Helen DeGregorio wrote:
I have questions and a lot of times if I read the questions or comments I get my question answered but it’s always seems to be in a different language and at the very top I always select English US terms which I don’t speak any other language, so that’s what I would pick I have a hard time reading your patterns. I love your patterns, but I have not ever made one because I can’t seem to understand your patterns. Can you give me some help here in English please
08.03.2023 - 22:30DROPS Design answered:
Dear Mrs DeGregorio, you will find at the bottom of the pattern page some lessons explaining for ex how to read a shematic drawing (to find the best matching size), how to crochet diagram etc... Do not hesitate to read them and feel free to ask your question here (in your language). Happy crocheting!
09.03.2023 - 08:15
Annika wrote:
Liebes Drops Team . Ich verzweifle an dem Muster A.3aIn der Anleitung schreibt ihr das A.3a bis zur nächsten Ecke aus einem Rapport von 5 Maschen besteht.Aber laut dem Diagramm sind es doch 6 Maschen (3 Stäbchen und 3Luftmaschen).Habe ich da einen Denkfehler? Liebe Grüße Annika
16.02.2023 - 06:19DROPS Design answered:
Liebe Annika, A.3a wird über 5 Maschen gehäkelt (= 1 Stb in jede der nächsten 3 Stb, 3 Lm, 2 Stb überspringen) aber wird ja 6 Maschen sein. Viel Spaß beim häkeln!
16.02.2023 - 13:46
Ann-Charlotte Söderberg wrote:
Hej, när jag läser diagrammet så tolkar jag det som att "Läs VIRKTIPS-1 och börja med 3 luftmaskor, virka sedan A.1a över de första 38-42-44 fastmaskorna (= 19-21-22 rapporter à 2 maskor)," är då första varvet med 1 stolpe och 1 lm. Men kollar man sedan på rapport A2a så är det varvet som redan är gjort 2 stolpar. Så, är första varvet 1 stolpe, 1 lm eller 2 stolpar?
11.01.2022 - 10:39DROPS Design answered:
Hei Ann-Charlotte. 1. omgang i A.2a er 1 stav + 1 luftmaske. De 2 stavene du ser mellom A.1a/A.1b og A.2a/A.2b har en stjerne (*) som er forklart i diagramforklaringen at denne omgangen allerede er heklet - start på neste omgang. Altså du avslutter A.1a med 2 staver og starter A.2a med 1 stav+1 luftmaske. mvh DROPS Design
18.01.2022 - 08:38
Marie Couvreur wrote:
Bonjour et merci pour ce beau patron. Les mesures données sur le schéma du poncho à plat sont bien en inches et non en centimètres ? Sur une taille S, les 12 premiers sont points A1 et A2, les 10 suivants sont A3, les 4 en A5 et les 8 en A6 ? Merci de vos réponses. Marie
15.09.2021 - 09:26DROPS Design answered:
Bonjour Mme Couvreur, toutes les mesures dans les explications françaises ainsi que dans les schémas, sont indiquées en centimètres. La répartition des points se fait effectivement de cette façon, mais suivez bien les explications écrites car le nombre de mailles doit parfois être ajusté (on augmente ou on diminue des mailles à intervalles réguliers). Bon crochet!
15.09.2021 - 15:44
I Ten Heuw wrote:
Ik ben een beginnende haakster en wil deze Moon trial haken. Is er een uitgeschreven versie van de toeren of alleen een telpatroon. Ondanks uren zoeken op internet snap ik niets van A1.a en A1.b etc.
03.05.2021 - 07:16DROPS Design answered:
Dag I Ten Heuw,
Helaas hebben we geen uitgeschreven versie van de telpatronen. Misschien heb je wat aan deze uitleg?
05.05.2021 - 14:06
Rebecca Gibbs wrote:
When isn’t a poncho a summertime Winner, especially one as heavenly as this one. This is truly eye catching. Thank you for the beautiful Breathtaking Pattern 💖
10.03.2021 - 23:35
Libertad wrote:
Fino calado, prenda muy fresca
10.01.2021 - 11:54
Karina wrote:
Beach poncho
08.01.2021 - 01:04
Marioli wrote:
Una prenda diferente y atrevida
07.01.2021 - 22:56
Mimi M Routh wrote:
Virtual hugs for this sweet model. I'm moving to lower altitude, no snow, so I will make this poncho.
