Line Villeneuve wrote:
2e question: je suis le patron à la lettre et je tricote avec la même laine. Pour le col, je fais la grandeur small, mais après avoir recommencé plusieurs fois, 34 mailles et non 34 cm, trop petit pour entrer par la tête. Que dois-je faire svp?
01.10.2024 - 23:17DROPS Design answered:
Bonjour Mme Villeneuve, comme indiqué précédemment, veillez à bien monter les mailles avec une technique suffisamment élastique pour pouvoir y passer la tête; la circonférence totale des mailles montées est suffisamment large pour l'encolure (relativement haute dans ce modèle, cf photos), mais veillez bien à monter les mailles de façon élastique - vous trouverez différentes techniques ici. Bon tricot!
02.10.2024 - 08:36
Lynn wrote:
Je commence le col à 32 mailles selon le patron avec la même laine et aiguille 8, et c' est trop petit, comme pour un poignet! Dois-je doubler le nombre de mailles?
24.09.2024 - 12:52DROPS Design answered:
Bonjour Lynn, pour que le montage soit suffisamment souple, on va monter les mailles avec 2 fisl Air et 1 fil Brusehd Alpaca Silk mais ne continuer qu'avec 1 fil de chaque laine, ainsi les 32 cm de circonférence de l'encolure seront suffisamment souples pour y glisser la tête. Pensez à bien vérifier votre tension et à bien monter les mailles souplement - utilisez par ex une aiguille d'une taille au-dessus ou une autre technique à votre guise. Bon tricot!
25.09.2024 - 07:56
Podunavac Claudette wrote:
Bonsoir, Joli modèle mais, avant de le commencer j'ai besoin de vos conseils. En taille XL comment obtenir un échantillon juste. Avec quelle aiguille et combiens de fils. L'échantillon proposé est de 10 mailles et 14 rangs pour 10x10. En utilisant l'aiguille 9 et 2 fils (1 air et l'autre brushed silk) je n'obtiens que 9 cm Merci cordialement
09.09.2024 - 18:24DROPS Design answered:
Bonjour Mme Podunavac, on tricote ici avec 1 fil Air + 1 fil Brushed Alpaca Silk et on doit avoir 10 mailles x 14 rangs jersey = 10 x 10 cm; vous pouvez tenter de bloquer votre échantillon pour voir s'il y a une différence, ou bien essayer avec des aiguilles 10 par exemple. Bon tricot!
10.09.2024 - 09:05
Juliane wrote:
Hallo, wäre es möglich, dieses Modell auch als Kleid zu stricken? Und wie könnte man dann die Optik der Passe im Saum wieder aufgreifen? Vielleicht hat ja jemand Lust, eine Anleitung zu entwerfen ;-) Freundliche Grüße!
03.08.2024 - 09:16DROPS Design answered:
Liebe Juliane, das wäre wahrscheinlich möglich aber leider können wir nicht jede Anleitung nach jeder Anfrage anpassen; gerne können Sie Ihr DROPS Händler mal fragen (auch per Telefon oder per E-Mail). Danke im voraus für Ihr Verständnis. Viel Spaß beim Stricken!
05.08.2024 - 07:22
Thea Emilie wrote:
Hvilken størrelse er det strikket på bilde? Jeg har begynt i str. S og den blir ikke like luftig, selv om strikkefastheten er riktig.
