Yvette wrote:
Je voudrais le patron de la culotte. Où puis-je le trouver ?
22.03.2024 - 17:15
Hanne Hassan wrote:
Hej\r\nForstår ikke bære styk str 2 år\r\nDer står **2 ret 2 vrang a 1 2 vrang**gentag fra **_** totalt 2 gange\r\nForstår ikke hvor mange masker der skal være til raglan og hvor mange masker i ærmet vh Hanne
09.03.2023 - 15:31DROPS Design answered:
Hei Hanne. Du har 134 m på pinne. Strikk rettmasker, vrangmasker og A.1 slik det er forklart i oppskriften. Det strikkes 22 masker over 1/2 forstykket, deretter 2 masker (= 1. raglanlinje), deretter strikkes over 22 masker ( 1.erme). Strikk 2 masker rett (2. raglanlinje). Så strikkes det 38 masker over bakstykket. Strikk 2 masker rett (3. raglanlinje). Deretter strikk 22 masker (2. erme). Strikk 2 masker rett (4. raglanlinje). Avslutt pinnen over 22 masker (=1/2 forstykket). = 22+2+22+38+2+22+2+22= 134 masker. mvh DROPS Design
13.03.2023 - 10:03
Ludivine Cessateur wrote:
Je ne comprend pas non plus vos explications, comment les placer. J'ai essayer et ça se tord.
30.01.2023 - 10:05DROPS Design answered:
Bonjour Mme Cessateur, vous devez maintenant joindre l'ouvrage pour tricoter en rond, et les 6 dernières m des rangs (vu sur l'endroit) doivent être maintenant placées derrière les 6 premières m du rang (vu sur l'endroit). Glissez les 6 dernières m sur une autre aiguille et placez-les contre les 6 premières m du rang (sur l'endroit) de sorte que les 6 dernières m se trouvent sur l'envers, derrière les 6 premières m et tricotez ensuite ces 6 m ensemble 2 par 2: la 1ère m de chaque aiguille ensemble, puis la 2ème m de chaque aiguille ens. et ainsi de suite jusqu'à ce que les 6 m des bordures des devants aient été tricotées ensemble. Bon tricot!
30.01.2023 - 11:54
Ludivine Cessateur wrote:
Bonjour, je suis bloqué sur des explications. J'en suis à toutes les tailles, je ne comprend pas comment placer les bordures et ensuite les tricoter ensemble. J'ai bien mes 5cm de hauteur totale, comment placer ses mailles et tricoter 1 tour endroit ? Je suis complement bloqué. Merci d'avance de votre réponse.
30.01.2023 - 09:17DROPS Design answered:
Bonjour Mme Cessateur, au début d'un rang sur l'endroit, placez les 6 mailles de la fin du rang derrière les 6 premières mailles du début du rang et tricotez la 1ère maille de l'aiguille gauche avec la 6ème maille à partir de la fin, puis la 2ème m de l'aiguille gauche avec la 5ème m à partir de la fin du rang et ainsi de suite, ainsi, les 6 premières mailles sont tricotées aux 6 dernières mailles en bas de la fente d'encolure. Bon tricot!
30.01.2023 - 09:49
Judith Frost-Evans wrote:
I am knitting Simply Sweet and don't understand the A1 diagram.. The first row uses 2 stitches, the next row 3 reducing to 2, the next row 3, the next row 2 with a YO then the next row 2... Will this somehow work out?
24.03.2022 - 05:15DROPS Design answered:
Hi Judith, A.1 will give you the pattern on the ribbed top. On row 1 you increase 1 stitch by making 1 YO, you then have 3 stitches on row 2. On row 3 you decrease 1 stitch by knitting 3 and passing the first stitch worked over the other 2 stitches, so then you are back to 2 stitches. This pattern is repeated onwards. Hope this helps and happy knitting!
24.03.2022 - 07:00
Sonja Christensen wrote:
Hvorfor skal jeg klippe tråden efter at jeg har sluttet kanten foran, og så starte igen
06.05.2021 - 12:03DROPS Design answered:
Hej Sonja, du klipper tråden for at kunne starte omgangen midt bagpå. God fornøjelse!
06.05.2021 - 13:01
Judy Maguire wrote:
I am making the size 3 months. After doing the first round of increases I have 86 stitches as I am meant to have.Then I start first round and no matter how I try, I need 102 stitches to complete the round. That ties in with size 6 months but not 1/3 months. What’s happening here. Please help. This is such a lovely pattern. I so want to knit it. I’m using drops Nord.
02.10.2020 - 20:37DROPS Design answered:
Dear Mrs Maguire, the size 1/3 months is the 3rd size in the pattern, this means you cast on 60 sts (as in 2nd size) and increase 42 sts evenly to get a total of 102 sts. In 2nd size you will increase evenly 26 sts only to get 86 sts. Happy knitting!
