Sofia wrote:
Kan man strikke denne slik at det er glattstrikken som er fremsiden av dressen istedenfor rillene? Jeg syntes glattstrikk er litt finere.
11.11.2024 - 14:22DROPS Design answered:
Hei Sofia. Siden denne oppskriften er skrevet med en strikkefathet oppgitt i riller, vil ikke målene i oppskriften stemme med glattstrikk, og det kan bli en garnmengde forskjell. Ta en titt på DROPS Baby 20-23, den kan strikkes i samme garn som DROPS Baby 45-9. mvh DROPS Design
18.11.2024 - 10:27Gerlinde wrote:
Stimmen die Abstände für die Knöpfe bei der Gr 6/9 Monate: 3, 10, 14, 21, 30 und 37 cm?? Zwischen dem 2. und 3. Knopfloch sind nur 4 cm, sonst immer 7?
05.11.2024 - 21:08H Forster wrote:
In der Größe 98/104 brauchte ich für den Overall 600 g Wolle Drops Lima, obwohl ich ihn sogar ein wenig kleiner gestrickt habe. Musste deshalb nachbestellen.
29.10.2024 - 14:33Sofie-Amalie wrote:
Hvor meget garn skal der bruges til de forskellige størrelser? Jeg kan ikke se det fremgå i opskriften Mvh
27.10.2024 - 20:10DROPS Design answered:
Hei Sofie-Amalie. Øverst i oppskriften under GARN står det: DROPS LIMA fra Garnstudio (tilhører garngruppe B) 250-300-350-400 (450-500) g farge 9024, mandel. Da henviser 250 gram seg til den minste str. 0/1 mnd., 300 gram til str. 1/3 mnd osv. Det er også oppgitt et garnalternativ, Fiesta. Ta gjerne en titt under TIPS&HJELP - LEKSJONER - Les en oppskrift - Hvordan følge en DROPS Oppskrift. mvh DROPS Design
28.10.2024 - 14:27Jette Østerberg Jensen wrote:
Dejlig nem og overskuelig opskrift. Lækkert garn og flot resultat.
25.10.2024 - 16:06Truus wrote:
Armsgaten: brei 26 steken en kant dan 8 steken af; houd ik dan 25 st op de naald? Of brei ik eerst nog een steek die de basis vormt vh afkanten (=26 st op de naald houden)
23.10.2024 - 12:40DROPS Design answered:
Dag Truus,
Je breit inderdaad eerst nog een steek welke de basis vormt voor het afkanten, zodat je ook echt 26 steken op de naald houdt.
30.10.2024 - 19:38Kristin G wrote:
Hei, det står at vrangborden på bena skal være 10 cm, men på diagrammet nedenfor står det 5cm, og på bildet ser det mer ut som det er 5cm.
29.09.2024 - 19:45Stephanie wrote:
Goedendag, Klopt de beschrijving van de mouwen wel? Met deze beschrijving worden de mouwen breder dan de broekspijpen toch (muv de boord)? Groet, Stephanie
08.08.2024 - 15:10Jannicke Røseng wrote:
På vrangborden til ermet (str 1/3mnd, 50 masker) er det forklart slik: 1 maske i RILLE – les forklaring over, * 2 rett, 2 vrang *, strikk fra *-* til det gjenstår 3 masker, strikk 2 rett og 1 kantmaske i rille. Når jeg følger dette ender jeg med 2 rett som siste masker når 3 gjenstår, og får dermed 4 rett og en kantmaske (r) som siste 5 masker. Dette ser ikke helt rett ut, vrangborden flyter ut i riller på begge ender (3 første og siste masker blir riller). Hva gjør jeg feil?
23.03.2024 - 13:03DROPS Design answered:
Hej Jannicke, det stemmer, det skal kun være 1 kantmaske tilbage, vi skal få det lagt ud i opskriften, tak for info :)
03.04.2024 - 14:33Karina Rejnhold Sørensen wrote:
Kan det passe at ærmet er bredere end buksebenet?
28.02.2024 - 19:47DROPS Design answered:
Hei Karina. Vrangborden på beina er større / flere masker enn vrangborden på ermene (i nesten alle str). Men når det strikkes riller er det flere masker på ermet enn beina. mvh DROPS Design
04.03.2024 - 14:27
Winter Ready |
Knitted jumpsuit for babies and children in DROPS Lima or DROPS Fiesta. The piece is worked bottom up with garter stitch. Sizes 0 – 4 years.
