Michaela wrote:
Vaše papuče se mi moc líbí, zkoušela jsem je uháčkovat, ale podle návodu se mi to nedaří, bez obrázku jej nechápu. Uháčkuju skoro celou papuči, ale s patou si neporadím. Musela jsem udělat rovný šev, který sice moc dobře nevypadá, ale chodit se v tom dá. Mohli byste prosím natočit video s návodem, jak háčkovat patu nebo alespoň k návodům doplnit i fotografie paty nebo nakreslit střih? Děkuji
30.03.2021 - 21:02DROPS Design answered:
Hi again Michaela - please take a look at this video: How to crochet a basic slipper from toe and up
20.04.2021 - 10:06Claudia Pusch wrote:
Hallo, ich konnte der Wort Anleitung (Kinder32/34) folgen bis zum Beginn der ABNAHMEN in der 1. Runde: Ich habe es so verstanden, daß ich 8 fM häkel, dann 4 Abnahmen mit je 2 fM und dann nochmal 10 fM. Dann wenden, aber dann habe ich nicht 12 Maschen?! Würde mich sehr über Hilfe freuen. Danke
19.01.2018 - 15:21DROPS Design answered:
Liebe Frau Pusch, bei der 2. Reihe verdoppeln Sie jede M = 16 M. Bei der 3. Reihe nehmen Sie 8 M zu = 24 M. Bei der 4. und 6. Reihe häkeln Sie keine Zunahme. Bei der 5. Reihe nehmen Sie 8 M = 32 M und bei der 7. Reihe nehmen Sie 4 M zu = 36 M. Viel Spaß beim häkeln!
19.01.2018 - 16:05Enas wrote:
I love it
30.11.2014 - 11:24
Flapping Around |
DROPS Easter: Crochet chicken slippers for adult and child in ”Nepal”.
DROPS Extra 0-1024 |
MAGIC CIRCLE: To avoid hole in the middle at beg of round, begin with a magic circle (instead of ch-ring) as follows: Hold the yarn end and wind the yarn one time around the index finger to make a loop. Hold the loop with left thumb and middle finger, place the yarn over left index finger. Insert hook through the loop, make a YO and pull yarn through loop, work ch 1, then work sc around the loop. When the desired no of sc have been reached, pull the yarn end to tighten the loop. Fasten the yarn end on the back side. INCREASE TIP: Inc 1 sc by working 2 sc in same sc. DECREASE TIP: Dec 1 sc by working 2 sc tog as follows: * Insert hook in next sc, get yarn *, repeat from *-* one more time, make 1 YO and pull yarn through all 3 sts on hook. PICOT EDGE: Work * 1 sc in first sc, ch 3, 1 dc in 3rd ch from hook, skip approx. 1 cm / ½'' *, repeat from *-* the entire round and finish with 1 sl st in first sc. CROCHET INFO: Replace first sc at beg of every sc round with 1 ch. Finish every round with 1 sl st in ch from beg of round. Replace first sc at beg of every sc row with 1 ch. -------------------------------------------------------- SLIPPER CHILD: Worked first in the round from the toe and then back and forth towards heel. Beg on hook size 3.5 mm/E/4 with red and make a MAGIC CIRCLE - see explanation above (= at the tip of toe). ROUND 1: READ CROCHET INFO! Work 7-7-7-8 sc in the magic circle, finish with 1 sl st in 1st sc. ROUND 2: Inc 1 sc in every sc - READ INCREASE TIP = 14-14-14-16 sc. ROUND 3: Work 1 sc in every sc - AT THE SAME TIME inc 4-6-8-8 sts evenly on round = 18-20-22-24 sc. ROUND 4: Work 1 sc in every sc. ROUND 5: Work 1 sc in every sc - AT THE SAME TIME inc 8 sts evenly on round = 26-28-30-32 sc. ROUND 6: Work 1 sc in every sc. ROUND 7: Work 1 sc in every sc - AT THE SAME TIME inc 4 sts evenly on round = 30-32-34-36 sc. Then work 1 sc in every sc until piece measures 4-4½-5-5½ cm / 1½"-1 3/4"-2"-2 1/4". Switch to goldenrod and continue in the round with 1 sc in every st until piece measures 7½-8½-9-10 cm / 3"-3 1/4"-3½"-4''. After last sc on round, do not work sl st in first sc but continue with 1 sc in each of the next 10-10-11-12 sc (= 1st row from RS), turn piece and work 1 sc in each of the next 20-20-22-24 sc from WS (= 10-12-12-12 sc remain mid front of slipper, now beg of round from earlier is under the sole). Then work sc back and forth with 20-20-22-24 sc on every row. When piece measures approx. 