Florence Lefevre wrote:
Bonjour, Je suis entrain de faire la petite taille de la combinaison. Au 1er rang du diagramme faut-il faire une augmentation après chaque 6e maille tout du long du rang? Merci . Cordialement. Florence
16.11.2024 - 09:37DROPS Design answered:
Bonjour Florence, le diagramme commence sur l'endroit, et vous devez répéter toues les mailles du diagramme, de droite à gauche sur l'endroit (et de gauche à droite sur l'envers), autrement dit, au tout 1er rang tricotez (1 jeté + les 6 m du diagramme) répétez de (à) jusqu'à la fin du rang et terminez par la 1ère maille du diagramme (pas le jeté). Bon tricot!
18.11.2024 - 07:26Maria Delova wrote:
Liebes Drops-Team, Ich bin gerade dabei die Mütze zu Stricken. Klappt so weit gut. Nur die Ohrenklappen machen mir zu schaffen. Da steht "Wenn die Ohrklappe eine Gesamtlänge von 5-6 cm hat, je 1 Markierer beidseitig anbringen." Wo kommt der Markierer genau hin? Beidseitig von was? Ich hoffe auf schnelle Hilfe! Vielen Dank schon mal! Maria
07.11.2024 - 13:32DROPS Design answered:
Liebe Frau Delova, der Ohrklappen wird doppelt, so die Markierungen sollen an beiden Seiten sein, wenn der Rundbeginn in der Mitte der Innerseite liegt, dann haben Sie 1/4 der Maschen, 1 Markierung, die Hälfte der Maschen (äusserte Seite vom Ohrenklapp), 1 Markierung, 1/4 der Maschen. Viel Spaß beim Stricken!
07.11.2024 - 16:36Jule wrote:
Wieviel Wolle brauche ich bitte für Overal und Mütze in Größe 92?
30.06.2024 - 10:13DROPS Design answered:
Liebe Frau Jule, am besten kalkulieren Sie die Garnmenge für jedes Stück zusammen, so sind Sie sicher, genügend Garn zu haben. Viel Spaß beim Stricken!
01.07.2024 - 10:02Monica-Yvonne Lund wrote:
Hei DROPS, Ser ut til at det er gjort en feil i mønster A-1 str. 3/4 + 5/6 år. På linje 9 og 13 så blir det lagt ut 1 maske på begynnelsen av rapporten begge gangene. Hvis man følger dette så blir stjernen ikke midtstilt i rapporten og kan komme ut skjevt. Alle pinner med utlegg av maske må byttes på hvilken side av rapporten masken skal legges ut, start fra pinne 13 og oppover. Vennlig hilsen Monica-Yvonne Lund Vennlig hilsen Monica-Yvonne Lund
10.04.2024 - 17:40Solene Maelys Cordet wrote:
Bonjour :) j’espère que vous allez bien ! Je souhaiterais adapter ce modèle à un nouveau né, auriez-vous des conseils ? Un immense merci !!
26.07.2023 - 14:37DROPS Design answered:
Bonjour Solene, vous trouverez les ensembles pour les nouveau-nes sur notre page ICI. Vous pouvez choisir un et ajouter un motif jacquard que vous aimez. Bon tricot!
26.07.2023 - 14:57Johanne Meek wrote:
Bonjour, Comment arriver à 187 mailles après le diagramme ? Cela inclut ou exclut les mailles de bordure( 10 au total). Je tente de faire les déductions…..à la fin du diagramme nous aurons 16 mailles x 11( car il y a ce nombre de motifs)= 176 ??? De plus que voulez vous dire à la page 4 : « Jusqu’à ce qu’il reste 6 m » Je ferai des bas en attendant votre réponse…..fatiguée de de défaire…… Merci, Johanne
26.06.2023 - 14:39DROPS Design answered:
Bonjour Mme Meek, dans la 1ère taille, vous commencez avec 77 mailles, et vous tricotez ainsi: 5 m point mousse, 11x les 6 m de A.1, (= vous répétez les 6 m de A.1 jusqu'à ce qu'il reste 6 mailles sur l'aiguille gauche et terminez ainsi: tricotez la 1ère m de A.1 et 5 m point mousse (soit = 5+(11x6)+1+5=77); à la fin de A.1, il y a 16 m dans chaque A.1 soit: 5 +(11x16)+1+5=187 mailles. Bon tricot!
