Henrietta wrote:
Oh thank you..that's so obvious now!!
10.10.2021 - 22:34Henrietta wrote:
Hi I am enjoying this pattern but I have got stuck ? Toe decrease. 'Before Marker k2tog, After marker K2 twisted tog=4 stitches decrease.' I think this is is only 2 stitches decrease?? Or am I not understanding the instruction?? With many thanks.
10.10.2021 - 15:18DROPS Design answered:
Dear Henrietta, as the pattern states, you should "decrease for toes on each side of both markers..." That makes 4 decreases. Happy Stitching!
10.10.2021 - 22:07Henrietta wrote:
? Toe decrease. Before Marker k2tog, After marker K2 twisted tog=4 stitches decrease. I think this is is only 2 stitches decrease?? Or am I not understanding the instruction??
10.10.2021 - 15:15DROPS Design answered:
Dear Henrietta, as the pattern states, you should "decrease for toes on each side of both markers..." That makes 4 decreases. Happy Knitting!
10.10.2021 - 22:07Carol Crosbie wrote:
Splitting up the purl stitches creates a “ladder”. It’s better to put all purl stitches on one needle. Of course I learned this after the fact.
06.09.2020 - 16:13Käthe Skaaning wrote:
Når der tages masker, kan den lænke strikkes dr ret, så er der ikke hul
20.09.2019 - 14:47Gabriella wrote:
Hej! Jag stickar strl 38/40 och har gjort hälminskning och ska sticka upp 14 maskor på varje sida om hälen nu. Jag förstår det som att jag ska plocka upp maskor längs sidan som skapats när jag stickat hälen. Problemet är att det är fler än 14 varv längs kanten, så om jag plockar upp 14 maskor kommer det bli ett hål mellan de nya maskorna och de 30 maskorna som sparats på tråd. Hur gör jag för att det inte ska bli ett hål?
11.12.2018 - 17:26DROPS Design answered:
Hei Gabriella. Det stemmer at du ikke får plukket opp masker i hver maske langs kanten, fordi du (som du sier) skal plukke opp kun 14 masker. Plukk opp de 14 maskene jevnt fordelt langs kanten slik at det ikke blir ett stort hull i den ene siden. God fornøyelse
12.12.2018 - 08:40Sonia B. wrote:
Bonjour, comment répartir les mailles au début? Je choisis la taille 35/37 = Monter 60-64-68 mailles sur les aiguilles doubles pointes 2,5. J'ai un jeu de 4 aiguilles doubles pointes 2,5. Je place donc 20 m. sur chacune des 3 aiguilles? Merci.
25.05.2018 - 03:41DROPS Design answered:
Bonjour Sonia B, dans la 1ère taille, vous montez 60 m et les répartissez à raison de 20 m sur 3 aiguilles (et vous tricotez avec la 4ème) ou bien à raison de 15 m sur 4 aiguilles (et vous tricotez avec la 5ème). Bon tricot!
25.05.2018 - 09:27Agnès wrote:
Merci pour vos explications. Donc si j'ai bien compris les diminutions vont empiéter sur le motif envers du dessus du pied ?
13.04.2018 - 18:21DROPS Design answered:
Bonjour Agnès, non les diminutions vont se faire de part et d'autres des mailles centrales du dessus du pied, ce nombre va rester le même, c'est le nombre de mailles en jersey endroit (les mailles relevées de chaque côté du talon) qui va diminuer. Bon tricot!
16.04.2018 - 10:51Agnès wrote:
Merci pour vos explications. Donc si j'ai bien compris les diminutions vont empiéter sur le motif envers du dessus du pied ?
13.04.2018 - 18:16Agnès wrote:
Je fais des chaussettes en taille 38/40 ; pouvez-vous me dire où je dois placer les marqueurs espacés de 30 mailles pour les diminutions entre le dessus et le dessous de la chaussette. Merci de me répondre
13.04.2018 - 16:59DROPS Design answered:
Bonjour Agnès, placez 2 marqueurs: un avant les 30 m du dessus du pied et l'autre après ces 30 m (= celles qui étaient en attente quand vous avez tricoté le talon). Continuez maintenant en rond et diminuez 1 m avant le 1er marqueur et 1 m après le 2ème marqueur 8 fois au total tous les 2 tours (= vous diminuez 2 m par tour). Bon tricot!
13.04.2018 - 17:18
Mustard Toes |
Knitted socks in DROPS Fabel. Size 35-43
DROPS Extra 0-1365 |
HEEL DECREASE: Row 1 (= right side): Work until 7-8-8 sts remain, slip next st knitwise, K 1, psso, turn piece. Row 2 (= wrong side): Work until 7-8-8 sts remain, slip next st purlwise, P 1, psso, turn piece. Row 3 (= right side): Work until 6-7-7 sts remain, slip next st knitwise, K 1, psso, turn piece. Row 4 (= wrong side): Work until 6-7-7 sts remain, slip next st purlwise, P 1, psso, turn piece. Continue decrease like this with 1 st less before each decrease until there are 14-14-16 sts on needle. ---------------------------------------------------------- SOCK: Worked in the round on double pointed needles. Cast on 60-64-68 sts on double pointed needles size 2.5 mm with Fabel. Work 1 round in stocking st. Continue in rib = K 2/P 2 for 4 cm. Knit 1 round while at the same time decreasing 6-6-6 sts evenly = 54-58-62 sts. Then work as follows: Knit 31-33-35, purl 18-20-22, knit 5. Continue this pattern. REMEMBER THE KNITTING TENSION When piece measures 12-14-16 cm, keep the first 26-28-30 sts on needle for heel and slip the last 28-30-32 sts on 1 stitch holder (= mid on top of foot). Work in stocking st back and forth over heel sts for 5-5½-6 cm. Insert 1 marker in the piece. Then work HEEL DECREASE - see explanation above. After heel decrease, pick up 13-14-16 sts along each side of heel and slip the 28-30-32 sts from stitch holder back on needle = 68-72-80 sts. Insert 1 marker on each side of the 28-30-32 sts on top of foot. Continue with knit and purl in the round - AT THE SAME TIME decrease in each side as follows: K tog the last 2 sts before marker on mid on top of foot twisted (i.e. work in the back loop of st instead of front) and K tog the first 2 sts after last marker on top of foot. Repeat decrease every other round 8-8-10 times in total = 52-56-60 sts. Work until piece measures 18-19-21 cm from marker on heel (= 4-5-6 cm remain). Insert 1 marker in each side so that there are 26-28-30 sts both on top of foot and under foot. Continue working stocking st over all sts while AT THE SAME TIME decrease for toes on each side of both markers as follows: Before marker: K 2 tog. After marker: K 2 twisted tog = 4 sts decreased. Repeat decrease in each side every other round a total of 4-7-9 times and then every round a total of 6-3-2 times = 12-16-16 sts remain on needle. On next round work all sts together 2 by 2. Cut the yarn and pull it through the remaining sts, tighten tog and fasten. Knit another sock. |
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