Hvordan sjekke strikkefasthet / lage prøvelapp

Søkeord: godt å vite,

Strikkefasthet viser antall masker i bredden og antall masker/pinner i høyden på 10 cm. Strikkefastheten påvirkes av alt fra hvilke masker som er strikket, hva slags garn som er brukt, pinnetykkelsen og din egen spenning (dvs. hvor mye garn du bruker til og mellom hver maske).

Strikkefastheten kan justeres for å passe til anbefalt strikkefasthet i en oppskrift ved å bytte pinnestørrelse. Tykkere pinner gir laverer maskeantall (mindre masker pr. 10 cm), tynnere pinner gir høyere maskeantall (mer masker pr. 10 cm).

Vrangborder og fletter trekker sammen, noe som gir flere masker i bredden enn glattstrikk, rillestrikk eller perlestrikk. Tykkere garn gir større masker (dvs. færre masker i bredden og høyden).

Din strikkefasthet kan også variere i et og samme strikkeplagg (typisk for en nybegynner) og når du er blitt litt mer vant til et mønster blir du mer avslappet og lager dine masker på en annen måte, dette gir en endret strikkefasthet.

Det er veldig viktig å kontrollere strikkefasthet før du starter et prosjekt slik at du får riktig mål på plagget. En prøvelapp strikkes i mønsterets strikketeknikk og garn. Kantene på lappen påvirker målene, så det er best hvis lappen er minst 15x15 cm. Å lage en prøve lapp lærer deg også strikketeknikken slik at du får en jevn strikkefasthet på plagget når du skal begynne.

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Kommentarer (41)

Iris Down wrote:

Thank you for your reply sorry I should have said my swatch is stocking stitch. I hope you will do a test swatch as I am sure 24 stitches is wrong. I know there have not been any reported issues with the tension for Flora I did an extensive search before I contacted you. This yarn is very thin and it seems to me logical that as a consequence there will be more stitches to the inch. I have just knitted vintage Wendy 4 ply much thicker wool and that was 6 stitches to the inch stocking stitch.

10.06.2024 - 00:43

DROPS Design answered:

Dear Mrs Down, 24 sts is the tension quite common for DROPS Flora, we also have some patterns with 26 sts for 10 cm for this yarn, read more here if you rather get pattern with a tighter texture, you can look at this selection. Happy knitting!

11.06.2024 - 08:39

Iris Down wrote:

Regarding your reply which does not help me. I know what your stated tension is, I used 3 mm needles. The point I was making was that using 3mm needles my gauge came out to 29 sts so your gauge cannot possibly be correct at 24. There is no way my knitting would vary so much as to give a 5 stitch difference. Going up one or even two needle sizes will not get it to 24. Also suggesting I knit looser does not help, How can I possibly maintain that? I need you to actually check the gauge.

09.06.2024 - 21:16

DROPS Design answered:

Dear Iris, please state which pattern number or stitch pattern you are working, since the stitch pattern used in the gauge is relevant for the gauge obtained. For example, the gauge in stocking stitch, garter stitch or rib stitch will be different. This way, we can check whether the pattern's gauge is different than the one indicated in the yarn. As far as we know, the gauge indicated in the yarn is correct and we have had no issues with it before. Happy knitting!

09.06.2024 - 23:42

Iris Down wrote:

I have just done a tension swatch for Flora on 3mm needles which is supposed to be 24 stitches to 10cm. Mine has come out to 29! I know all the reasons for slight variations but this is so way out I am asking whether 24 stitches is incorrect? To get it to 24 I would have to go up far too many needle sizes.

08.06.2024 - 10:01

DROPS Design answered:

Dear Iris, the general gauge for DROPS Flora is as indicated in this page: https://www.garnstudio.com/yarn.php?show=drops-flora&cid=19, 10 x 10 cm = 24 sts x 32 rows. This is calculated with 3mm needles. To get 24 you could go up 1 size and try; you could also try to use the same needle but work slightly more loosely. Also, check the pattern you are working; there will always be a gauge indicated at the top of the pattern and this may be different from the general one because of the stitch-pattern or looseness of the piece needed. Happy knitting!

