Ann wrote:
Hello! If I were to knit this with one color, do you think I will need the full 200 grams of yarn for a size Large? I was hoping perhaps I can get by with 175 grams (which I already own).
12.02.2025 - 02:29DROPS Design answered:
Dear Ann, you need 200 gr in all 3 smallest sizes (S, M, L). And you need more than 200gr for size XL. So you will most likely need closer to 200gr than 175gr for size L. Happy knitting!
16.02.2025 - 23:44
Eleanor wrote:
Hi! What does it mean when the pattern says that I should continue to use raglan increases for the body every 2nd row, but the sleeves every 4th row? Which stitch markers represent the body and which represent the sleeves? Thank you for your help!
14.12.2024 - 12:25DROPS Design answered:
Dear Eleanor, the markers are in the transition between the body pieces and the sleeves: marker-1 between back piece and right sleeve, marker-2 between right sleeve and front piece, marker-3 between front piece and left sleeve and marker-4 between the left sleeve and the back piece. So, depending on where you need to increase you will increase on one side or another of the marker. For increasing on the body increase before markers 1 and 3 and after markers 2 and 4. For the sleeves increase before markers 2 and 4 and after markers 1 and 3. So you alternate between increasing on all sides of all markers (every 4th round) or only in the body. Happy knitting!
15.12.2024 - 22:46
Nina wrote:
Hello, i am very confused by the increases in the short rows. if i follow the raglan instructions of the pattern i should only end up with 8 increases in the short rows instead of the 16 i need. the way i understand the raglan increase it is : yo, st, st marker, st, yo. this gives 8 increases in a regular row and only 4 for the short rows. am i missing something ? i looked through the questions and couldn’t find an answer that helped me. thank you for your help.
10.10.2024 - 11:56DROPS Design answered:
Dear Nina, you increase for raglan on every row from RS when working the elevation (short rows): on first row and on 3rd row = you will have increased a total of 16 sts for raglan. Remember to increase on each side of all markers - this video might help you understanding how to increase 8 sts on each short row from RS. Happy knitting!
10.10.2024 - 16:01
Frédérique Boniface wrote:
Bonjour pour la taille L, au niveau des manches il est écrit 9 diminutions. Sur l'explication j'en vois seulement 6 : 5, 3,5, 2,5 , 2,5. , 2. , 1,5 ; Comment faire? Merci d'avance
03.10.2024 - 20:07DROPS Design answered:
Bonjour Mme Boniface, en taille L on va diminuer 9 fois tous les 2,5 cm, autrement dit quand la manche mesure 4 cm, puis 6,5 cm (4+2,5 cm), puis 9 cm (6,5+2;5 cm) et ainsi de suite jusqu'à ce que vous ayez augmenté 9 fois au total. Bon tricot!
04.10.2024 - 07:36
Maria wrote:
Spørsmål ang halsringning/forkortede pinner: Dere skriver: «Strikk glattstrikk og øk til RAGLAN til du har strikket 3 masker forbi 2.merketråd (høyre side av halsen foran)» Snu arbeidet, stram tråden og strikk tilbake fra vrangen til du har strikket 7 masker forbi 3.merketråd. Jeg lurer på, når man skal strikke til 3 eller 7 masker forbi en merketråd, skal man regne med de økte maskene også (ta dem med i tellingen)?
30.09.2024 - 13:07DROPS Design answered:
Hei Maria. Når du strikker fra vrangen, strikkes kastene som en maske. Disse maskene (som har vært et kast) telles som en maske. Så på 1. pinne fra vrangen, når det skal strikkes 7 masker forbi 3. merketråd blir kastet telt som en maske (= kastet + 3 masker (her startet du omgangen) + 3 masker til = 7 masker forbi 3. merketråd). mvh DROPS Design
14.10.2024 - 08:26
Caroline wrote:
Bonjour, J'ai un problème avec votre découpage juste après les augmentations de l'empiècement (TAILLE 2). J'ai bien 264m mais non réparties comme les vôtres. Mon 1er demi-dos: 35m (9mdébut+aug 2+12+12) contre 38m pour vous. Manches: 60m (20m début+4+24+12) contre 54m pour vous. Devant: 72m (20m début+4+24+24) contre 54m pour vous. Mon 2ème demi-dos: 37m (11m début+aug 2+12+12) contre 40 m pour vous. Pouvez-vous m'aider svp?
