Nancy Mulder wrote:
Kan het kloppen dat ik niet hoef te minderen bij de mouwen na 35 cm als ik maat S haak?
20.09.2023 - 08:55DROPS Design answered:
Dag Nancy,
Je moet wel minderen in maat S, namelijk 1 x 4 stk, 3 x 2 stk en dan nog eens steeds 2 stk aan iedere kant tot het werk ongeveer 41 cm meet.
20.09.2023 - 19:34Engelina Eggenhuizen wrote:
Ik ben op zoek naar het telpatroon / omschrijving van M-1. De strepen dienen namelijk met patroon M-1 te worden gehaakt. Kunt u mij helpen? Alvast reuze bedankt!
24.10.2022 - 12:40DROPS Design answered:
Dag Engelina,
Bovenaan bij de beschrijving van het patroon staat hoe je de strepen breit. Telpatroon M.1 vindt je rechts onder de maattekening, onderaan de bescrhijving.
26.10.2022 - 09:09Zablocki wrote:
Nach 8 cm beidseitig jedes Markierungsfadens je 1 Stb abn. (= 4 Abnahmen pro Reihe), die Abnahmen alle 2 cm insgesamt 7 Mal arbeiten - TIPP ZUM ABNEHMEN-1 lesen = 121-137-149-165-189-209 Stb. Diesen Part verstehe ich nicht…eine Reihe an beiden Seiten des Markierungsfaden 1 Stäbchen abnehmen? Und die nächste Reihe auf beiden Seiten des Markierungsfaden alle 2cm ca. alle 4 Maschen 1 Stäbchen abnehmen?
24.07.2021 - 14:16DROPS Design answered:
Liebe Frau Zablocki, Sie haben Markierung auf beiden Seiten eingesetzt (= 37-41-44-48-54-59 M für jedes Vorderteil und 75-83-89-97-109-119M für das Rückenteil) - jetzt sollen Sie beidseitig von jeder Markierung 1 Masche abnehmen (= 2 Abnahmen bei jeder Markierung = 4 Abnahmen pro Runde), und nach 26 cm werden Sie jetzt beideiseitig von jeder Markierung 1 M zunehmen (= 2 M bei jeder Markierung = 4Zunahmen pro Reihe). Kann es Ihnen helfen?
26.07.2021 - 08:29Grainne wrote:
Lovely design. Very difficult to sift out free patterns from those trying to sell or make you agree to ???. Hopefully this one is free. I have dk wool of high quality.
30.09.2020 - 23:05Nadia TROUILLET wrote:
Bonjour, en taille 1 nous avons séparé le travail. Vous indiquez 31m pour devant droit, 31m pour devant gauche et 63 m pour dos. Cela ne me parait pas possible car avant la séparation vous indiquez 137m. 31+31+63=125 m Est-ce une erreur dans le texte ou moi qui n'ai pas compris. Merci d'avance Nadia
18.09.2020 - 17:42DROPS Design answered:
Bonjour Mme Trouillet, les mailles "manquantes" sont celles des emmanchures, vous crochetez les devants sur les 31 m de chaque côté et le dos sur les 63 mailles centrales = 6 mailles sur chacun des côtés (= entre le dos et chacun des devants) ne seront pas travaillées et correspondent aux emmanchures. Bon crochet!
21.09.2020 - 08:12Anne wrote:
Hej, förstår inte avmaskningen för ärmarna. Ska det göras sm både på varv med fasta maskor och stolpar? Mvh Anne
21.04.2020 - 14:16DROPS Design answered:
Hej Anne, menar du avmaskning för ärmhål, se AVMTIPS: Maska av så här i början på v: Ersätt 1 st med 1 sm. Maska av så här i slutet på v: Vänd arb när det återstår det antal st som ska avm och virka tillbaka. Lycka till :)
28.04.2020 - 11:35Ria Agterberg wrote:
Bedankt voor al die geweldige patronen. Alleen nogmaals mijn tip om de mensen te leren de 1e toer de steken hakend op te zetten. Volgens het patroon moet ik met 443 lossen beginnen en houd daar in de eerste toer stokjes 353 stokjes van over. Het was voor mij een verademing dat je door de 1e toer de stokjes hakend op te zetten het veel prettiger was met het tellen van de steken. En zeker zo goed dat op deze manier de eerste toer niet te strak of te los is, maar je een goed begin hebt.
