Maria Do Carmo Cunha Costa wrote:
Vou experimentar!
11.08.2024 - 02:43
Mesnier wrote:
Bonjour, est ce que pour A.5c, entre les 5 brides on fait bien 8 mailles en l'air, puis 5 brides 8 mailles en l'air, etc... Merci
26.05.2024 - 11:04DROPS Design answered:
Bonjour Mme Mesnier, on va effectivement avoir 8 mailles en l'air entre chaque groupe de 5 brides dans le même arceau (3 ml à la fin de A.5b/A.5c + 2 ml + 3 ml au début de A.5c/A.5d). Bon crochet!
27.05.2024 - 08:35
Mesnier wrote:
Je ne comprends toujours pas.....A.1b comprend 5 mailles puisque... 1 bride 2 mailles en l'air 1 bride 1 maille en l'air ? On ne peut pas faire 49 fois le motif ! ! !
22.05.2024 - 11:27DROPS Design answered:
Bonjour Mme Mesnier, vous devez répéter 49 fois A.1b, soit 49 fois 4 mailles = 196 mailles au total; autrement dit, vous allez répéter au 1er rang 49 fois ( 1 bride, 2 ml, 1 bride, 1 ml); au dernier rang de A.1b vous aurez 49 fois 4 ms soit 196 mailles de nouveau. Bon crochet!
22.05.2024 - 13:50
Mesnier wrote:
Combien dois-je avoir de "trous trous" pour passer le lien pour la petite taille
22.05.2024 - 09:42DROPS Design answered:
Bonjour Mme Mesnier, si vous parlez du nombre de jours de A.1b, vous en aurez 2 par motifs de A.1b autrement dit, 49 fois A.1b = 98 au total. Bon crochet!
22.05.2024 - 11:13
Mesnier wrote:
Quelle est le nombre de mailles après avoir terminer A.1b pour la petite taille ?
22.05.2024 - 09:27DROPS Design answered:
Bonjour Mme Mesnier, le nombre de mailles reste le même qu'au début de A.1: 4 mailles pour chaque A.1 en largeur. Bon crochet!
22.05.2024 - 11:11
Mesnier wrote:
A.1b 1er rang sur 4 brides 2e rang 1 bride 2m en l'air 1 bride 1m en l'air = 5 3e rang 1m en l'air 1 bride 2 m en l'air 1 bride = 5 Etc.... je suis perdue
22.05.2024 - 04:15DROPS Design answered:
Bonjour Mme Mesnier, c'est bien ainsi que A.1b se crochète; si vos mailles en l'air sont aussi larges que ne l'est une bride (n'hésitez pas à essayer sur un échantillon), vous pouvez probablement ne crocheter qu'une seule maille en l'air entre chaque bride; ou bien simplement suivre le diagramme (notez bien que vous aurez alternativement 1 et 2 mailles en l'air entre chaque bride). Bon crochet!
22.05.2024 - 08:12
Veronique wrote:
Comment faire une ré hausse car je ne comprends pas les explications Merci de vos reponses
10.11.2023 - 09:57DROPS Design answered:
Bonjour Véronique, la réhausse consiste en des rangs raccourcis que vous allez crocheter en rangs, à partir du milieu dos, en crochetant le nombre de mailles indiqué pour votre taille, alternativement sur l'endroit et sur l'envers, en crochetant 10 à 15 mailles en plus à la fin de chaque rang jusqu'à ce que vous ayez crocheté 140 à 240 mailles au total, le dernier rang est sur l'envers, tournez, crochetez sur l'endroit jusqu'au milieu dos, puis continuez en rond comme indiqué au paragraphe suivant. Bon crochet!
10.11.2023 - 11:28
Beth Noll wrote:
The chart for A.5 is wrong. The row that represents the 4th row of the charted pattern shows ch3 then ch2 then ch3 between the groupings of 5 DC (US terms) worked into the ch4 space of the previous row. This clearly should be ch3 SC in SC below (shown by symbol "X") then ch3. I've corrected the chart for my own use but can't find a way to attach it here for others to use.
21.08.2023 - 15:00DROPS Design answered:
Dear Mrs Noll, on 4th row in A.5 you start with 1 chain (see 16th symbol), then crochet the sc in the stitch below the symbol (cross = see 7th symbol) and not between dc from previous rounds (this applyes only to sc from 8th symbol). Happy crocheting!
