Kathy skrev:
Hello again, I apologize for having multiple questions, and I very much appreciate your help. After knitting the central cable portion, I have 207 rows. If I pick up a stitch on every row, I will have a rib consisting of 444 stitches (207 x 2 + 15 cast on edge + 15 cast off edge) for the rib rather than the 342 to 366 called for in the pattern. I could not determine from the pattern if I am supposed to pick up a stitch at each row. Would you please advise me? thank you.
03.04.2023 - 07:36DROPS Design answered:
Hi Kathy, You do not need to pick up 1 stitch in each row - depending on the size you are working, you pick up approx. 310 to 366 stitches in addition to the cast-on and cast-off edges. This will be approx. pick up on first row, skip 1 row, pick up on 3rd and 4th row, skip 1 row, pick up on 6th and 7th row etc. Hope this helps and happy Easter!
04.04.2023 - 06:51Kathy skrev:
Hello, Do you recommend blocking the central cable portion before adding the rib? Thank you.
03.04.2023 - 06:42DROPS Design answered:
Hi Kathy, it is not necessary. Block the piece after completing the whole thing. Happy knitting!
04.04.2023 - 07:50Kathy skrev:
I am confused by the increases and decreases. I have two questions. (1) does “inside 1 edge st” mean immediately after the first stitch of the row and immediately before the last stitch of the row? why is the increase done with a yarn over, which is used when you want to make a hole (such as lace). the instructions next say to knit into the back of the stitch to avoid a hole. I found the video confusing. Can I use another form of increase, such as Make One Right or Left? Thank you.
01.04.2023 - 04:47DROPS Design answered:
Dear Kathy, yes, inside the edge stitch is immediately after the first stitch or before the last stitch of the row. You can increase in several different ways; yarn overs are the most basic and easier to work, even though there may be a small gap remaining (take into account that, since it's twisted on the next row, the gap will be smaller than in lace patterns). But of course you can use M1R or M1L for this pattern. Happy knitting!
02.04.2023 - 22:45Freda Corrigan skrev:
Greetings, can I knit this neckwear using knit N purl stitching I really love the style but not good with pattern reading Thank you hope to hear from you soon
23.06.2022 - 14:58DROPS Design answered:
Dear Mrs Corrigan, we only have diagrams to this pattern, but this lesson will explain you how to read a knitting diagram. Happy knitting!
23.06.2022 - 16:15Tanya skrev:
I am sorry but i am lost on what this means. Could you lease step by step clarify this. "When Rib measures 2 cm inc every other P section to P2. When piece measures 3 cm inc remaining purl sections to P2. When Rib measures 5 cm inc every other purl section from P2 to P3. Cast off on next row in Rib." Thank you
24.11.2019 - 06:59DROPS Design answered:
Dear Tanya, to beginn with you are knitting a K2, P2 rib. At the first increase (when piece is 2 cm) you knit the row like this: * K1, P1, K1, P1, make 1, * and repeat *-*. In the next oncrease row (piece is 3 cm), you knit *K1, 1 P, make1, K2, P2. * and repeat *-*. For the next increase round (piece is 5 cm, you knit like this: K2, P1, K2, P1, make 1, P1 * and repeat *-*. Casting of in rib means that you cast of knit stitches with knit stitches, and purl stitches with purl stitches. I hope this helps. Happy Knitting!
24.11.2019 - 16:16Tanya skrev:
Hello: I see this says a sport weight yarn, would that be sport weight in "Canada" too or would it be classified as DK in Canada. I am also a bit confused as in some places that sell your yarn it says it is 4 ply others say 5 ply..
18.11.2019 - 20:31DROPS Design answered:
Dear Tanya, we are glad to inform you that our yarns are available in Canada - please check retailer list in/to Canada here. Happy knitting!
19.11.2019 - 08:51Joyce Boatman skrev:
Name it Beauty as it is Beautiful
17.11.2019 - 01:22Ngaire skrev:
Truly love this. Can this be knitted on straight needles
28.03.2018 - 06:19DROPS Design answered:
Dear Mrs Ngaire, the main part of the neck warmer can be worked on straight needle, but the edge (ribbingn part) is then worked in the round picking up sts around whole neck warmer. Happy knitting!
