Betty wrote:
Haak 1 half stokje in elk van de volgende 2-3-2-1 lossen, Is t mogelijk om dit uit te leggen want ik snap dit niet. Dank je wel.
03.12.2024 - 16:17DROPS Design answered:
Dag Betty,
De reeks getallen refereert naar de maten, dus het eerste getal geldt voor de kleinste maat, het tweede getal voor de volgende maat, enzovoort. Stel dat je de kleinste maat aan het maken bent dan neem je het eerste getal en haak je dus 1 half stokje in elk van de volgende 2 lossen. Dus 1 half stokje in de eerst van die 2 lossen en 1 half stokje in de tweede van die 2 lossen.
04.12.2024 - 20:14
Evi wrote:
Mijn cirkel is af maar begrijp niet goed wat ik nadien moet doen. Eerst 1 toer met halve stokjes of moet ik daar al meerderen?
01.11.2024 - 13:22DROPS Design answered:
Dag Evi,
Nee, na het sluiten van de 4 lossen tot een ring haak je de eerste toer en dit zijn 12 stokjes om de ring. Je steekt de haaknaald daarbij dus steeds in het gat van de ring.
03.11.2024 - 11:44
Elisabeth Salbu wrote:
Finner ikke svar på om jeg kan erstatte Drops merino ekstra fin med big merino. Kan jeg bruke 2 eller 3 tråder for å hekle luen?
08.10.2018 - 23:18DROPS Design answered:
Hei Elisabeth. Big Merino (garn gruppe C) er et tykkere garn enn Merino Extra Fine (Garngruppe B), og de har derfor forskjellig heklefasthet. Jeg er redd Big Merino nok er for tykt til at du kan oppnå den angitte heklefastheten til Merino Extra Fine. Når det er sagt er dette settet heklet i Eskimo (Garngruppe E), så du vil nok kunne oppnå heklefatsheten til dette settet ved å bruke 2 tråder Big Merino - men lag en prøvelapp så du er sikker. God fornøyesle
09.10.2018 - 08:23
Angelique wrote:
Bonjour, je ne réalise donc plus d'augmentation pour tout le reste de l'ouvrage ? merci
26.09.2018 - 08:46DROPS Design answered:
Bonjour Angélique, une fois que vous avez vos 42 demi-brides, continuez en point texturé jusqu'à ce que l'ouvrage mesure 17 cm et terminez par 4 tours de mailles serrées. Bon crochet!
26.09.2018 - 13:27
Angeluque wrote:
Je ne comprends pas. Je termine le cercle, j ai donc 40 mailles. Je dois faire un tour en demi bride . Je dois faire combien d augmentation , pour taille 3/4, si je comprends bien je dois arriver à 42 mailles en fin de tour ? Merci d avance
25.09.2018 - 19:30DROPS Design answered:
Bonjour Angeluque, à la fin du cercle, vous avez 40 ms, puis vous crochetez 1 tour de demi-brides en augmentant 2 m à intervalles réguliers = vous avez maintenant 42 demi-brides. Vous trouverez ici comment répartir des augmentations. Bon crochet!
26.09.2018 - 07:42
Crispin |
The set consists of: Children’s crochet hat and neck warmer with textured pattern. Sizes 2 - 12 years. The set is worked in DROPS Snow.
DROPS Children 30-18 |
INFORMATION FOR THE PATTERN: CROCHET INFO: Each round of double crochets starts with 1 chain stitch instead of 1 double crochet. Each round of double crochets finishes with 1 slip stitch in the chain stitch worked at the beginning of the round. Each round of half treble crochets starts with 2 chain stitches instead of 1 half treble crochet. Each round of half treble crochets finishes with 1 slip stitch in the 2nd chain stitch worked at the beginning of the round. Each round of treble crochets starts with 3 chain stitches instead of 1 treble crochet. Each round of treble crochets finishes with 1 slip stitch in the 3rd chain stitch worked at the beginning of the round. CROCHET TIP: When you are crocheting stitches in the back loop of a stitch, it is easy to work too tightly. This will make it difficult to get the right crochet tension. To avoid this, it is important that the yarn over that is made with the hook is pulled all the way through the stitch before continuing to work. This will prevent the work being tight. CIRCLE (for hat): Work 4 chain stitches with hook size 8 mm and light grey and form them into a ring with 1 slip stitch in the first chain stitch worked. Read CROCHET INFO! ROUND 1: Work 12 half treble crochets around the ring. Continue by working each round in the back loop of the stitches. ROUND 2: * Work 1 double crochet in the first half treble crochet, 2 double crochets in the next half treble crochet * work from *-* to end of round = 18 double crochets on the round. ROUND 3: * Work 1 treble crochet in the first double crochet, 2 treble crochets in the next double crochet * work from *-* to end of round = 27 treble crochets on the round. ROUND 4: * Work 1 double crochet in the first treble crochet, 2 double crochets in the next treble crochet * work from *-* to end of round = 40 double crochets on the round. INCREASE TIP: Increase 1 half treble crochet by working 2 half treble crochets in same stitch. TEXTURED PATTERN: ROUND 1: 1 double crochet in back loop of each half treble crochet. ROUND 2: 1 treble crochet in back loop of each double crochet. ROUND 3: 1 double crochet in back loop of each treble crochet. ROUND 4: 1 half treble crochet in back loop of each double crochet. COLOUR CHANGE TIP: To get a neat transition when changing colours, work the slip stitch at the end of the round before starting a new colour as follows: Insert the hook into the chain stitch worked at the beginning of the round, pick up the new strand, make a yarn over with the new colour and pull it through the stitches on the hook. -------------------------------------------------------- HAT: The piece is worked in the round, top down. Read CROCHET INFO and CROCHET TIP! Start with hook size 8 mm and light grey and work CIRCLE - see description above. After circle work the next round as follows: Work 1 half treble crochet in the back loop of each double crochet and increase at the same time 0-2-4-6 half treble crochets evenly on round – read INCREASE TIP = 40-42-44-46 half treble crochets. Continue by working TEXTURED PATTERN – see description above. REMEMBER THE CROCHET TENSION! When the piece measures 16-17-19-20 cm change to medium grey – read COLOUR CHANGE TIP. Work 4 rounds with double crochets (work in the back loop of the stitches). Cut and fasten the strand. The hat measures approx. 20-21-23-24 cm from the top down. -------------------------------------------------------- NECK WARMER: The piece is worked in the round, bottom up. Work 47-52-55-58 chain stitches with hook size 9 mm and medium grey and form them into a ring with 1 slip stitch in the first chain stitch worked. The first round is worked as follows: Work 2 chain stitches (equivalent to 1 half treble crochet), work 1 half treble crochet in each of the next 2-3-2-1 chain stitches, * skip 1 chain stitch, work 1 half treble crochet in each of the next 3 chain stitches *, work from *-* to end of round and finish with 1 slip stitch in the 2nd chain stitch worked at the beginning of the round = 36-40-42-44 half treble crochets on the round. Read CROCHET INFO and CROCHET TIP! Continue by working TEXTURED PATTERN – see description above. REMEMBER THE CROCHET TENSION! Continue the pattern in the round until the piece measures approx. 12-14-16-18 cm in height – finish after a round of double crochets. Cut and fasten the strand. |
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