09.06.2024 - 19:46

Christiane wrote:

Ich habe die Nadelstärke verändert, sodass die Maschenprobe exakt war. Jetzt, nach ungefähr 10 cm Höhe bei dem Pullover, den ich stricken möchte, stelle ich fest, daß das Bündchen zu dehnbar und damit zu breit ist ( 2 links-2 rechts ) 😩 Wie ärgerlich!

18.02.2024 - 19:14

Sylvaine wrote:

Bonjour, Les échantillons que vous proposez dans vos modèles sont-ils des échantillons avant ou après blocages (lavage)? Merci de votre réponse

11.02.2024 - 16:23

Sylvaine wrote:

Bonjour, Les échantillons que vous proposez dans les modèles sont-ils des échantillons avant ou après blocage (lavage) ? Merci de votre réponse

11.02.2024 - 16:20

DROPS Design answered:

Bonjour Sylvaine, nous ne bloquons pas, mais à vous de voir si vous pensez avoir une différence avant/après si vous préférez le faire ou pas. Bon tricot!

12.02.2024 - 09:35

Hera wrote:

Does the gauge swatch include the blocking?

11.01.2024 - 18:07

DROPS Design answered:

Dear Hera, we never block, but if you see, you might have a difference before/after, then you can block. Happy knitting!

12.01.2024 - 08:22

Florence wrote:

Sur les patrons de tricot, il est toujours indiqué de faire un échantillon 10x10 correspondant à X mailles et x rangs. Par contre, il n’est pas indiqué quel numéro d’aiguille prendre, sachant que pour réaliser un pull il faut utiliser des aiguilles 4 et 5. J’imagine que l’aiguille numéro 5 doit servir à tricoter les plus larges parties et donc qu’il faut prendre l’aiguille Numero 5 pour réaliser l’échantillon. Correct ?

15.12.2022 - 10:55

DROPS Design answered:

Bonjour Florence, la plupart du temps c'est effectivement sur les aiguilles les plus grosses que l'on va tricoter l'échantillon, en cas de doute, n'hésitez pas à poser votre question dans la rubrique du même nom du modèle choisi, nous pourrons alors vérifier ensemble. Bon tricot!

15.12.2022 - 14:20

Lieve wrote:

Goeiemiddag, Voor het proeflapje voor patroon 236/26, wordt naald 5 aangeraden. Daar ik maar aan 8 cm kom heb ik de naalddikte reeds verlaagd naar 3,5 maar geraak niet verder dan 9 cm. Hoe los ik dit op ? Groetjes

23.10.2022 - 13:18

DROPS Design answered:

Dag Lieve,

Als je proeflapje kleiner is, dan heb je een grotere naald nodig. Dus als je met naald 5 mm 10 steken op 8 cm hebt, probeer dan eens met naald 5,5 of 6.

26.10.2022 - 19:32

Nina Tri wrote:

Hallo liebes Drops-Team,\r\n\r\nbeziehen sich die Maschenprobe und letztendlich auch die Längenangaben in Anleitungen (z.B. nach 15cm nehmen Sie 10M ab) auf das ungewaschene und ungespannte Strickstück oder sind es Maße nach dem Spannen?\r\n\r\nDanke für die tollen Anleitungen.

26.09.2022 - 20:39

François wrote:

Bonjour, J'ai réalisé un échantillon en crochet. Il me demande de faire 21m et 14rg en alternant des Br et Ms. J'ai donc fait des rangs de ms puis de Br si j'ai bien compris. Lorsque je compte mes mailles, je suis à 22m, par contre j'ai 18rg. Que dois je faire pour tomber juste dans mes rgs?

