Ute wrote:
Ich habe gerade mit der Arbeit an diesem tollen Modell begonnen, würde es aber gerne zum kurzen Häkelkleid eweitern (in leicher A-Form) . Hättet ihr dazu eine erweiterte Anleitung? Vielen Dank!
09.01.2025 - 09:48DROPS Design answered:
Liebe Ute, leider haben wir so ein Modell nicht. Vielleicht kann Ihnen Ihr DROPS Händler damit - auch per Telefon oder per E-Mail weiterhelfen. Viel Spaß beim Häkeln!
09.01.2025 - 17:52Vanesa wrote:
Hola, quisiera saber como se unen las flores del patron Flowers in the Sky. Si es con la misma aguja de ganchillo o con que aguja?. Agradezco muchisimo su respuesta. Vanesa
06.09.2024 - 14:12DROPS Design answered:
Hola Vanesa, las flores se unen con costura, con una aguja para coser para lana, con pequeñas puntadas.
08.09.2024 - 18:24Christine wrote:
I love this pattern but found that it is a bit short so I added a row of flowers to size S/M. Also I found the arm hole was a bit too large so I connected the petal of the small flower to the tip of the large flower below it to tighten the arm hole and create a smoother edge. Thank you for your pattern 🙏
26.07.2024 - 02:38Josie wrote:
How many balls per colour please?
30.04.2024 - 14:09DROPS Design answered:
Dear Josie, DROPS Muskat comes in 50 gramm skeins, so you will need one ball of each color, except the isce blue, from which you will need two. I hope this helps. Happy Crafting!
30.04.2024 - 14:44Marisa wrote:
Bonito top! Me gustaría saber la forma de coser las estrellas sin que queden uniones con nudos por todas partes. Gracias!
21.09.2023 - 12:57DROPS Design answered:
Hola Marisa, las flores se cosen una por una. Al terminar cada flor, deberías haber dejado un extremo para unir. Estos extremos se aprovechan para hacer la costura y minimizar los nudos. Los extremos de hilos restantes se esconden dentro de la labor al final, para que no queden visibles (de forma similar a los granny squares).
24.09.2023 - 22:55Ricard wrote:
Bonjour je suis en train de réaliser ce magnifique modèle et j’ai commandé la laine conseillée. Attention j’ai dû en recommander car trop peu de laine pour terminer le modèle. (Taille xl-46). Prévoyez d’en prendre un peu plus.
25.06.2023 - 16:20Bente Jørgen wrote:
I 4.omgang har dere glemt å skrive at man avslutter med kjedemaske i første fm på omgangen. Beskrivelsen av picot er feil, dere skriver at man lager 3 lm, og så fm i 1.lm fra nålen. Det riktige må være 3.fm fra nålen
26.04.2023 - 14:13Christel wrote:
Hoe worden de bloemen aan elkaar 'genaaid'? Welke steken gebruik je daarbij? Deze vraag werd al een paar keer eerder gesteld, maar niet goed beantwoord. In het patroon wordt inderdaad aangegeven waar de bloemen aan elkaar worden genaaid, maar de vraag is: hoe doe je dat?
02.02.2023 - 22:54Christel wrote:
Hoe naai je de bloemen aan elkaar van DROPS Top van gehaakte bloemen van “Muskat”? Is daar een instructie(-video) van?
30.01.2023 - 13:09DROPS Design answered:
Dag Christel,
Daar is niet echt een speciale techniek voor. Je kunt ze met kleine steken aan elkaar naaien en de draadjes aan de achterkant vastknopen en weg steken.
05.02.2023 - 17:29Christel wrote:
Hoe naai je de bloemen aan elkaar van DROPS Top van gehaakte bloemen van “Muskat”? Is daar een instructie(-video) van?
30.01.2023 - 13:08
Flowers in the Sky |
DROPS Crocheted Top in Muskat
DROPS 78-19 |
Gauge: Small blossom: approx. 6 cm in diameter. Large blossom: approx. 9 cm in diameter. Blossom placement: See the diagrams for Model No. 19 on page 36 of Drops No. 78. There is a diagram for each size (Str. S/M = Size S/M; Str. L/XL = Size L/XL). The shoulder straps (skulderstropp/axelband) are attached differently for each size. Small blossom: Ch 6 and join into a ring with a sl st. Round 1: 12 sc in ring, finish with 1 sl st in 1st sc. Round 2: * ch 5, skip over 1 sc, 1 sc in the next st *, repeat from * - * a total of 5 times, ch 5, skip over 1 sc, 1 sl st in 1st ch at start of row = 6 ch-loops. Round 3: * 2 sc, 3 dc, 2 sc in the next ch-loop *, repeat from * - * a total of 6 times and finish with 1 sl st in 1st sc at start of row. Cut yarn and fasten off, leaving a tail. The yarn will be used to sew the blossoms together later. Large blossom: Rounds 1-3: Crochet the same as small blossom. Round 4: * ch 5, 1 sc in 2nd dc (= center of bow), ch 5, skip over 1 dc and 1 sc, then 1 sc between the two following sc * repeat from * - * a total of 6 times. Round 5: * 5 sc in ch-loop, 1 picot (= ch 3, 1 sc in 1st ch), 5 sc in the next ch-loop *, repeat from * - * a total of 6 times and finish with 1 sl st in 1st sc at start of row. Cut yarn and fasten off, leaving a tail. Front: Crochets small and large blossoms - see instructions above – as follows: Small blossom: Color A - light blue violet: 2-2 blossoms Color B - light blue: 2-2 blossoms Color C - natural: 4-5 blossoms Color D - beige: 2-2 blossoms Color E - light beige: 1-2 blossoms Color F - ice blue: 2-4 blossoms Large blossom: Color A - light blue violet: 3-4 blossoms Color B - light blue: 3-4 blossoms Color C - natural: 2-5 blossoms Color D - beige: 3-4 blossoms Color E - light beige: 3-4 blossoms Color F - ice blue: 4-7 blossoms Assembly - front: Place blossoms according to diagrams. Sew as shown in close-up diagram, using tails to sew blossoms together. Back: Crochet and sew together the same as front. For size L/XL you will need to crochet 1 fewer blossom for each shoulder, that is, crochet 3 small blossoms in natural instead of 5. Then join shoulders and side in the same way as you joined the blossoms for Body. If you wish to change the size of the armhole, adjust with the number of small blossoms on the shoulder strap. |
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