How to center a diagram

How to center a diagram

The middle of the chart is placed like this (the stitch with arrow) in the middle of the front/back piece or mid sleeve.

It says in the pattern that you need to continue working the front piece according to the chart. It is important to position the center of the chart in the middle of the front piece, so the pattern is centered and symmetrical

  • You have 81 sts on the front piece. Which means, st number 41 is in the middle of the front piece and must be worked with the color in the middle of the pattern according to the chart.
  • The chart has more than 24 sts and the arrow showing the middle stitch, is pointing at the 13th st in the chart.
  • Start in the middle of the front piece (st 41) First count 13 sts from the middle of the front piece and off to the right, then the entire chart (24 sts) until you have 4 sts left.

Which means, when you start on the right side of the front piece, you first work the last 4 sts of the chart (from the right to the left), then the whole chart (24 sts) from right to left, and then start from the beginning again so you get the 13th st of the chart in st number 41 on the front piece. Continue the rest of the chart on the other side of the arrow and start from the beginning of the chart again, continue until there are no more sts on the front piece.

If you work in the round and have the same pattern on the back piece, continue here in the same way. Start with the same st in the chart as in the front piece, work from the right to the left, just like in the front piece.

If you work back and forth, start from the wrong side on the next row in the chart, with the st over the st you finished with and work according to the chart from left to right.

See two models where this technique is used:
DROPS Extra 0-816 / DROPS Extra 0-817

Comments (17)

Mie Larsen wrote:

Hej Jeg strikker drops 228-50. Jeg er i tvivl om, hvor jeg skal starte på mønster. Min omgangs start er midt bag Vh Mie

26.01.2025 - 10:46

DROPS Design answered:

Hei Mie. Omgangen starter midt bak. Når du er ferdig med halskanten settes det et merke på begynnelsen av omgangen midt bak (bruk også en merketråd som du kan la følge med i arbeidet, så har du lettere oversikt hele veien). mvh DROPS Design

27.01.2025 - 07:24

France Lapierre wrote:

Bonjour Le modèle est dans Bergère de France catalogue hiver 39 modèle 1681. Pour la manche on dit pour le changement de point à 37 cm suivre la grille en centrant la maille 13. Je tricote avec des aiguilles droites et j'ai 59 m sur mon aiguille et j'ai encore 8 augm à faire. Ma question est comment centrer la m 13 en sachant que je dois atteindre 67 m total

02.07.2024 - 20:05

DROPS Design answered:

Bonjour Mme Lapierre, à priori, vous devez centrer le motif sur le 1er rang que vous tricotez autrement dit, si vous avez 59 m sur l;'aiguille, la 13ème maille du diagramme doit être au milieu de ces 59 mailles, calculez d'après votre diagramme pour savoir où commencer le motif, et tricotez les augmentations en début/fin de rang en les incorporant progressivement au motif, mais notez que ce ne sont que des explications de base, sans lecture des explications du modèles concerné que nous ne connaissons pas. N'hésitez pas à demander confirmation à votre magasin de laine (même par mail ou téléphone) à l'aide des explications. Bon tricot!

03.07.2024 - 08:27

France Lapierre wrote:

Pour la manche à 37 cm on me dit de centrer la m 13. J'ai une grille de 36 m de large. Je tricote avec des aig droite. J'ai 59 m sur mon aig je ne sais pas comment centrer la m 13. En plus je dois aug de 8 m soit 4 m de ch côté après avoir centrer la m 13. Donc je pense que la m 13 ne sera plus centré. Bref, je suis perdue et j'ai vraiment besoin d'aide. Merci à l'avance.

11.06.2024 - 01:36

DROPS Design answered:

Bonjour Mme Lapierre, pouvez-vous nous indiquer de quel modèle vous parlez? Ou bien simplement poser la question sur le modèle concerné? Ce sera ainsi plus facile pour nous de pouvoir vous aider, merci d'avance pour votre compréhension. Bon tricot!

11.06.2024 - 08:43

Sylwi Swensen wrote:

Hei! Gjelder supportgenser VÅLERENGA, mønsteret på ermene. Antall masker er 84, hvor er midt på ermet, der en skal begynne med mønsteret midt på ermet? Takk for svar! Mvh Sylwi

16.02.2024 - 15:55

DROPS Design answered:

Hei Sylwi. Anbefaler deg å kontakte de som har designet supportgenser VÅLERENGA. Det er ikke et design fra oss :) mvh DROPS Design

26.02.2024 - 08:40

Niki wrote:

Co się dzieje po ogłoszeniu upadłości konsumenckiej? Keep on writing, great job! Kto ogłosił upadłość konsumencką?

26.08.2023 - 13:36

Eileen wrote:

I am working on Starry Sky men’s sweater and about to start chart for body pattern. It says to place a second marker on other side - do they mean halfway around? 312 total stitches- so at stitch 156? I am working in the round. Also what do the numbers at bottom of chart mean : 2, 3/4, 5/6, 7/8, 9/10, 11/12, 13/14? Thanks!

16.01.2023 - 14:43

DROPS Design answered:

Dear Eileeen, the rounds start here on the side, so that you insert a marker after half of the sts = after 156 sts, then work diagram centering pattern on mid front (the middle stitch should be in the middle of the 156 sts), work the diagram to the marker on the side, and start working diagram the same way (so that the pattern is centered on mid front/mid back). The numbers at the bottom of the diagram applies to the child jumper not to the man jumper. Happy knitting!

