Kika wrote:
Estoy haciendo el gorro de este patrón, y no entiendo cuando dice: Continuar aumentando 6 puntos medio alto en cada vuelta para tener un punto medio alto más entre cada aumento cada vuelta.\r\n\r\nSi aumento seis puntos medios altos en cada vuelta, como voy a tener al final un punto medio alto más en cada vuelta.? y donde hago esos aumentos? Muchas gracias
05.05.2024 - 20:28DROPS Design answered:
Hola Kika, en la vuelta 5 tenías: aumento - 3 puntos medio altos y repetías esto toda la vuelta. Si repites toda la vuelta, en la vuelta 5 deberías haber trabajado 6 aumentos en total y tendrías 30 puntos. En la vuelta 6 seguirás aumentando como en las vueltas anteriores; debes tener 6 aumentos en la vuelta y cada aumento está separado por 1 punto medio alto más que en la vuelta anterior. Por ejemplo, en la vuelta 6 trabajarás: *aumento - 4 puntos medio altos* repetir toda la vuelta. En la vuelta 7: *aumento - 5 puntos medio altos* repetir toda la vuelta. Y así sucesivamente.
05.05.2024 - 22:59
Evelyne Alanio wrote:
Bonjour. J'ai constaté une petite erreur. Entre le rg 2 m ensemble et celui où on augmente tous les 2 mailles, on n'a pas celui où on augmente 1 maille entre 2 augmentations. Cordialement
19.06.2023 - 08:48DROPS Design answered:
Bonjour Mme Alanio, merci pour votre retour, je ne visualise malheureusement pas à quelle partie vous faites référence, pouvez-vous nous en dire plus? Merci pour votre compréhension (le haut du bikini a lui été modifié car il était erroné).
19.06.2023 - 09:50
Valentina wrote:
Lo potete tradurre in italiano per favore?
23.11.2020 - 00:04DROPS Design answered:
Buongiorno Valentina, lo tradurremo in italiano il prima possibile. Tenga d'occhio il sito. Buon lavoro!
23.11.2020 - 11:56
Ines Bauer wrote:
Die Anleitung ist in der Liste mit dem Symbol für Strickarbeiten versehen, es wird aber komplett gehäkelt.
14.06.2020 - 12:24
Lene Bechager wrote:
Jeg er ved at hækle overdelen. Når jeg når dertil hvor jeg ikke skal tage yderligere ud, men hækle indtil det måler ca 23 cm fra yderkant til yderkant, bliver jeg forvirret, for når jeg ikke tager ud, bliver det da ikke bredere🤔
03.08.2019 - 23:00DROPS Design answered:
Hei Lene. Når du stopper med økningen vil den ikke bli bredere, bare lengre. Om du ønsker den bredere samtidig som den blir lengre kan du fortsette med økningen, bare pass på at du har nok garn. God Fornøyelse!
09.09.2019 - 14:18
Apikin wrote:
Bonjour , je ne comprends pas l'explication ci-dessous . Pourriez-vous m'aider ? Merci . "Continuer à augmenter ainsi de 6 dB tous les rangs, en ajoutant 1 dB entre chaque augmentation."
23.07.2018 - 23:33DROPS Design answered:
Bonjour Mme Apikin, continuez à augmenter 6 dB tous les tours ainsi: au tour 5, crochetez 2 dB dans la m suiv, 1 dB dans les 4 m suivantes, puis au tour 6: 2 dB dans la m suiv, 1 dB dans les 5 m suivantes et ainsi de suite: vous avez 1 dB en plus entre chaque augmentation à chaque tour. Bon crochet!
24.07.2018 - 09:10
DROPS Design NL wrote:
Het hoedje wordt gehaakt met nld 2,5 mm. Een klein foutje. Het is hersteld. Bedankt.
14.02.2012 - 12:37Gerry Krijnen wrote:
Het hoedje , wordt dat nu met haaknaald nr.2.5 mm of met 4 mm gehaakt?
13.02.2012 - 17:04
Monique wrote:
Dank je wel Tine. het is nu wel duidelijk, maar ik dacht altijd dat stk. STOKJE betekent en niet evengoed STEEK of STEKEN...ging er vanuit dat steken wordt omschreven als ST. en stokje als STK. dus dat is mijn verwarring...dank voor je antwoord, het gaat nu lukken hoor! in dit patroon zou dus een o'tje ofzo handig zijn!
