Margaux wrote:
Bonjour, Je ne comprends pas comment faire la feuille pour la fraise, c'est très vague, pouvez vous svp mieux expliquer ? Merci d'avance,
03.05.2024 - 09:57DROPS Design answered:
Bonjour Margaux, la feuille se crochète en rond, à partir d'un rond de 48 ml où l'on crochète d'abord 8 arceaux au 1er tour, puis 1 ms dans chaque ms = 8 ms au 2ème tour puis on crochète 2 ms ensemble tout le tour = 4 ms, et enfin 1 ms dans chaque ms au dernier tour. Cette feuille est ensuite cousue en haut de la fraise. Bon crochet!
03.05.2024 - 13:06Thérèse ROGER-COLIN wrote:
Bonjour, existe t-il 1 traduction Française du patron Berrylicious ??? je ne connais pas la traduction des Termes de technique au ne peux donc pas réaliser ces jolies fraises...... Merci. Thérèse.
28.06.2020 - 14:28DROPS Design answered:
Bonjour Mme Roger-Colin, tous nos modèles sont disponibles en français, cliquez sur le menu déroulant sous la photo pour sélectionner "français". Bon crochet!
29.06.2020 - 08:26Mervi Lahtinen wrote:
Miten keltaiset pistot ommellaan mansikkaan?
21.02.2020 - 14:37DROPS Design answered:
Hei, pilkut ommellaan tavallisin suorin pistoin.
24.02.2020 - 16:04MERVI Lahtinen wrote:
Miten mansikan lehti virkataan? 2. Kerros aiheutti päänvaivaa! Kiitos vastauksesta.
21.02.2020 - 13:59Susan wrote:
Please clarify the instructions for the strawberry leaf pattern 23-59. It is unclear to me exactly what the leaf should look like. Thank you.
09.09.2015 - 22:40DROPS Design answered:
Dear Susan, leaf is worked in the round from outwards towards innwards, start with a ch-row with 48 ch, join in the round. Work then 1 row with 5-ch spaces (8 ch-spaces), work then 1 sc in each sc from previous row (= 8 sc), then on last round crochet all sc tog 2 by 2 (= 4 sc), work 1 more row with sc (= 4 sc) and sew at the top of the strawberry. Happy crocheting!
10.09.2015 - 10:03Lamelo wrote:
Merci pour ces modèles tout simples à faire ! Et très jolis. La fraise mériterai d'être un tout petit peu plus petite pour être parfaite !
10.08.2014 - 10:43Katrin wrote:
In der Anleitung für die Erdbeere ist ein Fehler in Runde 8: es müsste "1 fM in die nächsten 4 fM" heißen
16.08.2012 - 12:51DROPS Design answered:
Das stimmt, vielen Dank für den Hinweis!
17.08.2012 - 18:16
Berrylicious |
Crochet toy strawberry in DROPS Paris.
DROPS Children 23-59 |
MAGIC CIRCLE: When piece is worked in the round, start with this technique to avoid holes in the middle (instead of ch-ring): Hold the yarn end and wind the yarn one time around the index finger to make a loop. Hold the loop with left thumb and middle finger, place the thread over left index finger. Insert hook through the loop, make a YO and pull thread through loop, work ch 1, then work sc around the loop. When the desired no of sc have been reached, pull the yarn end to tighten the loop. Fasten the yarn end at the back. Continue to work in the round in a circle. WORK IN THE ROUND IN A CIRCLE: After last sc on the round, continue to next round with 1 sc in next sc (= first sc from previous round). NOTE: Insert a marker at the beg of round between last sc and first sc on the round, move the marker upwards when working. INCREASE TIP: Inc 1 sc by working 2 sc in next sc. DECREASE TIP: Dec 1 sc by working 2 sc tog as follows: * Insert hook in next sc, get thread *, repeat from *-* one more time, make a YO and pull thread through all 3 sts on hook. -------------------------------------------------------- STRAWBERRY: Worked in the round in a circle. Start by making a MAGIC CIRCLE - read explanation above - at the bottom of strawberry with shocking pink on hook size 4.5 mm/US 7. ROUND 1: Work 4 sc in the magic circle - READ WORK IN THE ROUND IN A CIRCLE. ROUND 2: Inc 1 sc in every sc = 8 sc. ROUND 3: * 1 sc in next sc, inc 1 sc in next sc *, repeat from *-* the entire round = 12 sc. ROUND 4: * 1 sc in each of the next 2 sc, inc 1 sc in next sc *, repeat from *-* the entire round = 16 sc. ROUND 5: Work 1 sc in every sc. ROUND 6: * 1 sc in each of the next 3 sc, inc 1 sc in next sc *, repeat from *-* the entire round = 20 sc. ROUND 7: Work 1 sc in every sc. ROUND 8: * 1 sc in each of the next 4 sc, inc 1 sc in next sc *, repeat from *-* the entire round = 24 sc. ROUND 9 and 10: Work 1 sc in every sc. ROUND 11: * 1 sc in each of the next 2 sc, dec 1 sc *, repeat from *-* the entire round = 18 sc. ROUND 12: * 1 sc in next sc, dec 1 sc *, repeat from *-* the entire round = 12 sc. ROUND 13: Work all sc tog 2 by 2 = 6 sc, cut the thread. Fill the strawberry with some poly stuffing, sew the last 6 sc tog with thread end. LEAF: Worked in the round. Ch 48 with pistachio on hook size 4.5 mm /US 7 and form a ring with 1 sl st in 1st ch. ROUND 1: Work 1 sc in first ch, * skip ch 5, 1 sc in next ch *, repeat from *-* the entire round and finish by skipping the last 5 ch and 1 sl st in 1st sc = 8 sc and 8 ch spaces. ROUND 2: ch 1, 1 sc in every sc, finish with 1 sl st in first sc. ROUND 3: ch 1, work all sc tog 2 by 2 = 4 sc. Then work 1 sc in every sc, cut and fasten the thread. Sew leaves at the top of strawberry. Sew some stitches with strong yellow on the strawberry. ---------------------------------------------------------- Basket - see pattern SmåDrops 23-56 --------------------------------------------------------- Carrot - see pattern SmåDrops 23-57 --------------------------------------------------------- Kiwi - see pattern SmåDrops 23-58 --------------------------------------------------------- Apple - see pattern SmåDrops 23-60 --------------------------------------------------------- Pear - see pattern SmåDrops 23-61 --------------------------------------------------------- Clementine - see pattern SmåDrops 23-62 --------------------------------------------------------- Banana - see pattern SmåDrops 23-63 --------------------------------------------------------- Mushroom - see pattern SmåDrops 23-64 --------------------------------------------------------- |
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