Ana wrote:
No me parece nada claro este patrón. He realizado otros y pude hacerlos muy bien, sin dificultad. En este caso, la explicación es muy confusa y no queda como en la foto para nada
01.09.2024 - 07:06Serenella wrote:
Buongiorno, nel video esplicativo che riguarda il ferro in cui si mettono insieme le maniche con il davanti/dietro questo avviene in un ferro sul dritto del lavoro, mentre seguendo le spiegazioni il primo ferro si presenta sul rovescio… non capisco quindi come fare, potete aiutarmi? Grazie
10.04.2024 - 23:10Alberte wrote:
Hej. Er det muligt at strikke opskriften baglæns? Altså topdown? Og i så fald, er der så et trik eller to i den forbindelse? PFT Alberte
13.03.2024 - 11:39DROPS Design answered:
He Alberte, ikke mere end at du starter nederst i opskriften. Du kan evt også se den her: Oppefra og ned
18.03.2024 - 15:03Julia Lynch wrote:
The number of rows from the armhole to the end of the decreases is 22 which according to the tension is approximately 8 cm. This means a total length of only 24 cm rather than 29 cm for the largest size. Am I misreading the instructions? Also I don't think I have enough yarn to finish. I bought 150 gm for the short sleeved version. I have completed a lot of your patterns and thus is the first time the yarn requirement is very tight.
11.12.2022 - 01:29DROPS Design answered:
Dear Julia, the total length includes the neckline, which measures 5cm. So you would have 29cm in total after the neckline. The yoke measures 8 cm (as you can see in the measurements schematic), so your calculations are correct. Happy knitting!
11.12.2022 - 23:29Adele Woolley wrote:
In this pattern (Lille Mille) there is a diagram which has M.1 and M.2. I do not understand the symbols in tnis pattern. Please could you explain how to read it: specifically what the black triangles and open circles mean....... I have googled it and it only gives me what black dots and empty squates mean......
28.11.2022 - 09:45DROPS Design answered:
Dear Mrs Woolley, see diagram key for each symbol, so that you will work row 1 in M.1 as follows: K1, YO, slip1, K1, psso, K1, K2 tog, YO (= 5 sts); and row 3: K2, YO, slip 1, K2 tog, psso, YO, K1 (= 5 sts). Work M.2, row 1: YO, slip 1, K1, psso, K1, K2 tog, YO, K1 and row 3: K1, YO, slip1, K2 tog, psso, YO, K2. Happy knitting!
28.11.2022 - 10:31Adele Woolley wrote:
Hi there. I am knitting the Lille Mille cardi from drops and do not understand what M.1 and M.2 mean in the instuction M.1 on the next 24 sts, 2 stockinette sts, dec 2 sts for raglan as before, 1 stockinette sts, M.1 on the next 42sts, 2 stockinette sts, dec 2 sts for raglan as before, 2 stockinette sts, M.2 on the next 24 sts, 2 stockinette sts, dec 2 sts for raglan as before, 4 stockinette st.
27.11.2022 - 20:37DROPS Design answered:
Dear Mrs Woolley, M.1 and M.2 both refer to the diagrams you will find at the bottom of the page (read more here) - work M.1 on the 24 sts means to work M.1 (= 6 sts) a total of 4 times ; you will work the lace pattern and decrease 8 sts for the raglan at the same time as explained under DECREASING TIP (applies to raglan):. Happy knitting!
28.11.2022 - 10:04Agathe wrote:
Bonjour, Au niveau de l'empiecement et du point ajouré, j'ai un problème car avec les diminutions des raglans je n'ai plus le bon nombre de mailles pour M1 et M2.
29.05.2022 - 21:55DROPS Design answered:
Bonjour Agathe, continuez les diagrammes comme avant, en veillant à ce qu'ils soient bien alignés pour ne pas perturber le point ajouré, et, en même temps, diminuez pour le raglan comme avant, lorsque vous n'avez pas assez de mailles pour le point ajouré à cause du raglan, tricotez les mailles de M.1/M.2 en jersey (sans faire 1 jeté/1 diminution ni 1 jeté, 1 double diminution, 1 jeté) pour éviter de modifier le nombre de mailles. Bon tricot!