16.01.2023 - 17:02

Hildegunn wrote:

Når en følger mønsteret og begynner rapporten ved størrelse, henvist til rapport. Da blir ikke mønsteret korrekt ved sidene(hvor vi begynner hver ny omgang) er dette riktig? Mangler noen masker for at det skal gå opp.

23.11.2022 - 20:40

DROPS Design answered:

Hei Hildegunn. Hvilken oppskrift strikker du etter (DROPS nr eller navn og gjerne hvilken str. du strikker)? Da vil vi kunne gi deg et mer nøyaktig svar. mvh DROPS Design

28.11.2022 - 07:38

Esther Bron wrote:

In patroon nordic midnight brei ik dan tel patroon M1 op dezelfde manier als uitgelegd wordt voor tel patroon M2? Brei ik M1 in de rondte of het voor-en achterpand apart? Als patroon M1 op dezelfde wijze als M2 gebreid wordt hoeveel steken moet ik overlaten ? Bij M2 zijn het er 4. Het is me niet duidelijk bij M1.

26.09.2022 - 21:05

DROPS Design answered:

Dag Esther,

Is het mogelijk je vraag bij het betreffende patroon achter te laten? Bij een zoekactie op nordic midnight, krijg ik namelijk meer dan 1 resultaat. En welke maat brei je?

16.10.2022 - 16:37

Karete wrote:

Hei! Mulig jeg husker feil, men var det ikke et eksempeldiagram på denne siden tidligere? Fikk litt trøbbel med å visualisere det hele.

09.09.2022 - 22:17

Linn wrote:

Hvordan gjøres dette dersom man har partall og ikke oddetall?

16.08.2022 - 02:18

DROPS Design answered:

Hei Linn. Da blir det 1 maske mer (eller mindre) før midtmasken. Om du ser på de 2 modellene som er henvist til under teksten om "Slik plasseres midten av diagrammet (masken med pil) midt på forstykket/bakstykket eller midt på ermet". Vil du se at i disse diagrammene har du 12 masker, midtmasken med pil (A-1) og så 11 masker (DROPS Extra 0-817) og i DROPS Extra 0-816, er det også 12 masker, midtmasken med pil (M.2) og så 11 masker. mvh DROPS Design

22.08.2022 - 07:50

Becky wrote:

I am working sleeve and have decreased. How do I work the pattern with the decrease under the mid sleeve? Thanks

28.06.2022 - 02:23

DROPS Design answered:

Dear Becky, because of the decreases mid under sleeves, the pattern will not match anymore, but it should continue in height as before, ie you will work fewer stitches in pattern at the beg and at the end of the round, but the pattern should be lined up. Happy knitting!

28.06.2022 - 08:43

Kathy wrote:

I’m ready to begin the Nordic pattern on a sleeve. The pattern says to “ count back from center stitch of sleeve “. The sleeve is worked in the round. Would the center stitch be halfway around from the beginning marker on the underside of the sleeve? THANK YOU!

04.06.2022 - 20:14

DROPS Design answered:

Dear Kathy, usually, the joining stitch (the one you are mentioning) is in the middle under the sleeve, unless otherwise stated. If you tell us the specific DROPS model you are working, we may be able to ensure you if it's the case or not. Happy knitting!

05.06.2022 - 20:34

Kathy wrote:

I’m ready to begin the Nordic pattern on a sleeve. The pattern says to “ count back from center stitch of sleeve “. The sleeve is worked in the round. Would the center stitch be halfway around from the beginning marker on the underside of the sleeve? THANK YOU!

04.06.2022 - 20:12

DROPS Design answered:

Dear Kathy, please see answer above.

05.06.2022 - 20:34

Lisa Nyseth wrote:

Genser er rund strikke og har 317 masker totalt. Diagram er 24 masker. Hvordan midtstilles mønster?

15.02.2022 - 23:28

DROPS Design answered:

Hei Lisa. Hva står det i den oppskriften du strikker? Det kan være en henvisning til en pil i diagrammet (kan være flere piler som viser til hvilken str. som strikkes). Det kan også stå i oppskriften av du f.eks starter midt bak eller i siden, da vil mønstret midtstilles, eller det kan være forklart i oppskriften at du må telle deg fram til midten ut fra oppskriften/diagrammet. Om du legger spørsmålet under selve oppskriften du strikker (og skriver hvilken str. du strikker), kan vi gi et konkret svar. mvh DROPS Design

21.02.2022 - 07:31

Carmen wrote:

Estupendos los videos y tutoriales, me ayudan mucho. Gracias 😘

03.05.2020 - 00:21

Cable Girl wrote:

If you start with the last 4 stitches of the chart, your first stitch would be “21” of the 24 in the pattern. After working the entire round of 81 stitches, wouldn’t your last stitch be “5”? The pattern won’t match up where the round joins. Is that discrepancy okay? I’m working on a sleeve with the same problem. Do you think the mismatch will be on the underside of the sleeve and therefore hidden?

17.07.2018 - 19:20

DROPS Design answered:

Dear Cable Girl, when working the pattern, it won't match mid under sleeve since you are increasing but you need sometimes to get one full repeat on the mid upper sleeve to get a nicer pattern around, it shouldn't be that visible mid under sleeve. Happy knitting!

18.07.2018 - 09:43

Chartier wrote:

Que faire quant on veux tricoter sans les aiguilles circulaires ? merci

15.07.2017 - 07:25

DROPS Design answered:

Bonjour Mme Chartier, la méthode pour centrer le diagramme sera la même - vous trouverez ici des astuces pour adapter un modèle sur aiguilles droites. Bon tricot!

17.07.2017 - 10:08

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