24.09.2024 - 13:31DROPS Design answered:
Bonjour Caroline, La division ne se fait pas au niveau des raglans: les 3 premières mailles et les 3 dernières mailles des manches sont attribuées au dos/au devant, ainsi vous avez 3 m en plus à la fin du demi-dos, 3 m en plus de chaque côté du devant et 3 m en plus au début du demi-dos en fin de tour, et 6 m en moins pour chaque manche. Bon tricot!
25.09.2024 - 08:02
Florina wrote:
Hey, ich wundere mich gerade über die Ärmellänge, er scheint mir viel zu kurz (er hat die für S geforderten 42cm)...habe den Pulli grade mal übergeworfen und es fehlen fast 10cm, wird das durchs Blocken noch kommen? Ich kette italienisch ab und würde es ungern nachher nochmal aufmachen müssen 😅
13.09.2024 - 22:49DROPS Design answered:
Liebe Florina, zu diese 42 cm sollen Sie die 22 cm von der Passe auch mitrechnen; am besten vergleichen Sie diese Maßen mit den von einem Pullover den Sie gerne haben; oder ziehen Sie den Pullover an und stricken Sie bis die gewünschten Länge vor dem Bündchen. Viel Spaß beim Stricken!
16.09.2024 - 08:01
Mirja wrote:
Sijoittuuko pääntien lyhin kohta (eli kohta, jossa ei ole neulottu lyhennettyjä kierroksia) paidan keskelle eteen vai taakse? Eli aloitetaanko kaarrokkeen tekeminen kohdasta, jossa on neulottu vähiten pääntietä varten vai lyhennettyjen kierrosten keskeltä?
03.09.2024 - 20:04
Edith wrote:
Bonjour,\r\nJ\'ai une question quant au raglan. Si j\'augmente pour le raglan à chaque marqueur, je vais me retrouvé avec la bande raglan au milieu du dos (marqueur 1) et au milieu du devant (marqueur 3), non? Où dois-je faire mes jetés exactement?\r\nMerci d\'avance pour votre réponse
25.08.2024 - 16:07DROPS Design answered:
Bonjour Edith, vous devez augmenter de part et d'autre des 2 mailles des raglans avec le marqueur au milieu autrement dit tricotez jusqu'à ce qu'il reste 1 maille avant le marqueur, faites 1 jeté, tricotez 2 mailles (le marqueur est entre ces 2 mailles) et faites 1 jeté; retrouvez en vidéo comment procéder sous l'onglet "Vidéos" en haut de page. Bon tricot!
26.08.2024 - 08:23
Ariane wrote:
Welche Größe trägt das Modell? Es wäre sehr hilfreich, wenn sie diese Information bei allen Anleitungen ergänzen, weil es hilfreich ist bei der Einschätzung, welche Größe man selber benötigt. Dafür im Voraus vielen Dank!
04.08.2024 - 18:13DROPS Design answered:
Liebe Ariane, meistens tragen unsere Modelle entweder S oder M; aber da jede Körper unterschieden ist, lesen Sie am besten diese Lektion, so wissen Sie genau, wie Sie Ihre Größe finden sollen. Viel Spaß beim Stricken!
05.08.2024 - 07:59
Cranberry Kiss Sweater |
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Knitted jumper in 2 strands DROPS Kid-Silk. The piece is worked top down with raglan, stocking stitch and double neck. Sizes S - XXXL.
