Mónica wrote:
Hola en M.2 en la tercer hilera contando desde B hay una línea recta que va desde el pb hasta el pba, es más larga que el grafismo del p de cad, y no está en ninguna de las explicaciones de los modelos que usan este diagrama, me podrían decir a que punto corresponde? Muchas gracias
14.01.2024 - 21:56DROPS Design answered:
Hola Mónica, se trata de 1 p.de cad; debido a la representación en papel del resto del diagrama se ha tenido que dibujar más alargado de lo habitual.
14.01.2024 - 23:25Debbie McPeak wrote:
Is there any way to have the pattern instructions written in a format that is easy to understand? I love this and want to make it but it's very confusing.
21.05.2023 - 16:34DROPS Design answered:
Dear Debbie, this is the only format of the pattern available. If you have trouble understanding crochet charts, you can check the following lesson: https://www.garnstudio.com/lesson.php?id=69&cid=19. For any specific parts of the pattern, you can ask us here and we'll try to explain it in another way. Happy crocheting!
21.05.2023 - 18:02Luna wrote:
Hallo, muss ich in den Diagrammen M1 und M2 IMMER nach 1Stb, 1fM eine Masche überspringen oder ist das nur jeweils in der ersten Runde so, bzw in M2 in der 1. und 2. Runde so?
30.09.2022 - 07:15DROPS Design answered:
Liebe Luna, es wird nur bei der 1. Reihe in M.1 bzw M.2 eine Masche übersprungen (aber durch eine Luftmasche ersetzt), dann häkeln Sie wie im Diagram gezeigt. Viel Spaß beim häkeln!
30.09.2022 - 08:29InfiernoC wrote:
Hallo, zur Frage davor, leider beantwortet Ihre Antwort nicht meine Frage, in dem Diagramm M1 erkenne ich nicht, dass ich eine fM überspringen soll, ergo weiß ich auch nicht, ob in M2 ebenfalls fM übersprungen werden müssen, woran erkenne ich dieses? In M1 erkenn ich nicht, warum in R1 eine fM übersprungen werden soll und in R2 nicht.
20.09.2022 - 10:45DROPS Design answered:
Liebe InfiernoC, bei der 1. Reihe (mit dem Pfeil "Start") in M.1 häkeln Sie über 4 fM so: (1 Stb in das erste/nächste fM, 1 Lm, 1 fM überspringen, 1 Stb in das nächste fM, 1 Lm, 1 fM überspringen) wiederholen Sie von (bis) - und in M.2 wird es genauso gehäkelt 1 Stb in das erste Stb, *1 Lm, 1 M überspringen, 1 Stb in das nächste Stb*, von *-* wiederholen und Ende beenndet mit 1 Lm, 1 M überspringen, 1 Km. Kann das Ihnen helfen?
21.09.2022 - 08:53InfiernoC wrote:
Hallo, in Ihrem Kommentar vom 23.02.2014 schreiben Sie, dass in dem Diagramm M1 in der 1. Rd 1fM übersprungen werden soll. Wie erkenne ich das in dem Diagramm, wann ich eine fM überspringen soll? Danke schon mal vorab
20.09.2022 - 07:17DROPS Design answered:
Liebe InfiernoC, also ja, stimmt schon, in M.1, S häkeln Sie *1 Stb, 1 Lm, 1 Masche Überspringen, 1 Stb, 1 Lm, 1 Masche überspringen*, aber in die 2. Reihe häkeln Sie: *1 Stb um die Lm, 1 Lm, (1 Stb, 1 LM, 1 Stb um die nächste Lm, 1 Lm)*, hoffentlich kann das Ihnen helfen. Viel Spaß beim häkeln!
20.09.2022 - 10:07InfiernoC wrote:
Hallo, ich verstehe dass Muster M1 nicht richtig. Über dem V ist noch ein Strich, sind das 2 verschiedene Reihen oder wie ist das zu lesen?
18.09.2022 - 20:43DROPS Design answered:
Liebe InfiernoC, jedes Symbol steht für eine Masche, dh über (1 Stb, 1 LuftMasche, 1 Stb) häkeln Sie bei der nächsten Reihe (1 Stb, 1 Luftmasche, 1 Stb, 1 Luftmasche). Viel Spaß beim häkeln!
19.09.2022 - 10:52Toñi wrote:
Cuando pone: Tip para los aumentos 3: para aum 1 arco: trabajar 2 arcos en el mismo punto. Que significa? Lo podría explicar? Gracias.
11.07.2022 - 23:08DROPS Design answered:
Hola Toñi, para aum 1 arco trabajas 2 p.de cad, 1 p.b en el mismo pt (=1 arco), 2 p.de cad, 1 p.b en el mismo punto (= 2º arco).
13.07.2022 - 11:49Sue wrote:
After making 8 right-sleeve chains, the ch-loops to the 8 left-sleeve chains, followed by ch-loops back to the right sleeve, the rows become 1 continuous row that keeps winding around the garment. After the 8 left-sleeve chains, following ch-loops, should I slip stitch the ch1 from the last ch-loop, to the 1st right-sleeve ch8 and make 3 chains to replace the first dc, to start a new row? Or, do I ch-loop in the 8 right-sleeve chains and ch-loops for 1 continuous row around the garment?
21.06.2022 - 07:40DROPS Design answered:
Dear Sue, after dividing yoke for body and sleeve work the 8 chains mid under arms in pattern as before so that pattern will continue in the round as before - you should have 6 ch-spaces under each sleeve. Happy crocheting!