22.07.2024 - 14:54DROPS Design answered:
Hej Thea, vælg målene i måleskitsen som modsvarer den størrelse du synes om at have på. Du finder målene nederst i opskriften :)
01.08.2024 - 09:10
Elin Natås wrote:
Hvordan gjør jeg dette? Diagram A 1. Strikk 1 rett i masken under neste maske - denne masken kalles nå patentmaske. Betyr dette at jeg skal strikke en rett maske i maske nr. 2, forfra eller bakfra? Og så skal jeg gå tilbake og strikke den første masken? Mvh Elin
29.01.2022 - 11:36DROPS Design answered:
Hei Elin. Ta en titt på denne videoen, den viser hvordan du strikker i masken under Hvordan strikke 1 rett i masken fra forrige omgang mvh DROPS Design
31.01.2022 - 15:26
Laurence wrote:
Bonjour, ce modèle me plaît beaucoup mais je souhaite une encolure plus large. Je respecte scrupuleusement les explications avec 3 fils et l'échantillon. J'ai essayé avec des aiguilles de 10 pour les premiers tours pour conserver le bon nombre de mailles mais ce n'est pas joli. Comment adapter le patron taille L avec encolure de 45/50 cm (pour un tour de cou de 38 cm) Merci d'avance pour vos conseils. Laurence
03.08.2021 - 09:19DROPS Design answered:
Bonjour Laurence, nous ne sommes malheureusement pas en mesure de pouvoir adapter chacun de nos modèles à chaque demande. Votre magasin saura vous aider, même par mail ou téléphone. Merci pour votre compréhension. Bon tricot!
03.08.2021 - 09:29
Marilena wrote:
Diese Pulloveranleitung ist genial, einfach super. Ich habe einen Pulli mit dicker, ein zweiter mit dünner Sommer-Alpacawolle gestrickt. Danach habe ich aus Wollresten noch ein Babypulli gestrickt, immer mit dem gleichen Muster. Jetzt stricke ich noch die dazu gehörende Sommerjacke. Vielen vielen Dank für die Anleitung. Grüsse aus der Schweiz Marilena Merz
24.04.2021 - 16:59
Elena wrote:
Dear Garnstudio-Team, will you please tell whether I can use Drops Melody for this model. Thank you!
06.04.2021 - 01:02DROPS Design answered:
Dear Elena, you can try to use Melody, instead of teh yarns given in the pattern, however the finished piece will have a different texture. As always, don't forget to make a gauge swatch and do the necessary recalculations for the stitchnumbers. For yarn amounts you can use our Yarn converter here. Happy Knitting!
06.04.2021 - 02:00
Elena wrote:
Dear Garnstudio Team, can I use Drops Nepal for this jumper. Thank you
18.03.2021 - 11:47DROPS Design answered:
See answer below :)
18.03.2021 - 12:27
Summer Peach |
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Knitted jumper in DROPS Air and DROPS Brushed Alpaca Silk. Piece is knitted top down with Fisherman’s rib stitches on yoke and ¾ sleeves. Size XS – XXL.
DROPS 212-26 |
---------------------------------------------------------- EXPLANATION FOR THE PATTERN: ---------------------------------------------------------- GARTER STITCH (worked in the round): 1 ridge = 2 rounds, i.e. knit 1 round and purl 1 round. PATTERN: See diagrams A.1 to A.4. INCREASE TIP (applies to sides of body): Work until 2 stitches remain before marker thread, make 1 yarn over, knit 4 (marker thread is in the middle of these 4 stitches), make 1 yarn over= 2 stitches increased at the marker thread and 4 stitches increased in total on round. On next round knit yarn overs twisted to avoid holes.. Then work the new stitches in stocking stitch. DECREASE TIP (applies to mid under sleeve, and in the 4 smallest sizes) Begin 3 stitches before marker thread and knit 2 together, knit 2 (marker thread is between these 2 stitches), slip 1 stitch knitwise, knit 1, pass slipped stitch over stitch worked = 2 stitches decreased. CAST-OFF TIP: To avoid a tight cast-off edge you may use a larger needle. ---------------------------------------------------------- START THE PIECE HERE: ---------------------------------------------------------- JUMPER - SHORT OVERVIEW OF THE PIECE: Neck edge and yoke are worked in the round on circular needle, top down. Now divide yoke for body and sleeves. Body is worked in the round on circular needle, top down. Work sleeves in the round on double pointed needles/short circular needle, top down. NECK EDGE: Cast on 32-34-36-42-44-46 stitches on short circular needle size 8 mm with 2 strands Air + 1 strand