CLAUDIA escribió:
Per i ferri normali la procedura è la stessa?grazie
25.11.2024 - 16:39DROPS Design respondió:
Buonasera Claudia, questo modello è lavorato in tondo. Se vuole lavorarlo in piano, deve riadattare le spiegazioni. Buon lavoro!
27.11.2024 - 00:05Laura escribió:
Il modello dice di iniziare con i ferri n 6 e poi passare ai ferri n 6 ma li stiamo già usando di questa misura. Devo iniziare con dei ferri di misura diversa?
25.02.2023 - 11:48DROPS Design respondió:
Buongiorno Laura, dopo aver lavorato il bordo a legaccio deve passare ai ferri n° 7 mm e poi quando indicato ancora ai ferri n° 6 mm. Buon lavoro!
25.02.2023 - 11:59Rebecca escribió:
Hello, I'm making the Snowbell skirt. The garter stitch hem keeps rolling up where it intersects with the change to stockinette stitch. I'm half done with the skirt, but I'm wondering if there is something I can do to prevent this rolling up? Or something I should have done when i made the transition from garter to stockinette? Thanks! Rebecca
12.02.2023 - 18:45DROPS Design respondió:
Dear Rebecca, it seems to be an issue of the gauge, which changed when transitioning from garter stitch to stockinette stitch. To solve it, you could try to iron the hem in garter stitch, just with steam (very delicately) on the wrong side of the garment, with a cloth in between so as to not iron the piece directly. Happy knitting!
13.02.2023 - 00:15Kristie Webber escribió:
Is there a way to adjust this pattern to have it turn out the same length/style, but use a slightly less chunky yarn? I have some of your Aran worsted (B and C), and would prefer to use that, or even with some of your D yarn. I’d just like it to be a bit less chunky. Thank you so much!
22.09.2022 - 18:23Angela Quintiero escribió:
Ciao, è molto carina questa gonna, ma io non so usare i ferri circolari; secondo voi posso realizzarla coi ferri dritti? grazie mille per la risposta.
02.02.2021 - 10:43DROPS Design respondió:
Buonasera Angela, se preferisce può adattare il modello alla lavorazione in piano. Buon lavoro!
02.02.2021 - 21:10Tonje Knoph-Rødseth escribió:
Hvordan kan jeg strikke dette skjørtet til en jente som er 59 cm rundt livet?
31.10.2020 - 00:07DROPS Design respondió:
Hei Tonje. Du kan regne ut hvilket maskeantall du må legge opp ved å sjekke den oppgitt strikkefastheten som står i oppskriften. mvh DROPS design
02.11.2020 - 12:49Amélie escribió:
Bonjour! Est-ce que cette jupe existe en grandeur pour enfants (par exemple 2 à 10 ans)? Je vous remercie!
21.05.2019 - 13:02DROPS Design respondió:
Bonjour Amélie, ce modèle est uniquement disponible en version femme, vous trouverez les jupes enfant ici. Bon tricot!
21.05.2019 - 13:21Gail escribió:
I would like to make a size S but I would like to make it longer. Where would I add length?
29.03.2019 - 23:39DROPS Design respondió:
Dear Gail, we are unfortunately not able to adjust every pattern to every single request, but I guess you should here work longer before starting to decrease. For any individual assistance please contact the store where you bought the yarn, even per mail or telephone. Happy knitting!
01.04.2019 - 11:49Lorraine Bouchard escribió:
Je suis contente d'avoir trouvé ce patron simple. J'ai hâte de le commencer, très joli et simple. merci
11.03.2019 - 19:37Gwen Cheng escribió:
I followed your clarification per Ayanna. This resulted in 4 panels 2 of which are narrower by 4 stitches. Is this because of front and back?
28.07.2017 - 13:04DROPS Design respondió:
Dear Mrs Cheng, the panels on the sides will have less and less sts (=2 sts dec on each dec round in each of these panels) and the panels on front and back piece will keep same number of sts. Happy knitting!
28.07.2017 - 14:16
Snowbell |
Falda DROPS, de punto, en “Snow” o “Andes”. Talla: S – XXXL.
DROPS 131-26 |
PT MUSGO (en redondo, en ag circular): * 1 vta de derecho y 1 vta de revés *, repetir de *a*. TIP PARA DISMINUCIÓN: Dism de la manera sig en el 1º y 3er marcapuntos (MP): Tejer hasta el MP, desl 1 pt de derecho, 1d, pasar el pt desl por encima. Dism de la manera sig en el 2º y 4º MP: Tejer hasta tener 2 pts restantes antes del MP, 2 pjd. ------------------------------------------------------ FALDA: Tejer en redondo en ag circular, de abajo hacia arriba a partir del centro posterior. Mon 120-126-136-146-160-176 pts en ag circular tamaño 6 mm y tejer en PT MUSGO – ver explicación arriba. Cuando la pieza mida 4 cm, cambiar a ag circular tamaño 7 mm y tejer en pt jersey. Cont en pt jersey hasta que la pieza mida 17-18-19-20-21-22 cm, insertar 4 MP en la pieza de la manera sig: 1er MP después del 15º-15º-17º-17º-20º-22º pt, 2º MP después del 45º-48º-51º-56º-60º-66º pt, 3er MP después del 75º-78º-85º-90º-100º-110º pt y 4º MP después del 105º-111º-119º-129º-140º-154º pt. En la vta sig, dism 1 pt en cada MP – Leer TIP PARA DISMINUCIÓN, 4 pts dism. Repetir las dism cada 4 vtas un total de 6-6-7-7-7-8 veces = 96-102-108-118-132-144 pts. Cuando la pieza mida 31-33-35-36-38-40 cm, cambiar a ag circular tamaño 6 mm, AL MISMO TIEMPO dism 12-14-10-10-10-12 pts distribuidos equitativamente = 84-88-98-108-122-132 pts. Después tejer resorte 1d/1r. Cont con resorte hasta que la pieza mida 40-42-44-46-48-50 cm. Rem flojamente derecho sobre derecho y revés sobre revés. |
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