28.03.2018 - 15:52Joana Rodrigues skrev:
Só uma pequena nota em relação à tradução para Português: Nas dicas para as diminuições, falta acrescentar que, antes da m/p ourela, deve-se tricotar 2 ms/pts juntamente em liga/tricô enfiando a agulha na alça de trás (m/pt liga/tricô torcida/o)
03.12.2016 - 21:06DROPS Design answered:
Obrigado pela nota. Vamos editar as explicações. Bom tricô! Boas Festas!
16.12.2016 - 17:06Gwen Schmitt skrev:
I was wondering how much yarn to buy? I have a customer that wants to use a different yarn called Lions Pride Woolspun for this. Can anyone convert it for me and tell me how much to buy?
16.04.2016 - 06:40DROPS Design answered:
Dear Mrs Schmitt, We are able to provide free patterns thanks to our yarns sold throughout the world. You will therefore understand that we can only recomand you to contact our DROPS Storefor any further help & assistance. Thank you for your comprehension.
18.04.2016 - 09:02
DROPS 98-1 |
DROPS skjerf og hårbånd i ”Alpaca” og blomst i "Snow"
DROPS 98-1 |
Tilbehør: 1 liten sikkerhetsnål til blomsten. Mønster: Se diag M.1. Diag viser mønsteret sett fra retten. Øketips: Det økes på innsiden av 1 kantm ved å lage 1 kast om p, på neste p strikkes kastet vridd (dvs strikk i bakre del av m istedenfor i fremre del) slik at det ikke blir hull. Felletips: Det felles på innsiden av 1 kantm. Fell slik etter 1 kantm: 2 vrang sm. Fell slik før 1 kantm: 2 vridd vrang sm. Halsstykke: Den midterste delen med flette strikkes først, deretter plukkes det opp m rundt hele og strikkes vrbord. Legg opp 15 m på rundp 4 med 2 tråder Alpaca. Strikk 2 p rett (frem og tilbake), deretter strikkes M.1 (= 13 m) med 1 kantm rett hver side. Fortsett mønsteret slik (kantm strikkes rett på hver p) samtidig som det økes 1 m i hver side på hver 2.p totalt 6 ganger – les Øketips = 27 m - de økte m strikkes rett fra vrangen og vrang fra retten. Når arb måler 65 cm felles det 1 m i hver side på hver 2.p totalt 6 ganger - les Felletips = 15 m. Strikk 2 p rett og fell løst av. Vrbord: Arb strikkes rundt. Strikk opp ca 342 til 366 m (delelig med 3) rundt hele halsstykket på rundp 4 med 2 tråder Alpaca. Strikk 1 omg vrang og 1 omg rett. Deretter strikkes det vrbord med 2 r/1 vr. Når vrborden måler 2 cm økes annenhver 1 vr til 2 vr. Når vrborden måler 3 cm økes de resterende 1 vr til 2 vr. Når vrborden måler 5 cm økes annenhver 2 vr til 3 vr, på neste omg felles det løst av med rett over rett og vr over vr. Hekleblomst: Hekle på nål 7 med Snow slik: Hekle 4 lm og sett dem til 1 ring med 1 kjm. 1.omg: Hekle 6 fm om ringen og avslutt med 1 kjm i den 1.fm. 2.omg: * 4 lm, 1 st i den første av de 4 lm, 1 fm i neste m *, gjenta fra *-* og avslutt med 1 kjm på beg av omg = 6 blader. Klipp og fest tråden. Hårbånd: Legg opp 4 m på p 4 med 2 tråder Alpaca. Strikk Tubestrikk slik: * 1 m r, legg garnet foran arb, ta 1 m løs av som om den skulle strikkes vrang, legg garnet bak arb igjen *, gjenta fra *-* på alle p. Fell av når hårbåndet måler ca 150 cm. |
Diagramforklaring |
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