Brushed Alpaca Silk (= 3 strands). Remove one of the strands in Air and work the rest of garment with 1 strand in each quality (= 2 strands). Knit 1 round. Then work A.1 in the round. When neck edge measures 4 cm, work next round as follows: * Work 1 Fisherman’s rib stitch (i.e. knit 1 stitch below next stitch), make 1 yarn over, purl 1 *, work from *-* the entire round = 48-51-54-63-66-69 stitches on needle. Work 1 round with knit over Fisherman’s rib stitch and purl over purl (purl the yarn overs twisted to avoid holes). Insert 1 marker at beginning of round. Work yoke as explained below, measure yoke from this marker. YOKE: Switch to a short circular needle size 9 mm and work A.2 in the round (= 16-17-18-21-22-23 repetitions of 3 stitches). Continue pattern like this. REMEMBER THE KNITTING TENSION! When piece measures 3-3-3-3-4-4 cm from marker at the neck, work next round as follows: * Work 1 Fisherman’s rib stitch and purl 2, make 1 yarn over *, work from *-* the entire round = 64-68-72-84-88-92 stitches. Work 1 round with knit stitch over Fisherman’s rib stitch and purl over purl (purl the yarn overs twisted to avoid holes). Then work A.3 in the round. When piece measures 6-6-6-7-7-8 cm from marker at the neck, work, A.4 in the round (= 16-17-18-21-22-23 repetitions of 4 stitches). When A.4 has been worked vertically, there are 128-136-144-168-176-184 stitches on needle. Then work A.3 in the round (= 32-34-36-42-44-46 repetitions of 4 stitches). When piece measures 14-15-17-19-20-22 cm from marker at the neck, work A.1 in the round. When piece measures approx. 18-20-22-24-26-28 cm from marker at the neck, divide yoke for body and sleeves. I.e. work next round as follows from mid back: Knit 18-20-21-24-26-28 (= ½ back piece), slip the next 28-28-30-36-36-36 stitches on 1 stitch holder for sleeve, cast on 6-6-8-6-6-8 new stitches on row (= in the side under sleeve), knit 36-40-42-48-52-56 (= front piece), slip the next 28-28-30-36-36-36 stitches on 1 stitch holder for sleeve, cast on 6-6-8-6-6-8 new stitches on row (= in the side under sleeve) and knit the remaining 18-20-21-24-26-28 stitches (= ½ back piece). Finish body and sleeves separately. NOW MEASURE THE PIECE FROM HERE! BODY: = 84-92-100-108-116-128 stitches. Insert 1 marker thread at beginning of round, and 1 marker thread after 42-46-50-54-58-64 stitches (= in the sides on body). Move the marker threads upwards when working; they should be used for increase later in the sides. Work in stocking stitch in the round. When piece measures 8 cm from division, increase 1 stitch on each side of both marker threads – read INCREASE TIP. Repeat increase when piece measures 16 cm from division = 92-100-108-116-124-136 stitches. Work until piece measures 28 cm from division in all sizes (approx. 3 cm remain until finished measurements, try the jumper on and work to desired length). Switch to circular needle size 8 mm. Work 3 ridges in GARTER STITCH - read explanation above. Cast off by knitting– read CAST-OFF TIP. Jumper measures approx. 52-54-56-58-60-62 cm from shoulder and down. SLEEVE: Slip the 28-28-30-36-36-36 stitches from stitch holder in one side of piece on double pointed needles or a short circular needle size 9 mm and pick in addition up 1 stitch in each of the 6-6-8-6-6-8 new stitches cast on under sleeve = 34-34-38-42-42-44 stitches. Insert 1 marker thread in the middle of the new 6-6-8-6-6-8 stitches that were cast on under sleeve. Begin round at the marker thread and work stocking stitch in the round. When sleeve measures 2 cm from division, decrease 2 stitch mid under sleeve (applies to XS, S, M and L) = 32-32-36-40-42-44 stitches. Work until piece measures approx. 28-26-25-22-21-19 cm from division (approx. 3 cm remain until finished measurements, try the jumper on and work to desired length). NOTE! Shorter measurements in the larger sizes because of wider neck and longer yoke. Switch to double pointed needles or short circular needle size 8 mm. Work 3 ridges. Cast off by knitting– remember cast-off tip. Sleeve measures approx. 31-29-28-25-24-22 cm from division. Work the other sleeve the same way. |
Diagram explanations |
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