06.03.2022 - 23:28

DROPS Design answered:

Bonjour François, alterner des brides et des mailles serrées doit être (1 rang de brides, 1 rang de mailles serrées) x 7 = 14 rangs au total. Essayez de crocheter davantage de mailles en largeur pour bien mesurer au milieu de votre échantillon et plus de rangs (pour éviter de commencer au 1er rang); si vous avez toujours trop de brides en largeur, essayez avec un crochet plus fin, et si la hauteur pose encore un problème, essayez de tirer vos mailles un peu moins en hauteur. Bon crochet!

07.03.2022 - 10:00

Laura Principato wrote:

Come mi devo comportare quando il campione ha solo una maglia in più in 10 cm ma molti più ferri in lunghezza per arrivare a 10 cm?

03.12.2021 - 09:17

DROPS Design answered:

Buonasera Laura, deve rifare un campione con una misura di ferri adeguata che le permetta di ottenere il campione indicato. Buon lavoro!

03.12.2021 - 21:12

Monique wrote:

Hi, ik heb in de Engelse patentsteek gebreid: 13 steken en 18 naalden: dat zou 10x10 cm opleveren. Bij mij is het 8 x 8 cm. Wat moet ik nu doen? Als ik een kleinere naald neem, wordt het proeflapje bij 13 steken nog kleiner.

09.07.2021 - 11:59

Claudie wrote:

Bonjour ! J'ai fais un échantillon pour un modèle au crochet avec des brides, en hauteur il fait bien 10 centimètres mais en largeur il manque 1 centimètre, comment dois je procéder. Je précise que je suis débutante LOL. Merci pour votre réponse !

20.05.2021 - 08:00

DROPS Design answered:

Bonjour Claudie, l'échantillon est indispensable (voir ici) avez-vous crocheté suffisamment de mailles/rangs en largeur/hauteur (toujours plus qu'indiqué dans l'échantillon pour donner une idée plus précise). Vous pouvez ensuite laver votre échantillon et le laisser sécher en suivant bien les consignes de l'étiquette (voir aussi ici) et vérifier les mesures après séchage/blocage. Si vous n'avez toujours pas les bonnes mesures, recommencez avec un crochet plus fin s'il vous manque des mailles en largeur. Bon crochet!

20.05.2021 - 08:30

Barbara wrote:

Buongiorno, vorrei sapere se la misura del campione che viene riportata sui modelli è stata presa prima o dopo il lavaggio. Grazie molte, Barbara

20.03.2021 - 11:46

DROPS Design answered:

Buonasera Barbara, può inumidire il campione prima di bloccarlo. Buon lavoro!

23.03.2021 - 18:05

Lieselot wrote:

My sample is correct in the number of stitches but not in the number of rows. How will this affect my project? And what should I do about it? I have 18x24 for 10cm and in the project it says 18x27 for 10 cm.

13.03.2021 - 09:14

DROPS Design answered:

Dear Lieselot, remember to wash your swatch and let it dry, then measure it again to check if the number of rows is now right. If it isn't, and if you are working a project where the number of rows is important (circular yoke or raglan) you will have to work some extra rows evenly spaced so that the height will match (you might require more yarn too). If only measurements is important, then just measure your work - but remember this might also affect the required amount of yarn. Happy knitting!

15.03.2021 - 09:59

Ingvild Nyheim wrote:

Hei! Hva gjør jeg når jeg har riktig strikkefasthet i bredden, men ikke i høyden? Har 3 cm avvik i høyden på en oppskrift med Drops Air.

13.03.2021 - 08:58

DROPS Design answered:

Hei Ingvild. Er det 3 cm pr 10 cm i høyden eller 3 cm i f.eks en genser i DROPS Air? Er det 3 cm mindre eller 3 cm mer? Om det er 3 cm pr. 10 cm ville jeg nok ha prøv med større/mindre pinner, evnt prøv å strikke litt løsere/strammere for å få strikkefastheten, både i høyden og bredden til å passe. Er det f.eks i en genser der du ikke får riktig mål etter økninger til raglan før ermene, der genseren er strikket ovenfra og ned, kan du stikker omganger uten økninger til riktig mål. mvh DROPS design

15.03.2021 - 07:58

Claudia wrote:

La muestra de ganchillo se hace en punto bajo o punto alto ? Porque el patron ( darling please ) usa los dos....

