Maritmara wrote:
Hei, hva betyr forkortelsene som for eksempel Lm, kjm osv.?
18.08.2020 - 07:28DROPS Design answered:
Hej. Du kan söka upp de i vår ordbok. Skriv bara in det i sökrutan så kommer förklaringen upp. Mvh DROPS Design
18.08.2020 - 13:34
Adriana Van Tongeren wrote:
Waarom worden de cup cakes van boven naar beneden gehaakt???
20.06.2019 - 23:10
Domie wrote:
Bonjour Pourriez-vous m'indiquer la marche à suivre pour transformer ce modèle en bonnet naissance. Merci de votre réponse.
10.01.2019 - 09:00DROPS Design answered:
Bonjour Domie, nous ne sommes malheureusement pas en mesure de pouvoir adapter chacun de nos modèles à chaque demande. Pour toute assistance complémentaire, merci de contacter - même par mail ou téléphone - le magasin où vous avez acheté votre fil. Bon crochet!
10.01.2019 - 10:12
Shirley Fetchko wrote:
Are all the rows done on the front of the stitches or are some put on the back. It is hard to explain I just learned how to go behind the stitch and add a extra row that you work on
06.03.2014 - 20:21
Lamberts wrote:
In toer 15 haakt U gelijk een kanten randje maar niet in tr 5 en 10 dit snap ik niet, staat bij afwerking maar ik kan dan toch niet meer in het haakwerk haken, had dit dan moeten zijn "haak alleen in de achterste lussen zodat je daar later op kunt haken? En waarom niet ook gelijk?
30.10.2013 - 20:19DROPS Design answered:
Hoi Lamberts. Het patroon is correct, de randen in toer 5 en 10 zijn ook niet gelijk aan de rand van toer 15 (zie foto). Je kan prima teruggaan en nogmaals in deze toeren haken.
18.12.2013 - 11:07
Anne wrote:
Ik heb de cupcake gehaakt, ik moet alleen de kanten randjes nog. Alleen begrijp ik niet hoe je 1 toer in de 5e toer moet haken als je cupcake als helemaal gehaakt hebt?
24.03.2013 - 11:38DROPS Design answered:
Je moet de randjes maken. Je zoekt de 5e toer op de cupcake. Haak in de v van de 5e toer de 1v, 3l om de "crème lusjes" te maken. Herhaal het in de 10e toer - zie ook foto - het zijn de witte en roze "slagroom" streepjes ;o)
28.03.2013 - 13:30
Kate Strand Hansen wrote:
Kan jeg købe dette nr. Af strikkemagasinet? Venlig hilsen Kate
25.07.2012 - 03:56
Alike Baaij wrote:
Bij de benodigde matrialen staat dat je donkerbruin moet aanschaffen maar ik heb de kleur in het hele patroon niet gebruikt klopt dat.
09.03.2012 - 13:59DROPS Design answered:
Hoi. Je gebruikt de bruine (nr. 22) voor de CAKEBASIS GESTREEPT. De lichtbruine (nr. 09) kan je gebruiken voor zowel de CAKEBASIS GESTREEPT als de CRÈMELAAG GESTREEPT.
12.03.2012 - 11:43
Stef Et Sa Belette wrote:
Bonjour une erreur s'est glissé dans ce modèle j'ai fait les modifications et les partages sur mon site bonne réalisation
05.03.2012 - 09:40DROPS Design answered:
Bonjour Stef, aucune erreur dans ce modèle : au tour 19, il est indiqué de diminuer une ms toutes les 8 m = il en reste 32. Bon crochet !
05.03.2012 - 09:49
Sweet Sensation |
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Crochet muffin / cupcake in DROPS Muskat.
