Lilith wrote:
Moin, Ich weiß nicht ob die Frage blöd ist aber ich häkel noch nicht so lange. Wenn ich die 4 LM zu einem Ring gemacht habe und dann nach der ersten Runde 5 haben soll müsste ich doch einen Increase machen oder sehe ich das falsch? Vielleicht verstehe ich auch etwas falsch xD Danke achonmal für die hilfe
29.12.2023 - 00:50DROPS Design answered:
Liebe Lillith, es wird ab 2. Runde und jede 2. Runde zugenommen, so nach 2. Runde sind es 12-12-10 fM, nach 4. Runde 18-18-15 fM. Jede ungerade Runde häkeln Sie einfach ohne Zunahme. Viel Spaß beim häkeln!
02.01.2024 - 10:13Zizzi wrote:
Hej! Ska skaftet monsteras från mitt bak. på hällappens ena sida, över vristdelen på foten och sist över hällappens andra sida? OM då räcker skaftets 16 cm ( Enl mönstret) inte till. Når bara över ena sidan hällapp + vristdel. Ska jag lägga till maskor (många?) eller har jag förstått fel? Finns det någon monteringsanvisning, som klart och tydligt visar hur fot och skaft ska monsteras? (inte hur man virkar ihop 2 stycken). Tacksam för svar Zizzi
14.10.2023 - 14:57DROPS Design answered:
Hei Zizzi. Skaftet er heklet som en vrangbord og er ganske elastisk, så når du skal hekle skaftet og sokkens åpning sammen, dra litt i skaftet. Vi har dessverre ingen video på hvordan det gjøres, men håper vi kan få laget en i nær fremtid. mvh DROPS Design
23.10.2023 - 11:13Erik wrote:
So i am at the "all sizes" part. and i am supposed to place a marker with 15 sc on each side of it. but there is not one stitch that i can place them in. Because there is 30 sts. so im supposed to put the marker between st. 15 and 16? Then it says 1 sc dec on each side of marker. but how do i travel from one side of the marker to the other?
26.09.2023 - 15:08DROPS Design answered:
Dear Erik, if you have 30 sc, you should insert the marker after the 15th stitch and then, crochet 2 sc together on each side of this marker: work 1 sc in each sc until 2 sts remain before marker, crochet 2 sc together, (marker), crochet 2 sc together, work to the end of the row. = you have decreased 2 sts. Work 1 row without decreasing and repeat the decrease row one more time the same way. Happy crocheting!
26.09.2023 - 15:22Simone wrote:
Hej igen. Det jeg mente med mit spørgsmål, var ikke hvordan man hækler sammen, men hvordan skal skaftet side på selve foden? Kan ikke få det til at se rigtigt ud.
12.09.2023 - 11:09DROPS Design answered:
Hei Simone. Jo, når du har heklet ferdig skaftet har det en form som et det rektangel. Åpningen på skaftet skal være midt bak på sokken/hælen. Avpass slik at den ene langsiden på skaftet passer med åpningen bak på sokken/hælen. Legg skaftet og sokkens/hælens åpning mot hverandre og hekle sammen fra vrangen med en rad kjedemaske gjennom begge lag (både skaftet og sokken). Åpningen på skaftet skal være midt bak på sokken. mvh DROPS Design
18.09.2023 - 11:32Simone wrote:
Hej.. Jeg forstår ikke hvordan jeg skal sætte skaftet på hele sokken?
06.08.2023 - 13:07DROPS Design answered:
Hej Simone, se videoen nederst i opskriften hvordan man hækler dele sammen :)
10.08.2023 - 14:04Yiqi Huang wrote:
Dear Drops Team, I think there must be something wrong with the leg design. If done according to the instructions, the piece would measure 16x17 cm, but neither side would fit the opening on the sock or anyone’s calf… I see that many people already raised this question, please review your instructions and correct it so no more people will be confused. Thanks for the great pattern otherwise!
16.07.2022 - 16:06DROPS Design answered:
Dear Mrs Huang, the leg is worked sideways, you crochet for 16-16-18 cm (around leg) - adjust if necessary this length so that it fits the foot, but remember, it should be somewhat tighten around the leg to fit. Happy crocheting!
01.08.2022 - 10:16Vicky wrote:
Eg slite litt med å forstå at denne oppskrifta tilsvare det som visast på biletet. Og for ein nybegynnar så ser eg no at denne oppskrifta i grunn er veldig vanskeleg. Når eg heklar no så bli ikkje hæl-delen det slag det same som visast på biletet. Kva er grunn til at de ikkje har betre videoar evt bilete som visar denne oppskrifta. Har funne oppskrift andre stader og det er forklaring og bilete veldig mykje betre enn det eg har erfart her.
27.03.2022 - 21:44DROPS Design answered:
Hej Vicky, dejligt at høre at du har fundet ud af opskriften ved hjælp af andre videoer. Vi skriver en video af denne på ønskelisten til en anden gang. God fornøjelse!
30.03.2022 - 15:04Heilie Steeneveld wrote:
Ik heb deze sokken met wol besteld maar ik heb wol tekort . Kan ik dit bij bestellen? En de kleur is grijs/ blauw. Ik hoop dat u kunt achterhalen welke wol het was
09.10.2021 - 13:34DROPS Design answered:
Dag Heilie,
Voor vragen over het bestellen van bollen garens in specifieke kleurnummers en verfbaden kun je het beste terecht bij je verkooppunt. Zij kunnen je wellicht verder helpen om het juiste kleurbad te vinden.
