 36-36-36 (42-42) sts. Continue until sock measures 7-8-9 (10-12) cm from marker on heel, change to sea mist and continue in stocking st. When sock measures 8-9-10 (12-14) cm from marker on heel insert 1 new marker each side of piece (= 18-18-18 (21-21) sts on upper foot and under foot between markers). Now dec 1 st on each side of both markers – SEE DECREASING TIP. Repeat the dec on every round a total of 7-7-7 (8-8) times = 8-8-8 (10-10) sts left on needle. Cut the thread, pull it through remaining sts, tighten and fasten. Sock measures approx 10-11-12 (14-16) cm. |
Diagram explanations |
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