26.06.2023 - 16:07Bente Engmann wrote:
Har begynt på nytt og strikker str:2 år og nu er jeg der det står : strikk mønster etter diag.A1. til det gjenstår 6 m på pinnen ( hva menes det med det ? ) og og skal jeg begynne med 1 hvit ( ikke kast i tillegg ? ) og på 3 rad står det 1 kast, skal det strikkes 7 masker + et kast hver gang hele runden ? MVH. Bente Engmann.
05.06.2023 - 13:41Nel wrote:
Ik brei met Karisma. Mijn proeflapje klopte met de voorgeschreven aantallen nld. :28 =10 cm. In het patroon ben heb ik nu veel minder naalden in 10 cm. Ik denk dat ik nu het A2 patroon moet pakken om aan 13 cm te komen voor de kleinste maat.
14.03.2023 - 22:47DROPS Design answered:
Dag Nel,
Als de stekenverhouding verder wel in de breedte klopt, kun je op bepaalde plekken in het patroon een aantal extra naalden breien om aan de hoogte te komen, bijvoorbeeld bij de naalden waar maar 1 kleur gebruikt wordt.
01.04.2023 - 19:54Tone Patrick wrote:
Hei, ønsker å strikke dressen i str 3/4 og 5/6, men syntes det er vanskelig å strikke bærestykket med økninger når det ikke står hvor mange masker jeg skal ha etter hver økning. Jeg er en erfaren strikker og tenker at dette er noe flere vil ha problemer med.
27.02.2023 - 12:55DROPS Design answered:
Hei Tone. Oppskriftene våre blir skrevet på ulike måter for å tilfredstille alle brukerne. Noen liker å "lese"diagram der man ser økningene i diagrammet og der man selv enkelt kan telle og gang med antall rapporter på hva maskeantallet skal være. Mens andre liker å vite maskeantallet etter hver økeomgang. Ta en titt på f.eks DROPS Children 37-5, der er økeomgangene vist med pil og hvor mange masker det er etter økningene. Vanskelig å tilfredstille alle da dette er personlig smak og behag. mvh DROPS Design
27.02.2023 - 14:02Helen Aundal wrote:
Hvor mange cm strikkes på bolen, før en begynner på opphøyningen bak? I oppskriften ser det ut som om den strikkes før bolen.
20.02.2023 - 13:15DROPS Design answered:
Hej Helen, den strikker du allerede efter vrangborden i halsen, du starter med at strikker der hvor det står BÆRESTK :)
23.02.2023 - 15:20
Wild Blueberries |
Set of knitted overall worked top down with Nordic pattern and round yoke, plus hat with ear flaps and pompom in DROPS Karisma. Size children 1 - 6 years
DROPS Children 27-1 |
SUIT: GARTER ST (back and forth): K all rows. 1 ridge = 2 rows K. PATTERN: See diagram A.1 - NOTE: Choose diagram for correct size. Work entire pattern in stocking st. KNITTING TIP (applies to bands): On the rows where there are either stripes or pattern border work the colour in the stripes or the base colour of pattern border also over the 5 band sts in each side but do yarn change between band and body (to avoid fastening the yarn on band). DECREASE/INCREASE TIP: To calculate how often dec/inc should be done, use the total no of sts on row (e.g. 84 sts), minus bands (e.g. 10 sts) and divide the remaining sts by no of dec/inc to be done (e.g. 7) = 10.6. I.e. In this example dec by working alternately approx. every 9th and 10th st and 10th and 11th st tog or inc after alternately approx. every 10th and 11th st by making 1 YO (work YO twisted on next row to avoid hole – NOTE: Do not inc/dec over bands). INCREASE TIP-1: Inc 1 st on each side of marker as follows: Beg 2 sts before marker and make 1 YO, work 4 sts (marker is in the middle of these 4 sts), make 1 YO (= 2 sts inc). On next row work YOs twisted to avoid holes. DECREASE TIP-1 (applies to mid under sleeve and on inside of leg): Dec 1 st on each side of marker as follows: Beg 3 sts before marker and K 2 tog, K 2 (marker is between these 2 sts), slip 1 st as if to K, K 1, psso (= 2 sts dec). BUTTONHOLES: Dec for buttonhole on right band (when garment is worn). 