Kelly wrote:
This was a really enjoyable pattern to crochet. There was a couple of questions I had in the pattern but found the answers already in the comments. I did have some trouble with meeting tension and went with a starting chain of 145 to produce a M size top. It's a little tricky around the ncekline and I added a SC row around the top to even up the bumps in the line caused by reducing the stitches on each row. I made it to go with the Queensland Skirt as had extra yarn. Am happy with the results.
10.02.2025 - 13:50
Carola Barber wrote:
Could this pattern be adjusted to a XS ? and are you able to guide me please
05.02.2025 - 17:11DROPS Design answered:
Dear Barber, probably, you can then get help from another pattern for a top - see our crochetd tops in size XS here. Hope it can inspire you. Hpapy crocheting!
06.02.2025 - 16:27
Sylvie Serais wrote:
J'ai fait ce petit top taille S mais à l'essayage il y avait au moins 2 cm en trop de chaque coté dans le bas du top mais la mesure poitrine est niquel. Comment puis je faire ?
21.10.2024 - 09:35DROPS Design answered:
Bonjour Mme Serais, votre échantillon est juste en largeur? le bas du top doit mesurer 70 cm de long au total, si cette mesure est trop large pour vous, il vous faudra probablement ajuster en crochetant moins de mailles en l'air, pensez à adapter le nombre de mailles pour que les diagrammes suivant tombent justes. Bon crochet!
21.10.2024 - 15:33
Danuta wrote:
Kończy się schemat M2. Jak robić dalej schemat M3 ? Obciąć nitkę i zacząć M3 czy przęjść oczkami ścisłymi do M3 ? Jak w schemacie M3 przerabiać początek rzędów aby były skosy ?
29.07.2024 - 21:25DROPS Design answered:
Witaj Danusiu, należy przejść oczkami ścisłymi do schematu M3. Tak samo będziesz robić w kolejnych rzędach, co utworzy skosy. Pozdrawiamy!
02.08.2024 - 08:27
Marie Josephe Scherer wrote:
Avez vous l'explication en français? Je vous remercie par avance. Marie Jo
08.06.2024 - 08:38DROPS Design answered:
Bonjour Mme Scherer, tous nos modèles sont disponibles en français, pour changer de langue, cliquez simplement sur le menu déroulant à côté de l'imprimante; vous trouverez ainsi les explications en français (ici pour celui-ci.) Bon crochet!
10.06.2024 - 07:54
Leonoor wrote:
Heyy ik heb nog een vraagje, bij de nek als je het aan het haken bent en je moet minderen moet je dan het touw afknippen en aan de andere kant door haken? Of moet je het door 2 splitsen en het na afloop er los op naaien? Groetjes Leonoor!
30.05.2024 - 16:22DROPS Design answered:
Dag Leonoor,
Je kunt inderdaad eerst de ene helft van de hals haken en dan de andere helft.
30.05.2024 - 19:04
Leonoor wrote:
What do you do at the sides of the bodypiece? Like everytime you turn your work at pattern 1, cause I can't find it in the pattern and in the photo I can't see it clear enough.
27.05.2024 - 18:05DROPS Design answered:
Dear Leonoor, as for what to do at the edge, when turning the piece please see the pattern, that says: "Crochet tip: To turn piece work as follows: 2 ch replace 1 tr and 1 ch replaces 1 dc.", so after turning if you start a row with trebles (UK terms) start the row with three chain stitch, when doing dc (UK term), start the row with 2 chain stitch. Happy Crafting!
27.05.2024 - 19:45
Kristina wrote:
Hej kan man få mönstret på svenska, jag har köpt mönstren men det är på Norska?
19.05.2024 - 13:28
Åsa wrote:
Jag förstår inte hur jag gör trianglarna. Virkar jag en triangel åt gången? Tack för otroligt fina mönster.
01.04.2024 - 09:06DROPS Design answered:
Hej Åsa, forstår ikke rigtig hvilke triangler du mener... alle former er tegnet ind i diagrammerne :)
05.04.2024 - 12:20
Bente Sundsdal wrote:
Hei, ang. M.1: hvordan kan man starte og avslutte en rad med en luftmaske, d går rett og slett ikke.. eller skal man trekke disse luftmaskene ut med hempene til slutt… veldig fin topp men jeg forstår ingenting av start og avslutning på M1. Håper på en oppklaring for jeg har lyst å hekle denne :)
10.02.2024 - 10:16DROPS Design answered:
Hej Bente, jo, du har 2 luftmasker imellem hver st på hele 2. række i M.1
22.02.2024 - 11:00
Sidney |
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DROPS Crocheted top in Safran.
DROPS 69-1 |
Crochet gauge: 24 dc x 12 rows in pattern with smaller hook = 10 x 10 cm [4" x 4"]. Pattern: See charts. Diagram Pattern 1 and Pattern 2 = 1 repeat. The charts for Patterns 3 and 4 have arrows indicating different sizes. Crochet tips: For turning piece crochet as follows: 2 ch replacing 1 dc and 1 ch replacing 1 sc. Top: Ch 169-193-217 with smaller hook. Turn and crochet Pattern 1 - see Crochet tips = 168-192-216 sts. After Pattern 1 continue with dc over all sts, but: Sizes S and M: inc 4 sts evenly distributed on 1st row after Pattern 1. Size L: dec 2 sts evenly distributed on 1st row after Pattern 1 = 172-196-214 sts. When you have crocheted a total of 22-24-25 rows (incl. Pattern 1) the piece measures approx. 18-20-21 cm [7" - 7 7/8" - 8.25"]. Now continue as follows: Crochet Pattern 2 - start at lower edge at left side of chart and crochet toward the right side - over 36-42-48 sts, Pattern 3 start at lower edge at left side of chart and crochet toward the right sides - over the next 24-30-33 sts, Pattern 4 (52-52-52 sts), Pattern 3 - start at lower edge at right side of chart at appropriate arrow and crochet toward the left side - over 24-30-33 sts and Pattern 2 start at lower edge at right side of chart and crochet toward the left side - over the last 36-42-48 sts. Continue in pattern as established. After 5 rows Pattern 2 is complete - continue with Pattern 3 and Pattern 4 until chart is completed. Assembly: Strap: start approx. 9 cm [3.5"] in from top edge on right side of piece (= on the back). Make a chain approx. 90 cm [35 3/8"] long with double strands of yarn and larger hook. Thread in strap at the top of the point in front. Repeat on the other side. The length of the strap is adjusted when tied at the back of the neck. Loops: Crochet loops along each side of piece (center back). Start at the top and crochet as follows: * 1 sc, ch 3, skip 1 cm [3/8"] *, repeat from * - * ending at the bottom. Chain-st a cord approx. 150 cm [59"] long. Thread cord through loops - start at the top and criss-cross down the back, tie at bottom. Fringe tufts: 1 fringe tuft = 4 strands of yarn 8 cm [3 1/8"] long. Fold strands double and pull folded yarn through the first row of lower edge, then loose ends of yarn through the loop formed - see placement on the chart for Pattern 1. Fasten 28-32-36 fringe tufts. |
Diagram explanations |
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