Giovanna Tramontano wrote:
Gli esagoni del basco mi vengono non "piatti"ma piuttosto ondulati come se ci fossero troppe maglie in un solo giro. È normale?
26.01.2024 - 15:19DROPS Design answered:
Buonasera Giovanna, non ci sono errori nelle spiegazioni. Buon lavoro!
26.01.2024 - 22:32
Madalena wrote:
Hi! Thank you for your help. I didn't make exactly the same but it looks nice!
16.12.2021 - 19:17
Madalena wrote:
Hi! Thank you very much for all the patrons and videos. It is amazing! I'm trying to do the hat of the Z-435 patron. I tried to follow the instructions to join the hexagons . I don't think it is what I see at the photo... It looks different from what you recommend at the instructions. Also different from what your YouTube explanation shows. Do you have any other explanation to do this??? Thank you for this website. It is really helpful!
14.12.2021 - 07:59DROPS Design answered:
Dear Madalena, check that you have really the correct number of tr-group (UK-English) at the end of each round, this might help. Happy crocheting!
14.12.2021 - 16:44
Azamat wrote:
It is written to crochet the ring with two threads. Does it mean that I am to crochet all the rounds with two threads?
06.06.2019 - 20:01DROPS Design answered:
Dear Azamat, yes, you work all this pattern with 2 threads. Happy crocheting!
06.06.2019 - 21:17
Annelie Bergström wrote:
Hej, Hur byter man garnet mellan olika färger snyggast? Är så osäker med det. Tack!
16.11.2013 - 11:51DROPS Design answered:
Här ser du hur man byter färg:
Crochet with 2 colors in the round from Garnstudio Drops design on Vimeo.
20.11.2013 - 08:36
Bettina Milse wrote:
Hallo, welche Farbe darf bei der Damenmütze das Sechseck unten rechts haben? Liebe Grüße Bettina Milse
02.10.2012 - 21:04DROPS Design answered:
Hallo Frau Milse, soweit ich sehe fehlt in der alphabetischen Folge das „C“, also muss es „C“ sein. Ich werde es aber zur Korrektur an die Designabteilung weiterleiten. Vielen Dank!
03.10.2012 - 08:01
Tineke De Borst wrote:
Ik mis de teltekenigen op het patroon! Waar kan ik die vinden?
17.07.2012 - 14:24DROPS Design answered:
Ja, dat klopt. Wij zullen ze zsm toevoegen, maar ivm vakantie zal het nog even een paar weken duren. Excuses voor het ongemak.
26.07.2012 - 15:57
Sandra Nilsson wrote:
Hej varför ska man vända mönstert efter varje varv? vad händer om man inte gör det? mvh sandra
12.07.2012 - 10:24
Regina wrote:
Bedankt voor uw snelle reactie! ik ga het snel proberen, groet
03.11.2011 - 00:16
Regina wrote:
Als je alleen de muts haakt, hoeveel bolletjes alpaca heb je dan nodig, hoor het graag! groet regina
01.11.2011 - 14:14DROPS Design NL answered:
Hoi. Er staat dat de muts weegt ca 156 gr. 1 bol Alpaca is 50 gr, en u heeft dezelfde kleuren nodig als bij de sjaal. Dwz, u moet dan toch 1 bol van elke kleur kopen. Maar u kunt ook kiezen om de muts van 4 kleuren te haken, dan koopt u 4 bollen Alpaca: 200 gr. Succes
02.11.2011 - 11:07
Hip Granny |
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Crochet DROPS scarf and hat made up of colourful squares and hexagons in 2 threads ”Alpaca”.