05.10.2020 - 08:50
Maimouna wrote:
Danke für die Antwort! Ich habe es nun hinbekommen. Allerdings habe ich das fertige Stück nun gemessen und es ist nicht die 18 cm, wie es eigentlich für die Größe Neugeborene sein sollte. Das Probestück hatte ich gemacht. Kann es sein, dass aufgrund des Rippenmusters enger ist? Das fertige Hemd lässt sich jedenfalls mit Leichtigkeit auf 18 cm und mehr ausdehnen.
24.09.2020 - 22:19DROPS Design answered:
Liebe Maimouna, ja genau, wegen das Rippenmuster sieht die Arbeit etwas enger aus, aber es ist elastisch genug um anzupassen. Viel Spaß beim stricken!
25.09.2020 - 09:05
Maïmouna wrote:
Ja, hm, vielen Dank für die Antwort, sie hilft mir aber nicht weiter. Da es in der Anleitung nur lapidar heißt "nach 5 Zentimetern" (Größe Neugeborene) weiß man nicht, wie viele Maschen s da befinden sollen. Vielleicht strickt man ja ein zwei Reihen zu viel, das Messen ist bei dem m ja auch noch ganz genau möglich. Deshalb bitte ich erneut um die Massenanzahl. Danke im Voraus
18.09.2020 - 16:02DROPS Design answered:
Liebe Maïmouna, die Umschläge von A.1 sind in der angegebene Maschenanzahl nicht inbegriffen, Je nach Ihre Maschenprobe in der Höhe, kann die Maschenanzahl unterschiedlich sein - nach5 cm (von der Anschlagskante) haben Sie noch nicht so viele Raglanzunahmen gestrickt, und sowieso nicht alle - Maschenanzahl ist hier nicht so wichtig, nur Höhe = 5 cm ist wichtig -und 8 Maschen für den Raglan bei jeder HInreihe zunehmen - solange Sie 144 M nach allen Raglanzunahmen fertig sind. Viel Spaß beim stricken!
18.09.2020 - 16:11
Maïmouna wrote:
Vielen Dank für dieses wunderschöne Muster! Ich habe den ersten Raglanteil hinbekommen, sieht auch gut und richtig aus. ABER: Ich habe zu viele Maschen auf der Nadel, auch nachdem ich beide Blenden zusammengestrickt habe. Könnten Sie mir vielleicht sagen, wieviele Maschen ich auf der Nadel haben sollte, BEVOR ich die Blenden zusammenstricke? Dann kann ich noch korrigieren. Beste Grüße
17.09.2020 - 17:16DROPS Design answered:
Liebe Maïmouna, es ist etwas schwierig zu antworten, beachten Sie welche Reihe Sie im A.1 stricken (die mit den Umschlägen, dann haben Sie mehr Maschen auf der Nadel), und prüfen Sie mal die Maschenanzahl von den Raglanzunhammen in den gewünschten Größen. Viel Spaß beim stricken!
18.09.2020 - 08:10
Simply Sweet Singlet |
Knitted baby singlet in rib, worked top down in DROPS BabyMerino. Size premature - 4 years.
DROPS Baby 25-31 |
GARTER ST (back and forth on needle): K all rows. 1 ridge = 2 rows K. PATTERN: See diagram A.1. The diagram shows all rows in pattern seen from RS. RAGLAN: All inc are done from RS. Inc 1 st on each side of the 4 raglan lines by making 1 YO on each side of the 2 sts K in each raglan line (seen from RS). Work YOs into rib, i.e. P the first 2 sts from WS, K the next 2 sts from WS etc. – NOTE: Do not work YOs twisted (i.e. there should be holes on each side of the 2 K sts in raglan line). BUTTONHOLES: Dec for buttonholes on right band. 1 buttonhole = K tog third and fourth st from edge and make 1 YO (dec for buttonholes from WS). Dec for buttonholes when piece measures: SIZE (premature): 1 and 3 cm. SIZE 0/1 month + 1/3 months: 1 and 4 cm. SIZE 6/9 month + 12/18 months: 1 and 4½ cm. SIZE (2 years + 3/4 years): 1 and 5 cm. ---------------------------------------------------------- SINGLET: The piece is worked top down. Work back and forth on circular needle to after neck vent, then work piece in the round on double pointed needles/circular needle until finished measurements. YOKE: Cast on (54) 60-60-64-74 (74-74) sts (incl 6 band sts in each side towards mid front) on circular needle size 3.5 mm with off white Baby Merino. Work 2 RIDGES in garter st - see explanation above (1st row = RS). Then work an elevation in the back of neck as follows (1st row = RS): K until (6) 8-8-8-10 (10-10) sts remain, turn, tighten yarn and K until (6) 8-8-8-10 (10-10) sts remain in the other side. Turn piece, tighten yarn and K until (12) 16-16-16-20 (20-20) sts remain, turn, tighten yarn and K until (12) 16-16-16-20 (20-20) sts remain in the other side. Turn piece, tighten yarn and K until (18) 24-24-24-30 (30-30) sts remain, turn, tighten yarn and K until (18) 24-24-24-30 (30-30) sts remain in the other side. Turn