Jette Nolsøe wrote:
Jeg er kommet til at jeg skal strikke over den første 50 m, i ( står der: her vender man efter de første 5 m i M1. Det forstår jeg ikke . Opskrift Nova børnebluse str 12-18 mdr.
14.10.2024 - 09:52DROPS Design answered:
Hej Jette, klik på Videoer øverst i opskriften, den øverste video viser nøjagtig hvordan man gør :)
16.10.2024 - 15:15Mary Lou Haines wrote:
Drops design nova drops baby 20-14; drops design: pattern no BM-005-by For the M.1 pattern, do you start the pattern at the top of the M.1 graph (shown on Page 4 of 5) or at the bottom of the M.1 graph. the video implies that you start at the bottom?
03.08.2024 - 18:28DROPS Design answered:
Hi Mary Lou, Yes, all diagrams are started bottom right and worked to the left from the right side, then row 2 is worked back from left to right from the wrong side. Happy knitting!
05.08.2024 - 06:39Brigitte wrote:
Heel erg bedankt voor de uitleg over de mouwkop. Het zou makkelijker zijn om ook in het patroon te zeggen dat na de losse mouwkop alle steken weer op de naald moeten. Nog een foutje in het figuur M: bij de 7e nld is het teken voor het samenbreien te klein waardoor je denkt dat er daarna nog drie steken gebreid moeten worden maar dat zijn er maar twee.
06.06.2024 - 17:37Brigitte wrote:
Het js jammer dat ik er geen foto bij kan zetten want ik begrijp niet hoe de mouw uit het patroon gaat komen. Ik heb het voorpand gebreid en daarna een splitsing gemaakt door de onderkant op een hulpdraad te zetten en de bovenkant met het Mpatroon verder te breien voor 20 cm. Er komt nu dus een split van 20 cm. Is dit het mouwgat? Daarna ga ik het bovendeel weer opnemen maar vind ik vreemd want dan had ik dat net zo goed door kunnen breien. Ik zie niet waar het geheel weer aan elkaar komt.
05.06.2024 - 09:18DROPS Design answered:
Dag Brigitte,
Nadat je de splitsing hebt gemaakt en alleen over de bovenkant hebt gebreid, zet je vervolgens de steken weer bij elkaar om over alle steken te breien. Het achterpand brei je vervolgens over alle steken en als je dan weer bij de andere zijkant bent, brei je weer een stukje alleen over het bovenste deel.
05.06.2024 - 19:52Margaret Tigchelaar wrote:
I asked the question yesterday, but I think I have the answer: use all the short rows the pattern suggests. That seems to make the most sense to me. Will you let me know if I am correst? I love your patterns!
03.09.2023 - 22:32Margaret Tigchelaar wrote:
Hello!(second size) continue from bottomedge in pattern "and with shortened rows as for front," so I do 32 row 1, 50 sts in row 2, etc. or do I do only the short rows in the yoke par of the pattern, e.g. 31 in row 1, etc.?I love knitting this pattern, but just have that question. I have also knitted # 213-21 and love it!
02.09.2023 - 17:49DROPS Design answered:
Dear Margaret, yes, you work all the short rows. Happy knitting!
03.09.2023 - 23:22Jeanette wrote:
I den danske udgave står denne linie kun 1 gang. “strik over alle 70-76-86 (96-104) m, vend og strik tilbage” I den norske udgave står den skrevet 2 gange. Og dette er korrekt for at mønsteret bliver færdiggjort med spids. Jeg har strikket mit arbejde foredrag 3 gange før det gik op for mig, at der mangler en linie i den danske udgave og sikkert også på de andre sprog, fir jeg kan se, at mange får samme problem.
10.08.2023 - 10:13Jayne McClenaghan wrote:
Very confused. When you turn is that a new row on the pattern or the same row in reverse? So for example when I work 46 I have completed the first 5 stitches of the pattern and then turn, do I then go to the second row of the pattern or the first town in reverse?
11.03.2023 - 12:52DROPS Design answered:
Dear Jayne, when turning and working the "return row" you work the next row in the chart. You can also check the following video for more details: Happy knitting!
12.03.2023 - 17:12Catherine wrote:
So ein schönes Modell aber auch mit Videotutorial nicht zu schaffen. Warum springt man mitten im Muster immer auf die Linie davor? Schade ☹️
13.02.2023 - 19:48Keth wrote:
Bonjour Je ne comprends pas l’explication suivante pour l’épaule : tricoter les 23-25-28 (30-33) premières m, tourner et tricoter le rang suivant à l'end ; tricoter toutes les 29-31-34 (36-39) premières m, tourner et tricoter le rang suivant à l'end*. Faut-il tricoter toutes les mailles à l’endroit quand on tourne ou faut-il respecter M1.