14.04.2010 - 20:56
DROPS Design NL wrote:
Betreffend uw tweede vraag. Er staat in het patroon, dat u eerst een toer met gaatjes haakt en vervolgens 2 toeren met 1 hstk in elke steken. U moet deze 3 toeren 3 keer herhalen. Dus geen meerderingen zoals eerder. Ik hoop dat u hiermee verder kan komen. Succes! Gr. Tine
12.04.2010 - 14:25
Happy Summer |
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Crochet DROPS Bikini in Safran
DROPS 60-24 |
Instructions for crocheting: Half double crochet: 1 yarn over, pick up strand through stitch below, 1 yarn over and pull strand through all loops on hook. Decreasing: Decrease by working 1 less stitch. Increasing: Increase 1 stitch by working 1 new chain stitch and on next row working this stitch as 1 new half double crochet. Turning piece: At end of each row, work 1 chain stitch to turn. The first half double crochet on next row is replaced by 2 chain stitches. Panties: Start at top of front piece and work in one go through to back piece. Read section above - Instructions for crocheting. Work 46 (54) chain stitches + 2 to turn, with hook size 3 MM = US C and light beige. Work half double crochets. At the same time decrease in each side: 1 stitch x 2 (2) every row, then decrease 1 stitch x 13 (16) every 2nd row = 16 (18) stitches, piece measures approx. 20 (24) cm = 8" (9½"). Work 6 (7) cm = 2⅜" (2¾"), piece measures 26 (31) cm = 10¼" (12¼"). Now measure the piece onwards from here! Increase in each side: 1 stitch x 4 (4) every row, 1 stitch x 14 (17) every 2nd row, 1 stitch x 2 (2) every row = 56 (64) stitches, height of back piece = 24 (28) cm = 9½" (11"). Cut and fasten strand. Work a cord of approx. 130 cm = 51¼" of chain stitches, thread it up and down through the first row at top of front and back pieces so that it can be tied at one side. Bikini top: Work a cord of approx. 70 (70-70) cm = 27½" (27½"-27½") of chain stitches with hook size 3 MM = US C and light beige, measure piece from here. Row 1: Work 2 half double crochets in 2nd chain stitch from hook, turn with 2 chain stitches. Row 2: 2 half double crochets in each half double crochet below (= 4 half double crochets), turn with 2 chain stitches. Row 3: 1 half double crochet in first half double crochet, 2 half double crochets in next stitch, insert a marker thread, 2 half double crochets in next stitch, 1 half double crochet in last stitch (= 6 half double crochets), turn with 2 chain stitches. Row 4: 2 half double crochets (1 stitch in each stitch), 2 half double crochets in next stitch, (marker thread), 2 half double crochets in next stitch, 2 half double crochets (1 stitch in each of the next 2 stitches) (= 8 half double crochets on row), turn with 2 chain stitches. Row 5: 3 half double crochets (1 stitch in each stitch), 2 half double crochets in next stitch, (marker thread), 2 half double crochets in next stitch, 3 half double crochets (1 stitch in each of the next 3 stitches) (= 10 half double crochets on row), turn with 2 chain stitches. Continue this increase with 1 half double crochet more on each side of the marker thread until there are 24 (28-32) half double crochets on row and the outside edge of piece measures approx. 9 (10-11) cm = 3½" (4"-4⅜"). On the next 6 rows increase only on every 2nd row = 30 (34-38) half double crochets on row - outside edge measures approx. 13 (14-16) cm = 5⅛" (5½"-6¼"). Then work half double crochets without increasing. Work until outside edge of piece measures 19.5 (20.5-23) cm = 7⅝" (8⅛"-9"), cut and fasten strand. Work another piece. Work a cord of approx. 120 cm = 47¼" with chain stitches, thread it up and down through the last row of both pieces so that it can be tied mid back. CROCHET HAT Materials: Safran Mouliné, 75% cotton, 25% acrylic, 50 g = approx. 120 m 100 (100) g color no 44, light beige DROPS Crochet hook size 2.5 MM = US C/2 Crochet gauge: 20 half double crochets and 15 rows = 10 x 10 cm = 4" x 4" with hook size 2.5 MM = US C/2. Remember hook size is only a guide! Half double crochet: Half double crochet: 1 yarn over, pick up strand through stitch below, 1 yarn over and pull strand through all loops on hook. Treble crochet: 2 yarn overs, pick up strand through stitch below, 1 yarn over and pull strand through 2 loops, 1 yarn over and pull strand through 2 loops, 1 yarn over and pull through last loop. Hat: Work 4 chain stitches and form them to a ring with 1 slip stitch in first chain stitch with hook size 2.5 MM = US C/2. Begin all rounds with 2 chain stitches which replace the first half double crochet and finish all rows with 1 slip stitch. Rounds 1+2: Work 6 half double crochets around ring. Then work 2 half double crochets in each half double crochet = 12 half double crochets. Round 3: * 2 half double crochets in first half double crochet, 1 half double crochet in next half double crochet *, repeat from *-* to end of round = 6 increases = 18 half double crochets. Round 4: * 2 half double crochets in first half double crochet, 2 half double crochets *, repeat from *-* to end of round. Round 5: * 2 half double crochets in first half double crochet, 3 half double crochets *, repeat from *-* to end of round. Continue to increase 6 half double crochets on each round so that there is 1 half double crochet more between each increase each round. When increases measure 9 (11) cm = 3½" (4⅜") from middle - (number of stitches divisible by 6) work next round with row of Holes as follows: 5 chain stitches, * skip 5 stitches, in the 6th stitch work 5 treble crochets (2 yarn overs), 1 chain stitch *, repeat from *-* finish with 4 treble crochets in the first stitch and 1 slip stitch in the 4th of the first 5 chain stitches. Then 2 rounds of half double crochets, 1 stitch in each stitch. Repeat these 3 rounds 3 times - piece measures approx. 17 (19) cm = 6¾" (7½") from middle, but on last round of half double crochets, decrease 12 half double crochets evenly on round by skipping 1 half double crochet 12 times. Then work brim as follows: Round 1: 2 half double crochets in every 3rd stitch - repeat to end of round. Rounds 2-10: 1 half double crochet in each stitch. Cut and fasten strand. |
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