DROPS Baby 45-9 |
------------------------------------------------------- EXPLANATIONS FOR THE PATTERN: ------------------------------------------------------- GARTER STITCH (worked back and forth): Knit all rows. BUTTONHOLES: Work buttonholes on the right band. 1 BUTTONHOLE = purl together the 3rd and 4th stitch from the edge, make 1 yarn over. On the next row purl the yarn over to leave a hole. Work the buttonholes when the front band measures: 0/1 month: 3, 8, 13, 18 and 23 cm 1/3 months: 3, 9, 16, 23 and 30 cm 6/9 months: 3, 10, 14, 21, 30 and 37 cm 12/18 months: 3, 11, 19, 27, 35 and 43 cm 2 years: 3, 11, 19, 27, 35 and 44 cm 3/4 years: 3, 11, 19, 27, 35 and 44 cm ------------------------------------------------------- START THE PIECE HERE: ------------------------------------------------------- JUMPSUIT – SHORT OVERVIEW OF THE PIECE: The piece is worked bottom up. Each leg is worked back and forth, then joined together. Stitches are cast on between the legs and the piece continued back and forth with circular needle to the shoulders. The sleeves are worked back and forth, then sewn in. The neck is worked to finish. The cuffs on the sleeves and legs are folded double to the inside. LEG: Cast on 50-54-58-62 (66-70) stitches with circular needle size 3.5 mm and DROPS Lima or DROPS Fiesta. Purl 1 row from the wrong side. Then work rib as follows from the right side: 1 GARTER STITCH – read description above, * knit 2, purl 2 *, work from *-* until there is 1 stitch left, 1 garter stitch. Continue this rib back and forth for 10 cm. Change to circular needle size 4 mm. The piece is now measured from here! Work garter stitch over all stitches, AT THE SAME TIME on the first row (right side), decrease 8-8-10-10 (10-10) stitches evenly spaced = 42-46-48-52 (56-60) stitches. REMEMBER THE KNITTING TENSION! Work until the piece measures 13-14-17-20 (25-34) cm, from the rib. Cut the strand. Work the other leg in the same way. JUMPSUIT: Now join the legs and continue working back and forth with circular needle size 4 mm as follows: Cast on 7-7-8-9 (9-9) stitches, work the first leg, cast on 8-8-10-12 (12-12) stitches, work the second leg, cast on 7-7-8-9 (9-9) stitches = 106-114-122-134 (142-150) stitches. Continue with garter stitch but the outermost 6 stitches on each side are purled from both the right and wrong side (bands). Remember the BUTTONHOLES on the right band – read description above. Work until the piece measures 17-23-29-35 (35-34) cm from where the legs were joined. Now cast off from the right side as follows for the armholes: Work the first 24-26-28-30-31-33 stitches, cast off 8-8-8-10 (12-12) stitches, work the next 42-46-50-54 (56-60) stitches, cast off 8-8-8-10 (12-12) stitches, work the last 24-26-28-30 (31-33) stitches. Finish each section separately. Place the first and last 24-26-28-30 (31-33) stitches on stitch holders and work the 42-46-50-54 (56-60) stitches on the back piece. BACK PIECE: Continue with garter stitch until the piece measures 26-33-40-47-48-48 cm from where the legs were joined. Cast off the middle 18-20-20-22 (22-24) stitches for the neckline and finish each shoulder separately. Cast off 1 stitch on the next row towards the neck = 11-12-14-15 (16-17) shoulder stitches. Work until the piece measures 28-35-42-49 (50-50) cm from the join (11-12-13-14 (15-16) cm from the bottom of the armhole), cast off. Work the other shoulder in the same way. RIGHT FRONT PIECE: Place the first 24-26-28-30 (31-33) stitches back on circular needle size 4 mm. Continue with garter stitch and purl the band stitches as before. When the piece measures 24-31-38-44 (45-45) cm from the join, place the outermost 9-10-10-11 (11-12) stitches on a stitch holder for the neckline. Then cast off on each row from the neck as follows: 2 stitches 1 time and 1 stitch 2 times = 11-12-14-15 (16-17) shoulder stitches. Continue with garter stitch until the piece measures 28-35-42-49 (50-50) cm from the join (11-12-13-14 (15-16) cm from the bottom of the armhole), cast off. LEFT FRONT PIECE: Place the last 24-26-28-30 (31-33) stitches back on circular needle size 4 mm. Continue with garter stitch and purl the band stitches as before. When the piece measures 24-31-38-44 (45-45) cm from the join, place the outermost 9-10-10-11 (11-12) stitches on a stitch holder for the neckline. Then cast off on each row from the neck as follows: 2 stitches 1 time and 1 stitch 2 times = 11-12-14-15 (16-17) shoulder stitches. Continue with garter stitch until the piece measures 28-35-42-49 (50-50) cm from the join (11-12-13-14 (15-16) cm from the bottom of the armhole), cast off. SLEEVES: Cast on 46-50-54-58 (66-70) stitches with circular needle size 3.5 mm and DROPS Lima. Purl 1 row from the wrong side. Then work rib as follows from the right side: Work 1 garter stitch, * knit 2, purl 2 *, work from *-* until there is 1 stitch left, work 1 garter stitch. Continue this rib back and forth for 10 cm. Change to circular needle size 4 mm. The piece is now measured from here! Work garter stitch over all stitches, until the sleeve measures 11-14-16-19 (23-28) cm from the rib. Cast off. Insert 1 marker-thread in each side, 2-2-2-2 (3-3) cm below the cast-off edge, which will be used when assembling. Work the other sleeve in the same way. ASSEMBLY: Sew the shoulder seams. Sew the sleeve-cap to the armhole, then the top 2-2-2-2 (3-3) cm on the sleeve to the bottom of the armhole – see sketch. Sew the sleeves seams, sewing in the outermost loop of the outermost stitch so the seam is flat. Sew the opening between the legs (bands laid double so you sew through 3 layers here). Sew the inner-leg seam in the outermost loop of the outermost stitch so the seam is flat. Fold the ribbing on the sleeves and legs double to the inside and fasten with a stitch on each side. Sew the buttons onto the left band. NECK: Start mid-front from the right side and knit up 62 to 78 stitches (including the stitches on the stitch holders and with the stitch count divisible by 4 +2) around the neck, using circular needle size 3.5 mm. Work rib as follows from the wrong side: Purl the 6 band stitches, purl 2, * knit 2, purl 2 *, work from *-* until there are 6 stitches left, purl the 6 band stitches. Continue this rib for 3 cm. Cast off the outermost 5 stitches on each side, continue the rib with 1 purled stitch on each side. Work until the neck measures a total of 6 cm. Loosely cast off. Fold the neck double to the inside and sew down. To avoid the neck being tight and rolling outwards. It is important that the seam is elastic. Sew the openings on the bands with small stitches. |
Diagram explanations |
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