12.05.2022 - 16:53DROPS Design answered:
Bonjour Keth, effectivement, il faut continuer à tricoter comme avant, point mousse et M.1 pendant ces rangs raccourcis, la mention "à l'endroit" a été supprimée, merci pour votre retour. Bonne continuation!
13.05.2022 - 07:57
Nova |
Short sleeve cardigan knitted from side to side in garter st and lace pattern for baby and children in DROPS BabyMerino
DROPS Baby 20-14 |
SLEEVELESS TOP: PATTERN: See diagram M.1. Diagram shows the pattern from RS. KNITTING TIP: When turning mid piece, slip first st as if to K, tighten thread and work return row in order to avoid a hole in transition. -------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------- SLEEVELESS TOP: Beg on left front piece and work towards the armhole, work wide shoulder, work back piece, the other shoulder and then right front piece. LOOSELY cast on 62-68-78 (88-96) sts on needle size 2.5 mm with light pink and K 8 rows for front band (first row = RS). Work next row as follows from RS: K 41-45-52 (60-65) sts, K the next 15 sts AT THE SAME TIME inc 8 sts evenly (inc 1 st by making 1 YO), K the last 6-8-11 (13-16) sts = 70-76-86 (96-104) sts. K 1 row on all sts (work YO into back of loop to avoid a hole). Continue as follows: K 41-45-52 (60-65) sts (K these sts on all rows), chart M.1 (= 23 sts), K 6-8-11 (13-16) sts (K these sts on all rows). AT THE SAME TIME work shortened rows as follows - SEE KNITTING TIP: * work the first 30-32-38 (42-47) sts, turn piece and work return row, work the first 46-50-57 (65-70) sts, turn (for all sizes this will be after 5 sts in M.1) and work return row, work the first 64-70-80 (90-98) sts, turn and work return row, work all 70-76-86 (96-104) sts, turn and work return row *, repeat from *-* until piece measures approx 16-18-19 (20,5-22) cm from cast on row, measured where widest (= bottom edge). Cut the thread. Now slip the first 41-45-52 (60-65) sts towards bottom edge on a stitch holder (= the side) = 29-31-34 (36-39) sts left on needle for wide shoulder. Continue with shortened rows as follows (first row = from RS): * Work in pattern on the first 23-25-28 (30-33) sts, turn and work return row, work in pattern on all 29-31-34 (36-39) sts, turn and work return row *, repeat from *-* until piece measures 16-17-18 (18-20) cm from where sts were put on stitch holder. Cut the thread. Slip the 41-45-52 (60-65) sts from stitch holder at the side back on needle for back piece and insert a marker in piece. Continue from bottom edge of jacket (first row = RS) in pattern and with shortened rows as described for front piece. When piece measures 28-31-35 (37-40) cm from marker at the side, measured where widest (= bottom edge) cut the thread. Slip the first 41-45-52 (60-65) sts from bottom edge on a stitch holder (= the side). Continue on remaining sts for wide shoulder as described for the first shoulder until shoulders are the same length. Cut the thread. Slip the 41-45-52 (60-65) sts from stitch holder at the side back on needle and continue as described for the other front piece. When right front piece is the same length as left front piece (without front band) work next row from RS as follows: work 41-45-52 (60-65) sts, work the next 23 sts AT THE SAME TIME dec 8 sts evenly (dec by K2 tog), work the last 6-8-11 (13-16) sts = 62-68-78 (88-96) sts. Now work front band as follows: K 3 rows on all sts. On next row from RS make 3 buttonholes as follows (i.e. from bottom edge towards the top): K 41-45-53 (61-65) sts, 1 YO, K2 tog, K 7-8-9 (10-12) sts, 1 YO, K2 tog, K 7-8-9 (10-12) sts, 1 YO, K2 tog and finish with K1. Turn and K all sts. K 5 rows on all sts and cast off loosely. CROCHET BORDER: Crochet a border round bottom edge of jacket and round shoulder edges with crochet hook size 3 mm with white as follows: 1 dc, * 3 ch, 1 tr in the first of the 3 ch, skip approx 1 cm, 1 dc *, repeat from *-*. Cut and fasten thread. ASSEMBLY: Sew on buttons. |
Diagram explanations |
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