Lene wrote:
Skal det virkelig se sådan ud efter 2. omgang stangmasker lige før jeg vender? Nå øv prøvede at indsætte foto, må prøve at forklare det. Det er et meget skævt hul mellem sidste og første st-gruppe?
03.08.2024 - 17:28Regina Brühlmann wrote:
Die Anleitung endet in der erst 12. Häkel Runde. Das Mädchen Hütchen ist also noch lange nicht fertig. Obwohl Sie die Schlussarbeit Vernähen erwähnen. Wie gehts nach der 12. Runde weiter??? Danke und Grüsse, Regina
18.06.2024 - 18:55DROPS Design answered:
Liebe Frau Brühlman, es wird mehr als 12 Runden gehäkelt, zuerst häkelt man das Oberteil vom Hut (= feste Maschen in Runden mit Zunahmen bis man 66-72-78 fm hat), dann häkelt man feste Maschen bis die Arbeit 8 bis 10 cm vom Beginn misst. Dann häkelt man Stäbchen-Gruppen (Runden 1-8), dann Häkelt man die Krempe (Runden 9 bis 12) mit Stäbchen (und Zunahmen bei der 10. und 11. Runde). Viel Spaß beim Häkeln!
19.06.2024 - 07:42Mette Thornes wrote:
Jeg skjønner hvorfor man skal snu på omgang 8. Men hvorfor skal man snu på omg 2-8 før det?
05.06.2024 - 20:36DROPS Design answered:
Hei Mette. Om du ikke snur, men hekler rundt og rundt, vil starten på omgangen (de 3 luftmaskene) forskyve seg ved hver omgang. Men ved å snu arbeidet ved hver omgang vil starten på omgangen forbli på samme sted. mvh DROPS Design
10.06.2024 - 09:08Tine wrote:
På varv 2-8 när man virkar stolpar ska man då vända arbetet varje varv eller efter all varv är gjorda? Vänder man den ut och in? Jag fattar inte hur man vänder arbetet?
01.04.2024 - 14:33DROPS Design answered:
Hei Tine. Du vender arbeidet på alle omgangene (når det gjelder 2-8. omg). Du bare snur arbeidet, slik at når du har heklet en omgang og lukket den med 1 kjedemaske, snur/vender du arbeidet slik at siste maske blir nå første maske. mvh DROPS Design
08.04.2024 - 09:27Jo wrote:
Hej, hvorfor skal man vende arbejdet ved 8. Omgang
12.07.2023 - 20:33DROPS Design answered:
Hei Jo. Om du ser på bildet, så er bremmen brettet opp (over øynene) og dersom du vender ved 8. omgang vil "rett siden" komme frem når det brettes. mvh DROPS Design
24.07.2023 - 14:52Iben Engedal Nielsen wrote:
Hej Jeg kan ikke gennemskue om den skal hækles med en tråd eller dobbelt tråd? Vh Iben
09.08.2022 - 06:43DROPS Design answered:
Hej Iben, du hækler solhatten med en tråd DROPS Paris på hæklenål nr 4 :)
09.08.2022 - 10:57MeWa wrote:
Die Mütze ist einfach, schnell zu häkeln und sieht sehr süß aus. Ich finde die Größentabelle allerdings nicht richtig. Ich musste die Mütze für meine 5jährige Tochter nochmal erneuern und habe bei einem kopfumfang von 54 cm auf 21 Stäbchengruppen (Wolle Stärke 4-5!) umgerechnet! Das passte dann ganz gut!
08.07.2022 - 16:54Helgakarin wrote:
Was bedeutet "Ihr Name ist zu kurz" wenn ich "senden" anklicke? Ich habe schon beide Vornamen zusammengeschrieben. Wieso ist er noch zu kurz? Was mache ich falsch? Bitte helfen Sie mir. Helgakarin
30.06.2022 - 10:27Helgakarin wrote:
Wie beende ich die 8. und beginne die 9. Reihe? Danke für die Hilfe.
27.06.2022 - 09:38DROPS Design answered:
Liebe Helgakarin, haben Sie unter HÄKELINFO gesehen? Hier wird erklärt, wie man jede Runde beginnt und endet? Viel spaß beim stricken!
27.06.2022 - 14:11Annisa wrote:
Hello, after this section "Work 1 round with sc while AT THE SAME TIME inc 2-8-14 sc evenly = 66-72-78 sc," approximately how big should the round piece be? Mine was only approx 5cm from the center, so I added several more rounds after that to reach the 9cm from the middle as instructed. But it resulted in a bowl-ish shape instead of a flat crown as shown on the photo. Where did I go wrong? Thankyou for you help
18.05.2022 - 12:19DROPS Design answered:
Dear Annisa,after you have worked this round, you have a total of 9 rounds with sc, ie approx. 4.5 cm / 9 cm in diameter. The hat should then fit nicely on the head and should be as on the picture. Happy crocheting!
18.05.2022 - 12:41
Lovely Lisa |
Crochet summer hat in DROPS Paris. Size children 3 - 12 years.
DROPS Children 24-27 |
CROCHET INFO: Replace first dc at beg of every dc round with 1 ch. Replace first tr at beg of every tr round with 3 ch. Finish every round with 1 sl st in first/third ch on round. ---------------------------------------------------------- HAT: The piece is worked top down. Work 4 ch on hook size 4 mm with Paris and form a ring with 1 sl st in first ch. REMEMBER THE CROCHET TENSION! ROUND 1: READ CROCHET INFO! Work 8 dc in ch-ring. ROUND 2: Work 2 dc in every dc the entire round = 16 dc. ROUND 3: * 1 dc in first dc, 2 dc in next dc *, repeat from *-* the rest of the round = 24 dc. ROUND 4: * 1 dc in each of the first 2 dc, 2 dc in next dc *, repeat from *-* the entire round = 32 dc. ROUND 5: * 1 dc in each of the first 3 dc, 2 dc in next dc *, repeat from *-* the entire round = 40 dc. ROUND 6-8: Continue inc the same way until there are 64 dc on round – work 1 dc more than previous round for every round between every inc. Work 1 round with dc while AT THE SAME TIME inc 2-8-14 dc evenly = 66-72-78 dc. Work 1 dc in every dc until piece measures 8-9-10 cm from the middle. Continue as follows: ROUND 1: Work 3 tr in first dc, * skip 2 dc and work 3 tr in next dc *, repeat from *-* the entire round and finish with skip 2 dc = 22-24-26 tr-groups. ROUND 2-8: Work 3 ch, skip first tr-group from previous round, * 3 tr in space between the next 2 tr-groups *, repeat from *-* the entire round and finish with 2 tr in last space and 1 sl st in 3rd ch from beg of round. Turn piece. ROUND 9: Continue to work in the round. Work 1 ch and then 1 dc in every tr the entire round = 66-72-78 dc and finish with 1 sl st in 1 ch from beg of round. ROUND 10: Work * 1 tr in each of the next 2 dc, then 2 tr in next dc *, repeat from *-* = 88-96-104 tr. ROUND 11: * 1 tr in each of the next 3 tr, then 2 tr in next tr *, repeat from *-* = 110-120-130 tr. ROUND 12: Work 1 tr in every tr the entire round. Fasten off. Fold the brim at the front of hat and fasten with a stitch. |
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