DROPS 114-21 |
SCARF: COLOURS OF SQUARES: A: Beg + round 1 = orange, round 2 = lime, round 3 = dark olive mix, round 4 = dark steel blue, round 5 = purple/violet mix, round 6 = blue mix. B: Beg + round 1 = purple/violet mix, round 2 = goldenrod, round 3 = lime, round 4 = dark olive mix, round 5 = dark steel blue, round 6 = blue mix. C: Beg + round 1 = purple/violet mix, round 2 = dark steel blue, round 3 = orange, round 4 = lime, round 5 = turquoise, round 6 = light turquoise. D: Beg + round 1 = blue mix, round 2 = dark olive mix, round 3 = lime, round 4 = goldenrod, round 5 = red, round 6 = deep pink. E: Beg + round 1 = turquoise, round 2 = light turquoise, round 3 = red, round 4 = deep pink, round 5 = purple/violet mix, round 6 = dark steel blue. F: Beg + round 1 = purple/violet mix, round 2 = dark olive mix, round 3 = lime, round 4 = goldenrod, round 5 = orange, round 6 = red. G: Beg + round 1 = goldenrod, round 2 = lime, round 3 = dark olive mix, round 4 = deep pink, round 5 = red, round 6 = purple/violet mix. H: Beg + round 1 = turquoise, round 2 = light turquoise, round 3 = lime, round 4 = goldenrod, round 5 = purple/violet mix, round 6 = dark steel blue. I: Beg + round 1 = goldenrod, round 2 = lime, round 3 = light turquoise, round 4 = dark steel blue, round 5 = purple/violet mix, round 6 = blue mix. J: Beg + round 1 = dark steel blue, round 2 = purple/violet mix, round 3 = lime, round 4 = deep pink, round 5 = orange, round 6 = red. Crochet 4 squares of A and B and 2 squares of C, D, E, F, G, H, I and J = a total of 24 squares. SQUARE: Crochet 4 ch with 2 threads Alpaca on crochet hook size 4.5 mm and form a ring with 1 sl st in first ch. ROUND 1: 3 ch, 2 tr in ring, 3 ch, * 3 tr in ring, 3 ch *, repeat from *-* a total of 3 times and finish with 1 sl st in 3rd ch from beg of round, turn piece. ROUND 2: 3 ch, 2 tr in first ch-loop, 3 ch, 3 tr in the same ch-loop, * 1 ch, 3 tr in next ch-loop, 3 ch, 3 tr in the same ch-loop *, repeat from *-* a total of 3 times and finish with 1 ch and 1 sl st in 3rd ch from beg of round, turn piece. ROUND 3: 3 ch, 2 tr in first ch-loop, 1 ch, * 3 tr in next ch-loop, 3 ch, 3 tr in the same ch-loop, 1 ch, 3 tr in next ch-loop, 1 ch *, repeat from *-* a total of 3 times, 3 tr in next ch-loop, 3 ch, 3 tr in the same ch-loop, 1 ch and finish with 1 sl st in 3rd ch from beg of round, turn piece. ROUND 4: 3 ch, 2 tr in first ch-loop, 1 ch, * 3 tr in next ch-loop, 3 ch, 3 tr in the same ch-loop, 1 ch, 3 tr in next ch-loop, 1 ch, 3 tr in next ch-loop, 1 ch *, repeat from *-* a total of 3 times, 3 tr in next ch-loop, 3 ch, 3 tr in the same ch-loop, 1 ch, 3 tr in next ch-loop, 1 ch and finish with 1 sl st in 3rd ch from beg of round, turn piece. ROUND 5 and 6: Continue as before (i.e. crochet 1 more tr-group between each corner per round). ASSEMBLY: Crochet scarf tog with 2 threads blue mix on crochet hook size 4.5 mm – see fig-2 for the order of colours. Place 2 squares with WS against WS and crochet through both layers as follows: 1 dc in first ch, * 3 ch, 1 dc in next ch *, repeat from *-*. First crochet the squares tog 2 by 2 horizontally – see all the a-arrows – and then vertically – see b-arrow. -------------------------------------------------------- HAT: COLOURS OF HEXAGONS: A: Beg + round 1 = orange, round 2 = lime, round 3 = dark olive mix, round 4 = dark steel blue, round 5 = purple/violet