Anna wrote:
Hallo liebes Drops-Team. Ich stehe gerade auf dem Schlauch und weiß nicht, was die Abkürzung - NB! - bei der Beschreibung der Ärmel bedeutet. Können Sie mir bitte auf die Sprünge helfen.
26.11.2024 - 16:17DROPS Design answered:
Liebe Anna, NB ist für "nota bene", dh das ist eine Anmerkung. Viel Spaß beim Stricken!
26.11.2024 - 17:14Willy Kammeijer wrote:
Waarom minderen voor de kopmouw. ? Dan wordt de schouder veel te klein.Ik snap het niet.
12.10.2024 - 10:22Willy Kammeijer wrote:
Bij de mouw op het moment van de gerstekorrel steeds minderen. Dan past het niet meer in trui/mouw opening.
30.09.2024 - 12:00Collignon Nicole wrote:
J\'aime beaucoup ce modèle mais j\'aurais aimé avoir les indications avec des aiguilles droites en aller retour. Est ce possible ?\r\nMerci beaucoup pour votre réponse
12.09.2024 - 11:57Silke wrote:
Hallo, da ist einiges nicht so erschienen, wie ich es wollte. Sorry! Die Angaben nach 47-51 cm sollte es heissen.
21.03.2024 - 17:29Silke wrote:
Hallo,\r\nich versuche den o.a. Pulli nach zu stricken. Die Angaben nach 47-41 cm sind incl. Bündchen oder nicht?
21.03.2024 - 17:27DROPS Design answered:
Liebe Silke, die gesamte Höhe werden jeweils von der Anschlagskante gemessen, dh mit Bündchen. Viel Spaß beim Stricken!
22.03.2024 - 07:29Veerle Heymans wrote:
Geel oker wol, hoeveel wol voor een large trui nemen ? En waar te koop aub? Prachtige trui is dit.
25.01.2024 - 21:37DROPS Design answered:
Dag Veerle,
Bovenaan bij de materialenlijst bij ieder patroon op onze site staat per maat aangegeven hoeveel gram je nodig hebt. (Het eerste getal geldt voor maat S, het tweede getal voor maat M, enzovoort). 1 bol weegt meestal 50 gram, maar let erop dat dit per garensoort verschillend kan zijn. Dus als er bijvoorbeeld 400 gram staat dan zou je 8 bollen nodig hebben als 1 bol 50 gram weegt.
Het bestellen van garens gaat via een van de verkooppunten die onze artikelen verkopen. Via deze link vind je een lijst met verkooppunten.
28.01.2024 - 18:46Sharon Hunt wrote:
Thank, thank you ao much. This was not a difficult pattern but I just could bot wrap my head around it. First time making a pullover this way. Love drops patterns and the support to knitters having a hard time understanding your patteren. Am a better knitter because of the help I get here. Thanks so, so, so much
03.01.2024 - 16:00Sharon Hunt- Edwards wrote:
Hi Drops am stuck her. THE SAME TIME after 5 cm / 2'' in seed st on next row from RS bind off middle 2 sts for neck and complete each shoulder separately. Now bind off by knitting first 2 sts towards neck tog. Please explain this to so I understand and can proceed. Am now ripping back. Not enough sts to decrease for armhole an neck. Hope for a quick response so I complete as this is a birthday gift. Thank you.
02.01.2024 - 21:38DROPS Design answered:
Dear Mrs Hunt-Edwards, you will cast off the 2 middle stitches (divide the number of stitches in 2 minus 2 sts and from RSwork this number of stitches for left shoulder, cast off the next 2 sts and work the same number of stitches for right shoulder) now finish each shoulder separately starting with right shoulder. Decrease now at the beg of every row starting from neck by working the first 2 sts together (at the beg of row from RS for right shoulder then at the beg of row from WS for left shoulder). Happy knitting!
03.01.2024 - 08:32Sharon Hunt wrote:
Hi Drops😂🤣 not sure why am not understanding armhole shaping. Anyways am doing the body. working on back and have decreased 3 sts on the knit side and 3 purl side. Instruks says dec 2 sts 6t. If i dec 2sts 1,2,3,4.5,6t on right side then on wrong side that is 12 sts if i dec 2 sts 2,4,6 then 5 sts 5t i don’t end up with 84 sts per pattern and i cannot figure out what am doing wrong. Hoping for a quick reply as this is a birthday gift and i need to complete this asap. S
30.12.2023 - 03:06DROPS Design answered:
Dear Sharon, there must be some misunderstanding: you not dec 6 times, but dec 1 st on each side of marker every 3 a total of 15 times = 90 sts for size XXL. After that (piece measures 56 cm) you work the sleeve cap (work in double moss st): 3 sts on each side of marker 1 time and now in rows: at the beg. of each row (ie both sides of piece) 2 sts 4 times, 1 st 5 times. After that 2 sts on each side till 66 cms, 3 sts 1 time on each side and cast off. Happy knitting!