14½-16½-17½-19½ cm / 5 3/4"-6½"-7"-7 3/4", work next row from RS as follows: ROW 1: Work 6-6-7-8 sc, dec 2 sc over the next 4 sc - READ DECREASE TIP = 8-8-9-10 sc, turn (10-10-11-12 sc remain on other side of row). ROW 2: Dec 2 sc over the first 4 sc, 1 sc in every sc the entire row = 6-6-7-8 sc, turn. ROW 3: Work 2-2-3-4 sc, dec 2 sc over the last 4 sc = 4-4-5-6 sc. ROW 4: Dec 1-1-1-2 sc over the first 2-2-2-4 sc, 1 sc in every sc the entire row = 3-3-4-4 sc, fasten off. Work over the remaining 10-10-11-12 sc on the other side as follows: ROW 1: Dec 2 sc over the first 4 sc, 1 sc in every sc the entire row = 8-8-9-10 sc, turn. ROW 2: Work 4-4-5-6 sc, dec 2 sc over the last 4 sc = 6-6-7-8 sc, turn. ROW 3: Dec 2 sc over the first 4 sc, 1 sc in every sc the entire row = 4-4-5-6 sc. ROW 4: Dec 1-1-1-2 sc over the last 2-2-3-4 sc = 3-3-4-4 sc, fasten off. Sew slipper tog mid back. Work another slipper the same way. CROCHET BORDER: Beg from RS mid back on slipper, work 1 round around the entire opening with goldenrod. Over the rows in the sides work as follows: * Work 1 sc, ch 1, skip approx. 1 cm / ½'' *, repeat from *-* until corner towards edge at the front, in 1st corner at the front work as follows: * Insert hook in the last sc from rows in the side, get the yarn, pull hook in the 1st sc from edge at the front, get the yarn, make 1 YO and pull yarn through all 3 sts on hook *. Work 1 sc in every sc along the edge at the front, in 2nd corner at the front, work the same way as on 1st corner but reversed. Along the other side repeat from *-* and finish with 1 sl st in first sc at beg of round. Switch to red and work an PICOT EDGE - see explanation above, around the entire opening of slipper. Fasten off. Repeat on the other slipper. EYES size 6½/8 - 9/10½ - 11/13: Use hook size 3.5 mm/E/4 and royal blue. Make a magic circle - see explanation above. Work 6 sc in ch-ring. Switch to off white and work 2 sc in back loop of every sc the entire round and finish with 1 sl st in first sc from beg of round = 12 sc. Work 3 more eyes the same way and fasten them at the top of foot. EYES size 13½: Use hook size 3.5 mm/E/4 and royal blue. Make a magic circle - see explanation above. Work 6 sc in ch-ring. Work 2 sc in every sc on round and finish with 1 sl st in first sc at beg of round = 12 sc. Switch to off white and work in back loop of st the entire round as follows: 2 sc in first sc, * 1 sc in next, 2 sc in next sc *, repeat from *-* the entire round and finish with 1 sc in last sc and 1 sl st in first sc at beg of round = 18 sc. Work 3 more eyes the same way and fasten them at the top of foot. DECORATION: Embroider small stitch for nostrils on the beak with goldenrod. Fasten small eyelashes above the eyes as follows: Cut a strand with royal blue of approx. 5 cm / 2''. Place strand double, use crochet hook to pull one part (with loop) through piece and back on RS. Insert the other end of strand (= 2 strands) through loop and tighten loop. Make two eyelashes like this over each eye. -------------------------------------------------------- SLIPPER ADULT: Worked first in the round from the toe and then back and forth towards heel. Beg on hook size 3.5 mm with red and make a MAGIC CIRCLE - see explanation above (= at the tip of toe). ROUND 1: Work 6-6-5 sc in the magic circle - READ CROCHET INFO. ROUND 2: Work 2 sc in every sc = 12-12-10 sc. ROUND 3 (and then every other round): Work 1 sc in every sc. ROUND 4: * 1 sc in first sc, 2 sc in next sc *, repeat from *-* 6-6-5 times in total = 18-18-15 sc. ROUND 6: * 1 sc in each of the first 2 sc, 2 sc in next sc *, repeat from *-* 6-6-5 times in total = 24-24-20 sc. ROUND 8: * 1 sc in each of the first 3 sc, 2 sc in next sc *, repeat from *-* 6-6-5 times in total = 30-30-25 sc. ROUND 10: * 1 sc in each of the first 4 sc, 2 sc in next sc *, repeat from *-* 6-6-5 times in total = 36-36-30 sc. Inc are now done in size 5/6½. ROUND 12: * 1 sc in each of the first 5 sc, 2 sc in next sc *, repeat from *-* 6-5 times in total = 42-35 sc. Inc are now done in size 7½/9. ROUND 14: * 1 sc in each of the first 6 sc, 2 sc in next sc *, repeat from *-* 5 times in total = 40 sc. ROUND 16: * 1 sc in each of the first 7 sc, 2 sc in next sc *, repeat from *-* 5 times in total = 45 sc. Inc are now done in size 9½/10½. ALL SIZES: = 36-42-45 sc on round. Continue to work until 16 rounds have been worked in all sizes. Switch to goldenrod and work in the round with 1 sc in every sc without finishing rounds until piece measures approx. 14-16-18 cm / 5½"-6 1/4"-7". Work 12-15-16 sts past the color change. Turn piece and work back and forth over the first 24-30-32 sc (i.e. do not work over the last 12-12-13 sc on round and color change is mid under foot). When slipper measures 20-22-25 cm / 8"-8 3/4"-9 3/4" (i.e. approx. 6-6-7 cm / 2½"-2½"-2 3/4" from where it is divided), insert 1 marker in the middle of piece (= 12-15-16 sc on each side of marker). On next row dec 1 sc on each side of marker, i.e. beg 2 sts before marker and work the next 4 sc tog 2 by 2 – READ DECREASE TIP (= 2 sc dec). Work 1 row without dec. Repeat dec on next row (= 2 sc dec) = 20-26-28 sts remain on row. Fasten off. Sew slipper tog mid back (slipper measures approx. 22-24-27 cm / 8¾''-9½''-10½'' from toe to heel). Fasten off. Work another slipper the same way. CROCHET BORDER: Beg from RS mid back on slipper, work 1 round around the entire opening with goldenrod. Over the rows in the sides work as follows: * Work 1 sc, ch 1, skip approx. 1 cm / ½'' *, repeat from *-* until corner towards edge at the front, in 1st corner at the front work as follows: * Insert hook in the last sc from rows in the side, get the yarn, pull hook in the 1st sc from edge at the front, get the yarn, make 1 YO and pull yarn through all 3 sts on hook *. Work 1 sc in every sc along the edge at the front, in 2nd corner at the front, work the same way as on 1st corner but reversed. Along the other side repeat from *-* and finish with 1 sl st in first sc at beg of round. Switch to red and work an PICOT EDGE - see explanation above, around the entire opening of slipper. Fasten off. Repeat on the other slipper. EYES ALL SIZES: Use hook size 3.5 mm/E/4 and royal blue. Make a magic circle - see explanation above. Work 6 sc in ch-ring. Work 2 sc in every sc on round and finish with 1 sl st in first sc at beg of round = 12 sc. Switch to off white and work in back loop of st the entire round as follows: 2 sc in first sc, * 1 sc in next, 2 sc in next sc *, repeat from *-* the entire round and finish with 1 sc in last sc and 1 sl st in first sc at beg of round = 18 sc. Work 3 more eyes the same way and sew 2 eyes on to each slipper above the red section (= beak). DECORATION: Embroider small stitch for nostrils on the beak with goldenrod. Fasten small eyelashes above the eyes as follows: Cut a strand with royal blue of approx. 5 cm / 2''. Place strand double, use crochet hook to pull one part (with loop) through piece and back on RS. Insert the other end of strand (= 2 strands) through loop and tighten loop. Make two eyelashes like this over each eye. |
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