Ivonne wrote:
Hallo ! Ich möchte dieses Tuch einmal mit der Wolle Alpaca und einmal mit Baby Merino stricken. In den Farben Natur und Lilatönen. Können Sie mir bitte helfen welche Lilatönen bei beiden Wollarten zusammen mit Natur gut harmonieren? VG + Danke.
21.11.2024 - 09:15DROPS Design answered:
Liebe Ivonne, bei der Farbauswahl bitte Ihr DROPS Händler direkt fragen, gerne wird man Ihnen dort die besten passenden Farben - auch per Mail oder Telefon - empfehlen. Viel Spaß beim Stricken!
21.11.2024 - 16:17Britta wrote:
Hallo, können Sie bitte noch die Abmessungen angeben, danke.
26.06.2023 - 11:02DROPS Design answered:
Liebe Britta, sicher, die Länge oben ist ca 215 m und die Höhe in der Mitte ca 44 cm. Viel Spaß beim stricken!
26.06.2023 - 13:18Mia wrote:
Hi ! Ist es richtig,daß bei Partie 4 Lochmuster - 2. Reihe (Rück-Reihe): 1 Masche rechts, den Querfaden vor der nächsten Masche der linken Nadel rechts verschränkt stricken..." Denn in Partie 2 - Reihe 2, da waren es noch 2 Maschen rechts. Müsste es denn bei Partie 4 - 2.Reihe: 2 Maschen rechts heißen? VG Mia
29.09.2022 - 10:03Mia wrote:
Hi ! Meine Frage bezieht sich auf das Diagramm A.2 . Sind die Ab-und Zunahmen mit im Diagramm einberechnet bzw. eingezeichnet? LG Mia
25.09.2022 - 18:01DROPS Design answered:
Liebe Mia, die Ab- und Zunahmen sind nicht in A.2 gezeichnet. Die stricken Sie vor A.2 + nach A.2. Viel Spaß beim stricken!
26.09.2022 - 09:48Marta wrote:
Zrobiłam tą chustę, ale wyszła mi bardzo asymetryczna (bok dziergany na początku dużo dłuższy i węższy niż bok dziergany na końcu). Czy da się jakoś temu zaradzić? Naprężenie włóczki zachowałam identyczne na początku jak i na końcu. Pozdrawiam serdecznie
09.02.2021 - 18:39DROPS Design answered:
Witaj Marto, zalecam blokowanie, zobacz video TUTAJ. Pozdrawiam!
09.02.2021 - 19:51Kasia wrote:
Dzien dobry, doszłam do końca pierwszego AX i nie wiem jak mam postąpić dalej, tzn w którym momencie rozpocząć A.1 w kolejnym rzędzie i czy ma ich za każdym razem być 7 czy może więcej. Bardzo proszę o podpowiedź. Pozdrawiam!
21.01.2021 - 20:37DROPS Design answered:
Witaj Kasiu, zaczynasz kolejny schemat A.1 tak samo jak wcześniej, tzn. masz mniej o 1 o. na początku rzędu, więc będzie 3 oczka prawe, narzut i dalej tak samo jak jest na początku schematu A.x (patrz znów prawy dolny róg). Powtarzać schemat A.X zawsze w taki sam sposób na wysokość, ale za każdym razem gdy powtarzamy schemat A.X na wysokość, jest wystarczająca liczba oczek, aby przerobić 1 dodatkowy motyw A.1 na szerokość. Tzn. tym razem będzie już 8 powtórzeń schematu A.1. Powodzenia!
21.01.2021 - 21:09Barbara Cribb wrote:
What does knit twisted the loop before the next stitch mean?
27.04.2020 - 02:36DROPS Design answered:
Dear Mrs Cribb, pick up a stitch before the next stitch on left needle and work it into back of loop (= you increased 1 stitch). Happy knitting!
27.04.2020 - 09:48Miet wrote:
Bij het breien van de ribbelsteek in 2 kleuren (deel 1,3,...) moet je telkens aan de goede kant de eerste steek averecht afhalen. Maar dan haal je toch een steek af in kleur 1 terwijl je verder breit met kleur 2 ? Klopt dit ? Krijg je dan wel mooie strepen ?
30.09.2018 - 17:36DROPS Design answered:
Dag Miet, De steek die je averecht afhaalt brei je op de teruggaande naald gedraaid recht samen met de steek ernaast, waardoor de strepen er mooi uitzien.
