Lenie wrote:
Het vest wordt met 2 draden gebreid. Waarom dan van de ene kleur 500 gram en van de andere kleur 300 gram. Hoe kan dat?
21.11.2023 - 15:28DROPS Design answered:
Dag Lenie,
De ene draad heeft een andere looplengte dan de andere draad. Dit kan bijvoorbeeld komen doordat de ene draad lichter en/of dunner is dan de andere draad. Uiteindelijk heb je van beide draden in totaal ongeveer dezelfde looplengte nodig.
21.11.2023 - 22:43Lenie wrote:
U geeft aan dat er 500 Gr van de ene kleur en 300 Gr van de andere kleur nodig heeft. Ik lees dat er met 2 draden gebreide wordt. Wordt het hele vest met 2 draden gebreid of een gedeelte hiervan. Mijn vraag is waarom het verschil van de 2 kleuren in grammen?
21.11.2023 - 15:25DROPS Design answered:
Dag Lenie,
Het gehele vest wordt met 2 draden gebreid; 1 draad van elke kwaliteit. Het andere deel van je vraag is al beantwoord via je een reactie op je andere vraag.
21.11.2023 - 22:45Kat wrote:
I substituted yarns with C group (Nepal). My initial circle is getting wavy. Does it even out in later rows or does that mean I need thinner sock needles? I tried no. 6 by mistake but got a similar effect with no. 5. The test square for sleeves was around 9.5 cm, so it might also mean that I am knitting too tight. Any suggestions?
21.08.2023 - 10:10DROPS Design answered:
Dear Kat, make sure to get the correct tension to get the correct finished measurements - read more here. Repeat then the diagram a total of 8 times in the round (on the first round, repeat *YO, K1*, making sure to increase 8 sts on every other round - note that in this diagram, only every other round is drawn, this means every even numbered row must be worked in stocking stitch/in rib (last 6 rows in diagram). Happy knitting!.
21.08.2023 - 15:02Anke Rüger wrote:
Ich benötige die Lauflänge der Wolle Cotton -Merino, da diese nicht mehr im Sortiment ist, finde ich diese Information nicht. Ich möchte das Projekt in Big Merino fertigen. Für Ihre Unterstützung bedanke ich mich im voraus. Liebe Grüße Anke Rüger
03.07.2023 - 06:32Laurence wrote:
Bonjour, j'aimerais tricoter ce modèle en sky taille M, pouvez-vous m'indiquer combien si je dois utiliser 1 ou 2 fils et quelle taille d'aiguilles choisir? Merci!
05.10.2022 - 16:33DROPS Design answered:
Bonjour Laurence, ce modèle peut se tricoter avec 2 fils du groupe A/1 fil du groupe C mais Sky appartient au groupe de fils B. Vous trouverez ici quelques modèles en Sky + Kid-Silk avec 15 m jersey pour 10 cm, mais le nbe de rangs est différent, il vous faudrait alors recalculer le modèle si vous n'avez pas le bon échantillon. Privilégiez un fil du groupe de fils C pour plus de simplicité - retrouvez ici plus d'infos pour faire les calculs des nouvelles quantités. Bon tricot!
06.10.2022 - 08:08Zuzana wrote:
Dobrý deň, nerozumiem ako dosiahnem na rukáv 42 ociek. V návode sa odkladá na rukáv len 21. Ďakujem za pomoc
28.01.2022 - 18:32DROPS Design answered:
Hi Zuzana, if you could write your question in English, we will try to answer :)
22.04.2022 - 11:45Patty wrote:
Would it be possible to provide chest measurements for each size? I'm not 100% sure if I would need a M/L or an XL. Thank you!
22.08.2021 - 01:44DROPS Design answered:
Dear Patty, all the relevant measurements are given on the schematic drawing. It would be difficult to give an exact chest measurement, because due to the shape of the sweater it can be closed so, that it allows you slightly adjust the size (you can cross it deeper with more crossing). Happy stitching,
22.08.2021 - 02:08Conny wrote:
Wanneer je de steken voor de mouw hebt gebreid, meerder je dan de steken weer in de volgende naald? Het is me niet duidelijk. Ik heb hier in de vragen gezocht en niets gevonden en ik zie het ook niet in de beschrijving.
23.02.2021 - 12:57DROPS Design answered:
Dag Conny,
Je breit de steken voor de mouwen in een andere kleur en op de volgende naald brei je de steken weer in de kleur waar je mee breit. Als je de mouwen gaat breien neem je steken op waar je met een andere kleur hebt gebreid en haal je die draad eruit. Je zet dus geen steken op in de volgende naald, maar je breit verder over die andere kleur.