piece, tighten yarn and K the rest of the row. Work next row as follows from WS: K 6 band sts, P the next (42) 48-48-52-62 (62-62) sts AT THE SAME TIME inc (32) 26-42-38-44 (60-60) sts evenly over these sts and finish with K 6 band sts (remember BUTTONHOLES on band – see explanation above) = (86) 86-102-102-118 (134-134) sts on needle. WORK NEXT ROW AS FOLLOWS FROM RS: SIZE (premature) + 0/1 month: 6 band sts in GARTER ST – see explanation above, K 2, P 2, A.1 (= 2 sts), P 2, K 2 (insert 1 marker in the middle of these 2 sts = raglan line), * P 2, K 2 *, repeat from *-* 3 times in total, P 2, K 2 (insert 1 marker in the middle of these 2 sts = raglan line), * P 2, K 2 *, repeat from *-* 5 times in total, P 2, K 2 (insert 1 marker in the middle of these 2 sts = raglan line), * P 2, K 2 *, repeat from *-* 3 times in total, P 2, K 2 (insert 1 marker in the middle of these 2 sts = raglan line), P 2, A.1 (= 2 sts), P 2, K 2 and 6 band sts in GARTER ST. SIZE 1/3 months + 6/9 months + 12/18 months: 6 band sts in GARTER ST – see explanation above, K 2, P 2, A.1 (= 2 sts), P 2, K 2, P 2, K 2 (insert 1 marker in the middle of these 2 sts = raglan line), * P 2, K 2 *, repeat from *-* 3-3-5 times in total, P 2, K 2 (insert 1 marker in the middle of these 2 sts = raglan line), * P 2, K 2 *, repeat from *-* 7 times in total, P 2, K 2 (insert 1 marker in the middle of these 2 sts = raglan line), * P 2, K 2 *, repeat from *-* 3-3-5 times in total, P 2, K 2 (insert 1 marker in the middle of these 2 sts = raglan line), P 2, K 2, P 2, A.1 (= 2 sts), P 2, K 2 and 6 band sts in GARTER ST. SIZE (2 years + 3/4 years): 6 band sts in GARTER ST – see explanation above, ** K 2, P 2, A.1 (= 2 sts), P 2 **, repeat from **-** 2 times in total, K 2 (insert 1 marker in the middle of these 2 sts = raglan line), * P 2, K 2 *, repeat from *-* 5 times in total, P 2, K 2 (insert 1 marker in the middle of these 2 sts = raglan line), * P 2, K 2 *, repeat from *-* 9 times in total, P 2, K 2 (insert 1 marker in the middle of these 2 sts = raglan line), * P 2, K 2 *, repeat from *-* 5 times in total, P 2, K 2 (insert 1 marker in the middle of these 2 sts = raglan line), ** P 2, A.1 (= 2 sts), P 2, K 2 **, repeat from **-** 2 times in total and finish with 6 band sts in GARTER ST. ALL SIZES: Continue pattern like this back and forth. AT THE SAME TIME on next row from RS inc for RAGLAN – see explanation above (= 8 sts inc). Repeat inc every other row/round (i.e. every row from RS) (7) 7-7-11-11 (11-11) more times (= (8) 8-8-12-12 (12-12) inc in total on each side of every raglan line). AT THE SAME TIME when piece measures (4) 5-5-6-6 (7-7) cm, band ends and piece is worked in the round on needle as follows (adjust so that next row is worked from RS): Place piece tog with sts from right band at the top (so that bands are on top of each other and buttonholes are at the edge). Work 1 round in the round AT THE SAME TIME K tog the 6 sts from right and left band 2 by 2, work the rest of round, cut the yarn and beg next round mid back. Continue rib and pattern in the round AT THE SAME TIME continue inc for raglan as before but work the 6 sts mid front as follows: P 2, A.1 (= 2 sts) and P 2. After last inc for raglan there are (144) 144-160-192-208 (224-224) sts on needle. Work (0) 2-2-2-2 (2-2) more rounds as before, piece measures approx. (7) 8-8-10-11 (11-11) cm from shoulder. On next round LOOSELY cast off the (32) 32-32-40-48 (48-48) sts between each marker over sleeves in rib = (40) 40-48-56-56 (64-64) sts remain on front and back piece. BODY: = (80) 80-96-112-112 (128-128) sts. On next round cast on (8) 16-12-12-16 (16-20) LOOSE sts under each sleeve = (96) 112-120-136-144 (160-168) sts on body – NOW MEASURES PIECE FROM HERE. Continue rib in the round as before (= K 2/P 2) with A.1 at the front as before. When piece measures (10) 13-17-17-18 (21-24) cm from armholes, work rib in the round over all sts (i.e. K 2 instead of A.1 on front piece). When piece measures (13) 16-20-20-21 (24-27) cm from armholes (entire garment measures approx. (20) 24-28-30-32 (35-38) cm from shoulder), LOOSELY cast off with K over K and P over P. ASSEMBLY: Sew the buttons on to the left band. |
Diagram explanations |
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