Gabi wrote:
Hallo und danke für die letzte Hilfe. Bin jetzt beim Armloch und verstehe die Anleitung wieder nicht. Äußerste 5 M häkeln, dann 8 auslassen und dann weiter? Was wird das für ein Armloch? Dann gegen die Seite abnehmen bis das ganze Seitenteil abgenommen ist? Linke Seite dann genauso. Wo ist denn dann das Rückenteil? Wenn ich alles abnehme, ist doch nichts mehr übrig in der Mitte! Bitte noch einmal um Hilfe. Danke.
14.02.2025 - 19:12DROPS Design answered:
Liebe Gabi, so wird die Arbeit "verteilt": 5 M für das Vorderteil, 8 M für das Armloch, 72 M für das Rückenteil, 8 M für das Armloch und 5 M für das Vorderteil = 98 M insgesamt. So häkeln Sie zuerst die Vorderteile (separat) über die 5 M beidseitig, dann häkeln die Mittelren 72 M so haben Sie 8 M für die beide Armlöcher. Und dazu nehmen Sie 1 Masche jede Reihe am Anfang /Ende der Reihe für das Armloch ab, bis keine Masche übrig sind, so dazu brauchen Sie 5 Reihen im L für die Vorderteile. Viel Spaß beim Häkeln!
17.02.2025 - 07:36
Gabi wrote:
Hallo, habe alle Squares gehäkelt u die ersten 12 cm 1. Teil. Und von da ab verstehe ich gar nichts mehr. Wieso soll ich Seitenteile häkeln, wenn die Seiten doch Squares sind? Was sind Blenden? Was heißt, dass die in der Mitte übereinander kommen? Was heißt, 1. Reihe häkelt man die Blenden mit den 6 M. zusammen? Welche 6 Maschen? Ich verstehe den ganzen Rest nicht mehr! Soll ich die ganzen Squares und die Wolle jetzt in den Müll werfen?
12.02.2025 - 19:12DROPS Design answered:
Liebe Gabi, die Quadraten sind nur für beide Vorderteile, an beiden Seiten + Rückenteil sind es Stäbchen - siehe auch Maßskizze. Mit "Blenden" sind hier die Maschen am Schlitz, so die ersten 6 Maschen bei der rechten Seite und die letze 6 M bei der linken Seiten, dann werden sich diese 6 Maschen in der Mitte vom Rückenteil überlappen und je 1 Stäbchen in beiden Teilen häkeln wenn man weiter häkelt. Dann häkelt man mit Zunahmen bis zum Armlöcher und die 3 Teilen: rechte Seite/Vorderteil, linke Seite/Vorderteil und Rückenteil werden dann separat gehäkelt. Viel Spaß beim Häkeln!
13.02.2025 - 09:46
Helen wrote:
PART-1 (= left side includes buttonhole band) PART-2 (= right side includes buttonhole band) Could someone explain or show what the above should look like as confused? I have an odd shape at the mo??
04.12.2024 - 10:42DROPS Design answered:
Dear Helen, there seems to be a typo in the pattern. Part-1 is the left side, which includes the band where the back buttons will be later placed. Part-2 is the right side, which includes the band with back buttonholes. You can see this second set of buttons in the second photo. After working each part, you will place them together, with the Part-2 buttonhole band over the Part-1 button band. Only the bands overlap, the rest of Part-2 and Part-1 will cover the right side and left side of the back piece, respectively. Happy knitting!
08.12.2024 - 18:57
Mary Johansson wrote:
Mönster 115-37 Fråga kring ärmhålet ska man virka en smygmaska i början sen 3 maskor sen 5 maskor , det står nåt om i slutet av varvet att man ska lämna en, vänd Har aldrig varit med om så krångligt mönster att läsa.