12.02.2020 - 08:03Josie wrote:
Bonjour le modele 118-28,comment puis je faire pour croiser les différents fils de couleur surtout dans les diminutions des emmanchures ,j'ai essayé de couper et faire des noeuds, mais ce n'était pas joli ? . Merci d'avance.bonne journée. Josie
29.07.2019 - 10:53Hery wrote:
Rerebonjour Désolée, vous m'avez dit :je repond tout de suite, mais y a comme un problème, à moins que vous aussi vous souffriez de la canicule. Ce n est pas grave, j'ai commencé les rayures, je crois avoir compris. Bon courage et bonne journée. Josie hery
24.07.2019 - 11:00DROPS Design answered:
Bonjour Mme Hery, j'ai repondu a votre email le 23.07.2019 kl. 17:43. Voila la reponse: "Bonjour! Vous realisez les rayures sur toute la longueur de la veste. Bon crochet!". Bon crochet!
24.07.2019 - 11:33Hery wrote:
Rebonjour Je réalise la veste 118-28,je n'ai pas de réponses, est ce que vous avez bien reçu ma question, svp ?
23.07.2019 - 16:24DROPS Design answered:
Bonjour Mme Hery! Je reponds tout de suite.
23.07.2019 - 17:42
Lady of the Cliffs |
Crochet DROPS jacket with stripes in ”Muskat”. SIZE S - XXXL
DROPS 118-28 |
PATTERN: See diagram M.1. CROCHET INFO: Replace first sc on each row with sc with ch 1 and replace first dc on each row with dc with ch 3. Finish each row with sc with 1 sc in the last ch from beg of previous row and finish each row with dc with 1 dc in ch from beg of previous row. DECREASING TIP-1: Crochet 2 dc tog as follows: Crochet 1 dc, but stop when there are 2 sts on hook, crochet next dc and pull thread through all 3 sts on hook. DECREASING TIP-2: Dec as follows at beg of row: replace 1 dc with 1 sl st. Dec as follows at the end of row: Turn piece when number of dc to be dec remain and work return row. STRIPES: Work stripes as follows: *1 repeat of M.1 with light brown 1 repeat of M.1 with beige 1 repeat of M.1 with medium gray 1 repeat of M.1 with light beige 1 repeat of M.1 with beige 1 repeat of M.1 with light brown 1 repeat of M.1 with medium gray *, repeat from *-*. -------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------- JACKET: Piece crochet back and forth from mid front. See CROCHET INFO! Ch 373-413-443-483-543-593 (includes 3 ch to turn with) with hook size 4 mm / G/6 with off-white. Crochet first row as follows: 1 dc in 4th ch from hook, 1 dc in next ch *, skip 1 ch, 1 dc in each of the next 4 ch *, repeat from *-*, skip 1 ch and finish with 1 dc in each of the last 2 ch = 297-329-353-385-433-473 dc. Crochet 2 rows with 1 dc in each dc, then crochet 2 dc tog across the row – see DECREASING TIP-1 = 149-165-177-193-217-237 dc. Turn piece. Insert a marker 37-41-44-48-54-59 sts in from each side (back piece = 75-83-89-97-109-119 dc). Continue with 1 dc in each dc. REMEMBER THE GAUGE! When piece measures 8 cm / 3⅛" dec 1 dc each side of both markers (4 dec per row), and repeat the dec on every 2 cm / ¾" a total of 7 times - see DECREASING TIP-1 = 121-137-149-165-189-209 dc. When piece measures 26 cm / 10¼" inc 1 dc each side of both markers, and repeat the inc on every 3-3-4-4-5-5 cm / 1⅛"-1⅛"-1½"-1½"-2"-2" a total of 4 times, inc by working 2 dc in 1 dc = 137-153-165-181-205-225 dc. AT THE SAME TIME when piece measures 34-35-36-37-38-39 cm / 13⅜"-13¾"-14¼"-14½"-15"-15¼" continue in M.1 and stripes – See STRIPES! When piece measures 40-41-42-43-44-45 cm / 15¾"-16⅛"-16½"-17"-17¼"-17¾" (finish after first row in M.1) divide piece as follows: RIGHT FRONT PIECE: Crochet second row in M.1 (= 1 sc in each sc) on the first 31-35-38-42-48-53 sc on row, turn and continue in M.1. Now dec for armhole each side at the