Maria wrote:
Jak zrobić tą białą łatkę na oku?
27.02.2023 - 17:20DROPS Design answered:
Witaj Mario, wykonujesz kółko oczkami ścisłymi i końcówką nitki przyszywasz je do głowy kotka. Patrz część OKO w opisie. Pozdrawiamy!
28.02.2023 - 08:11Buka wrote:
02.02.2022 - 13:12Maja Kuna wrote:
Jakim ściegiem przyszyć i na jakich rzęach?
31.12.2021 - 17:10DROPS Design answered:
Witaj Maju, co do miejsc zszycia spójrz na zdjęcie. Przyszywaj drobnym starannym ściegiem, np. jak na filmie TUTAJ. Pozdrawiamy!
01.01.2022 - 23:27Mom wrote:
Näyttää hauskalta!
07.03.2021 - 17:24Em wrote:
How do you assemble the cat and how do you do the winking eye
05.11.2016 - 13:02DROPS Design answered:
Dear Em, you can first add pins to find place for each piece then sew them tog with yarn and thread needle. The eye will be embroider on the face - see here. Happy crocheting!
07.11.2016 - 09:03Monika wrote:
We wzorze sc przetłumaczono jako os. Czy nie powinny to byc polslupki??
15.09.2016 - 20:16DROPS Design answered:
Witaj Moniko. Wszystko jest w porządku: sc (single crochet US) to to samo co dc (double crochet UK), a po polsku oś (oczko ścisłe). Półsłupek wykonujemy jak TUTAJ. POWODZENIA!
19.09.2016 - 17:49Klára wrote:
Ahoj všichni já jsem to dělala přesně podle návodu a skončilo to tak že ta kočka má úplně OBROVSKOU HLAVU takže to moc nevyšlo ale jinak OK :)
21.02.2016 - 19:30Marianne wrote:
Klopt het dat de staart niet gevuld dient te worden? Dit lijkt niet te kloppen met wat ik op de afbeelding zie.
14.04.2014 - 15:21DROPS Design answered:
Hoi Marianne. Ja, dat klopt. De staart is te klein om gevuld te worden. Je mag het natuurlijk altijd proberen als je dat mooier vindt.
15.04.2014 - 12:06Babs wrote:
Ok bedankt!
17.12.2013 - 13:42Babs wrote:
Is het de bedoeling dat je de opening van de kop en het lijfje sluit (dicht maakt) voordat je ze aan elkaar naait? Alvast bedankt!
17.12.2013 - 11:33DROPS Design answered:
Hoi Babs. Nee, je sluit niet de openingen (zowel het lijf als de kop eindigt met 12 v op de toer. Je naait de openingen aan elkaar.
17.12.2013 - 11:59
Sylvester |
Crochet cat in DROPS Paris
DROPS Baby 21-44 |
CROCHET INFO: MAGIC CIRCLE: When piece is worked in the round, start with this technique to avoid holes in the middle (instead of ch-ring): Hold the yarn end and wind the yarn one time around the index finger to make a loop. Hold the loop with left thumb and middle finger, place the thread over left index finger. Insert hook through the loop, make a YO and pull thread through loop, work 1 ch, then work dc around the loop. When the desired no of dc have been reached, pull the yarn end to tighten the loop. Fasten the yarn end on the back side. Continue to work in the round in a circle. WORK IN THE ROUND IN A CIRCLE: After last dc on the round, continue to next round with 1 dc in next dc (= first dc from previous round). NOTE: Insert a marker at the beg of round between last dc and first dc on the round, move the marker upwards. WORKING 2 DC TOG: * Insert hook in next st, get thread *, repeat from *-* one more time, make a YO and pull thread through all 3 sts on hook. -------------------------------------------------------- HEAD: Worked in the round in a circle with black on hook size 4 mm. Start at the top of head by making a magic circle - Read explanation above. ROUND 1: Work 6 dc in ch-ring. Read WORK IN THE ROUND IN A CIRCLE above. ROUND 2: 2 dc in every dc = 12 dc. ROUND 3: * 1 dc in next dc, 2 dc in next dc *, repeat from *-* the rest of the round = 18 dc. ROUND 4: * 1 dc in the next 2 dc, 2 dc in next dc *, repeat from *-* the rest of the round = 24 dc. ROUND 5: * 1 dc in the next 3 dc, 2 dc in next dc *, repeat from *-* the rest of the round = 30 dc. ROUND 6: * 1 dc in the next 4 dc, 2 dc in next dc *, repeat from *-* the rest of the round = 36 dc. ROUND 7: * 1 dc in the next 5 dc, 2 dc in next dc *, repeat from *-* the rest of the round = 42 dc. ROUND 8: Work 1 dc in every dc = 42 dc. ROUND 9: * 1 dc in the next 6 dc, 2 dc in next dc *, repeat from *-* the rest of the round = 48 dc. ROUND 10-13: Work 1 dc in every dc = 48 dc. ROUND 14: * 1 dc in the next 6 dc, then crochet the next 2 dc tog * - Read explanation above, repeat from *-* the rest of the round = 42 dc. ROUND 15: * 1 dc in the next 5 dc, then crochet the next 2 dc tog *, repeat from *-* the rest of the round = 36 dc. ROUND 16: Work 1 dc in every dc = 36 dc. ROUND 17: * 1 dc in the next 4 dc, then