07.11.2024 - 11:20DROPS Design answered:
Hei Mary. Vi skal hjelpe deg så godt vi kan, men fint om du kan opplyse nøyaktig hvor i oppskriften du er / hvilket avsnitt (og hvilken str. du hekler etter). mvh DROPS Design
11.11.2024 - 09:22
Sonja Nilsson wrote:
Var i mönstret gäller detta ? \r\nUppdaterad online: 15.09.2009\r\nVARV 3: 4 lm, 3 st om första lm från föregående v, 1 lm, 3 st i nästa lm, 1 lm, 3 st i nästa lm-båge, 3 lm, 3 st i samma lm-båge (= hörnet), 1 lm, 3 st i nästa lm, 1 lm, 3 st i sista lm. \" 1lm, 1 st till om samma lm.\" Vänd arb. \r\nTack på förhand
04.11.2024 - 13:11DROPS Design answered:
Hei Sonja. Ser ut som om det er samme rettelse som fra 13.11.2009 bare med uten teksten HALV MORMORS-RUTA. Vi skal få slettet denne. Takk for at du gjorde oss oppmerksom på dette. mvh DROPS Design
04.11.2024 - 13:54
Joan wrote:
I am an experienced crocher, but am having trouble understanding the increases for the back. I did it the way I thought, but they came out to sharp, i.e. not a gradual increase. If I do it the way I understand the instructions, I am only increasing on one side, as you are always working right to left (or left to right in my case as I'm left-handed). Please clarify
01.08.2024 - 18:02DROPS Design answered:
Dear Joan, make sure you are increasing on every other row but on each side crocheting both sides together (under back piece + sides). Make also sure to get the right tension in both width and height. Happy crocheting!
02.08.2024 - 08:54
R Schalkens wrote:
Waarom is hier geen getekend vierkanten telpatroon bijgevoegd? Is veel duidelijker om te haken Is bij de meeste patronen wel bijgevoegd
29.06.2024 - 20:10DROPS Design answered:
Dag R. Schalkens,
Helaas is er voor dit patroon geen telpatroon aanwezig. Meestal is het of een telpatroon of uitgeschreven. Bij deze dus alleen uitgeschreven.
30.06.2024 - 20:29
Mönster 115-37, förstår inte hur jag ska få till ärmhålet det står virka 3 yttersta maskor mönster, sen står det inom parentes de nästa 5 m = ärmhål fattar inget, önskashjälp mvh/Carina
03.06.2024 - 21:25DROPS Design answered:
Hej, du hækler over de 3 masker, og vender før de næste 5 masker som er ärmhål, Når du vender minskar du 1 m mod ärmhålet på hver række, til de 3 masker er avm
11.06.2024 - 11:24
Erja Kumpula wrote:
Malli 115-37 koko M Ulompien 3 s:n ja 5:n kavennussilmukan (joka kerroksella) väliin tulee reikä,ymmärsinkö oikein?
05.03.2024 - 09:14DROPS Design answered:
Hei, kavennuskohtiin ei tulisi jäädä reikiä.
17.04.2024 - 17:42
Paola wrote:
Nel modello drops 115-37 non capisco le istruzioni relative al lato destro (e quindi anche lato sinistro) quando si inizia a formare gli Scalfi. Potete darmi maggiori dettagli? Grazie
10.01.2024 - 16:13DROPS Design answered:
Buonasera Paola, ci può spiegare meglio il punto che non le è chiaro? Buon lavoro!
10.01.2024 - 16:45
Licorice Squares Vest |
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Crochet DROPS waistcoat in ”Karisma” with squares. Size S to XXXL.
