Emmy Bel wrote:
Vroeger was er van elk werk een patroon tekening. Voor mensen zo als ik, die met uitleg en patroon hebben leren werken, is die manier veel makkelijker als zonder getekend patroon.
14.10.2023 - 15:50Vasantha Ramaswamy-Wolter wrote:
Bei dieser Anleitung heißt an bestimmten Stellen \"siehe Häkelinfo\". Wo bitte schön finde ich diese Häkelinfo? mfG, vasantha
08.03.2022 - 10:58DROPS Design answered:
Liebe Frau Ramaswamy-Wolter, danke für den Hinweis, Anleitung wurde komplett überarbeitet. Viel Spaß beim häkeln!
08.03.2022 - 21:42Dume wrote:
Bonjour Le modele drops 98-25 chaussons drops en eskimo en langue francaise comporte une partie appelée cheville et une partie apelee bordure. Én americain, anglais et canadien, cette partie cheville n y est pas. En francais la partie cheville est elle une repetition de la partie bordure? Cette redondance rend difficile la comprehension de la finalisation du chausson. Pouvez vous me dire si cest une erreur de votre part ou pas. En vous remerciant Cordialement fidgi
07.08.2016 - 11:32DROPS Design answered:
Bonjour Mme Dume, effectivement, cette partie "Cheville" ne concerne pas ce modèle et a été supprimée des explications. Bon crochet!
08.08.2016 - 09:50Angela wrote:
No matter what hook size or yarn size I use I keep getting at tube shaped result, there are only two instances of increasing.. am I reading the instructions wrong?
14.01.2016 - 18:53DROPS Design answered:
Dear Angela, slippers are worked from toe in the round to the instep (you should then get 20-24 sc - see size), divide then for opening of foot and continue back and forth to the total lenght of slippers - remember to check your tension: 11 sc = 10 cm (4") in width. Happy crocheting!
14.01.2016 - 19:19Elayne Britton wrote:
What Does 5 5 6 Mean?
12.01.2015 - 02:21DROPS Design answered:
Dear Mrs Britton, in first and 2nd size, work 5 sc around the loop, in the largest size, work 6 sc around the loop. Happy crocheting!
12.01.2015 - 10:36Cristina wrote:
Beste,we hebben de zool al gemaakt en dan kwamen we aan de rand.Er staat dat je rijen vaste moeten maken.DE rand moet naar bovengaan.Maar ik snap niet hoe je naarboven haakt?En daar zatten we mee vast. Met vriendelijke groeten Cristina
10.05.2014 - 20:10DROPS Design answered:
Voor de zool hebt u gemeerderd zodat het werk vlak wordt en steeds groter. Als u nu een toer van vasten haakt, zonder te meerderen, dan gaat de rand vanzelf recht naar boven. Daarna haakt u het mooie schulpje, eventueel met kralen.
11.05.2014 - 11:59Cristina wrote:
Beste, ik weet niet goed hoe je de rand moet haken.Kunt u mij helpen? Ik begrijp niet de uitleg . Mvg Cristina
10.05.2014 - 11:19DROPS Design answered:
Wat bedoelt u precies? De rand staat uitgebreid beschreven, dus geeft u alstublieft aan wat precies onduidelijk is.
10.05.2014 - 13:58Peggy wrote:
I can not figure out what it means when the slipper patterns ask to sc (5-5-6) is that amount of stitches for top and bottom, around how do I do this pattern?
15.04.2014 - 14:30DROPS Design answered:
Dear Peggy, the pattern is given in 3 sizes, in the first 2 sizes, you will crochet 5 sc in the chain ring, in the largest size, you will crochet 6 sc in the chain ring. Happy crocheting!
15.04.2014 - 15:22Peggy wrote:
I am stuck on how to read this pattern and what it means on most of the crochet slipper patterns when it says sc (5-5-6) is that the number of stitches for top and bottom or around I don't understand help because I'm in love with the patterns.
15.04.2014 - 14:26Ilona wrote:
Liebes Drops Team, ich möchte mich noch einmal für die Antwort auf meine Frage bedanken! Ihr seid toll!!! Die Seite ist super, die Anleitungen klasse und die Drops Wolle ist der Hit! Lässt sich super verarbeiten. Ich bestelle mir bald noch mehr davon. Macht weiter so! Liebe Grüße Ilona
28.01.2014 - 20:05
DROPS 98-25 |
DROPS Crochet slippers in Snow
DROPS 98-25 |
Crochet tension: 11 sc = 10 cm [4"] in the width. Crochet info: First sc in beg of round/row are replaced by 1 ch. Each round/row ends with 1 sl st in the ch in beg of round, (in ch in beg of prev row when working back and forth). Slippers: Foot: Beginning with the toe, crochet in Snow and hook size 8 mm [L/11] as follows: 1st round: Crochet 3 ch and make a loop with a sl st in the first ch. 2nd round: Crochet 5-5-6 sc around the loop – read crochet info! 3rd round: 2 sc in each sc = 10-10-12 sc. 4th round: *1 sc in the first sc, 2 sc in the next sc*, repeat from *-* = 15-15-18 sc. 5th – 7th round: Crochet 1 sc in each sc. 8th round: *1 sc in the first sc, 1 sc in the second sc and 2 sc in the third sc*, repeat from *-* = 20-20-24 sc. Continue to crochet 1 sc into each sc until the piece measures approx 11-13-14 cm [4⅜"-5⅛"-5½"]. Heel: Now divide the piece and crochet back and forth from the centre top of the foot – remember crochet info – 1 sc into each sc. When the slipper measures approx 22-25-28 cm [8 ¾"-9 ¾"-11"]place it flat and crochet it tog at the centre back with a row of sc through both layers. Cut the thread and sew. Edge: Crochet 1 round of sc along the entire opening of the slipper with 1 thread of Snow and 3 threads of Glitter (If Glitter is not used, then just crochet with 1 thread of Snow). Finish the round with 1 sl st in the first sc. Crochet the next round as follows: *3 ch (if using pearls, these should be pulled on to the thread before this round. The pearls are pushed up on to the 2nd ch and will be placed at the centre of the point on the border edge), 1 dc in the 1st ch, skip approx. 2 cm [3/4"], 1 sc in the next st*. Repeat from *-* and finish with 1 sl st in the 1st ch from beg of round. |
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