Veroni wrote:
Habe bei nochmaligem Durchlesen verstanden wie es geht. Mütze ist fertig und sieht toll aus. Viele Grüße und gutes Gelingen Veroni
27.01.2024 - 17:43
Veroni wrote:
Hallo, Ich verstehe es nicht, wenn ich bei 72 Maschen jeweils zwei zusammenstricke komme ich auf die Hälfte und zwar 36 Maschen. Wie kommt man denn auf 54 Maschen in der ersten Runde, wie angegeben? Danke und viele Grüsse
26.01.2024 - 10:05DROPS Design answered:
Liebe Veroni, bei der 1. Abnahmenrunde stricken Sie insgesamt 18 Mal * 1 Rechtsmasche und 1 Linksmasche links zusammenstricken, 1 Masche rechts, 1 Masche links *, (diese 4 Maschen x 18 = 78), so wird man nur 18 Maschen abnahmen und es sind 54 Maschen übrig. Vie Spaß beim stricken!
29.01.2024 - 11:10
Marianne Rafen wrote:
Kan kun give Gill Rosendahl, ret i, at der må være en fejl i række 3 på huen. 3.OMGANG: * 1 vrang, 2 ret sammen *, strik fra *-* Det må da give: 1 ret og 2 vrang sammen?
25.08.2023 - 09:58DROPS Design answered:
Hei Marianne. Når du har strikket ferdig 1. omgang har du 1 vrang (1 rett maske og 1 vrangmaske som blir strikket vrang) + 1 rett + 1 vrang, så gjentas dette. Da blir det slik omgang rundt: 1 vrang + 1 rett + 1 vrang + 1 vrang + 1 rett + 1 vrang + 1 vrang + 1 rett + 1 vrang osv. Så strikker man 1 omgang rett over rett og vrang over vrang. Når man da skal strikke 3. omgang strikkes første maske vrang og de 2 neste maskene rett sammen, (selv om det er 1 rett og 1 vrang maske). Når 3. omgang er ferdigstrikket er det 1 vrang + 1 rett + 1 vrang + 1 rett omgangen rundt. mvh DROPS Design
04.09.2023 - 13:46
Elżbieta wrote:
Dodawać oczka co dwa okrążenia tzn.: między rzędami , w których dodajemy oczka są dwa rzędy bez dodawania czy jeden?
05.01.2023 - 13:27DROPS Design answered:
Witaj Elu, gdy dodajemy co na okrążenia, to znaczy że dodajemy w jednym okrążeniu, a nie dodajemy w następnym, itd. Czyli jest 1 okrążenie bez dodawania oczek między okrążeniami z dodawaniem oczek. Pozdrawiamy!
05.01.2023 - 21:20
Roberta Stewart wrote:
I feel that much is lost in the translation of this pattern. As an experienced English knitter the instructions make no sense to me. I think you need the help of an English speaking knitter to help you describe the steps needed to knit this pattern. I believe am able to make up my own pattern to complete something similar .
06.02.2022 - 05:41DROPS Design answered:
Dear Mrs Stewart, should you need any assistance with this pattern, please feel free to ask your question here, so that we will be able to help you. Happy knitting!
07.02.2022 - 11:25
Debbie wrote:
Kan u die patroon vertaal na Afrikaans
07.12.2021 - 20:58
Gill Rosendahl wrote:
Hej, Här tänker jag att var 3 på mössan är fel. Det är, efter varv 1, övervikt av aviga maskor, så jag tänker att varv 3 bör stickas två aviga samman och en rät.
17.09.2021 - 10:24DROPS Design answered:
Hej Gill. Det är lite otydligt skrivet, men du stickar 2 maskor tillsammans räta (det är en maska avig och en rät som stickas tillsammans). Mvh DROPS Design
22.09.2021 - 09:10
Soft Snuggles |
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Knitted hipster-hat and neck-warmer for children, with saddle shoulders and rib in DROPS Melody. Sizes 2 - 12 years.