16.10.2021 - 13:52Anne wrote:
Je veux débuter un de vos patron et je ne comprend pas votre expressions pour 6-6-5 mailles serrer dans le rond pour travailler en spirale pouvez vous m’aider
09.02.2021 - 23:52DROPS Design answered:
Bonjour Anne, vous crochetez au 1er tour soit 6 ms soit 5 ms selon la taille, puis, avant de commencer le 2ème tour, mettez un fil marqueur après la dernière maille serrée du tour 1 et donc juste avant la première maille du tour 2 et crochetez ensuite 2 ms dans chaque ms, à la fin de chaque tour, mettez bien le marqueur entre la dernière m du tour et la première du tour suivant pour bien repérer le début des tours. Bon crochet!
10.02.2021 - 07:00Miriam De Bie wrote:
Waarom haak je 4 lossen in het begin en dan 6 v in lossenring? Op welk gedeelte van patroon heeft dit betrekking: INFORMATIE VOOR HET HAKEN: Vervang eerste v aan het begin van elke v toer door 1 l. Eindig elke toer met 1 hv in l van het begin van de toer?
08.02.2021 - 20:22DROPS Design answered:
Dag Miriam,
De vier lossen in het begin haak je samen tot een ring en in de lossenring haak je dan weer de 6 vasten. De 4 lossen heb je dus nodig als basis om de vasten in te haken. De informatie voor het haken heeft betrekking op elke toer, dus in plaats van een vaste in de eerste vaste te haken, haak je een losse en sla je de eerste vaste over. Je sluit de toer af door een halve vaste in die eerste vaste te haken.
23.02.2021 - 14:07
Comfort Rib |
Crochet DROPS socks in "Alaska". Size 35 - 43
DROPS 149-21 |
WORK IN THE ROUND IN A CIRCLE: After last dc on the round, continue to next round with 1 dc in next dc (= 1st dc from previous round). NOTE: Insert a marker at the beg of round between last dc on round and 1st dc on next round, move the marker upwards when working. CROCHET INFO: Replace first dc at beg of every dc round with 1 ch. Finish every round with 1 sl st in ch from beg of round. Replace first dc at beg of every dc row with 1 ch. Finish every row with 1 sl st in ch from beg of previous row. DECREASE TIP: Work 1 dc but wait with last pull through (= 2 sts on hook), then work next dc but on last pull through, pull thread through all sts on hook = 1 dc dec. ---------------------------------------------------------- SOCK: Piece is worked in the round from toe and back to instep, then work back and forth from mid back on heel. Then work leg sideways and crochet onto sock. Crochet 4 ch on hook size 3.5 mm with Alaska and form 1 ring with 1 sl st in 1st ch. ROUND 1: Work 6-6-5 dc in ch-ring - READ WORK IN THE ROUND IN A CIRCLE. ROUND 2: Work 2 dc in every dc = 12-12-10 dc. ROUND 3 (and then every other round): Work 1 dc in every dc. ROUND 4: * 1 dc in first dc, 2 dc in next dc *, repeat from *-* 6-6-5 times in total = 18-18-15 dc. ROUND 6: * 1 dc in each of the first 2 dc, 2 dc in next dc *, repeat from *-* 6-6-5 times in total = 24-24-20 dc. ROUND 8: * 1 dc in each of the first 3 dc, 2 dc in next dc *, repeat from *-* 6-6-5 times in total = 30-30-25 dc. ROUND 10: * 1 dc in each of the first 4 dc, 2 dc in next dc *, repeat from *-* 6-6-5 times in total = 36-36-30 dc. Inc are now done in size 35/37. ROUND 12: * 1 dc in each of the first 5 dc, 2 dc in next dc *, repeat from *-* 6-5 times in total = 42-35 dc. Inc are now done in size 38/40. ROUND 14: * 1 dc in each of the first 6 dc, 2 dc in next dc *, repeat from *-* 5 times in total = 40 dc. ROUND 16: * 1 dc in each of the first 7 dc, 2 dc in next dc *, repeat from *-* 5 times in total = 45 dc. Inc are now done in size 41/43. ALL SIZES: = 36-42-45 dc on round. Work in the round with 1 dc in every dc until piece measures 14-16-18 cm. Then work dc back and forth over the first 24-30-32 dc (i.e. do not work over the last 12-12-13 dc on round) - read CROCHET INFO! When sock measures 20-22-25 cm (i.e. approx. 6-6-7 cm from where it is divided), insert 1 marker in the middle of piece (= 12-15-16 dc on each side of marker). On next row dec 1 dc on each side of marker, i.e. beg 2 sts before marker and work the next 4 dc tog 2 by 2 – READ DECREASE TIP (= 2 dc dec). Work 1 row without dec. Repeat dec on next row (= 2 dc dec) = 20-26-28 sts remain on row. Work 1 row without dec, sock now measures approx. 22-24-27 cm from toe to heel. Put piece aside. LEG: Work leg as follows: Work 33 loose ch with Alaska on hook size 3.5 mm. Work 1 dc in 2nd ch from hook, then work 1 dc in every ch the entire row = 32 dc. Work back and forth with dc only in back loop of sts until piece measures 16-16-18 cm, adjust so that one long side fits the opening of sock. Place leg and sock opening towards each other and work tog from WS with a row of sl sts through both layers. NOTE – opening on sock should be mid back of sock. ASSEMBLY: Turn the sock inside out, place it double and work tog the back from WS with a row of sl sts through both layers. Fasten off. |
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