With the 6 square pattern, the yarn colors state 17 rounds, but the instructions only say 3 rounds. Help!
05.03.2024 - 00:45DROPS Design answered:
Dear Mrs Hart, after the 3 rounds have been worked, continue working like round 3 as before, there will be one more dc-group between each corner for every round until all the stripes are worked. Happy crocheting!
05.03.2024 - 09:38Lena Hedlund wrote:
Står att rutan ska vara 55 cm, min ruta efter 17 varv är 30 Cm?
08.07.2023 - 20:54DROPS Design answered:
Hei Lena. Har du sjekket heklefastheten din? Du må bruke den heklenålen som gir deg 1 rute på 4 omganger 13 x13 cm. mvh DROPS Design
24.07.2023 - 11:46Aimie Dempsey wrote:
Have finished most of this pattern for the final outer edge, I'm not quite understanding the "Assembly" section. I cannot figure out how to sc, chain 3 and then skip a whole chain space. The blanket feels bunched. What am I doing wrong. Thank you
04.10.2022 - 19:32DROPS Design answered:
Dear Mrs Dempsey, there is something wrong in the US-English pattern sorry, this will be edited, you have to skip to the next ch-space, ie you will skip the dc-groups and crochet 1 sc in each of the ch-spaces. Happy crocheting!
05.10.2022 - 08:00Helene wrote:
Dette teppet er nydelig! Jeg har hekla ett, og godt i gang med nr2. Jeg syntes teppet med 6 ruter ble litt lite, så jeg valgte å hekle 2 ruter til slik at det ble 2x4 ruter. Det ble nok garn også! Neste teppe med dette mønsteret blir med all slags rester og et par garn i "hovedfarge ". Så lur måte å bruke opp rester på! Kanskje helt gratis?! Da kan jeg med god samvittighet kjøpe garn til andre prosjekter etterpå😀
15.06.2022 - 20:30Hege wrote:
På siste runden, monteringen; gjør man det slik i hjørnene også? « MONTERING: Hekle 1 omg rundt hele teppet med siste stripes farge slik: 1 fm om første lm-bue, * 3 lm, hopp frem til neste lm-bue, 1 fm om lm-buen*, gjenta fra *-* rundt teppet og avslutt med en kjm i første fm.»
24.01.2021 - 22:54DROPS Design answered:
Hei Hege. Ja, men om du syns det vil stramme kan du hekle 1 fastmaske i hjørnet, 3 luftmasker og 1 fastmaske i samme hjørne. Dette gjøres i hvert hjørne. mvh DROPS design
01.02.2021 - 10:16Katya Hauben wrote:
Beste, ja natuurlijk, indien ik dezelfde maat wilde en ook hetzelfde garen zou gebruiken. Maar zoals vermeld, had ik graag drops Eskimo gebruikt, wat een veel dikker garen is en bovendien wide ik de deken vergroten naar 200 cm x 200 cm. Vandaar mijn vraag. Ik wil graag vermijden dat ik met bijbestellen en dus 2x verzendkosten dien te betalen. De Mvg, Katya
09.02.2020 - 14:17DROPS Design answered:
Dag Katya,
Helaas is het voor ons niet mogelijk om patronen naar persoonlijk wensen aan te passen. Je zou een proeflapje kunnen maken met Eskimo en op basis daarvan berekenen hoeveel garen je nodig hebt.
09.02.2020 - 20:36Katya Hauben wrote:
Hoi, Ik had graag de variant met 1 vierkant gemaakt maar dan in de afmeting 2m x 2m en zou dan drops Eskimo willen gebruiken in 7 tinten paars. Zouden jullie mij kunnen berekenen hoeveel wil van elke tint ik dan nodig heb? Bedankt, Katya
08.02.2020 - 19:52DROPS Design answered:
Dag Katya,
Elke aangegeven hoeveelheid garen(kleur) kan je 1 op 1 vervangen door een andere (paarse) variant in je eigen smaak.
09.02.2020 - 11:30Laura wrote:
He comenzado la labor con un ganchillo de 5mm pero al comprobar el tamaño con la aplicación con cuatro vueltas la medida es de 9,5 cm X 9,5 cm aunque el punto no es ajustado así que va a quedar mucho más pequeña la aplicación. ¿Qué puedo hacer? ¿Ayudaría un crochet más grande?
13.03.2016 - 12:48DROPS Design answered:
Hola Laura. Puedes probar a hacer la muestra con el ganchillo de 6 mm o hacer vueltas adicionales para conseguir el tamaño deseado del cuadrado.
13.03.2016 - 20:20Chiara wrote:
Mi riferisco alla coperta con 1 quadrato, se volessi raddoppiare le misure e ripetere una volta tutto il lavoro a partire dall' * quanta lana dovrei ordinare in più rispetto a quelli consigliati?
23.10.2015 - 11:47DROPS Design answered:
Buonasera Chiara, se la vuole grande il doppio dovrà ordinare il doppio della quantità di filato. Buon lavoro!
30.10.2015 - 19:38Federica wrote:
Vorrei eseguire questo lavoro con lana karisma, potreste indicarmi i numeri dei filati perche' non corrispondono con quelli del filato lima e temo che affidandomi ai colori che visualizza il computer potrei sbagliare. Grazie Federica
15.08.2014 - 23:31DROPS Design answered:
Buongiorno Federica, colori di Lima e Karisma non sono gli stessi, per cui per realizzare questa coperta con Karisma, deve crearsi lei la combinazione di colore che più le piace. Buon lavoro!!