DROPS 235-8 |
------------------------------------------------------- EXPLANATIONS FOR THE PATTERN: ------------------------------------------------------- RAGLAN: Increase 1 stitch on both sides of 2 stitches in each transition between the body and sleeves; the marker sits between these 2 stitches (8 increases on the round). Increase 1 stitch by making 1 yarn over, which is then worked twisted on the next round to avoid holes. Work the new stitches in stocking stitch. DECREASE TIP (for sleeves): Start 3 stitches before the marker, knit 2 together, knit 2 (marker sits between these 2 stitches), slip 1 stitch as if to knit, knit 1 and pass the slipped stitch over the knitted stitch. ------------------------------------------------------- START THE PIECE HERE: ------------------------------------------------------- JUMPER – SHORT OVERVIEW OF THE PIECE: The neck and yoke are worked in the round with circular needle, from mid back and top down. The yoke is divided for body and sleeves and the body is continued in the round with circular needle. The sleeves are worked in the round with short circular needle/double pointed needles. DOUBLE NECK: Cast on 80-80-88-96-96-104 stitches with one strand of each colour DROPS Kid-Silk, using short circular needles size 3.5 and size 5 mm held together. Remove the needle size 5 mm keeping the stitches on the needle size 3,5 mm (doing this gives you an elastic cast-on edge). Knit 1 round then work rib (knit 2, purl 2) for 12 cm. Fold the neck double to the inside and knit 1 round, where every 2nd stitch is knitted together with its corresponding stitch on the cast-on edge. This gives a double neck. Change to circular needle size 5 mm. Insert 4 markers without working the stitches; these are used when increasing for raglan and each marker is inserted between 2 stitches: Count 9-9-13-13-13-17 stitches (half back piece), insert marker-1, count 20 stitches (sleeve), insert marker-2, count 20-20-24-28-28-32 stitches (front piece), insert marker-3, count 20 stitches (sleeve), insert marker-4, there are 11-11-11-15-15-15 stitches left after marker-4 (half back piece). Cut the strand. NECK-LINE: Now work a neck-line with short rows: Start from the right side, 3 stitches before marker-3 (front left-hand side of neck when garment is worn). Work stocking stitch and increase for RAGLAN – read description above, until you are 3 stitches past marker-2 (front right-hand side of neck). Turn, tighten the strand and work back to 7 stitches past marker-3. Turn, tighten the strand and work back to 7 stitches past marker-2 – remember to increase for raglan. Turn, tighten the strand and work back to 3 stitches past marker-3. Cut the strand. YOKE: = 96-96-104-112-112-120 stitches. Start mid-back and continue to increase for raglan every 2nd round a total of 12-14-16-17-15-13 times (including the increases on the short rows) = 176-192-216-232-216-208 stitches. Continue with stocking stitch and increases for raglan, but every 2nd increase is only on the body; i.e. you increase on the body every 2nd round and on the sleeves every 4th round. Increase like this 12-12-12-12-18-22 times on the body (6-6-6-6-9-11 times on the sleeves), a total of 24-26-28-29-33-35 times on the body and 18-20-22-23-24-24 times on the sleeves. After the last increase there are 248-264-288-304-324-340 stitches and the yoke measures approx. 22-25-26-27-30-32 cm measured mid-front and from after the neck. If necessary continue working without increasing to the correct measurement. Divide the yoke for the body and sleeves as follows: Work the first 36-38-44-45-49-55 stitches (half back piece), place the next 50-54-58-60-62-62 stitches on a thread for the sleeve, cast on 8-10-10-12-14-16 stitches (in side under sleeve), work 74-78-86-92-100-108 stitches (front piece), place the next 50-54-58-60-62-62 stitches on a thread for the sleeve, cast on 8-10-10-12-14-16 stitches (in side under sleeve), work the remaining 38-40-42-47-51-53 stitches (half back piece). BODY: = 164-176-192-208-228-248 stitches. Continue with stocking stitch in the round for a further 17-16-17-18-17-17 cm. Knit 1 round and increase 16-16-20-20-24-24 stitches evenly spaced =180-192-212-228-252-272 stitches. Change to circular needle size 3.5 mm. Work rib (knit 2, purl 2) for 8 cm. Cast off. The jumper measures approx. 52-54-56-58-60-62 cm from the shoulder down. SLEEVES: Place the 50-54-58-60-62-62 stitches from the thread on the one side of the piece on short circular needle/double pointed needles size 5 mm and knit up 1 stitch in each of the new stitches cast on under the sleeve = 58-64-68-72-76-78 stitches. Insert a marker thread in the middle of the new stitches mid-under the sleeve. Continue in the round with stocking stitch for 4 cm. Now decrease 2 stitches under the sleeve – read DECREASE TIP. Decrease like this every 5-3½-2½-2½-2-1½ cm a total of 6-8-9-10-11-11 times = 46-48-50-52-54-56 stitches. Continue working until the sleeve measures 32-30-29-28-26-24 cm. Knit 1 round where you increase 6-4-6-4-6-4 stitches evenly spaced = 52-52-56-56-60-60 stitches. Change to double pointed needles size 3.5 mm and work rib (knit 2, purl 2) for 10 cm. Cast off. The sleeve measures approx. 42-40-39-38-36-34 cm from the division. Work the other sleeve in the same way. |
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