30.09.2018 - 20:47Tanja wrote:
In Partie 3 steht das man nach der 1. Reihe 72 Maschen auf der Nadel hat, somit hat man nach 40 Krausrippen 112 Maschen auf der Nadel. Nun soll man 6 Maschen verteilt zunehmen zusätzlich zu der normalen Zunahme zunehmen. (= 7Maschen)\r\n Das sind nach meiner Rechnung dann 119 Maschen insgesamt, lt. Anleitung sind es 118 Maschen. Ist dies ein Fehler oder ein Denkfehler von mir?
28.04.2018 - 23:30DROPS Design answered:
Liebe Tanja, die 6 Zunahmen werden bei der letzten Hin-Reihe der 41. Krausrippe gestrickt, dh nach 40 Krausrippe stricken Sie die Zunahmen wie zufor und nehmen Sie zusätlich 6 M zu = 71 M + 40 Zunahmen = 111 M + (1 Zunahme wie üblich + 6 Zunahmen) = 118 M. Viel Spaß beim stricken!
30.04.2018 - 10:38Anna wrote:
Please tell me what are the dimensions of this shawl?
27.02.2018 - 07:26DROPS Design answered:
Dear Anna. we will check the measurements and we shall upload them as soon as possible.
04.03.2018 - 17:19
Happy Hour |
Knitted shawl with lace pattern and garter stitch in stripes. The piece is worked in DROPS Alpaca.
DROPS 186-13 |
INFORMATION FOR THE PATTERN: RIDGE/GARTER STITCH (worked back and forth): 1 ridge = Knit 2 rows. STRIPES: SECTION-1: * 1 ridge with off white, 1 ridge with turquoise *, work from *-*. SECTION-3: * 1 ridge with purple, 1 ridge with off white *, work from *-*. SECTION-5: * 1 ridge with pink, 1 ridge with off white *, work from *-*. PATTERN: See diagram A.1. The diagram shows all the rows in the pattern seen from the right side. A.2 shows the position of A.1 when decreasing on the one side of the piece and increasing on the other side. A.X is always repeated in the same way in height, but there will be room for 1 more repeat of A.1 in width every time A.X is repeated in height. ---------------------------------------------------------- SHAWL: The piece is worked diagonally from corner to corner in sections with garter stitch and lace pattern. So that you have enough room for all the stitches, work back and forth with circular needle. Cast on 3 stitches with circular needle size 3.5 mm and off white. Work 1 RIDGE – see description above. Then work garter stitch and STRIPES – see description above AT THE SAME TIME as you work as follows: SECTION-1 (garter stitch in stripes off white/turquoise): Row 1 (right side): Slip 1 stitch as if to purl, knit until there is 1 stitch left on the row, work 2 stitches in the last stitch (= 1 stitch increased). Row 2 (wrong side): Knit 2, knit twisted the loop before the next stitch on the left needle, knit until there are 2 stitches left on the row, knit 2 stitches twisted together (= 1 stitch increased and 1 stitch decreased). Repeat rows 1 and 2 until you have worked a total of 44 ridges. There are now 46 stitches on the needle. Change to off white and work section-2 as described below. SECTION-2 (lace pattern in stocking stitch with off white): Row 1 (right side): Slip 1 stitch as if to purl, knit until there is 1 stitch left on row, work 2 stitches in the last stitch (= 1 stitch increased and 47 stitches on row). Row 2 (wrong side): Knit 2, knit twisted the loop before the next stitch on the left needle, purl until there are 2 stitches left on the row, knit 2 stitches twisted together (= 1 stitch increased and 1 stitch decreased). Then work A.1 AT THE SAME TIME as you continue decreasing in the one side of the piece and increasing in the other – read PATTERN and work as follows: Row 1 (right side): Slip 1 stitch as if to purl, knit 1, work A.1 until there are 3 stitches left on the row (= 7 repeats of 6 stitches), knit 2, then work 2 stitches in the last stitch (= 1 stitch increased). Row 2 (wrong side): Knit 2, knit twisted the loop before the next stitch on the left needle, purl until there are 2 stitches left on the row, knit 2 stitches twisted together (= 1 stitch increased and 1 stitch decreased). Continue A.1 as shown in A.2, decreasing on the one side of the piece and increasing on the other in the same way as before. When A.1 has been worked a total of 8 times in height (i.e. A.X a total of 4 times in height) there are 71 stitches on the needle. Change to purple and work section-3 as described below. SECTION-3 (garter stitch in stripes with purple/off white): Row 1 (right side): Slip 1 stitch as if to purl, knit until there is 1 stitch left on the row, work 2 stitches in the last stitch (= 1 stitch increased and 72 stitches on the needle). Row 2 (wrong side): Knit 2, knit twisted the loop before the next stitch on the left needle, knit until there are 2 stitches left on the row, knit 2 stitches twisted together (= 1 stitch increased and 1 stitch decreased). Repeat rows 1 and 2 in stripes until you have worked 41 ridges. AT THE SAME TIME on the last row from the right side in