02.03.2021 - 09:06Patty Ricci wrote:
If you wanted to make this with only one type of yarn what would the weight be (in US terms, please)? I can't figure out if it would be worsted or not since one strand is a sport weight and the other one is a DK weight. Thank you!
02.09.2020 - 22:16DROPS Design answered:
Dear Mrs Ricci, this pattern is here worked with 2 strands yarn group A and they could be replaced with one strand yarn group C - read more about altenatives here ; do not hesitate to contact your DROPS store - even per mail - for any further individual assistance choosing the yarn. Happy knitting!
03.09.2020 - 08:56Geneva wrote:
Is it possible to obtain written instructions for DROPS patterns?
29.04.2019 - 02:44DROPS Design answered:
Dear Geneva, when our patterns only have diagrams, you have to work following the diagrams as explained in the written pattern - 29.04.2019 - 11:01
Stella Marina |
DROPS Cardigan in “art knitting” with Alpaca and Cotton Viscose, based on a circle.
DROPS 94-5 |
Knitting Gauge: 15 sts x 22 rounds on needles size 6 mm in pattern (front and back piece) = 10 x 10 cm and 15 sts x 19 rows of stocking sts (sleeves) = 10 x 10 cm with 1 thread of Cotton Viscose and 1 thread of Alpaca. Lace pattern: See diagrams M.1 – there is one diagram for each size. Diagram shows 1/8 of the piece and only every other round. Rounds 2, 4, 6 and all even rounds are worked in stocking sts out to the rib (= the last 6 rounds in diagram), thereafter knit K over K and P over P so the rib will be a total of 11 rounds. M.2 = the rib for the sleeves. Front and Back piece: The cardigan is knitted in a circle from the centre back. Cast on 8 sts with 1 thread of Cotton Viscose and 1 thread of Alpaca and distribute them evenly on 4 double pointed needles. Knit in pattern according to diagram M.1 – see explanation above. Inc. 8 sts on every other row according to diagram - change to longer circular needles as you go along. Size S/M: Knit the round marked with an arrow for the armholes as follows: Make a yo, K2 tog. make a yo (as the first 3 windows in diagram shows). Knit 21 sts with another colour (this thread is taken out later and the sleeves are knitted from here and downwards). Knit 63 sts according to diagram, knit the next 21 sts with another colour (= 2nd armhole). Continue diagram as before. Size M/L: Knit the round marked with an arrow for the armholes as follows: Make a yo, K2 tog. make a yo (as the first 3 windows in diagram shows). Knit 26 sts with another colour (this thread is taken out later and the sleeves are knitted from here and downwards). Knit 67 sts according the diagram, knit the next 26 sts with another colour (= 2nd armhole). Continue diagram as before. Size XL: Knit the round marked with an arrow for the armholes as follows: Make a yo, K2 tog. make a yo (as the first 3 windows in diagram shows). Knit 30 sts with another colour (this thread is taken out later and the sleeves are knitted from here and downwards). Knit 72 sts according the diagram, knit the next 30 sts with another colour (= 2nd armhole). Continue diagram as before. Last round in diagram is the binding off round. There is a total of 448-496-544 sts on the bind off round. The piece should measure approx 50-55-60 cm from the centre and out (= 100-110-120 cm in diameter). Sleeves: Pick up sts for the sleeves from the thread which was knitted in another colour. The sleeves are knitted from top down. Cut this thread in the middle and use 2 needles to put the sts on each side onto the needles (then pull the thread out) = 21-26-30 sts on each needle/side. Put all the sts on a small circular needle = 42-52-60 sts. Pick up 4 additional sts for the top of the sleeve- top is where the sleeve is closest to the other sleeve – and 2 extra sts at the bottom (underneath) of the sleeve = 48-58-66 sts. Start knitting from underneath the sleeve – insert a marking thread here. P 1 round and continue in stocking sts. When the sleeve measures 4 cm bind off 1 st each side of the marking thread. Repeat to bind off 2 sts on every 6-4-2.5 cm a total of 6-8-12 times = 36-42-42 sts. When the piece measures 34 cm continue in M.2. When the piece measures 52 cm bind off loosely – remember to bind off at the 4th, 8th or 12th round as shown in diagram (= pattern round). NB: Try the cardigan on before binding off the sleeves to make sure the sleeves are the right length. English explanations to the pattern diagram: |
Diagram explanations |
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