21.06.2022 - 09:42Kimberly wrote:
I’m not a fan. This pattern is so confusing. Maybe it’s the translation? “Tr” for treble? Meaning double? So many inconsistencies and confusing elements (one solid block of instructions instead of row by row). I won’t be making another Drops pattern. Sorry, just trying to give honest feedback. This is a beautiful tunic and the pattern could do much easier to understand.
12.06.2022 - 16:26ANNABELLA wrote:
Ok, I get the inc. 2 loops on each side. Now. On the second row, do I do the 2 loops in the 1st's row 2 loops?
06.05.2022 - 23:27DROPS Design answered:
Dear Annabella, in the first row you work 2 loops in the loop of the row below. In the 2nd row (and all following rows), you work the 2 loops in the outermost loop of the previous row. Happy crocheting!
08.05.2022 - 19:59
Breath of Summer |
Crochet DROPS tunic with mussel pattern with 1 thread Alpaca and 1 thread Cotton Viscose or Bomull-Lin. Size S - XXL
DROPS 99-4 |
Crochet tension: 12 tr x 7 rows with 1 thread Alpaca and 1 thread Cotton Vicose or 1 thread Bomull-Lin = 10 x 10 cm. 1 repeat of mussel pattern = width approx 12 cm. Increasing tip 1: To inc 1 dc: crochet 2 dc in 1 dc. Increasing tip 2: To inc 1 tr: crochet 2 tr in 1 tr (no ch in between). Increasing tip 3: To inc 1 ch-loop: crochet 2 ch-loops in the same st. Crochet info: At the beg of each round replace the first tr with 3 ch. Replace first dtr with 4 ch. Finish each round with 1 sl st in 3rd/4th ch from beg of round. Pattern: See diagrams M.1 and M.2. The diagram is seen from the RS. Measuring tip: Because of the weight of the wool all measurements should be made whilst the garment is hanging. Back and front piece: The tunic is crochet in the round from the top down. Loosely crochet 71-75-75-79-83 ch on crochet hook size 5 mm with 1 thread Drops Alpaca and 1 thread Drops Cotton Viscose (double thread)or 1 thread Bomull-Lin. Form a ring with a sl st in the first ch. Crochet next round as follows: 1 dc in each of the first 3 ch, *skip 1 ch, 1 dc in each of the 3 next ch*, repeat from *-* = 54-57-57-60-63 dc. Now crochet a round of dc, at the same time inc 22-15-19-20-21 dc evenly – see Increasing tip 1 = 76-72-76-80-84 dc. Continue in M.1 – see Crochet info. After M.1 there are 76-90-95-100-105 ch-loops on round (1 ch-loop = 1 tr + 1 ch). Continue with tr in ch and ch over tr until piece measures 10-11-12-13-14 cm. Crochet next round as follows: Skip 17-19-21-22-22 ch-loops from previous round (= right sleeve), crochet 8 ch (= under arm), crochet 21-26-26-28-30 ch-loops (= front piece), skip 17-19-21-22-22 ch-loops from previous round (= left sleeve), crochet 8 ch (= under arm), crochet 21-26-27-28-31 ch-loops (= back piece). Insert a marking thread each side, in between the 8 ch crochet mid under arm. Continue in ch-loops. NB! On the first round crochet the 8 ch under each arm as follows: 1 tr in the first ch, 1 ch, skip 1 ch, 1 tr in next ch, 1 ch, 1 tr in the same ch, 1 ch, skip 1 ch, 1 tr in next ch, 1 ch, 1 tr in the same ch, 1 ch, skip 1 ch, 1 tr in next ch, 1 ch and skip 1 ch (= 6 ch-loops under each arm) = 54-64-65-68-73 ch-loops on round in total. Continue in ch-loops in the round, at the same time inc 1 ch-loop – see Increasing tip 3 – on each side of both MT on every round a total of 4-4-6-6-7 times = 70-80-89-92-101 ch-loops. After all inc piece measures approx 19-20-23-24-27 cm measured from ch-chain at neckline (you have now reached mid chest; if you wish to adjust this crochet additional rounds in ch-loops after the inc). Now crochet 1 round in ch-loops, at the same time inc 4-2-2-14-14 tr evenly on round – see Increasing tip 2 = 144-162-180-198-216 tr/ch. Now continue in mussel pattern M.2 (beg at start arrow in diagram) = 8-9-10-11-12 horizontal repeats on round. Crochet 3 vertical repeats of M.2, but beg the second and third repeat by the Arrow-B in diagram. After M.2 crochet 2-3-3-3-4 rounds in dtr as follows: Round 1: Remember crochet info! Crochet 1 dtr in each ch-loop with 1 ch in between each and finish with 1 dtr in the last tr = 72-81-90-99-108 dtr. Round 2: crochet 1 dtr in each dtr from previous round with 2 ch in between each dtr (instead of 1) – finish size S here before the last mussel pattern = 72 dtr. Round 3: crochet 1 dtr in each dtr from previous round with 3 ch between each dtr - finish size M, L and XL here before the last mussel pattern = 81-90-99 dtr. Round 4: crochet 1 dtr in each dtr from previous round with 3 ch between each dtr - finish size XXL here before the last mussel pattern = 108dtr. Now crochet a round in ch-loops as follows: 1 tr and 1 ch (= 1 ch-loop) in each dtr from previous round, at the same time inc 1 ch-loop – see Increasing tip 3 – in every 3-3-4-4-4 dtr. NB! For size L and XL finish with 1 tr and 1 ch in each of the last 2-3 dtr = 96-108-112-123-135 ch-loops. Continue with 1 round of ch-loops, at the same time inc 6-0-10-6-0 tr – see Increasing tip 2 = 198-216-234-252-270 tr/ch. Now crochet M.2 again (beg at start arrow in diagram), but finish the pattern after row 7. |
Diagram explanations |
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