1 button hole = beg from WS and K tog second and third st from edge and make 1 YO. On next row K the YO to make a hole. Dec for first buttonhole after 1½-2 cm on neck edge, then dec the next 5-5-6-6 buttonholes every 7½-8-7½-8 cm. ---------------------------------------------------------- SUIT: Worked back and forth on circular needle from mid front. To make it easier to adjust the length of sleeves and legs the suit is worked top down. YOKE: Cast on 84-88-92-96 sts (incl 5 band sts in each side towards mid front) on a short circular needle size 3 mm with petrol. P 1 row from WS. Work next row as follows from RS: 5 band sts in GARTER ST - see explanation above - * K 2, P 2 *, repeat from *-* until 7 sts remain on needle, finish with K 2 and 5 bands sts in garter st. Continue rib like this for 3 cm – remember BUTTONHOLES on right band – see explanation above and finish after 1 row from RS (= neck edge). Switch to circular needle size 4 mm. P 1 row from WS while dec 7-5-4-1 sts evenly - READ DECREASE/INCREASE TIP = 77-83-88-95 sts on needle. Then work an elevation at the back in stocking st as follows: K until 12-13-14-15 sts remain, turn, tighten yarn and P until 12-13-14-15 sts remain in the other side. Turn, tighten yarn and K until 20-22-24-26 sts remain, turn, tighten yarn and P until 20-22-24-26 sts remain in the other side. Turn, tighten yarn and K until 28-31-34-37 sts remain, turn, tighten yarn and P until 28-31-34-37 sts remain in the other side. Turn, tighten yarn and K the rest of row, then P 1 row from WS (work bands in garter st). Work next row as follows from RS: 5 band sts in garter st, work pattern according to diagram A.1 until 6 sts remain on row - NOTE: Choose diagram for correct size (= 11-12-11-12 repetitions of 6-6-7-7 sts), work first st in A.1 (so that pattern beg and ends the same way inside band in each - NOTE: Do not inc in this st) and finish with 5 band sts in garter st. Continue pattern like this and inc as shown in diagram - READ KNITTING TIP AND REMEMBER KNITTING TENSION. When A.1 has been worked = 187-203-220-239 sts on needle. Work 0-1-0-1 cm with green. Piece now measures approx. 13-14-15-16 cm mid front (measured without rib in the neck). Now work piece in stocking st with green. On first row from RS inc now 7-7-10-7 sts evenly (do not inc over bands) = 194-210-230-246 sts. Work next row as follows from WS: Work 29-31-34-36 sts as before, slip the next 42-46-50-54 sts on 1 stitch holder for sleeve (without working them first), cast on 6 new sts on row, work 52-56-62-66 sts (= back piece), slip the next 42-46-50-54 sts on 1 stitch holder for sleeve (without working them first), cast on 6 new sts on row and work 29-31-34-36 sts as before. BODY: = 122-130-142-150 sts. Insert 1 marker 32-34-37-39 sts in from each side (= 58-62-68-72 sts between markers on back piece). NOW MEASURE PIECE FROM HERE! Then continue back and forth in stocking st and 5 band sts in garter st in each side towards mid front - remember BUTTONHOLES on band. When piece measures 10-10-12-12 cm, inc on each side of both markers – READ INCREASE TIP 1 (= 4 sts inc). Repeat inc when piece measures 20-20-24-24 cm = 130-138-150-158 sts. When piece measures 29-31-35-38 cm from armhole, end bands mid front. Cast off the first 3 sts at the beg of the next 2 rows = 124-132-144-152 sts. Then work in stocking st in the round over all sts for approx. 3 cm – piece now measures 32-34-38-41 cm from armhole and 45-48-53-57 cm from mid front (measured without rib in neck). Now divide for legs. LEG: Beg mid front, switch to double pointed needles size 4 mm and work in stocking st in the round over the first 62-66-72-76 sts (keep the remaining 62-66-72-76 sts on circular needle). Insert 1 marker at beg of round = inside of leg. When leg measures 2 cm from dividing for legs, dec 2 sts on inside of leg - READ DECREASE TIP-1 (= 2 sts dec). Repeat dec every 3rd-4th-6th-7th round a total of 10-10-11-11 times = 42-46-50-54 sts. When leg measures 13-18-25-31 cm, inc 10 sts evenly = 52-56-60-64 sts. Switch to double pointed needles size 3 mm and work rib in the round = K 2/P 2 for 8-8-10-10 cm (or desired length). On next round, inc all 2 P sts to 3 P sts = 65-70-75-80 sts. Then cast off sts with K over K and P over P. Slip sts from circular needle on double pointed needles size 4 mm and work the other leg the same way. Entire suit now measures approx. 