30.12.2023 - 09:39
Twilight |
Men's knitted jumper with yoke in moss st and v-neck, in DROPS Lima. Size S-XXXL.
DROPS 135-39 |
DOUBLE MOSS ST: Row 1 (= from RS): * K 1, P 1 *, repeat from *-*. Row 2 (= from WS): K over K and P over P. Row 3 (= from RS): * P 1, K 1 *, repeat from *-*. Row 4 (= from WS): P over P and K over K. -------------------------------------------------------- BODY: Worked in the round on circular needle. Cast on 213-234-255-288-318-351 sts on circular needle size 3.5 mm with Lima. Work rib K 1/P 2. When piece measures 4 cm, work 1 round in stocking st while AT THE SAME TIME dec 53-58-63-72-78-87 sts evenly (dec by K tog approx. every 3rd and 4th st) = 160-176-192-216-240-264 sts. Insert 2 markers in the piece; at the beg of round and after 80-88-96-108-120-132 sts (marks the sides). Switch to circular needle size 4 mm. Then work stocking st in the round. REMEMBER THE KNITTING TENSION! When piece measures 15 cm, inc 1 st on each side of every marker by working 1 YO. On next round K YO twisted (i.e. work in back loop of st instead of front) to avoid holes. Repeat inc when piece measures 25 cm = 168-184-200-224-248-272 sts. When piece measures 47-48-49-50-51-52 cm, work DOUBLE MOSS ST - see explanation above - while AT THE SAME TIME casting off 6 sts in each side for armholes (cast off 3 sts on each side of every marker). Finish each part separately. BACK PIECE: = 78-86-94-106-118-130 sts (1st row = WS). Continue DOUBLE MOSS ST while AT THE SAME TIME casting off for armholes at beg of row in each side as follows: 2 sts 0-1-2-4-6-8 times and 1 st 1-2-3-4-5-6 times = 76-78-80-82-84-86 sts. When piece measures 64-66-68-70-72-74 cm, cast off the middle 24-26-28-30-32-34 sts for neck and finish each shoulder separately. Then dec 1 st on next row from neck (dec by working the outermost 2 sts towards the neck tog) = 25 sts remain on shoulder in all sizes. Cast off when piece measures 66-68-70-72-74-76 cm. FRONT PIECE: = 78-86-94-106-118-130 sts (1st row = WS). Work double moss st and cast off for armholes as on back piece while AT THE SAME TIME when 5 cm in moss st vertically have been worked, cast off the middle 2 sts for neck on next row from RS and finish each shoulder separately. Then dec by working the outermost 2 sts towards the neck tog (work them tog so that they fit the pattern) at beg of every row from neck a total of 12-13-14-15-16-17 times. When all dec are done, 25 sts remain on shoulder in all sizes. Cast off when piece measures 66-68-70-72-74-76 cm. SLEEVE: Worked in the round on double pointed needles. Cast on 63-66-69-72-75-78 sts on double pointed needles size 3.5 mm with Lima. Work rib K 1/P 2. When piece measures 4 cm, K 1 round while AT THE SAME TIME dec 15-16-17-18-19-20 sts evenly (dec by K tog approx. every 3rd and 4th st) = 48-50-52-54-56-58 sts. Switch to double pointed needles size 4 mm. Insert a marker at the beg of the round. Then work in stocking st. When piece measures 8 cm, inc 1 st on each side of marker. Repeat inc every 5-4½-3½-3-2½-2½ cm a total of 10-11-13-15-17-18 times = 68-72-78-84-90-94 sts. When piece measures 57-57-56-56-54-53 cm (NOTE! Shorter measurements in the larger sizes because of longer sleeve cap and broader shoulder width) work double moss st over all sts while AT THE SAME TIME casting off 6 sts mid under sleeve (cast off 3 sts on each side of marker). Then work back and forth on circular needle. Continue to cast off for sleeve cap at beg of row in each side as follows: 2 sts 3-3-4-4-4-3 times and then 1 st 3-4-4-5-8-13 times. Then cast off 2 sts in each side until piece measures 64-65-65-66-66-67 cm. Then cast off 3 sts 1 time in each side. Cast off. Piece measures 65-66-66-67-67-68 cm. ASSEMBLY: Sew the shoulder seams. Sew in the sleeves. NECK EDGE: Worked back and forth on circular needle from mid front of neck. Knit up 92-98-104-110-118-124 sts around the neck edge on circular needle size 3.5 mm, beg mid front. K 1 row from WS while AT THE SAME TIME inc 37-37-40-43-47-50 sts evenly (inc with 1 YO between approx. every 3rd and 4th st and sometimes closer). On next row work the YOs twisted. On next row from RS work rib as follows: 1 st in garter st, * K 1, P 2 *, repeat from *-* until 2 sts remain, finish with K 1 and 1 st in garter st. Continue like this and loosely cast off with K over K and P over P when rib measures 3.5 cm. Place right part of neck edge over the left part and fasten both edges with a couple of neat little sts at the bottom. |
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