Video #47, listed in: Assembly Videos, Sew together, Sew together a knitted piece
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Inger Pettersson wrote:
Ett jättestort tack för den service ni ger, att ge oss dessa utmärkta och tydliga instruktionsfilmer!! Inger, Tjörn, Bohuslän, Sverige
27.12.2022 - 09:33
Loulou wrote:
Voici des explications bien utiles car la finition intervient beaucoup dans la réussite d’un tricot. Merci!
11.12.2022 - 11:15
Katleen wrote:
Wanneer gebruik je deze techniek en wanneer de matrassteek ?
17.08.2022 - 23:59
Linnéa Stray wrote:
Tusen takk for deres utrolig flotte videoer! Dere har lært meg så utrolig masse! ❤️❤️❤️
10.04.2021 - 10:18
Anna-Carin Björkman wrote:
Bara ett JÄTTESTORT HURRA för era fina instruktionsvideos!
04.12.2020 - 15:42
Aissela Laudo wrote:
Buongiorno. Avete un video che mostra come unire due lati lavorati entrambi a punto riso doppio senza vivagno, quindi i lati alternano dritti e rovesci? Grazie in anticipo!
01.06.2019 - 13:33DROPS Design :
Buongiorno Aissela. Potrebbe provare con la cucitura a punto materasso, come spiegato nel video che alleghiamo. Buon lavoro!
04.06.2019 - 09:02
Petra wrote:
Is it also possible to crochet two knitted pieces together (e.g. knitted parts of pullover or sweater or a sleeve)? If so, which type of crochet stitches is the best?
09.11.2015 - 13:30DROPS Design :
Dear Petra, you can crochet together 2 knitted pieces, with a row of sl st or dc (US-sc), from RS or from WS depending on the effect you'd like to get. Adjust number of sl st/dc to avoid loosing shape - not too much (would enlarge piece) and not too many (would tighten piece). Your DROPS store will also help you with personnal tips & advices. Happy knitting!
10.11.2015 - 10:09Yvonne McRobbie wrote:
Is this the method used for cable throw pattern 4769 using Drops Nepal wool? I have downloaded pattern and await delivery of wool from UK. Keen to get it right but no instructions for sewing together the squares. Also, can this pattern be made into a much larger throw - suggestions please.
23.06.2015 - 05:57DROPS Design :
Dear Mrs McRobbie, you can use that way of sewing when 2 squares are sewn tog in the same knitting directions (pattern DROPS 124-3) - when sewing eg square 2 to 4 you can use that method (rows to sts). To make the blanket larger, work more squares and adjust desired square & placement/required material. Happy knitting!
23.06.2015 - 10:56
Greta Timmers wrote:
Ik heb een steek zonder te breien afgehaald aan het begin van elke toer. Hoe kan ik dan de panden aan elkaar zetten?
28.04.2015 - 14:23DROPS Design :
Hoi Greta. Dan is die eerste steek de kantsteek en gebruik je die voor de naad.
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Todella selkeitä opetusvideoita, KIITOS!
03.02.2023 - 07:56