30.05.2022 - 08:15Manuela wrote:
Non riesco comunque a capire una cosa ho 205 maglie diminuisco al 1 giro 8, ottengo 197 maglie al 3 giro altre 8 ottengo 189 al 5 altre 8 ottengo 181. adesso inizio il motivo M1 e M2 ma non mi tornano i conti ho 8 maglie di bordo + 24 e 24 + 30 e 30 + 48 = 164 maglie .... 181-164=17 maglie nelle quali vanno le diminuzioni della raglan. Perché sono dispari? se faccio 8 diminuzioni dovrebbero essere 16 non 17?
18.03.2022 - 12:52Manuela wrote:
Mi scuso! ho sbagliato i calcoli 125 e 80 = 205!!!!
18.03.2022 - 12:28Manuela wrote:
Buongiorno volevo chiedere se non c'è un errore di calcolo nel modello. si dice nello sprone 205 maglie (3/4 anni) ma se nel davanti ci sono 33 + 59 + 33 = 125 maglie a cui aggiungo le due maniche 40+40= 80 maglie arrivo a 125 + 80 = 185 maglie. Perché quindi si dice di avere 205 maglie? grazie!
18.03.2022 - 12:23
Lille Mille |
Knitted DROPS short jacket with short or long sleeve, raglan and lace pattern on yoke in ”Merino Extra Fine”.
DROPS Extra 0-684 |
JACKET: GARTER ST (back and forth on needle): K all rows. PATTERN: See diagram M.1 and M.2. Diagrams show the pattern from RS – first row = RS. DECREASING TIP (applies to raglan): Make all dec from RS. Dec as follows in each transition between sleeve and body piece, beg 2 sts before marker: K2 tog, slip 1 st as if to K, K1, psso. BUTTONHOLES: Make buttonholes on right front band by K tog 2nd and 3rd st from edge and make 1 YO. Make buttonholes when piece measures: SIZE 1/3 months: 2, 8 and 13 cm SIZE 6/9 months: 2, 8 and 14 cm SIZE 12/18 months: 2, 8 and 14 cm SIZE 2 years: 2, 7, 13 and 18 cm SIZE 3/4 years: 2, 8, 14 and 20 cm The last buttonhole is made on neckline. --------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------- BODY PIECE: Worked back and forth on circular needle from mid front. Cast on 85-97-109 (121-133) sts (includes 4 front band sts each side towards mid front) on circular needle size 3.5 mm with Merino Extra Fine. P 1 row from WS and continue in rib as follows from RS: 4 front band sts in GARTER ST – see above, * K1/P1 *, repeat from *-* and finish with K1 and 4 front band sts in GARTER ST. Continue in rib like this. REMEMBER buttonholes on right front band – SEE ABOVE. When piece measures 3 cm change to circular needle size 4.5 mm. Insert a marker 23-26-29 (32-35) sts in from each side (= 39-45-51 (57-63) sts between markers on back piece). Now continue in stocking st with front bands in garter st as before. When piece measures 4-5-5 (5-6) cm inc 1 st each side of both markers (= 4 inc sts per row) and repeat the inc when piece measures 8-10-10 (10-11) cm = 93-105-117 (129-141) sts. When piece measures 13-14-14 (15-16) cm work next row as follows from RS: 22-25-28 (30-33) sts (= right front piece), cast off 6-6-6 (8-8) sts for armhole, 37-43-49 (53-59) sts (= back piece), cast off 6-6-6 (8-8) sts for armhole, 22-25-28 (30-33) sts (= left front piece). Put piece aside and knit the sleeves. SHORT SLEEVE: Worked in the round on double pointed needles. Cast on 30-34-38 (40-44) sts on double pointed needles size 3.5 mm with Merino Extra Fine – beg of round = mid under sleeve. K 1 round and continue in rib, K1/P1. When piece measures 2 cm change to double pointed needles size 4.5 mm and continue in stocking