DROPS 115-37 |
PATTERN: ROW 1: 1 dc in each sc, finish row with 1 ch to turn with. ROW 2: 1 sc in each dc, finish row with 3 ch to turn with. DECREASING TIP (armholes): Dec as follows at the end of row: work row until 1 st remain, turn piece and work return row. Dec as follows at beg of row: work 1 sl st in first st, continue as before. ---------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------- WAISTCOAT: Front piece crochet in squares. Back piece + side piece crochet in pattern rows. COLORS OF SQUARES: SQUARE A: Beg + round 1 = charcoal gray, round 2 = gray, round 3 = white, round 4 = black, round 5 = charcoal gray. SQUARE B: Beg + round 1 = black, round 2 = charcoal gray, round 3 = white, round 4 = gray, round 5 = charcoal gray. SQUARE C: Beg + round 1 = white, round 2 = charcoal gray, round 3 = black, round 4 = gray, round 5 = charcoal gray. SQUARE D: Beg + round 1 = white, round 2 = charcoal gray, round 3 = gray, round 4 = black, round 5 = charcoal gray. WHOLE SQUARE: Crochet 6 ch with crochet hook size 4 mm / G/6 and form a ring with 1 sl st in first ch. ROUND 1: 3 ch, 2 dc in ring, * 3 ch, 3 dc *, repeat from *-* a total of 3 times and finish with 3 ch and 1 sl st in 3rd ch from beg of round. Turn piece. ROUND 2: 3 ch, 2 dc in first ch-loop, 3 ch, 3 dc in the same ch-loop, * 1 ch, 3 dc in next ch-loop, 3 ch, 3 dc in the same ch-loop *, repeat from *-* a total of 3 times, finish with 1 ch and 1 sl st in 3rd ch from beg of round. Turn piece. ROUND 3: 3 ch, 2 dc in first ch-loop, 1 ch, * 3 dc in next ch-loop, 3 ch, 3 dc in the same ch-loop, 1 ch, 3 dc in next ch-loop, 1 ch *, repeat from *-* a total of 3 times, 3 dc in next ch-loop, 3 ch, 3 dc in the same ch-loop, 1 ch, finish with 1 sl st in 3rd ch from beg of round. Turn piece. ROUND 4: 3 ch, 2 dc in first ch-loop, 1 ch, * 3 dc in next ch-loop, 3 ch, 3 dc in the same ch-loop, 1 ch, 3 dc in next ch-loop, 1 ch, 3 dc in next ch-loop, 1 ch *, repeat from *-* a total of 3 times, 3 dc in next ch-loop, 3 ch, 3 dc in the same ch-loop, 1 ch, 3 dc in next ch-loop, 1 ch, finish with 1 sl st in 3rd ch from beg of round. Turn piece. ROUND 5: Crochet 1 sc in each dc and 1 sc in each ch, finish with 1 sl st in first sc. Square measures approx 9.5 x 9.5 cm / 3¾" x 3¾". HALF SQUARE: Read US/UK above! Crochet 6 ch with crochet hook size 4 mm / G/6 and form a ring with 1 sl st in first ch. ROW 1: 4 ch, 3 dc in ring, 3 ch, 3 dc in ring, 1 ch, 1 dc in ring. Turn piece. ROW 2: 4 ch, 3 dc in first ch from previous row, 1 ch, 3 dc in next ch-loop, 3 ch, 3 dc in the same ch-loop (= corner), 1 ch, 3 dc in last ch, 1 ch, 1 dc in the same ch. Turn piece. ROW 3: 4 ch, 3 dc in first ch from previous row, 1 ch, 3 dc in next ch, 1 ch, 3 dc in next ch-loop, 3 ch, 3 dc in the same ch-loop (= corner), 1 ch, 3 dc in next ch, 1 ch, 3 dc in last ch, 1 ch, 1 dc in the same ch. Turn piece. ROW 4: 4 ch, 3 dc in first ch from previous row, * 1 ch, 3 dc in next ch-loop *, repeat from *-* a total of 3 times, 3 ch, 3 dc in the same ch-loop, repeat from *-* a total of 3 times, 1 ch, 1 dc in the last ch. Turn piece. ROW 5: Crochet 1 sc in each dc and 1 sc in each ch. NUMBER OF SQUARES: SIZE S-M-L: Crochet 4 whole + 1 half square of A, 5 whole squares of B, 2 whole + 2 half squares of C and 3 whole + 1 half square of D = a total of 14 whole and 4 half squares. SIZE XL-XXL-XXXL: Crochet 4 whole + 2 half squares of A, 6 whole squares