Marika JANNEZ wrote:
Bonjour je ne comprends pas la partie " , ouvrir une boutonnière au dessus des autres" car je ne vois pas d'explication pour faire d'autres boutonnières manque ces explications.. Merci pour ce beau modèle.
31.01.2025 - 11:41DROPS Design answered:
Bonjour Mme Jannez, vous avez raison, elles manquaient à la fin de l'épaule gauche du devant et elles ont été ajoutées, merci pour votre retour; lorsque vous tricotez le col, ouvrez une boutonnière alignée sur les 2 que vous aurez ouvert sur l'épaule gauche du devant pour qu'elles soient toutes les 3 bien alignées. Bon tricot!
31.01.2025 - 15:53
Christine Weir wrote:
Hi ...I'm a bit confused on how to do the seperation front and back could you explain it to me ? thanks
06.10.2024 - 19:29DROPS Design answered:
Dear Christine, when you reach the armholes, you cast off stitches for the armholes on the sides of the body. To find where these sides are, make sure that there is a repeat of the M.1 pattern in the middle of the front piece and count outwards from there towards the side. Once you reach the outermost stitch on each side, cast off 6 stitches on each side (this outermost stitch should be in the middle of the cast off stitches). Leave the stitches of the back piece in a thread and then work the front piece back and forth as indicated. After finishing the front piece, put the back piece stitches on the needles and work the back piece back and forth. Happy knitting!
06.10.2024 - 23:45
Mirjam wrote:
Nog maar een keertje mijn vraag....Hoop dat iemand ernaar kan kijken... Het patroon klopt nog steeds niet voor bijv.maat 74/80. Na de boord moet ik naar 150 steken; dat staat dus niet aangegeven maar dat is ook geen veelvoud van 12. Dus waar laat ik die 6 steken die gemeerderd moeten worden? Dank voor jullie reactie vast!
24.09.2024 - 14:40DROPS Design answered:
Dag Mirjam,
Het aantal steken dat je over hebt na het meerderen klopte niet en het is nu aangepast. Je meerdert 0 steken in jouw maat en het aantal steken blijft dus hetzelfde (namelijk 144).
24.09.2024 - 20:58
Mirjam wrote:
Het patroon klopt nog steeds niet voor bijv.maat 74/80. Na de boord moet ik naar 150 steken; dat staat dus niet aangegeven maar dat is ook geen veelvoud van 12. Dus waar laat ik die 6 steken die gemeerderd moeten worden? Dank voor jullie reactie vast!
22.09.2024 - 17:41
Mirjam wrote:
Is this pattern also available in Dutch?
17.09.2024 - 12:38
Mirjam wrote:
Is this pattern also available in Dutch?
17.09.2024 - 12:38DROPS Design answered:
Sure Mirjam, you can always edit language by clicking on the scroll down menu next to the printer icon or for this pattern here. Happy knitting!
17.09.2024 - 16:09
Marita Svane wrote:
Efter opdateringen kan jeg ikke finde diagrammet. Kun målskitsen. Er det fordi jeg er på mobilen eller er det væk?
11.09.2022 - 19:35DROPS Design answered:
Hej Marita, jo diagrammet ligger nederst i opskriften lige ovenfor måleskitsen :)
12.09.2022 - 12:05
Joelle wrote:
Bonjour , je pense a une erreur après les côtes c'est M3 pas M1 , très joli pull
31.08.2019 - 15:46DROPS Design answered:
Bonjour Joelle, après les côtes, on tricote le diagramme M.1 - l'encadré commence en bas du diagramme (= M.3) + le bonhomme de neige. Bon tricot!
02.09.2019 - 10:01IVV wrote:
Sleeves are way to BIG for 6/9 months! What a waste of time.....
27.12.2018 - 17:42
Irene Sørensen wrote:
Jeg er igang med med Drops baby 2-8 str (6-9). Opskriften siger start med M1, men billedet viser M3 nederst på blusen. Hvad er rigtigt? Vh Irene
29.10.2018 - 19:39DROPS Design answered:
Hei Irene. Det er M.1 som strikkes nederst på blusen: som du kan se går M.1 fra nederst på diagrammet og opp til toppen av snømannen. M.3 utgjør den nederste delen av M.1, og dette diagrammet strikkes på ermene - der du kan se den samme mønsterborden, men uten snømannen. God fornøyelse.
30.10.2018 - 09:07
Fun with Frosty |
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DROPS Christmas jumper with snowman motif, socks and hat.