crochet the next 2 dc tog *, repeat from *-* the rest of the round = 30 dc. ROUND 18: Work 1 dc in every dc = 30 dc. ROUND 19: * 1 dc in the next 3 dc, then crochet the next 2 dc tog *, repeat from *-* the rest of the round = 24 dc. ROUND 20: * 1 dc in the next 2 dc, then crochet the next 2 dc tog *, repeat from *-* the rest of the round = 18 dc. ROUND 21: * 1 dc in next dc, then crochet the next 2 dc tog *, repeat from *-* the rest of the round = 12 dc. Cut the thread and fill the head with some cotton wool. BODY: Worked in the round in a circle with black on hook size 4 mm. Start by making a magic circle at the bottom of body. ROUND 1: Work 6 dc in ch-ring. ROUND 2: 2 dc in every dc = 12 dc. ROUND 3: * 1 dc in next dc, 2 dc in next dc *, repeat from *-* the rest of the round = 18 dc. ROUND 4: * 1 dc in the next 2 dc, 2 dc in next dc *, repeat from *-* the rest of the round = 24 dc. ROUND 5: * 1 dc in the next 3 dc, 2 dc in next dc *, repeat from *-* the rest of the round = 30 dc. ROUND 6: * 1 dc in the next 4 dc, 2 dc in next dc *, repeat from *-* the rest of the round = 36 dc. ROUND 7: * 1 dc in the next 5 dc, 2 dc in next dc *, repeat from *-* the rest of the round = 42 dc. ROUND 8-16: Work 1 dc in every dc = 42 dc. ROUND 17: * 1 dc in the next 5 dc, then crochet the next 2 dc tog *, repeat from *-* the rest of the round = 36 dc. ROUND 18: Work 1 dc in every dc = 36 dc. ROUND 19: * 1 dc in the next 4 dc, then crochet the next 2 dc tog *, repeat from *-* the rest of the round = 30 dc. ROUND 20: Work 1 dc in every dc = 30 dc. ROUND 21: * 1 dc in the next 3 dc, then crochet the next 2 dc tog *, repeat from *-* the rest of the round = 24 dc. ROUND 22: * 1 dc in the next 2 dc, then crochet the next 2 dc tog *, repeat from *-* the rest of the round = 18 dc. ROUND 23: * 1 dc in next dc, then crochet the next 2 dc tog *, repeat from *-* the rest of the round = 12 dc. Cut the thread and keep 30 cm for assembly. Fill the body with some cotton wool. LEG: Worked in the round in a circle with black on hook size 4 mm. Start at edge of leg by making a magic circle. ROUND 1: Work 6 dc in the magic circle. ROUND 2: 2 dc in every dc = 12 dc. ROUND 3-6: Work 1 dc in every dc = 12 dc. ROUND 7: * 1 dc in next dc, then crochet the next 2 dc tog *, repeat from *-* the rest of the round = 8 dc. ROUND 8-11: Work 1 dc in every dc = 8 dc. Cut the thread and keep 30 cm for assembly. Work another leg the same way. Fill the legs with some cotton wool. ARM: Worked in the round in a circle with black on hook size 4 mm. Start at edge of arm by making a magic circle. ROUND 1: Work 4 dc in the magic circle. ROUND 2: 2 dc in every dc = 8 dc. ROUND 3-12: Work 1 dc in every dc = 8 dc. Cut the thread and keep 30 cm for assembly. Work another arm the same way. Fill the arm with some cotton wool. TAIL: Worked in the round in a circle with black on hook size 4 mm. Start by making a magic circle. ROUND 1: Work 4 dc in the magic circle. ROUND 2: 2 dc in every dc = 8 dc. ROUND 3: * 1 dc in next dc, 2 dc in next dc *, repeat from *-* the rest of the round = 12 dc. ROUND 4-7: Work 1 dc in every dc = 12 dc. ROUND 8: * 1 dc in next dc, then crochet the next 2 dc tog *, repeat from *-* the rest of the round = 8 dc. ROUND 9-11: Work 1 dc in every dc = 8 dc. Cut the thread and keep 30 cm for assembly. Do not fill with cotton. EYE: Worked in the round in a circle with white on hook size 3.5 mm. Start by making a magic circle. ROUND 1: Work 7 dc in the magic circle. ROUND 2: 2 dc in every dc = 14 dc. ROUND 3: * 1 dc in next dc, 2 dc in next dc *, repeat from *-* the rest of the round = 21 dc. Cut the thread and keep 30 cm for assembly. EAR: Worked back and forth with light pink on hook size 3.5 mm. Start by making 2 ch. ROW 1: Work 2 dc in first ch = 2 dc. ROW 2: Turn piece, 1 ch, 2 dc in every dc = 4 dc. ROW 3: Turn piece, 1 ch, * 2 dc in the first dc, 1 dc in the next 2 dc, 2 dc in the last dc = 6 dc. ROW 4: Turn piece, 1 ch, 1 dc in every dc = 6 dc. Cut the thread and keep 30 cm for assembly. Work another ear the same way. ASSEMBLY: Sew the ears at the top of head, sew on the white (right) eye. Embroider the left eye with white, the black pupil on the right eye and mouth and nose with light pink at the front of head, see picture. Sew the head on to body with neat little stitches. Sew the legs and arms on the body, sew the tail to the back of body. |
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