18.08.2014 - 18:28
Country |
Crochet DROPS blankets in 1 large or 6 small patterned squares in ”Lima”.
DROPS 133-37 |
BLANKET WITH 6 SQUARES: COLOR CHANGE: Square 1: ROUND 1-3: dark gray mix ROUND 4: medium gray mix ROUND 5-6: off white ROUND 7: light beige mix ROUND 8-9: beige mix ROUND 10: light brown ROUND 11-12: brown ROUND 13: beige mix ROUND 14-16: off white ROUND 17: beige mix Square 2: ROUND 1-4: light beige mix ROUND 5-6: beige mix ROUND 7-8: light brown ROUND 9: brown ROUND 10: off white ROUND 11: dark gray mix ROUND 12-14: medium gray mix ROUND 15-16: off white ROUND 17: beige mix Square 3: ROUND 1-2: light beige mix ROUND 3-4: beige mix ROUND 5: light brown ROUND 6: brown ROUND 7: beige mix ROUND 8-10: off white ROUND 11-12: medium gray mix ROUND 13-14: dark gray mix ROUND 15: off white ROUND 16: light brown ROUND 17: beige mix ASSEMBLY: See diagram M.1 on how to place the squares. --------------------------------------------------------- BLANKET WITH 1 SQUARE: STRIPES: Work rounds in the different color as follows: 2 rounds dark gray mix 1 round medium gray mix 2 rounds off white 1 round light beige mix 2 rounds beige mix 1 round light brown 2 rounds brown 1 round beige mix 3 rounds off white * 2 rounds medium gray mix 2 rounds dark gray mix 1 round off white 1 round light brown 5 rounds light beige mix 1 round beige mix 2 rounds light brown 1 round brown 1 round off white 1 round dark gray mix 3 rounds medium gray mix 2 rounds off white 1 round light beige mix 2 rounds beige mix 1 round light brown 2 rounds brown 1 round beige mix 1 round off white If a larger blanket is desired – repeat stripes from *. --------------------------------------------------------- BLANKET WITH 6 SQUARES: Work a total of 6 squares, 2 squares of each - see COLOR CHANGE. SQUARES: Ch 6 on hook size 5 mm / H/8 and form a ring with 1 sl st in first ch - use the color from first round of square - see explanation above. ROUND 1: ch 3, 2 dc in ch-ring, ch 3, * 3 dc in ch-ring, ch 3 *, repeat from *-* a total of 3 times and finish with 1 sl st in 3rd ch from beg of round, turn piece. ROUND 2: ch 3, 2 dc in first ch-space, ch 3, 3 dc in same ch-space, * ch 1, 3 dc in next ch-space, ch 3, 3 dc in same ch-space *, repeat from *-* a total of 3 times and finish with ch 1 and 1 sl st in 3rd ch from beg of round, turn piece. ROUND 3: ch 3, 2 dc in first ch-space, ch 1, * 3 dc in next ch-space, ch 3, 3 dc in same ch-space, ch 1, 3 dc in next ch-space, ch 1 *, repeat from *-* a total of 3 times, 3 dc in next ch-space, ch 3, 3 dc in same ch-space, ch 1 and finish with 1 sl st in 3rd ch from beg of round, turn piece. Continue like this - i.e. there will be 1 more dc-group between each corner for every round until all stripes have been worked. Square measures approx. 54 x 54 cm / 21¼" x 21¼". ASSEMBLY: Place the squares according to color as shown in diagram M.1 with 2 squares in width and 3 squares in height - see explanation above - and sew them tog in outermost sts. Work 1 round around the entire blanket with last stripe color as follows: 1 sc in first ch-space, * ch 3, skip until the next ch-space, 1 sc in next ch-space*, repeat from *-* around the blanket and finish with 1 sl st in first sc. --------------------------------------------------------- BLANKET WITH 1 SQUARE: Ch 6 on hook size 5 mm / H/8 with dark gray mix and form a ring with 1 sl st in first ch. Continue with STRIPES - see explanation above. ROUND 1: ch 3, 2 dc in ch-ring, ch 3, * 3 dc in ch-ring, ch 3 *, repeat from *-* a total of 3 times and finish with 1 sl st in 3rd ch from beg of round, turn piece. ROUND 2: ch 3, 2 dc in first ch-space, ch 3, 3 dc in same ch-space, * ch 1, 3 dc in next ch-space, ch 3, 3 dc in same ch-space *, repeat from *-* a total of 3 times and finish with ch 1 and 1 sl st in 3rd ch from beg of round, turn piece. ROUND 3: ch 3, 2 dc in first ch-space, ch 1, * 3 dc in next ch-space, ch 3, 3 dc in same ch-space, ch 1, 3 dc in next ch-space, ch 1 *, repeat from *-* a total of 3 times, 3 dc in next ch-space, ch 3, 3 dc in same ch-space, ch 1 and finish with 1 sl st in 3rd ch from beg of round, turn piece. Continue like this until all 45 rounds have been worked (i.e. there will be 1 more dc-group between each corner for every round). Now piece measures approx. 132 x 132 cm / 52" x 52". ASSEMBLY: Work 1 round around the entire blanket with last stripe color as follows: 1 sc in first ch-space, * ch 3, skip until the next ch-space, 1 sc in next ch-space*, repeat from *-* around the blanket and finish with 1 sl st in first sc. |
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