DROPS Baby 2-8 |
JUMPER: Knitting tension: 24 sts x 32 rows on needles size 3 mm in stocking st = 10 x 10 cm. Rib: *K1, P1*, repeat from *-*. Pattern: See diagram. The diagram shows the pattern from the RS side. Front and back piece: Cast on 120-132-144 (156-160) sts on circular needle size 2.5 mm with blue and work 3-3-3 (4-4) cm Rib in the round. Change to needle size 3 mm and continue in M.1 and stocking st, at the same time inc 0-0-0 (0-20) sts evenly on first round = 120-132-144(156-180) sts. After M.1 complete piece in M.2. Remember knitting tension. When piece measures 14-15-17 (19-18) cm cast off 4-6-6 (6-6) sts each side for armhole and complete front and back pieces separately. Place a pattern repeat mid front. Front piece: = 56-60-66 (72-84) sts. Dec to shape the armhole each side on every other row: 1 st twice = 52-56-62 (68-80) sts. When piece measures 22-24-27 (30-33) cm cast off the middle 10-12-16 (18-20) sts for neck. Right shoulder: dec on every other row to shape the neckline: 3 sts 1 time, 2 sts 1 time and 1 st 3 times. Cast off remaining sts on shoulder when piece measures 26-28-31 (34-37) cm. Left shoulder: dec to shape the neckline on every other row: 3 sts 1 time, 2 sts 1 time and 1 st 1 time. When piece measures 25-27-30 (33-36) cm change to needle size 2.5 mm and work 2 cm Rib, but after 2 rows make 2 buttonholes evenly distributed. 1 buttonhole = cast off 2 sts and cast on 2 new sts on return row. Cast off remaining sts when piece measures 27-29-32 (35-38) cm. Back piece: = 56-60-66 (72-84) sts. Dec for armhole as described for front piece = 52-56-62 (68-80) sts. When piece measures 25-27-30 (33-36) cm cast off the middle 22-24-28 (30-32) sts for neck. Right shoulder: dec 2 sts on neckline on next row and cast off remaining sts when piece measures 26-28-31 (34-37) cm. Left shoulder: when piece measures 25-27-30 (33-36) cm change to needle size 2.5 mm and knit 2 cm Rib. Cast of remaining sts when piece measures 27-29-32 (35-38) cm. Sleeve: Cast on 38-40-40 (42-42) sts on double pointed needles size 2.5 mm with blue and work 3-3-3 (3-4) cm Rib. Change to needle size 3 mm and continue in M.3 and stocking st – make sure to place a pattern repeat mid upper sleeve – at the same time inc 2-4-8 (10-16) sts evenly on round = 40-44-48 (52-58) sts. After M.3 continue in blue. At the same time after the Rib inc 2 sts mid under arm a total of 9-9-10 (10-16) times as follows: Size 3 months: on every 3rd and 4th round alternately Size 6/9 months + 12/18 months: on every 5th round Size 2 years: on every 6th round Size 3/4 years: on every 3rd and 4th round alternately = 58-62-68 (72-90) sts. When piece measures 15-18-20 (22-24) cm continue in M.4 and then complete piece in blue. When piece measures 16-20-22 (23-26) cm cast off 6 sts mid under arm and complete sleeve back and forth on needle. Dec to shape the sleeve cap each side on every other row: 5 sts 2-2-2 (3-3) times. Cast off when piece measures 18-22-24 (26-29) cm. Assembly: Sew shoulder seams. Pick up approx 80-90 sts on needle size 2.5 mm with blue and work 2 cm Rib, at the same time make a buttonhole after 2 rounds in line with the others on body piece, change to white, K 1 round, cast off. Set in sleeves and sew on buttons. SOCKS: Size: 3 – 6/9 – 12/18 months (2 -3 years) Foot length: 10-11-12 (14-15) cm DROPS double pointed needles size 3 mm Knitting tension: 24 sts x 32 rows on needles size 3 mm in stocking st = 10 x 10 cm. Rib: *K1, P1*, repeat from *-*. Cast on 38-40-42 (42-44) sts on double pointed needle size 3 mm with red and work 6-7-7 (8-8) cm Rib. Now knit heel as follows: 3 cm stocking st back and forth on needle on 18 sts mid back. Decreases for heel: Row 1: K10, K2 tog into back of st, K1, turn the piece Row 2: slip 1 st as if to P, P4, P2 tog, P1, turn the piece Row 3: slip 1 st as if to K, K5, K2 tog into back of st, K1, turn the piece Row 4: slip 1 st as if to P, P6, P2 tog, P1, turn the piece Row 5: slip 1 st as if to K, K7, K2 tog into back of st, K1, turn the piece Row 6: slip 1 st as if to P, P8, P2 tog, P1, turn the piece Row 7: K2 tog, K8, K2 tog into back of st = 10 sts on needle. Now pick up 7 sts on both sides of heel and put all sts on needles = 44-46-48 (48-50) sts. Continue in Rib on the middle 20-22-24 (24-26) sts and knit remaining sts in stocking st. At the same time, dec 1 st 3 times on both sides of the Rib section = 38-40-42 (42-44) sts. Continue until foot measures 8-8.5-9.5 (11.5-12.5) cm, and insert a Marking Thread (MT) either side of the Rib. Dec on both sides of MT (= 4 dec per round) on every round: 1 st 7-8-8 (8-9) times = 10-8-10 (10-8) sts. Cut the thread, pull through remaining sts and fasten. HAT: See Babydrops 2, pattern no 11. Hat is knitted in blue. Make 2 tassels and fasten on top of hat. |
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