mix, round 6 = blue mix, round 7 = blue mix. B: Beg + round 1 = turquoise, round 2 = light turquoise, round 3 = red, round 4 = deep pink, round 5 = purple/violet mix, round 6 = dark steel blue, round 7 = blue mix. C: Beg + round 1 = dark steel blue, round 2 = purple/violet mix, round 3 = lime, round 4 = deep pink, round 5 = orange, round 6 = red, round 7 = blue mix. D: Beg + round 1 = turquoise, round 2 = light turquoise, round 3 = lime, round 4 = goldenrod, round 5 = purple/violet mix, round 6 = dark steel blue, round 7 = blue mix. E: Beg + round 1 = purple/violet mix, round 2 = dark olive mix, round 3 = lime, round 4 = goldenrod, round 5 = orange, round 6 = red, round 7 = blue mix. F: Beg + round 1 = goldenrod, round 2 = lime, round 3 = light turquoise, round 4 = dark steel blue, round 5 = purple/violet mix, round 6 = blue mix, round 7 = blue mix. G: Beg + round 1 = goldenrod, round 2 = lime, round 3 = dark olive mix, round 4 = deep pink, round 5 = red, round 6 = purple/violet mix, round 7 = blue mix. Crochet 1 hexagon of each colour combination = 7 hexagons. HEXAGON: Crochet 6 ch with 2 threads Alpaca on crochet hook size 4.5 mm and form a ring with 1 sl st in first ch. ROUND 1: 3 ch, 2 tr in ring, * 3 ch, 3 tr in ring (3 tr = 1 tr-group) *, repeat from *-* a total of 5 times and finish with 3 ch and 1 sl st in 3rd ch from beg of round (= 6 tr-groups). Turn piece. ROUND 2: 3 ch, 2 tr in first ch-loop, 1 ch, 3 tr in the same ch-loop, 1 ch, * 3 tr in next ch-loop, 1 ch, 3 tr in the same ch-loop, 1 ch *, repeat from *-* a total of 5 times and finish with 1 sl st in 3rd ch from beg of round (= 12 tr-groups). Turn piece. ROUND 3: 3 ch, 2 tr in first ch, * 1 ch, 3 tr in next ch *, repeat from *-* a total of 11 times and finish with 1 sl st in 3rd ch from beg of round (= 12 tr-groups). Turn piece. ROUND 4: 3 ch, 2 tr in first ch, * 2 ch, 3 tr in next ch, 1 ch, 3 tr in next ch *, repeat from *-* a total of 5 times and finish with 2 ch, 3 tr in last ch, 1 ch and 1 sl st in 3rd ch from beg of round (= 12 tr-groups). Turn piece. ROUND 5: 3 ch, 2 tr in first ch-loop, * 1 ch, 3 tr in next ch-loop, 1 ch, 3 tr in the same ch-loop, 1 ch, 3 tr in next ch-loop *, repeat from *-* a total of 5 times and finish with 1 ch, 3 tr in last ch-loop, 1 ch, 3 tr in the same ch-loop, 1 ch and 1 sl st in 3rd ch from beg of round (= 18 tr-groups). Turn piece. ROUND 6: 3 ch, 2 tr in first ch, * 1 ch, 3 tr in next ch, 1 ch, 3 tr in the same ch, 1 ch, 3 tr in next ch, 1 ch, 3 tr in next ch *, repeat from *-* a total of 5 times and finish with 3 tr in next ch, 1 ch, 3 tr in the same ch, 1 ch, 3 tr in last ch, 1 ch and 1 sl st in 3rd ch from beg of round (= 24 tr-groups). Turn piece. ROUND 7: 3 ch, 2 tr in first ch, * 1 ch, 3 tr in next ch * repeat from *-* and finish with 1 ch and 1 sl st in 3rd ch from beg of round = 24 tr-groups (no inc on this round). Cut the thread. ASSEMBLY: Crochet the hexagons tog with 2 threads blue mix – see Fig-1. Beg by crocheting all the hexagons to the middle hexagon - see a. Then crochet all the sides tog – i.e. b to b and c to c along each side. Place 2 hexagons WS against WS and crochet through both layers as follows: 1 dc in first ch, * 3 ch, 1 dc in next ch *, repeat from *-*. Now crochet 5 rounds of dc round with 2 threads blue mix round the bottom edge of hat. |
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