DROPS Children 40-35 |
------------------------------------------------------ EXPLANATIONS FOR THE PATTERN: ------------------------------------------------------- INCREASE TIP (for saddle shoulders on the neck-warmer): BEFORE MARKER: The new stitch twists to the right. Use the left needle to pick up the strand between 2 stitches from the previous round, pick up the back strand and knit in the front loop. AFTER MARKER: The new stitch twists to the left. Use the left needle to pick up the strand between 2 stitches from the previous round, pick up the front strand and knit in the back loop. RIDGE/GARTER STITCH (worked back and forth): Knit all rows. 1 ridge = knit 2 rows. CASTING-OFF TIP: To avoid the cast-off edge being tight you can cast off with a larger size needle. If the edge is still tight, make 1 yarn over after approx. each 4th stitch at the same time as casting off; the yarn overs are cast off as normal stitches. ------------------------------------------------------- START THE PIECE HERE: ------------------------------------------------------- HAT – SHORT OVERVIEW OF THE PIECE: The piece is worked in the round with circular needle; change to double pointed needles when necessary. HAT: Cast on 60-64-68-72 stitches with circular needle size 5.5 mm and DROPS Melody. Knit 1 round, then work rib in the round (knit 1, purl 1) for 24-25-26-27 cm. REMEMBER THE KNITTING TENSION! There is approx. 4 cm left to finished length. Decrease as follows: ROUND 1: * Purl 2 together, knit 1, purl 1 *, work from *-* to end of round = 45-48-51-54 stitches. ROUND 2: Knit over knit and purl over purl. ROUND 3: * Purl 1, knit 2 together *, work from *-* to end of round = 30-32-34-36 stitches. ROUND 4: Knit over knit and purl over purl. ROUND 5: Knit 2 together the whole round = 15-16-17-18 stitches. ROUND 6: Knit. ROUND 7: Knit 2 together the whole round (sizes 2 and 6/9 finish the round with knit 1) = 8-8-9-9 stitches. Cut the strand, use a needle to thread the strand through the remaining stitches, tighten and fasten well. The hat measures 28-29-30-31 cm. Fold up the bottom 8 cm. ------------------------------------------------------- NECK-WARMER – SHORT OVERVIEW OF THE PIECE: The piece is worked in the round with circular needle, top down. When the increases for the shoulders are finished, stitches are cast off and the front and back pieces are finished separately, back and forth. NECK-WARMER: Cast on 52-56-60-64 stitches with short circular needle/double pointed needles size 5.5 mm and DROPS Melody. Knit 1 round, then work rib in the round (knit 1, purl 1) – the beginning of the round is the back of the right shoulder. REMEMBER THE KNITTING TENSION! Continue working until the piece measures 12 cm. Insert 4 markers without working the stitches, each marker is inserted in a knitted stitch: Insert marker 1 in the first knitted stitch on the round, skip 9-11-13-15 stitches (= shoulder), insert marker 2 in the next knitted stitch, skip 15-15-15-15 stitches (= front piece), insert marker 3 in the next knitted stitch, skip 9-11-13-15 stitches (= shoulder), insert marker 4 in the next knitted stitch. There are 15 stitches left on the back piece after marker 4. INCREASES TO SADDLE SHOULDERS: On the next round increase for the shoulders AT THE SAME TIME as you work rib between markers 1 and 2 and between markers 3 and 4; the other stitches are worked in stocking stitch. Increase BEFORE markers 1 and 3 and AFTER markers 2 and 4 - read INCREASE TIP (= 4 stitches increased – the increased stitches are worked in stocking stitch as part of the front and back pieces; the number of shoulder stitches remains the same). Increase like this every 2nd round a total of 7-9-11-12 times = 80-92-104-112 stitches. On the next round you cast off stitches and the front and back pieces are divided. Start at marker 1 and work as follows: Knit marker-stitch 1, add an extra strand of DROPS Melody and cast off 9-11-13-15 stitches (this gives an elastic edge; the extra strand is only used for casting off). Remove the extra strand and knit up to and including marker-stitch 3, add an extra strand DROPS Melody and cast off 9-11-13-15 stitches. Remove the extra strand and knit up to and including marker-stitch 1. The front and back pieces are finished separately. BACK/FRONT PIECE: The front and back pieces are the same; place one piece on a thread or extra needle. There are 31-35-39-41 stitches on needle. Continue with stocking stitch with 3 edge stitches in GARTER STITCH on each side – read description above. When the piece measures approx. 1½-1½-1½-2 cm (measured from the division) decrease inside the 3 edge stitches on each side as follows: Work 3 edge stitches in garter stitch, knit 2 together, work stocking stitch until there are 5 stitches left, slip 1 stitch as if to knit, knit 1 and pass the slipped stitch over and 3 edge stitches in garter stitch. Repeat this decrease from the right side approx. every 1½-1½-1½-2 cm a total of 4-4-4-4 times on each side = 23-27-31-33 stitches. Work until the piece measures 8-9-10-11 cm (measured from the division). Work 1 row from the wrong side and increase 4 stitches evenly over the stitches in stocking stitch = 27-31-35-37 stitches. The next row is worked as follows from the right side: 3 edge stitches in garter stitch, work rib (knit 1, purl 1) until there are 4 stitches left, knit 1 and 3 edge stitches in garter stitch. Continue this rib for 4 cm. Cast off on the next row from the right side - read CASTING-OFF TIP. Cut and fasten the strand. Work the other piece in the same way. |
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