st. When piece measures 4-4-4 (5-5) cm inc 2 sts mid under sleeve and repeat the inc in SIZE 2 years + 3/4 years when piece measures 10 cm = 32-36-40 (44-48) sts. When piece measures 8-9-10 (13-17) cm cast off 6-6-6 (8-8) sts mid under sleeve = 26-30-34 (36-40) sts. Put piece aside and knit the other sleeve. LONG SLEEVE: Worked in the round on double pointed needles. Cast on 28-30-32 (34-34) sts on double pointed needles size 3.5 mm with Merino Extra Fine – beg of round = mid under sleeve. K 1 round and continue in rib, K1/P1. When rib measures 3 cm change to double pointed needles size 4.5 mm and continue in stocking st. When piece measures 5 cm inc 2 sts mid under sleeve and repeat the inc on every 8-5-4 (4-3.5) cm a total of 2-3-4 (5-7) times = 32-36-40 (44-48) sts. When piece measures 17-18-21 (25-29) cm cast off 6-6-6 (8-8) sts mid under sleeve = 26-30-34 (36-40) sts. Put piece aside and knit the other sleeve to. YOKE: Slip sleeves on the same circular needle as body piece where cast off for armhole = 133-153-173 (185-205) sts. Insert a marker in all transitions between body piece and sleeves = 4 markers. P 1 row from WS with front bands in garter st as before. NOW READ ALL OF THE FOLLOWING SECTION BEFORE CONTINUING! Continue in stocking st with front bands in garter st as before back and forth on circular needle, AT THE SAME TIME on first row (= RS) dec 1 st each side of all markers for raglan – See DECREASING TIP. Repeat the dec on every other row (i.e. on every row from RS) a total of 5-7-8 (9-10) times = 93-97-109 (113-125) sts. AT THE SAME TIME on row 3-3-5 (5-7) (i.e. on the 2-2-3 (3-4) row with raglan dec) work lace pattern as follows from RS: 4 front band sts in garter st, M.1 on the next 12-18-18 (18-24) sts, 3-0-2 (4-0) stocking sts, dec 2 sts for raglan as before, 0-0-0 (2-0) stocking sts, M.1 on the next 18-24-24 (24-30) sts, 2-0-2 (2-0) stocking sts, dec 2 sts for raglan as before, 0-0-2 (1-0) stocking sts, M.1 on the next 30-36-36 (42-48) sts, 1-1-3 (2-1) stocking sts, dec 2 sts for raglan as before, 2-0-2 (2-0) stocking sts, M.2 on the next 18-24-24 (24-30) sts, 0-0-0 (2-0) stocking sts, dec 2 sts for raglan as before, 3-0-2 (4-0) stocking sts, M.2 on the next 12-18-18 (18-24) sts and finish with 4 front band sts in garter st. NOTE: Make sure to keep no of sts in M.1/M.2 the same when next decreasing for raglan. After 1 vertical repeat of M.1 and M.2 continue in stocking st as before, at the same time continue dec for raglan. After the last dec for raglan piece measures approx 21-23-25 (27-29) cm up to the shoulder. P 1 row from WS. NECKLINE: = 93-97-109 (113-125) sts. Change to circular needle size 3.5 mm and work rib as follows from RS: 4 front band sts in garter st, * K1/P3 *, repeat from *-* and finish with K1 and 4 front band sts garter st. When rib measures 1-1-1 (2-2) cm dec all P3 to P2 = 72-75-84 (87-96) sts. AT THE SAME TIME when rib measures 1.5-1.5-1.5 (2-2) cm make 1 buttonhole in line with the others on right front band. When rib measures 3-3-3 (4-4) cm dec every 3rd Psection from P2 to P1 = 65-68-76 (79-87) sts. On next row from RS K 2 rows on all sts and cast off. ASSEMBLY: Sew openings under sleeves. Sew on buttons. |
Diagram explanations |
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