07.01.2021 - 19:52
Moon Trail |
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Crocheted poncho in DROPS Bomull-Lin or DROPS Paris. Piece is crocheted top down with angles and lace pattern. Size: S - XXXL
DROPS 222-18 |
------------------------------------------------------- EXPLANATION FOR THE PATTERN: ------------------------------------------------------- PATTERN: See diagrams A.1 to A.5. Diagram A.6 shows how garment looks when it is flat. CHAIN STITCH: If you work at the end of crochet hook the chain stitch will often be too tight. 1 chain stitch should be just as long as 1 double crochet/treble crochet/double treble crochet/triple treble crochet is wide. CROCHET TIP-1: Begin every round with treble crochets with 3 chain stitches (these 3 chain stitches equals 1 treble crochet, but do not replace first treble crochet) – finish round with 1 slip stitch in 3rd chain stitch from beginning of round. I.e. this treble crochet is an extra stitch to begin and finish round with. CROCHET TIP-2: This displacement relies on a unchanged number of stitches from the beginning of round until first corner but if increases or decreases have been done over these stitches, the beginning of round must be adapted so that repetitions fit up to first corner. INCREASE/DECREASE TIP: Increase 1 treble crochet by working 2 treble crochets in stitch below. Decrease 1 treble crochet by working 1 treble crochet in first stitch below but wait with last yarn over and pull through, work next treble crochet in next stitch, but now pull last yarn over through all 3 loops on hook ------------------------------------------------------- START THE PIECE HERE: ------------------------------------------------------- PONCHO– SHORT OVERVIEW OF THE PIECE: Worked in the round from left shoulder at the neck and outwards. Diagram A.6 shows the piece flat. PONCHO: Work 161-177-185 CHAIN STITCHES – read explanation above, on hook size 4.5 mm with Bomull-Lin or Paris, and form a ring with 1 slip stitch in first chain stitch worked. Then work first round as follows: Work 1 chain stitch (this chain stitch equals 1 double crochet but chain stitch does not replace first double crochet, i.e. This is an extra stitch to begin and finish round), work 1 double crochet in every chain stitch the entire round, and finish with 1 slip stitch in chain stitch at beginning of round = 160-176-184 double crochets + 1 chain stitch. WORK A.1 AS FOLLOWS: Work CROCHET TIP-1 and begin with 3 chain stitches, then work A.1a over the first 38-42-44 double crochets (= 19-21-22 repetitions of 2 stitches), A.1b over next double crochet (= corner), work A.1a over the next 2 double crochets, A.1b over next double crochet (= corner), work A.1a over the next 76-84-88 double crochets, A.1b over next double crochet (= corner), A.1a over the next 2 double crochets, A.1b over next double crochet (= corner), and A.1a over the remaining 38-42-44 stitches. Continue pattern like this. When A.1 has been worked vertically, there are 4 corners with 100-108-112 treble crochets between each corner on the long sides and 26 treble crochets between each corner on the short sides. WORK A.2 AS FOLLOWS: Work A.2a until first corner, A.2b around corner, A.2a until next corner, A.2b around corner, A.2a until next corner, A.2b around corner, A.2a until next corner, A.2b around corner, and A.2a the rest of round – remember CROCHET TIP-1! When A.2 has been worked 1 time vertically, 4 treble crochets have been increased on each side of the 4 corners, i.e. there are 4 corners with 108-116-120 treble crochets along long sides and 34 treble crochets along short sides. Repeat A.2 2-3-4 times in total vertically – AT THE SAME TIME on last round adjust number of stitches so that there are 4 corners with 117-132-147 treble crochets along each long side and 42-52-57 treble crochets along each short side = 318-368-408 treble crochets in total on round + 4 corners – i.e. read INCREASE/DECREASE TIP and adjust number of stitches as explained below. S/M: Increase 1 stitch along each long side. L/XL: Increase 2 stitches along each short side. XXL/XXXL: Increase 3 stitches along each long side, and decrease 1 stitch along each short side. WORK A.3 AS FOLLOWS: Now displace the beginning of round 3-1-2 stitches to the left to make the repetitions fit, i.e. work 1 slip stitch in each of the first 3-1-2 stitches, and begin round with 3 chain stitches as before - read CROCHET TIP-2. Then work A.3a until first corner (= 11-13-14 repetitions of 5 stitches), A.3b around corner (and the next 2 stitches), A.3a until next corner (= 8-10-11 repetitions of 5 stitches), A.3b around corner (and the next 2 stitches), A.3a until next corner (= 23-26-29 repetitions of 5 stitches), A.3b around corner (and the next 2 stitches), A.3a until next corner (= 8-10-11 repetitions of 5 stitches), A.3b around corner (and the next 2 stitches), and A.3a the rest of round (= 12-13-15 repetitions of 5 stitches). Continue the pattern like this – AT THE SAME TIME on last round adjust number of stitches so that there are 4 corners with 156-174-186 treble crochets along each long side and 84-90-96 treble crochets along each short side = 480-528-564 treble crochets in total on round + 4 corners – remember INCREASE/DECREASE TIP and adjust number of stitches as explained below. S/M: Decrease 2 stitches along each long side, and increase 1 stitch along each short side. L/XL: Increase 1 stitch along each long side, and decrease 3 stitches along each short side. XXL/XXXL: Decrease 2 stitches along each long side, and decrease 2 stitches along each short side. WORK A.4 AS FOLLOWS: Now displace the beginning of round 3-1-0 stitches to the left to make the repetitions fit, i.e. work 1 slip stitch in each of the first 3-1-0 stitches, and begin round with 3 chain stitches as before - remember CROCHET TIP-2. Then work A.4a until first corner (= 12-14-15 repetition of 6 stitches), A.4b around corner, A.4a until next corner (= 14-15-16 repetitions of 6 stitches), A.4b around corner, A.4a until next corner (= 26-29-31 repetitions of 6 stitches), A.4b around corner, A.4a until next corner (= 14-15-16 repetitions of 6 stitches), A.4b around corner, and A.4a the rest of round (= 14-15-16 repetitions of 6 stitches). Continue the pattern like this – AT THE SAME TIME on last round adjust number of stitches so that there are 4 corners with 168-192-204 treble crochets along each long side and 96-108-108 treble crochets along each short side – i.e. increase 0-6-6 stitches along each long side and 0-6-0 stitches along each short side – remember INCREASE/DECREASE TIP = 528-600-624 stitches in total on round + 4 corners. WORK A.5 AS FOLLOWS: Displace beginning of round to the left the same way as on beginning of A.3 and A.4, there should be 78-90-90 stitches before first corner + start stitch. Begin round with 3 chain stitches as before, work A.5a over the first 6 stitches, A.5b until corner (= 6-7-7 repetitions of 12 stitches), A.5c around corner, A.5b until next corner (= 8-9-9 repetitions of 12 stitches), A.5c around corner, A.5b until next corner (= 14-16-17 repetitions of 12 stitches, A.5c around corner, A.5b until next corner (= 8-9-9 repetitions of 12 stitches), A.5c around corner, A.5b over the next 84-96-108 stitches (= 7-8-9 repetitions of 12 stitches), and finish with A.5d. Fasten off. NECK EDGE: Crochet a finishing edge around the neck as follows: Begin in stitch on the shoulder where round began before, work 1 double crochet in first stitch, * 1 chain stitch, skip 1 stitch, work 1 double crochet in next stitch *, work from *-* the entire round, finish with 1 chain stitch and 1 slip stitch in first double crochet at beginning of round. TWINED STRING WITH TASSELS: Cut 2 strands Bomull-Lin or Paris of 3.5 to 4 metres each. Twine the strands tog until they resist, fold the string double so that it twines again. Thread a wooden pearl on to string in each end and then tie a knot at each end to keep the pearl in place. Begin mid front on poncho, and baste tie up and down through eyelet row closest to the neck. Adjust the length of string. Cut 24 strands Bomull-Lin or Paris of 18 cm each. Thread them through one end of the twined string and distribute the strands so that they are even. Place a strand around the tassel, tighten and make a knot. Repeat in the other end of string. |
Diagram explanations |
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