end of every row – see DECREASING TIP-2: 2 sts 0-1-2-3-5-6 times and 1 st 0-2-2-3-4-6 times = 31-31-32-33-34-35 dc. When piece measures 52-54-56-58-60-62 cm / 20½"-21¼"-22"-22¾"-23⅝"-24⅜" continue on only 18 sts at the side, do not crochet on the 13-13-14-15-16-17 sts towards mid front. Cut and fasten thread when piece measures 60-62-64-66-68-70 cm / 23⅝"-24⅜"-25¼"-26"-26¾"-27½". LEFT FRONT PIECE: Crochet on the last 31-34-38-42-48-53 sc on row, turn and continue as described for right front piece. BACK PIECE: Crochet sc on the middle 63-71-77-85-97-107 sc on back piece only. Dec for armhole each side as described for front piece = 63-63-65-67-69-71 dc. When piece measures approx 58-60-62-64-66-68 cm / 22¾"-23⅝"-24⅜"-25¼"-26"-26¾" (2 rows of pattern remain) crochet 1 row on only 18 sts each side (do not crochet on the middle 26-26-28-30-32-34 sts = neckline). Crochet 1 more row on the 18 sts and cut the thread. Piece measures approx 60-62-64-66-68-70 cm / 23⅝"-24⅜"-25¼"-26"-26¾"-27½". SLEEVE: Crochet sleeve back and forth. Ch 57-59-62-64-67-69 (includes 3 ch to turn with) with hook size 4 mm / G/6 and off-white. Crochet first row as follows: 1 dc in 4th ch from hook, 1 dc in next ch *, skip 1 ch, 1 dc in each of the next 4 ch *, repeat from *-*, skip 1 ch and finish with 1 dc in each of the last 1-3-1-3-1-3 ch = 44-46-48-50-52-54 dc. Turn piece. Crochet 1 dc in each dc. When piece measures 5 cm / 2" inc each side by working 1 extra dc in the last but one dc each side on every 3.5-3-2.5-2-2-1.5 cm / 1¼"-1⅛"-⅞"-¾"-¾"-½" a total of 8-9-10-12-13-14 times = 60-64-68-74-78-82 dc. When piece measures 35-35-34-34-32-31 cm / 13¾"-13¾"-13⅜"-13⅜"-12½"-12¼" - NOTE! Less for the larger sizes because of longer sleeve cap and wider shoulder- dec for sleeve cap each side on every row – see DECREASING TIP-2: 4 dc 1 time, 2 dc 3 times, 1 dc 0-0-1-2-4-6 times, then 2 dc each side until piece measures approx 41-42-42-43-43-44 cm / 16⅛"-16½"-16½"-17"-17"-17¼", dec 4 dc each side 1 time, crochet 1 row on all sts, cut and fasten thread. ASSEMBLY: Sew shoulder seams edge to edge with neat sts. Set in sleeves. Sew under arm seams. FRONT BAND: Crochet with light brown up along right front piece as follows: *1 sc, ch 3, skip approx 1.5-2 cm / ½"-¾" *, repeat from *-* and finish with 1 sc. Turn piece. Work next row as follows: 1 sc in each sc and 3 sc in each ch-loop = approx 85-100 sc. Crochet 1 sc in each sc until front band measures 2 cm / ¾". Now make 6-6-6-7-7-7 buttonholes evenly distributed, place the top one 1 cm / ⅜" from neckline and the bottom one approx 15 cm / 6" from bottom edge. 1 buttonhole = replace 1 sc with ch 1, on return row work 1 sc in ch. Continue with 1 sc in each sc until front band measures 4 cm / 1½", cut and fasten thread. Repeat on left front piece, but without buttonholes. Finally crochet 1 row with sc round neck, incl front bands, with light brown. POCKET: Ch 23 (includes 3 ch to turn with) with hook size 4 mm / G/6 and off-white. Crochet first row as follows: 1 dc in 4th ch from hook, 1 dc in next ch, * skip 1 ch, 1 dc in each of the next 4 ch *, repeat from *-* , skip 1 ch and finish with 1 dc in each of the last 2 ch = 17 dc. Crochet 1 dc in each dc until pocket measures 10 cm / 4", then crochet 1 sc in each dc and then 1 sc in each sc as follows: 1 row with light brown, 1 row with beige, 1 row with medium gray, 1 row with light beige, 1 row with light brown. Cut and fasten threads. Make 2 pockets. Sew pockets to front pieces, approx 8 cm / 3⅛" from bottom edge. |
Diagram explanations |
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