Doro wrote:
Wie folgt stricken: A.1 wie zuvor über die ersten 33-37-41 Maschen und diese Maschen dann stilllegen (= Fußrücken) - heißt das, ich soll A1 in der gesamten Höhe in Hin- und Rückreihen stricken? Oder nur die erste Reihe von A1?
09.09.2022 - 17:11DROPS Design answered:
Liebe Doro, stricken Sie nur die nächste Reihe A.1 über diese 33-37-41 Maschen dann legen Sie diese Maschen still (diese Maschen stricken Sie später nach der Fersen wieder), dann stricken Sie die nächsten 31-35-39 Maschen glatt rechts mit 5-7-9 Abnahmen regelmäßig verteilt = es sind nur noch 26-28-30 Maschen übrig für den Fersen. Viel Spaß beim stricken!
12.09.2022 - 09:05Cecilia wrote:
Hej, efter 3 rapporter a1, står det att det ska stickas vidare i a1 på mitten maskorna och att dessa sedan ska träs på tråd (totalt 4 rapporter A1 om texten tolkas bokstavligt). Jag antar att ni inte menar så för det verkar helt tokigt. Kanske vore det en idé att skriva att mönstermaskorna vilar tills häl & hälminskningen är klar och SEDAN stickas vidare enligt A1? Mvh en frustrerad Cecilia
05.03.2019 - 18:11DROPS Design answered:
Hej. Det är mönstermaskorna (A.1) som sätts på en tråd när man stickar vidare på hälen. Man hade precis som du skriver kunnat uttrycka det som om att de maskorna vilar istället för att sätta de på en tråd. Mvh DROPS Design
08.03.2019 - 12:01Nadja wrote:
Det står att om man vill ha storlek 38/40 ska man ha totalt 72 maskor (på fyra stickor). Detta blir då 18 maskor på varje sticka. Men i diagrammet står det att det ska vara 37 maskor på två stickor men det blir bara 36 maskor (18+18=36). Hur läser jag detta?
20.11.2018 - 20:09DROPS Design answered:
Hei Nadja. Det stemmer at du skal fordele maskene over 4 pinner, og hvordan du deler dem blir opp til deg - dette har ikke noe å si for hvilke masker som inngår i A.1. Det strikkes jo rundt, så om A.1 går over 2 pinner gjør ikke dette noe. Når det er sagt: Du strikker kun A.1 over de 37 maskene foran på leggen/oppå foten, resten av maskene strikkes i vrangbord. Når A.1 er strikket 1 gang i høyden, begynner du på nytt, på samme sted slik at A.1 fortsetter nedover foten. God fornøyelse.
23.11.2018 - 10:01Jeannette wrote:
Hallo!\r\nIch verstricke sehr gerne die Drops Wolle!!\r\nIm Moment bin ich im Sockenwahn und verschenke sehr viele. Jedoch gibt es einige die finden die Sockenwolle ( fabel, Flora, Nord) zu kratzig. Die Merinowolle ist etwas zu dick. Gibt es denn Sockenwolle mit Merinoanteil oder wird es die bald geben???\r\nVielen Dank für die Hilfe
26.10.2018 - 17:42Ekaterina wrote:
"Weiterarbeiten, bis die Arbeit eine Länge von 18-19-21 cm hat, daran angepasst, dass nach einem ganzen Rapport A.1 in der Höhe geendet wird, dann die Fußrücken-Maschen im Rippenmuster weiterstricken (= 1 Masche rechts/ 1 Masche links), bis die Arbeit eine Länge von 18-19-21 cm hat (es fehlen nun noch ca4-5-6 cm vor dem fertigen Maß)." - nicht ganz klar, wie lange mit dem Rippenmuster nach dem letzten ganzen Rapport A.1. zu stricken (18-19-21 cm zweimal angegeben). Danke!
07.08.2018 - 22:07DROPS Design answered:
Liebe Ekaterina, Sie stricken A.1 bis die Arbeit 18-19-21 cm misst, aber nach einem ganzen A.1 anpassen, sollte A.1 früher enden, dann im Rippenmuster weiterstricken bis die Arbeit 18-19-21 cm misst. Viel Spaß beim stricken!
