Johanna wrote:
Hej! Det här mönstret finns inte på svenska. Klickar jag på svenska i dropdown-menyn får jag en beskrivning på danska eller norska. Går det att få mönstret på svenska?
07.07.2014 - 10:26DROPS Design answered:
Hej Johanna. Det skal vi faa set paa og rettet hurtigst muligt.
07.07.2014 - 10:34
Svea wrote:
Ingen svenska där inte, men kanske inte så svårt att förstå!
15.08.2013 - 18:43
Anna wrote:
Hej. Jag var sugen på att göra dessa tofflor, men dessvärre finns inte mönstret på svenska? Det ligger en norsk eller dansk översättning istället? Länkat fel eller vad? Tacksam för svar. Med vänlig hälsning, Anna
15.08.2013 - 14:01DROPS Design answered:
Hej Anna. Der er en svensk version. Vaelg "svenska" i drop down menuen under billedet af modellen (til allersidst).
15.08.2013 - 14:39
Silje wrote:
Når økingen er ferdig, skal man hekle til diameteren er 16cm, eller radiusen er 16cm? - Silje
01.04.2013 - 22:23DROPS Design answered:
Du skal haekle til en laengden er 16 cm - ikke diameter eller radius.
02.04.2013 - 22:10Nancy wrote:
Cómo puedo saber cómo se tejen?? me gusta también el modelo bf-014 Gracias.
08.02.2013 - 21:01
Geneviève wrote:
Elles ne semblent pas trop difficiles à confectionner...
12.12.2012 - 15:02
J.rozendaal wrote:
Erg leuk met die knoopjes !
10.12.2012 - 19:26
B-M Lundkvist wrote:
Vill göra många och presenta
10.12.2012 - 16:12
Cyclades |
Crochet DROPS slippers in 1 thread \"Big Fabel\" og 2 threads \"Fabel\".
DROPS 148-27 |
CROCHET INFO 1: Replace first sc at beg of every sc round with 1 ch. Finish round with 1 sl st in ch from beg of round. Replace first sc at beg of every sc row with 1 ch. Finish row with 1 sl st in ch from beg of previous row. CROCHET INFO 2: After last sc on the round, continue to next round with 1 sc in next sc (= first sc from previous round). NOTE: Insert a marker at the beg of round between last sc and first sc on the round, move the marker upwards when working. DECREASE TIP: Work 1 sc but wait with last pull through (= 2 sts on hook), then work next sc but on last pull through, pull thread through all sts on hook = 1 sc dec. ---------------------------------------------------------- SLIPPER: Worked in the round from the toe and to the back to the instep, then work back and forth until mid back of heel. Work 4 ch on hook size 3.5 mm with 1 thread Big Fabel or 2 threads Fabel and form a ring with 1 sl st in 1st ch. ROUND 1: Work 6-6-5 sc in ch-ring – READ CROCHET INFO 1! ROUND 2: Work 2 sc in every sc = 12-12-10 sc. ROUND 3 (and then every odd round): Work 1 sc in every sc. ROUND 4: * 1 sc in first sc, 2 sc in next sc *, repeat from *-* 6-6-5 times in total = 18-18-15 sc. ROUND 6: * 1 sc in each of the first 2 sc, 2 sc in next sc *, repeat from *-* 6-6-5 times = 24-24-20 sc. ROUND 8: * 1 sc in each of the first 3 sc, 2 sc in next sc *, repeat from *-* 6-6-5 times = 30-30-25 sc. ROUND 10: * 1 sc in each of the first 4 sc, 2 sc in next sc *, repeat from *-* 6-6-5 times = 36-36-30 sc. Inc in size 5/6½ (35/37) are now done. Continue below for all sizes. ROUND 12: * 1 sc in each of the first 5 sc, 2 sc in next sc *, repeat from *-* 6-5 times in total = 42-35 sc. Inc in size 7½/9 (38/40) are now done. Continue below for all sizes. ROUND 14: * 1 sc in each of the first 6 sc, 2 sc in next sc *, repeat from *-* 5 times in total = 40 sc. ROUND 16: * 1 sc in each of the first 7 sc, 2 sc in next sc *, repeat from *-* 5 times in total = 45 sc. Inc in size 9½/10½ (41/43) are now done. ALL SIZES: = 36-42-45 sc on round. Work in the round with 1 sc in every sc (without finishing the rounds – READ CROCHET INFO 2) until piece measures 14-16-18 cm / 5½"-6 1/4"-7". Then work sc back and forth over the first 24-30-32 sc (i.e. do not work over the last 12-12-13 sc on round) - remember CROCHET INFO 1! When slipper measures 20-22-25 cm / 8"-8 3/4"-9 3/4"'' (i.e. approx. 6-6-7 cm / 2½"-2½"-2 3/4" from where the piece was divided), insert 1 marker in the middle of piece (= 12-15-16 sc on each side of marker). On next row dec 1 sc on each side of marker, i.e. beg 2 sts before marker and work the next 4 sc tog 2 by 2 – READ DECREASE TIP (= 2 sc dec). Work 1 row without dec. Repeat dec on next row (= 2 sc dec) = 20-26-28 sts remain on row. Work 1 row without dec, place the slipper double and work tog mid back with one row sl sts through both layers (slipper now measures approx. 22-24-27 cm / 8¾"-9½"-10½" from toe to heel). Fasten off. EDGE: Beg mid back and work a finishing edge at the top around the opening of slipper as follows: 1 sc in first st, * ch 1, skip approx. ½ cm / 1/4'', 1 sc in next st *, repeat from *-* the entire round but finish round with 1 sl st in sc from beg of round (instead of 1 sc in next st). Fasten off. Sew on 3 buttons for decoration mid on top of slipper - see picture. Work another slipper the same way. |
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