of B, 3 whole + 2 half squares of C and 5 whole squares of D = a total of 18 whole and 4 half squares. BACK PIECE + SIDE PIECE: Crochet the first 12 cm / 4¾" in 2 parts (for split mid back). PART-1 (= left side includes buttonhole band): Crochet 38-45-54-66-78-90 loose ch on crochet hook size 4.5 mm/US 7 with charcoal gray. Crochet first row as follows: 1 sc in 2nd ch from hook, 1 sc in each of the next 1-3-2-4-1-3 ch, * skip 1 ch, 1 sc in each of the next 4 ch *, repeat from *-* = 30-36-43-53-62-72 sc. Continue in PATTERN – see above. REMEMBER THE GAUGE! When piece measures 12 cm / 4¾" put it aside. PART-2 (= right side includes buttonhole band): Crochet like part-1, but when piece measures approx 5 cm / 2" – adjust so that next row is a row with dc - make 1 buttonhole towards mid back by replacing the last but 2 dc towards mid back with 1 ch, on next row crochet 1 sc in ch. Repeat when piece measures 10 cm / 4". Put piece aside when it measures 12 cm / 4¾" (adjust to no of rows on part-1. BACK PIECE + SIDE PIECE: Place part-1 and part-2 over each other (right side over left side) with 6 sts overlapping mid back – (i.e. 1 row crochet through 2 layers on these 6 sts) = 54-66-80-100-118-138 sts. Continue in pattern, AT THE SAME TIME on next row with dc inc 1 st each side by working 2 dc in the last but 1 dc each side. Repeat the inc on every other row a total of 9 times = 72-84-98-118-136-156 sts. When piece measures 30-29-28-36-35-34 cm / 11¾"-11⅜"-11"-14¼"-13¾"-13⅜" bind off for armhole as follows: RIGHT SIDE PIECE: Continue in pattern as before on the 0-3-5-7-8-11 outermost sts at the side (the next 5-5-8-14-21-25 sts = armhole - in size S all sts on side piece = armhole). Now dec 1 st on every row towards armhole until all sts have been dec – SEE DECREASING TIP! LEFT SIDE PIECE: Like right side piece. BACK PIECE: Crochet back and forth on the middle 62-68-72-76-78-84 sts only, AT THE SAME TIME dec 1 st towards armhole each side on every row until 62 sts remain (for all sizes). When piece measures 46-46-46-55-55-55 cm / 18"-18"-18"-21⅝"-21⅝"-21⅝" crochet 2 rows on 16 sts each side only (the middle 30 sts = neckline). Cut the thread. ASSEMBLY: Sew squares tog to 2 front pieces as shown in chart – sew edge to edge with charcoal gray in outer loops of sts. Sew front pieces to back piece and sew shoulder seams in the same way. BORDER ARMHOLE: Crochet 2-2-2-5-5-5 rounds with sc round armholes with charcoal gray and crochet hook size 4.5 mm/US 7 - approx 16 sc per 10 cm / 4" – make sure border is even, i.e. not too many sc. BORDER WAISTCOAT: Crochet a border round the whole waistcoat with charcoal gray on crochet hook size 4.5 mm/US 7. Beg at bottom of split on back piece, continue along bottom edge, up along right front piece, round neck, down along left front piece and along bottom edge to split mid back (i.e. do not crochet each side of split mid back) Crochet 5 rows back and forth with sc - approx 16 sc per 10 cm / 4" - NOTE: in all outward facing corners crochet 3 sc and in all inward facing corners skip 1 st. AT THE SAME TIME on row 2 (= WS) make 3-3-3-4-4-4 buttonholes on right front band. 1 BUTTONHOLE = 2 ch and skip 2 sc, on next row crochet 2 sc in each ch-loop. Make 1 buttonhole in each transition between the squares. Sew 2 buttons to split mid back and 3-3-3-4-4-4 buttons to left front band. |
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