Charlie wrote:
How about Blair Waldorf like gloves?
15.12.2024 - 16:59Mary Manoly wrote:
Why should i cut the strand to join the small finguer cant i just continue as ring is the same as index Thank you for all your great effort
03.02.2021 - 03:34DROPS Design answered:
Dear Manoly, you first work all fingers then work the fingers in the round (from ring finger - see Left Hand. Happy crocheting!
03.02.2021 - 09:04Mette wrote:
Mangler der ikke opskrift på vante til højre hånd?
16.01.2019 - 08:29DROPS Design answered:
Hei Mette. Oppskriften er blitt endret, begge vanter strikkes likt - etter nåværende oppskrift. Takk for beskjed og god fornøyelse.
25.01.2019 - 11:02Cath wrote:
How about "Royal wave" LOL
09.07.2017 - 10:35Nayla Menassa wrote:
Toute l'explication du crochetage de la main et comment procéder pour coller les doigts je ne la comprends pas et puis vous ne dites rien à propos de l'auriculaire.
20.02.2015 - 18:04DROPS Design answered:
Bonjour Mme Menassa, on crochète d'abord chaque doigt séparément, puis on les assemble en crochetant la moitié des mailles de l'annulaire, du majeur puis tout l'index et de l'autre côté du majeur et de l'annulaire. On crochète ensuite l'auriculaire (avec des diminutions), puis on crochète la main en rond et on ajoute ensuite le pouce. Bon crochet!
21.02.2015 - 09:22Nayla Menassa wrote:
Bonjour je voulais demander à propos des instructions pour crocheter la main droite. Merci
20.02.2015 - 17:50DROPS Design answered:
Bonjour Mme Menassa, les 2 gants sont identiques, vous pouvez réaliser le gant droit de la même façon que le gauche. Bon crochet!
20.02.2015 - 17:54Sam wrote:
Hi, I don't see info for how to stitch the right hand. I'm assuming there's a difference because the instructions clearly state "left hand" as opposed to "for both hands" or something like that-- is there a difference, or are they both made the same way? Thank you!
26.11.2012 - 05:12DROPS Design answered:
Dear Sam, you are right, you have then to work the right hand, a correction will be added. Happy crocheting!
27.11.2012 - 14:42Drops Design NL wrote:
We hebben de tekst aangepast, ik hoop dat het zo duidelijker is. groeten Angelique
13.02.2012 - 09:14Monique wrote:
Goedemorgen! ik begrijp nu hoe het bedoeld wordt, na de eerste steek doorhalen (dus een complete steek) inderdaad 2 lusjes op de haak. maar uit de tekst lijkt het, of alleen maar na het insteken,al 2 lusjes stonden. dus dat was een beetje onduidelijk, maar nu is het helemaal duidelijk! bedankt voor het lezen nu komt het wel goed met de mooie handschoenen.
11.02.2012 - 09:23Monique wrote:
Tine, ik weet wel hoe ik stokjes moet minderen, maar in de tekst klopt ietsvolgens mij niet bij de mindertip:= 2 lusjes op de die doorhaal zijn dat er 3. wilt u dat nog eens bekijken, dan weet ik het zeker? bedankt.
10.02.2012 - 15:14
DROPS 108-42 |
Crochet gloves with wave edge in DROPS Alpaca.
DROPS 108-42 |
Crochet tip: Replace first dc on each row with 3 ch. Finish each row with 1 sl st in 3rd ch from beg of round. Decreasing tip: Work 1 dc but wait with the last pull-through (= 2 sts on hook), work the next dc and now pull thread through all 3 sts on hook = 1 dc dec. GLOVE Worked from top down, i.e. crochet all the fingers first, and then continue with the hand. Little finger: Crochet 4 ch with Alpaca and crochet hook size 3 mm [C] and form a ring with 1 sl st in first ch. Work 8-10-10 dc in ring – see Crochet tip. Continue in the round with 1 dc in each dc until finger measures 5-6-7 cm [2"-2⅜"-2¾"]. Remember the crochet gauge! Cut the thread and put piece aside. Ring finger: Crochet 4 ch and form a ring with 1 sl st in first ch. Work 10-12-12 dc in ring Continue in the round with 1 dc in each dc until finger measures 6-7-8 cm [2⅜"-2¾"-3⅛"]. Cut the thread and put piece aside. Middle finger: Crochet 4 ch and form a ring with 1 sl st in first ch. Work 12-12-14 dc in ring. Continue in the round with 1 dc in each dc until finger measures 7-8-9 cm [2¾"-3⅛"-3½"]. Cut the thread and put piece aside. Index finger: Like middle finger until finger measures 6-7-8 cm [2⅜"-2¾"-3⅛"]. Cut the thread and put piece aside. Thumb: Crochet 4 ch and form a ring with 1 sl st in first ch. Work 12-14-16 dc in ring Continue in the round with 1 dc in each dc until thumb measures 5-6-7 cm [2"-2⅜"-2¾"]. Cut the thread and put piece aside. Left hand: Work 1 dc in 5-6-6 dc on ring finger, continue with 1 dc in 6-6-7 dc on middle finger. Work 1 dc in each dc all the way round index finger and now continue with 1 dc in each dc (= 6-6-7 dc) on the other side of middle finger and 1 dc in each dc (= 5-6-6 dc) on the other side of ring finger = 34-36-40 dc. (there will be small holes between fingers, sew these tog afterwards). Cut the strand. Work next round as follows: work 1 dc in each 4-5-5 dc on little finger, and continue round the hand, at the same time dec 6 dc evenly – see Decreasing tip, and finish round by working over the remaining 4-5-5 sts on little finger = 36-40-44 dc on round. The beginning of round is now in the middle of the little finger. Now insert a Marking Thread (MT) in piece (= mid side) and continue in the round with 1 tr in each tr. When piece measures 4 cm [1½"] from MT work next round including the thumb, i.e. crochet across the hand = 18-20-22 dc, 1 dc in each dc on thumb and crochet the remaining dc across hand = 48-54-60 dc on round. Insert a new MT at the other side of piece, i.e. 6-7-8 dc in from each side on thumb. Now dec for thumb gore as follows: continue in the round, at the same time dec 1 dc on both sides of MT on every round a total of 6-7-8 times – see Decreasing tip = 36-40-44 dc. Continue with 1 dc in each dc until glove measures 10-11-12 cm [4"-4⅜"-4¾"] from MT on thumb. Continue with wave edge as follows: Wave edge: Round 1: crochet (1 dc, 1 ch, 1 dc, 1 ch) in each dc. Round 2 and 3: Crochet (1 dc, 1 ch, 1 dc, 1 ch) in each ch. Cut the thread and fasten. Assembly: Sew a small st between fingers to close the holes. Work another glow the same way. |
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