21.08.2023 - 15:21
Bianca wrote:
Hallo ich finde in der Anleitung A1 nicht und wenn ich nach der Anleitung gehen hab ich ja wenn ich A.1.a und A1.b beginne mit der Ringe hab ich keinen Luftmaschenbogen sondern in der Reihe davor die 2cm FM aber den Luftmaschenbogen bekomm ich ja nur durch stäbchen hin ? Verwirrt mich etwas und finde A1 nicht am Diagramm eingezeichnet
30.07.2023 - 15:23DROPS Design answered:
Liebe Bianca, die Reihe mit dem Sternchen im Diagram zeigt die Maschen von der vorrigen Reihe (auch wenn in A.1 Feste Maschen und keine Stäbchen sind), häkeln Sie ab der 2. Reihe im Diagram (die, die nach der mit dem Sternchen kommt). Viel Spaß beim häkeln!
31.07.2023 - 11:57
Cassy wrote:
Hallo ich hab mal ne Frage. In der Anleitung steht wenn man bei der hinten Mitte zugenommen hat, also nach dem 10 Runden 2 Stäbchen und 3 Runden 4 Stäbchen sind es insgesamt 28-28-28-32-32-32 zugenommen Stäbchen. Aber müsste da an Dritter Stelle nicht auch 32 Stäbchen sein ? Weil 10 mal 2 Stäbchen plus 3 mal 4 Stäbchen zunehmen sind ja 32 Stäbchen oder verstehe ich da was falsch?
15.07.2023 - 10:01DROPS Design answered:
Liebe Cassy, also ja im 4., 5. und 6. Grösse wird man insgesamt 32 Maschen bei der hinteren Mitte zunehmen: 2 Maschen 10 Mal + 4 Maschen 3 Mal. Welche Größe häkeln Sie?
27.07.2023 - 10:55
Beach Comfort |
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Crocheted shorts with lace pattern. Size: S - XXXL Piece is crocheted in DROPS Safran.
DROPS 190-25 |
INFORMATION FOR PATTERN: PATTERN: See diagrams A.1 to A.5. CROCHET INFORMATION: On every round with double crochets replace first double crochet with 1 chain stitch. Finish round with 1 slip stitch in 1st chain stitch from beginning of round. At beginning of every round with treble crochets replace first treble crochet with 3 chain stitches. Finish round with 1 slip stitch in 3rd chain stitch from beginning of round. INCREASE TIP-1 (applies to sides): Work until 1 treble crochet remains before A.2, work 2 treble crochets in next treble crochet, work A.2 and 2 treble crochets in next treble crochet (= 2 treble crochets increased). Repeat in the other side (= 4 treble crochets increased on round). INCREASE TIP-2 (applies to mid back): Increase 2 treble crochets as follows: Work until 2 treble crochets remain before marker, work 2 treble crochets in first treble crochet, 1 treble crochet in each of the next 2 treble crochets (marker is in the middle of these treble crochets) and 2 treble crochets in next treble crochet (= 2 treble crochets increased). Increase 4 treble crochets as follows: Work until 4 treble crochets remain before marker, work 2 treble crochets in first treble crochet, 1 treble crochet in next treble crochet, 2 treble crochets in next treble crochet, 1 treble crochet in each of the next 2 treble crochets (marker is in the middle of these treble crochets) and 2 treble crochets in next treble crochet, 1 treble crochet in next treble crochet, 2 treble crochets in next treble crochet (= 4 treble crochets increased). INCREASE TIP-3: Increase 1 treble crochet by working 2 treble crochets in same stitch. ---------------------------------------------------------- SHORTS: Work in the round top down. Work 244-274-299-329-369-404 chain stitches with Safran on hook size 2.5 mm and form a ring with 1 slip stitch in first chain stitch. Insert 1 marker thread at beginning of round = mid back. Work first round as follows: Work 1 chain stitch (= 1 double crochet) - read CROCHET INFO, 1 double crochet in each of the first 3 chain stitches, * skip 1 chain stitch, 1 double crochet in each of the next 4 chain stitches *, work from *-* 48-54-59-65-73-80 times in total = 196-220-240-264-296-324 double crochets. Then work 1 double crochet in every double crochet until piece measures 2 cm. REMEMBER THE CROCHET TENSION! Now work in the round according to diagram A.1 as follows: Work A.1a (shows how rounds begin and end and is worked in addition to A.1b), work A.1b 49-55-60-66-74-81 times in total in width. Continue until A.1a/b have been worked vertically. Then work the shorts higher in the back as follows: Work 10-11-12-13-14-15 double crochets past the marker thread mid back, turn and work 1 slip stitch in first stitch, then 1 double crochet in each of the next 19-21-23-25-27-29 double crochets, turn and work 1 slip stitch in first stitch, then 1 double crochet in each of the next 29-31-35-38-41-44 stitches (slip stitches are also worked). Continue like this by working 10-11-12-13-14-15 stitches more on every turn until a total of 140-154-192-208-224-240 stitches have been worked. Turn again and work until marker thread mid back. Now work in the round as follows: Work 1 treble crochet in each of the first 47-53-58-64-72-79 stitches (= half back piece), A.2 over the next 5 double crochets (= the side), work 1 treble crochet in each of the next 92-104-114-126-142-156 stitches (= front piece), A.2 over the next 5 double crochets (= the side), work 1 treble crochet in each of the last 47-53-58-64-72-79 stitches (= half back piece). Continue pattern like this (then repeat last round in A.2) - AT THE SAME TIME increase in the sides and mid back as follows: SIDES: Increase on each side of A.1, in each side as follows - read INCREASE TIP-1! Increase like this every 3rd-4th-4th-4th-4th-4th round 9-8-8-9-9-10 times in total (= 36-32-32-36-36-40 treble crochets increased). MID BACK: When piece measures 15-16-17-19-20-22 cm (measured mid front), increase mid back as follows – read INCREASE TIP-2. Increase like this with 2 treble crochets mid back on every round 4-8-10-10-10-10 times in total, then increase 4 treble crochets on every round 5-3-3-3-3-3 times in total (= 28-28-28-32-32-32 treble crochets increased). When all increases are done there are 260-280-300-332-364-396 treble crochets on round. Continue with 1 treble crochet in every treble crochet until piece measures 22-24-26-28-30-32 cm mid front and 26-28-31-33-35-37 cm mid back. Now divide for legs as follows: Work 1 slip stitch in each of the first 5-5-6-6-6-7 treble crochets on round, turn and work back over the first 10-10-12-12-12-14 treble crochets (i.e. 5-5-6-6-6-7 treble crochets on each side of marker thread mid back). These 10-10-12-12-12-14 treble crochets = gusset. Work treble crochets back and forth over these treble crochets for 10-11-12-13-14-15 cm, cut the thread. Fasten gusset edge to edge to the middle 10-10-12-12-12-14 stitches towards mid front. Then work leg. LEG: Work 1 treble crochet in each of the 115-125-133-149-165-179 treble crochets around one leg, work in addition A.3 (= 7 treble crochets) over A.2 and work 26-28-32-34-36-38 treble crochet along gusset = 148-160-172-190-208-224 treble crochets. Then work 2-2-3-3-4-4 rounds with treble crochets - on last round increase 8-8-8-2-8-4 treble crochets evenly – read INCREASE TIP-3 = 156-168-180-192-216-228 treble crochets. Now work in the round according to diagram A.4 as follows: Work A.4a (shows how rounds begin and end and is worked in addition to A.4b/c), work A.4b 77-83-89-95-107-113 times in total, A.1d. Continue until A.4a/b/c are done vertically = 156-168-180-192-216-228 treble crochets. Now work in the round according to diagram A.5 as follows: Work A.5a (shows how rounds begin and end and is worked in addition to A.5b/c), A.5b, A.5c 12-13-14-15-17-18 times in total, and A.5d. Continue until A.5a/b/c/d have been worked vertically. Fasten off. Work the other leg the same way. TIE RIBBON: Work 120-140-150-160-170-180 cm with LOOSE chain stitches, turn and work 1 slip stitch in every chain stitch. Thread the tie in the middle row with eyelet holes at the top of shorts – start mid front. |
Diagram explanations |
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