Inocencia Gomez Faus wrote:
La lana es como el hilo del n°8?
07.03.2024 - 18:33DROPS Design answered:
Hola Inocencia, puedes ver aquí las características de este hilo: Si te refieres a perlé nº8 entonces no, no es igual, es más gordo.
10.03.2024 - 21:11
Nina wrote:
Hei, Skal hver rad i diagrammet gjentas på hver omgang slik at rad en gjentas fem ganger per runde etc?
28.07.2022 - 14:53DROPS Design answered:
Hei Nina, Ja, A.1 er gjentatt i bredden på hver omgang. God fornøyelse!
29.07.2022 - 06:55
Daniela wrote:
Buonasera, ma devo usare per forza i ferri a doppia punta?
23.05.2022 - 17:46DROPS Design answered:
Buonasera Daniela, le calze sono lavorate in tondo: se preferisce può utilizzare un ferro circolare con il cavo almeno da 80 cm e la tecnica del magic loop. Buon lavoro!
23.05.2022 - 17:59
Elsy Gamboa wrote:
Hola, para medir el largo del calcetín, dice que se mide desde el marcador del talón, pero eso implicaría que todo el calcetín mida de largo unos 4 cm mas del tamaño del pie, o así me esta quedando, ¿ o debo medir desde donde iniciaron las disminuciones del talón mejor dicho? si tuvieran una imagen de como se mide ese largo, estaría mucho mas claro.
01.11.2021 - 05:56
Emili wrote:
Jag stickar till 12-18 mån. Har lagt upp 50 maskor, följer mönstret, men mönstret blir fel mellan sista och första flätan? Det blir alltså bara ett randigt område där det hade kunnat vara en fläta emellan om man hade lagt upp 4 maskor till. Ska det vara så?
13.10.2021 - 16:41DROPS Design answered:
Hej Emili. Du ser att det är det vänstra diagrammet du ska använda till den storleken? Du kommer få 5 flätor och 5 "ränder" (=2 rm) på varvet så det ska bli jämnt fördelat. Mvh DROPS Design
14.10.2021 - 07:58
Vera Kjærstad wrote:
Når jeg prøver og skrive ut denne oppskriften fra mobilen blir diagramforklaring og alle diagrammer borte. Håper dette er noe dere kan rette på.
20.03.2021 - 11:44DROPS Design answered:
Hei Vera. Husk å trykke på "Skriv ut" knappen og velg oppskrift, så skal det fungere. Om ikke, må du sjekke dine innstillinger. mvh DROPS design
22.03.2021 - 15:45
Roberta L Clayton wrote:
Is there an English (American) translation for the pattern? It is darling. Thank you.
04.05.2020 - 22:40DROPS Design answered:
Dear Mrs Clayton, just click on the scroll down menu under the foto to edit language. Happy knitting!
05.05.2020 - 11:40
Sofie wrote:
Hej! Jag undrar om ni har mått på hur brett skaftet ska vara i de olika storlekarna? Är osäker på om jag har rätt stickfasthet, så det hade varit toppen med mått på skaftets bredd för att kunna jämföra vilken storlek mitt skaft motsvarar. Jag har lagt upp 60 maskor.
28.04.2020 - 22:19DROPS Design answered:
Hej Sofie, vi har desværre ingen mål på omkredsen af skaftet med snoningerne. Men du skal have 26 masker på 10 cm i bredden i glatstrik :)
29.04.2020 - 08:45
Eunice wrote:
Ik ben fan van jullie op pinterest, maar sinds 3 dagen is alles van Drops design geblokkeerd omdat het mogelijk naar Spam zou leiden. Ik geloof daar niks van, heb nog nooit spam via jullie gekregen. Ik wil jullie daar graag even over informeren.
03.03.2020 - 12:21
Jeannette wrote:
So happy to have found your site. Thank you for this lovely pattern for infants socks. Making the, for my first great granddaughter expected in April.
12.02.2020 - 02:09
Celestina Socks |
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Knitted baby socks with cables. Sizes premature - 3/4 years. Piece is worked in DROPS BabyMerino.
DROPS Baby 31-8 |
INFORMATION FOR THE PATTERN: PATTERN: See diagram A.1. Choose diagram for your size. DECREASE TIP: Decrease as follows before the marker: Start 2 stitches before the marker and knit 2 together. Decrease as follows after the marker: Slip 1 stitch as if to knit, knit 1, pass the slipped stitch over the knitted stitch. HEEL DECREASE: ROW 1 (= right side): Work until there are (5) 6-6-6 (7-8) stitches left, slip the next stitch as if to knit, knit 1, pass the slipped stitch over the stitch worked, turn the piece. ROW 2 (= wrong side): Work until there are (5) 6-6-6 (7-8) stitches left, slip the next stitch as if to purl, purl 1, pass the slipped stitch over the stitch worked, turn the piece. ROW 3: Work until there are (4) 5-5-5 (6-7) stitches left, slip the next stitch as if to knit, knit 1, pass the slipped stitch over the stitch worked, turn the piece. ROW 4: Work until there are (4) 5-5-5 (6-7) stitches left, slip the next stitch as if to purl, purl 1, pass the slipped stitch over the stitch worked, turn the piece. Continue to decrease like this, by working until there is 1 less stitch left before slipping the next stitch, until there are (6) 8-10-10 (10-12) stitches left on the needle. ---------------------------------------------------------- SOCK: The piece is worked in the round. Cast on (40) 50-50-50-(60-60) stitches with double pointed needles size 2.5 mm and BabyMerino. Work 1 round stocking stitch, then work A.1 (= (10) 10-10-10 (12-12) stitches). REMEMBER THE KNITTING TENSION! When the piece measures (5) 7-8-8 (9-9) cm work 1 round stocking stitch AT THE SAME TIME as you decrease (8) 14-10-10 (16-12) stitches evenly on round = (32) 36-40-40 (44-48) stitches. Now keep the first (16) 18-20-20 (22-26) stitches on the needle for heel and the remaining (16) 18-20-20 (22-22) stitches are placed on 1 thread (= top of foot). Work stocking stitch back and forth over the heel stitches for (3) 3-3½-4 (4-4½) cm – insert 1 marker. Now work HEEL DECREASE - see description above! Then knit up (7) 8-9-10 (10-11) stitches on each side of the heel and the stitches from the thread (top of foot) are placed back on the needles, insert 1 marker thread on each side of the stitches on top of foot = (36) 42-48-50 (52-56) stitches. Continue in the round with stocking stitch. AT THE SAME TIME on round 1, decrease 1 stitch before the (16) 18-20-20 (22-22) stitches on top of foot and decrease 1 stitch after the (16) 18-20-20 (22-22) stitches on top of foot – read DECREASE TIP. Decrease like this every 2nd round a total of (2) 3-6-7 (5-7) times = (32) 36-36-36 (42-42) stitches. Continue until the sock measures (6) 8-9-10 (12-14) cm from the heel marker. Now insert 1 new marker in each side of the sock (= (16) 18-18-18 (21-21) stitches between each marker = on top of and under the sock). Continue by decreasing 1 stitch on each side of each marker (= 4 stitches decreased). Decrease like this every round a total of (6) 7-7-7 (8-8) times = (8) 8-8-8 (10-10) stitches left on needle, cut the strand and pull it through the remaining stitches, pull tight and fasten well. The sock measures approx. (8) 10-11-12 (14-16) cm. Work 1 more sock in the same way. |
Diagram explanations |
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