Annika wrote:
Det fattas ju en del av mönstret på svenska! Inte konstigt att det blir fel är jag försöker sticka. Hade varit tacksam om ni rättade till det!
07.02.2025 - 17:14
Janine Luisier wrote:
Bonjour votre site est excellent belles laines, beaux modèles, et le 86-10 super comme tant d'autres. Les explications à portée de tous. Mille MERCIS ż
05.12.2024 - 15:08
Stéphanie P wrote:
Bonjour, Comment joindre les deux extrémités du tricot sans rabattre les mailles? Je ne trouve aucun tutos ... Merci d'avance Stéphanie
01.11.2024 - 00:33
Lorraine wrote:
Bonjour, pourquoi ne pas rabattre les mailles avant de coudre le bandeau.
11.09.2024 - 17:20DROPS Design answered:
Bonjour Lorraine, pour éviter que la couture ne soit trop épaisse, mais vous pouvez tout à fait rabattre avant si vous le préférez. Bon tricot!
12.09.2024 - 09:26
June wrote:
Do I do the first two rows actually like they are written after doing the first increase row?
23.03.2024 - 00:43DROPS Design answered:
Dear June, in this pattern you have a rib pattern, where you will repeat the rib explained in rows 1 and 2. However, as you increase, the rib will slightly change. For example, in the first increase at 3", you increase from P1 in the rib to P2 from the RS (by purling 2 stitches in 1 purl stitch). Then, on the WS knit over the new purl stitches (so the new rib will look like K2, P2 from the RS and P2, K2 from the WS). As you continue increasing you will add P stitches from the RS, which are knitted from the WS (so K2, P3 from the RS and P2, K3 from the WS; then K2, P4 from the RS and P2, K4 from the WS). Continue increasing like this. Happy knitting!
25.03.2024 - 00:00
June wrote:
When the piece messages 3 ins what do I do now?
23.03.2024 - 00:30DROPS Design answered:
Dear June, in the first increase at 3", you will work as follows from the RS: K 1 (edge st knit in garter st), * K 2, P 2 (that is, purl 2 stitches in the P1 to increase 1 purl stitch) * repeat a total of 5 times – finish row with K 2 and K 1 (edge st knit in garter st). Due to these increases, in the WS the rib also changes: from P2, K1 to P2, K2 (you don't increase in this row, just work over the increased stitches in the previous row). Happy knitting!
25.03.2024 - 00:00
Carole Saidah wrote:
Bonjour, pour le bandeau, est ce que les diminutions se font sur l'endroit du travail comme pour les augmentations ? Merci pour votre réponse
27.12.2022 - 19:55DROPS Design answered:
Bonjour Mme Saidah, tout à fait, on doit diminuer le nombre de mailles envers, vu sur l''endroit, on va tricoter ainsi 2 m ens à l'envers sur l'endroit. Bon tricot!
02.01.2023 - 10:33
Brenda wrote:
Any chance of doing a video tutorial on you-tube. I really like this headband, but am confused with the written pattern.
01.12.2022 - 01:02DROPS Design answered:
Dear Brenda, you will find videos relative to the techniques used in that pattern at the bottom of the pattern, feel free to ask your question here so that we can help you further in the part of the pattern you don't understand. Happy knitting!
01.12.2022 - 11:46
Kathy wrote:
I am on the first increase row to 24 stitches and following the established rib pattern but there are not enough stitches to complete the rib pattern! What do I do?
11.10.2021 - 01:08DROPS Design answered:
Hi Kathy, You increase all P1 to P2 (5 stitches increased) which gives you 24 stitches. You now have 1 stitch in garter stitch, 5 x K2, P2 (20 stitches), K2 and 1 stitch in garter stitch = 24 stitches. Happy knitting!
11.10.2021 - 07:04
Iris wrote:
Hallo! Ich bin ziemliche Anfängerin und komme mit der Anleitung nicht ganz zurecht. Betrifft das Fertigstellen des Stirnbands mit den Maschen auf einem Hilfsfaden. Habe leider auch kein passendes Videotutorial dazu finden können. Wie lange muß der Hilfsfaden sein? und wird er mithineingenäht? Danke im Voraus für die Hilfe!
01.01.2021 - 22:03DROPS Design answered:
Liebe Iris, die stillgelegten Maschen werden wie in diesem Video zusammen mit der Anschlagskante - wie in diesem Video zusammen genäht, dh so eine "Mischung" je nach den Maschen. Viel Spaß beim zusammennähen!
04.01.2021 - 14:43
Saturn Rings |
DROPS Headband in Alaska and Shawl in Vienna
DROPS 86-10 |
Gauge: 18 sts x 23 rows in stockinette st = 10 x 10 cm Headband: Start at center back. Cast on 19 sts. Work in rib as follows: Row 1 (right side): K 1 (edge st knit in garter st), * K 2, P 1 * repeat a total of 5 times – finish row with K 2 and K 1 (edge st knit in garter st). Row 2 (wrong side): K 1 (edge st knit in garter st), * P 2, K 1 * repeat a total of 5 times – finish row with P 2 and K 1 (edge st knit in garter st). Make all incs on right side rows, inc by P 2 sts into 1 P stitch. When the piece measures 8 cm all P 1 to P 2 = 24 sts. When the piece measures 14 cm all P 2 to P 3 = 29 sts. When the piece measures 18 cm all P 3 to P 4 = 34 sts. When the piece measures 21 cm inc all P 4 to P 5 = 39 sts. When the piece measures 24 cm place a marker = this is the center of headband. Now reverse shaping – measure from marker. Make all decs on right side rows, dec by P2 tog. When the piece measures 3 cm dec all P 5 to P 4 = 34 sts. When the piece measures 6 cm dec all P 4 to P 3 = 29 sts. When the piece measures 10 cm dec all P 3 to P 2 = 24 sts. When the piece measures 16 cm dec all P 2 to P 1 = 19 sts. When the piece measures a total of 48 cm bind off and sew to cast on edge. ----------------------------------------------------- SHAWL : Measurements: Length: 100 cm Width: 205 cm Materials: VIENNA from Garnstudio 200 gr nr 43, light brown DROPS 15 mm needles, or size needed to obtain correct gauge. Gauge: 5 sts x 9 rows in garter st = 10 x 10 cm (this is loosely knit) Shawl: Cast on 4 sts and knit garter st, increasing 1 st at one side every other row. Inc by knitting 2 sts in 1 st. Continue incs until there are 50 sts, the piece measures approx. 102 cm. Now dec on the same side as incs – dec every other row by K 2 tog the 2 outermost sts. Continue dec until 4 sts remain, the piece measures approx. 205 cm, bind off. Fringe: Fasten fringe tufts along both sides approx. 4-5 cm apart – start at point at lower edge. Cut 6 strands 35 cm long, fold in half, pull folded end through outermost st and pull ends through loop. |
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