ridge 41 increase 6 stitches evenly on row (in addition to the usual increase at the end of the row) = 118 stitches on needle. Change to off white and work section-4 as described below. SECTION-4 (lace pattern in stocking stitch with off white): Row 1 (right side): Slip 1 stitch as if to purl, knit until there is 1 stitch left on the row, work 2 stitches in the last stitch (= 1 stitch increased and 119 stitches on the needle). Row 2 (wrong side): Knit 2, knit twisted the loop before the next stitch on the left needle, purl until there are 2 stitches left on the row, knit 2 stitches twisted together (= 1 stitch increased and 1 stitch decreased). Then work A.1 in the same way as in section-2 with decrease on the one side of the piece and increase on the other side, in other words work as follows: Row 1 (right side): Slip 1 stitch as if to purl, knit 1, work A.1 until there are 3 stitches left on the row (= 19 repeats of 6 stitches), knit 2, then work 2 stitches in the last stitch (= 1 stitch increased). Row 2 (wrong side): Knit 1, knit twisted the loop before the next stitch on the left needle, purl until there are 2 stitches left on the row, knit 2 stitches twisted together (= 1 stitch increased and 1 stitch decreased). Continue A.1 in the same way as shown in A.2 (but with more repeats in width) – AT THE SAME TIME, continue to increase on the one side of the piece and decrease on the other side as before. When A.1 has been worked a total of 8 times in height (i.e. A.X a total of 4 times in height) there are 143 stitches on the needle. Change to pink and work section-5 as described below. SECTION-5 (garter stitch in stripes pink/off white): Row 1 (right side): Slip 1 stitch as if to purl, knit until there is 1 stitch left on the row, work 2 stitches in the last stitch (= 1 stitch increased and 144 stitches on the needle). Row 2 (wrong side): Knit 2, knit twisted the loop before the next stitch on the left needle, knit until there are 2 stitches left on the row, knit 2 stitches twisted together (= 1 stitch increased and 1 stitch decreased). Repeat rows 1 and 2 in stripes until you have worked 41 ridges. AT THE SAME TIME on the last row from the right side in ridge 41, increase 6 stitches evenly on row (in addition to the usual increase at the end of the row). There are now 190 stitches on the needle. Change to off white and work section-6 as described below. SECTION-6 (lace pattern in stocking stitch with off white): Row 1 (right side): Slip 1 stitch as if to purl, knit until there is 1 stitch left on the row, work 2 stitches in the last stitch (= 1 stitch increased and 191 stitches on the needle). Row 2 (wrong side): Knit 2, knit twisted the loop before the next stitch on the left needle, purl until there are 2 stitches left on the row, knit 2 stitches twisted together (= 1 stitch increased and 1 stitch decreased). Continue A.1 in the same way as in section-2 and section-4 (there is now room for 31 repeats in width) - AT THE SAME TIME continue the decrease on the one side of the piece and increase on the other side in the same way as before. When A.1 has been worked a total of 8 times in height (i.e. A.X a total of 4 times in height) there are 215 stitches on the needle. Change to turquoise and work section-7 as described below. SECTION-7: Row 1 (right side) with turquoise: Slip 1 stitch as if to purl, knit until there is 1 stitch left on the row, work 2 stitches in the last stitch (= 1 stitch increased and 216 stitches on the needle). Row 2 (wrong side) with turquoise: Knit 2, knit twisted the loop before the next stitch on the left needle, knit until there are 2 stitches left on the row, knit 2 stitches twisted together (= 1 stitch increased and 1 stitch decreased). Row 3 (= right side) with off white: Slip 1 stitch as if to purl, knit until there is 1 stitch left on the row, work 2 stitches in the last stitch (= 1 stitch increased). Row 4 (wrong side) with off white: Knit 2, knit twisted the loop before the next stitch on the left needle, knit until there are 2 stitches left on the row, knit 2 stitches twisted together (= 1 stitch increased and 1 stitch decreased). Repeat rows 1-4 one more time. Change to turquoise and repeat rows 1-2 two more times (= 1 ridge turquoise, 1 ridge off white, 1 ridge turquoise, 1 ridge off white, 2 ridges turquoise). Cast off with knit from the right side as follows: Knit 2 stitches, * insert the left needle into the 2 stitches on the right needle from left to right and knit them together, knit 1 *, work from *-* until there is 1 stitch left on the row. Cut the strand and pull it through the last stitch. Casting off in this way gives an elastic cast-off edge. Fasten all the strands. |
Diagram explanations |
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