DROPS Extra 0-820 |
Every cupcake consists of a berry, cream (uni or striped), a cake base (uni or striped) and a cream layer. The cakes are numbered 1 to 6, see below for the colours used in each cupcake. Colour proposal for 6 different cupcakes. BERRIE: 1 = old pink, 2,4 and 5 = pink, 3 = red, 6 = vanilla yellow. CREAM UNI-COLOURED: 1 = red, 2 = old pink, 3 = vanilla yellow. CREAM STRIPED: 4 = 2 rounds off white, 1 round old pink, 2 rounds off white, 1 round old pink, 2 rounds off white. 5 = 2 rounds light brown, 1 round off white, 2 rounds light brown, 1 round off white, 2 rounds light brown. 6 = 2 rounds old pink, 1 round red, 2 rounds old pink, 1 round red, 2 rounds old pink. CREAM EDGE: 1, 3, 5 = off white, 2 = vanilla yellow, 4 = pink, 6 = red. CAKE BASE UNI COLOURED: 4, 6 = light brown. CAKE BASE STRIPED: 1 = 1 round light brown, 1 round brown, 1 round light brown, 1 round brown, 1 round light brown, 1 round brown, 2 rounds light brown. 2 = 4 rounds peach, 2 rounds off white, 2 rounds peach. 3 = 2 rounds light brown, 2 rounds red, 1 round light brown, 2 rounds red, 1 round light brown. 5 = 2 rounds peach, 3 rounds pink, 3 rounds peach. BASE: 1, 3, 4, 6 = light brown, 2, 5 = peach. CROCHET TOG: Crochet 2 dc tog into 1 dc as follows: Insert hook in dc and pull thread through, insert hook in next dc and pull thread through, make 1 YO and pull thread through all 3 sts on hook. CROCHET INFO: Finish every round with 1 sl st in first dc on round. ---------------------------------------------------------- CUPCAKE: Worked top down. Crochet 4 ch on hook size 3 mm with colour for Berries and form a ring with 1 sl st in first ch. ROUND 1: 1 ch, work 9 dc in ch-ring – READ CROCHET INFO. ROUND 2 to 4: 1 ch, work 1 dc in every dc = 9 dc. Switch to colour for Cream - striped or uni-coloured. ROUND 5: 1 ch, work 1 dc in every dc = 9 dc. ROUND 6: 1 ch, work 2 dc in every dc = 18 dc. ROUND 7: 1 ch, work 1 dc in every dc = 18 dc. ROUND 8: 1 ch, * work 1 dc in first dc, 2 dc in next dc *, repeat from *-* = 27 dc. ROUND 9: 1 ch, work 1 dc in every dc = 27 dc. ROUND 10: 1 ch, work 1 dc in every dc = 27 dc. ROUND 11: 1 ch, * work 1 dc in each of the first 2 dc, 2 dc in next dc *, repeat from *-* = 36 dc. ROUND 12: 1 ch, work 1 dc in every dc = 36 dc. Switch to colour for Cream edge. ROUND 13: 1 ch, work 1 dc in every dc = 36 dc. ROUND 14: 1 ch, work 1 dc in every dc = 36 dc. ROUND 15: 1 ch, * work 1 dc, 3 ch, 1 tr in first ch, skip 1 dc *, repeat from *-* = 18 cream loops. Switch to colour for Cake base - striped or uni-coloured. ROUND 16: 1 ch, in st between every cream loop work 2 dc in same st = 36 dc. ROUND 17: 1 ch, work 1 dc in every dc = 36 dc. ROUND 18: 1 ch, work 1 dc in every dc = 36 dc. ROUND 19: 1 ch, work 1 dc in every dc but work every 8th and 9th st tog – see explanation for crochet tog = 32 dc. ROUND 20 to 23: Work 1 dc in every dc = 32 dc. Cut and fasten the threads. BASE: Crochet 4 ch on hook size 3 mm with colour for Base and form a ring with 1 sl st in first ch. ROUND 1: 1 ch, work 8 dc in ch-ring – READ CROCHET INFO. ROUND 2: 1 ch, work 2 dc in every dc = 16 dc. ROUND 3: 1 ch, * work 1 dc in first dc, 2 dc in next dc *, repeat from *-* = 24 dc. ROUND 4: 1 ch, * work 1 dc in the first 2 dc and 2 dc in next dc *, repeat from *-* = 32 dc. Do not cut thread but use the working yarn to work top and base together. ASSEMBLY: There are 32 dc at the bottom of cupcake and 32 sts around the base - fill the top with some cotton wool and place the base against the top and work 1 round with dc where working through both layers st by st in same colour as base. Cut and fasten the thread. CREAM ROWS: Use the same colour as used on Cream edge or same colour used on round 5. Work 1 row as follows in 5TH ROUND: * 1 dc, 3 ch *, repeat from *-* = 9 cream loops. On the striped cream top work in addition 1 cream row in 10TH ROUND with the same colour as stripe. |
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