66-74-88-98 cm mid front (measured without rib in the neck). SLEEVE: Slip sts from one stitch holder back on double pointed needles size 4 mm, pick up 1 st in each of the 6 sts cast on under sleeve = 48-52-56-60 sts. Insert 1 marker in the middle of the 6 sts (= mid under sleeve). NOW MEASURE PIECE FROM HERE! Work in stocking st in the round with green. When sleeve measures 2-2-1-1 cm, dec 2 sts mid under sleeve - READ DECREASE TIP-1. Repeat dec every 3rd-3rd-4th-4th round a total of 7-9-10-12 times = 34-34-36-36 sts. When sleeve measures 10-12-15-18 cm, inc 6-6-8-8 sts evenly = 40-40-44-44 sts. Switch to double pointed needles size 3 mm and work rib in the round = K 2/P 2 for 8-8-10-10 cm (or desired length). On next round, inc all 2 P sts to 3 P sts = 50-50-55-55 sts. Then cast off sts with K over K and P over P. Work the other sleeve the same way. ASSEMBLY: Place right band over left band and fasten at the bottom with small stitches. Sew the buttons on to the left band. ---------------------------------------------------------- HAT: PATTERN: See diagram A.2. Work entire pattern in stocking st. DECREASE TIP-1: Dec 1 st after every marker as follows: Slip 1 st as if to K, K 1, psso (= 1 st dec). DECREASE TIP-2: Beg 2 sts before marker, K 2 tog, marker, slip 1 st as if to K, K 1, psso (= 2 sts dec). TUBE TIE: Slip the 4 sts tog on 1 double pointed needle size 3 mm. K 1 row, * move all sts to the right side of needle without turning piece, tighten yarn and K over all sts *, repeat from *-* until desired length. ---------------------------------------------------------- HAT: Worked in the round on circular needle from the bottom up, switch to double pointed needles when needed. Cast on 96-112 sts on circular needle size 3 mm with petrol. K 1 round. Then work rib = K 2/P 2 for 3 cm. Switch to circular needle size 3.5 mm and K 1 round while at the same time dec 12-16 sts evenly = 84-96 sts. Then work pattern according to diagram A.2 (= 7-8 repetitions of 12 sts). REMEMBER THE KNITTING TENSION When A.2 has been worked, piece measures approx. 14 cm. Work with green until piece measures 15-17 cm. Now insert 6 markers in piece with 14-16 sts between every marker. On next round dec 1 st after every marker - SEE DECREASE TIP 1 (= 6 sts dec). Dec like this every other round a total of 5 times and then every round 3 times in total = 36-48 sts. On next round K all sts tog 2 by 2, K 1 round and K all sts tog 2 by 2 again = 9-12 sts remain on needle. Cut the yarn and pull it through the remaining sts, tighten tog and fasten. Hat measures approx. 20-22 cm. EAR FLAP: Cast on 40-44 sts with petrol and distribute sts on 2 double pointed needles size 3 mm = 20-22 sts on each needle. Work in stocking st in the round on these 2 needles - NOTE: Tighten yarn in every transition between the 2 needles when working. When ear flap measures 5-6 cm, insert 1 marker in each side. On next round dec 2 sts in each side - SEE DECREASE TIP 2. Dec like this every other round a total of 5-5 times and then every round 4-5 times in total = 4 sts remain on needle. Work TUBE TIE – see explanation above – over the remaining sts until tie measures approx. 20-25 cm. Cut the yarn and pull it through sts, tighten tog and fasten. Knit another ear flap the same way. ASSEMBLY: Place ear flaps approx. 3 cm in under rib on hat and fasten on WS - NOTE: There should be approx. 13-15 cm between ear flaps at the front (= approx. 7-9 cm between ear flaps at the back). Make a pompom with green, 4-5 cm in diameter and fasten pompom at the top of hat. |
Diagram explanations |
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