19.02.2021 - 15:45

DROPS Design answered:

Hola Claudia, esto depende del patrón, en el apartado tensión suelen indicar con qué puntos hay que hacer la muestra. En el caso del patrón que has indicado, se hace trabajando el diagrama A.1, que contiene puntos altos y puntos bajos.

28.02.2021 - 16:50

María wrote:

Hola, cuánto tiempo es recomendable que "descanse" la muestra antes de tomar las medidas?

28.01.2021 - 16:33

DROPS Design answered:

Hola Maria, puedes tomar las medidas inmediatamente. Buen trabajo!

29.01.2021 - 18:08

Erica Thomas wrote:

I'm not clear from the video how the tension gauge is being measured. What I did was just knitted the recommended number of stitches and rows and then measured the piece.

16.01.2021 - 05:17

DROPS Design answered:

Dear Mrs Thomas, working more stitches and more rows will let you work a different way and let you measure the stitches in the middle of piece (as when the whole project is worked) and not only over a small amount of stitches. Happy knitting!

18.01.2021 - 11:39

Susan wrote:

Hej! Garnet jag vill använda anger en masktäthet på 18 maskor på 10 cm på stickor 5. Jag får en masktäthet på 17,5 maskor på 10 cm på stickor 5. Hur bör jag resonera? Byter till stickor 4 1/2 är det risk för att att det blir för smått. Jag tänker sticka ett mönster med flätor för övrigt. Tacksam för svar!

05.01.2021 - 10:34

DROPS Design answered:

Hei Susan. Du kan evnt prøve å strikke bittelitt strammer på pinne 5, slik at du får en halv maske mer, altså 18 masker på 10 cm. Men om du bytter til pinne 4,5 og får den oppgitt strikkefastheten skal det ikke bli for smått. mvh DROPS design

11.01.2021 - 13:49

Maria Fernanda wrote:

Hi, I would know which stitch should I do on crochet to make the Gauge/tension refers on the yarn. I don’t know if I have to measure it with double or single crochet. Thank you

22.11.2020 - 11:06

DROPS Design answered:

Dear Maria Fernanda, could you please ask your question in the question section of the pattern you are crocheting? This way it will be much easier for us to help you. Thanks for your comprehension.

23.11.2020 - 11:24

Nicki wrote:

Hi, when you suggest a tension for rib, is the rib stretched or unstretched? e.g. the knit 2 / purl 2 rib in Perles du Nord. DROPS / 180 / 2. Should I use whatever approach you suggest (stretched/ unstretched) on all of your patterns? Many thanks

24.10.2020 - 17:47

DROPS Design answered:

Dear Nicki, in this pattern the tension is worked in stocking stitch for jumper and hat, and for both needle sizes (even if the needles will be used for rib on hat eg). Happy knititng!

26.10.2020 - 13:27

Barbara wrote:

I have been knitting for many years. My tension with other brands always matches the tension given on the ball label of these brands. I have used several Drops yarn before but have made my own designs so I have not noticed the tension on the Drops labels as I do my own stitches. I want to make a Drops pattern but am surprised that my tension swatch is so different from the tension on the label. I have knitted my test on single needles not circular. Does this make a difference?

17.10.2020 - 10:38

DROPS Design answered:

Dear Barbara, tension should be the same with single, circular or double pointed needles - but everyone has a different way of knitting, you can wash and block your swatch first to make sure you get the correct tension - read more about tension here - your DROPS store might have even more tipps for you and will share them with you even per mail or telephone. Happy knitting!

19.10.2020 - 10:45

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