08.08.2018 - 08:17Sara wrote:
Diagrammet har väl 35 maskor i strl 38/40? Skulle man ha lagt till en rm på varje sida eller?
29.07.2018 - 12:12DROPS Design answered:
Hei Sara. 38/40 er den midterste klammen, og her er det 37 masker. Mønsteret begynner og avsluttes med en vrangamaske. God fornøyelse.
14.08.2018 - 10:57
Picking Pumpkins |
Knitted socks in in DROPS Fabel. The piece is worked top down with lace pattern and rib. Sizes 35 - 43.
DROPS 193-2 |
EXPLANATIONS FOR THE PATTERN: ------------------------------------------------------- PATTERN: See diagram A.1. Find your size in the diagram. HEEL DECREASE: ROW 1 (= right side): Knit until there are 7-8-8 stitches left, slip 1 as if to knit, knit 1, pass the slipped stitch over the knitted stitch, turn the piece. ROW 2 (= wrong side): Purl until there are 7-8-8 stitches left, slip 1 as if to purl, purl 1, pass the slipped stitch over the purled stitch, turn the piece ROW 3 (= right side): Knit until there are 6-7-7 stitches left, slip 1 as if to knit, knit 1, pass the slipped stitch over the knitted stitch, turn the piece. ROW 4 (= wrong side): Purl until there are 6-7-7 stitches left, slip 1 as if to purl, purl 1, pass the slipped stitch over the purled stitch, turn the piece. Continue to decrease like this by working 1 less stitch before slipping a stitch and until there are 14-14-16 stitches left on the needle. ------------------------------------------------------- START THE PIECE HERE: ------------------------------------------------------- SOCKS - SHORT SUMMARY OF THE WORK: The piece is worked in the round with double pointed needles, top down. SOCK: Cast on 64-72-80 stitches with double pointed needles size 2.5 mm and Fabel. Knit 1 round. Then work rib (= purl 1 / knit 1) for 2-3-4 cm. Now work pattern as follows: Work A.1 (find your size in the diagram = 33-37-41 stitches), continue with rib as before over the remaining stitches. Repeat the pattern in height. REMEMBER THE KNITTING TENSION! When you have worked 3 repeats of A.1 in height (the piece measures approx. 14-15-16 cm) work as follows: Work A.1 as before over the first 33-37-41 stitches and place these stitches on 1 thread (= top of foot), then knit over the 31-35-39 heel stitches where you decrease 5-7-9 stitches evenly spaced = 26-28-30 stitches on heel. Work stocking stitch back and forth for 5-5½-6 cm. Insert 1 marker in the middle of the row - THE PIECE IS NOW MEASURED FROM HERE! Now work HEEL DECREASE - read description above. When the heel decrease is finished, knit up 13-15-16 stitches on each side of the heel and the 33-37-41 stitches from the thread are placed back on the needles = 73-81-89 stitches. Insert 1 marker on each side of the 33-37-41 stitches on top of foot. Continue A.1 over the stitches on top of foot and knit the stitches under the foot. AT THE SAME TIME on the first round decrease in each side as follows: Knit twisted together the last 2 stitches before the first marker on top of foot and knit together the first 2 stitches after the second marker on top of foot (= 2 stitches decreased). Decrease like this every 2nd round a total of 9-10-12 times = 55-61-65 stitches. Continue until the piece measures 18-19-21 cm, but adjust so that you finish after a complete repeat of A.1 in height. Then work rib (= knit 1 / purl 1) on top of foot until the piece measures 18-19-21 cm (there is now approx. 4-5-6 cm left to finished length). Insert 1 marker in each side of the sock so that there are 27-31-33 stitches on top of foot and 28-30-32 stitches under the foot. Now continue with knit to finished length and decrease to toe on each side of the markers as follows: Before the markers: Knit 2 together. After the markers: Knit 2 twisted together (= 4 stitches decreased each time). Decrease like this every 2nd round a total of 4-7-9 times and then every round a total of 6-3-2 times = 15-21-21 stitches left on the needles. On the next round knit all stitches together 2 and 2 until there is 1 stitch left, knit 1 = 8-11-11 stitches. Cut the strand, pull it through the remaining stitches, tighten and fasten well. Work the other sock in the same way. |
Diagram explanations |
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