Gitte Jannerup Berg wrote:
På hvilken måde skal arbejdet monteres. Det er første gang jeg skal sy strik sammen.
17.02.2025 - 22:35DROPS Design answered:
Hej Gitte, Vi har fundet nogle fine videoer frem til denne opskrift, som du kan bruge, du finder dem ved at klikke på videoer øverst i opskriften :)
18.02.2025 - 14:24
Helen Wiland wrote:
Hej, är antalet cm gällande längd på ärmarna korrekt? Nu står det kortare längd på de större storlekarna.
13.02.2025 - 23:09
Chloé wrote:
Bonjour, je voulais savoir s'il fallait tricoter les manches en rond ou bien comme le reste avec des aiguilles droites et les refermer après lors de l'assemblage de tout gilet ? bonne journée et merci pour l'aide que vous pourrez m'apporter !
06.01.2025 - 15:02DROPS Design answered:
Bonjour Chloé, les manches se tricotent ici en allers et retours sur aiguille circulaire = vous pouvez ainsi les tricoter sur aiguilles droites, avec une couture à la fin. Bon tricot!
06.01.2025 - 15:28
Ania wrote:
Dzień dobry, czy mogę dokonać zmian np. w zakończeniu rękawów korzystając z innych wzorów? Wnioskuję z kontekstu, że ten zapis, żeby nie dokonywać zmian w opisach dotyczy wcześniej wspomnianych sklepów, ale wolę się upewnić, bo dosyć często łączę różne Państwa opisy projektów, kiedy robię coś dla siebie lub najbliższych.
01.01.2025 - 22:17DROPS Design answered:
Witaj Aniu, oczywiście. Gdy wykonujesz sweter czy inną część garderoby na użytek własny to możesz dokonywać zmian. Pozdrawiamy!
02.01.2025 - 09:48
Majlis Olofsson wrote:
Hej! Kan jag sticka denna kofta med två trådar men använda stickor nr 4 istället? Önskemålet är - enligt mitt barnbarn - att inte få ”så stora maskor”! Hur ska jag i så fall tänka kring maskantal - ökning - minskning samt garnåtgång? Tänker sticka storlek M Med vänlig hälsning MajLis
11.11.2024 - 09:43DROPS Design answered:
Hej Majlis. Du kommer dessvärre inte få rätt stickfasthet till detta mönster om du använder sticka 4, då är det bättre att du hittar ett annat mönster som passar till sticka 4 eller 5. Kanske något av dessa mönster? Mvh DROPS Design
12.11.2024 - 14:16
Dulce wrote:
Bom dia, nas instruções diz "Diminuir desta maneira 2-2-3-3-3-3 vezes ao todo a cada 6 carreiras, depois, 6-6-5-6-6-6 vezes ao todo a cada 4" . Podem explicar de outro modo, porque não estou a perceber. Obrigada
06.11.2024 - 13:18DROPS Design answered:
Bom dia, Primeiro, faz as diminuições de 6 em 6 carreiras (tricota 6 carreiras e na 7.ª carreira faz a diminuição) num total de 2 ou 3 vezes, conforme o tamanho. Depois, passa a fazer as diminuições de 4 em 4 carreiras num (tricota 4 carreiras e na 5.ª carreira faz a diminuição) total de 6 ou 5 vezes, conforme o tamanho. Bons tricôs!
06.11.2024 - 13:33
Lise Raill wrote:
Pourquoi utiliser des aiguilles circulaires?
31.10.2024 - 20:38DROPS Design answered:
Bonjour Mme Raill, on utilise souvent des aiguilles circulaires pour tricoter en allers et retours, on a ainsi suffisamment de place pour y loger toutes les mailles. Retrouvez plus d'infos à ce propos ici. Bon tricot!
01.11.2024 - 08:34
Mrse wrote:
Can I use 100% cotton yarn for this?
30.10.2024 - 14:29DROPS Design answered:
Dear Mrse, you could use a cotton yarn that will let you get the correct gauge. However, a 100% cotton yarn will not have the same drop as this one, since it will be much heavier, so the general texture of the piece will be very different. So we recommend you should check other jackets in DROPS Paris/ Bomul lin (which are cotton yarns of the same thickness as here) for better results: Happy knitting!
03.11.2024 - 13:08
Cornelia wrote:
Sehr schöne Anleitung, ich habe anderes Garn genommen, aber auch doppelfädig und zwei Knopflöcher eingearbeitet. Ich würde gern ein Foto mitschicken, aber ich finde die Stelle nicht, wo man das machen kann.
13.10.2024 - 12:51
Gabriele Schuchardt wrote:
Wie stricke ich die Randmaschen bei Vorder- und Rückenteil?? Es soll sich nicht einrollen und eine schöne Kante sein.
08.10.2024 - 13:31DROPS Design answered:
Liebe Frau Schuchardt , hier werden die Randmaschen glatt rechts gestrickt damit sie sich ganz schön einrollen. Gerne können Sie sich aber von einem anderen Modell inspirieren, um die Blende anders zu stricken. Viel Spaß beim Stricken!
08.10.2024 - 16:32
Cherished Moments |
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Knitted basic jacket in 2 strands DROPS Brushed Alpaca Silk. Piece is knitted bottom up in stocking stitch. Size XS – XXL.
DROPS 231-6 |
---------------------------------------------------------- EXPLANATION FOR THE PATTERN: ---------------------------------------------------------- YARN TIP: As the piece is knitted with 2 strands you can use the strand from both inside and outside of 1 ball. STOCKING STITCH: Knit 1 row from right side. Purl 1 row from wrong side. Repeat these 2 rows. ---------------------------------------------------------- START THE PIECE HERE: ---------------------------------------------------------- JACKET - SHORT OVERVIEW OF THE PIECE: Worked back and forth, bottom up and sewn together when finished. Work entire jacket in 2 strands. BACK PIECE: Cast on 52-56-60-66-70-78 stitches on circular needle size 8 mm with 2 strands DROPS Brushed Alpaca Silk - read YARN TIP. Purl 1 row from wrong side. Then work in STOCKING STITCH - read explanation above. Continue like this. REMEMBER THE KNITTING TENSION! When piece measures 50-52-54-56-58-60 cm, cast off all stitches by knitting from right side. LEFT FRONT PIECE: Cast on 31-33-35-38-40-44 stitches on circular needle size 8 mm with 2 strands DROPS Brushed Alpaca Silk. Purl 1 row from wrong side. Continue in stocking stitch. When piece measures 28-28-28-29-30-31 cm, decrease for V- neck on next row from right side as follows: Knit until 7 stitches remain, knit 2 together (1 stitch decreased), work the last 5 stitches. Decrease like this every 6th row 2-2-3-3-3-3 times in total, then every 4th row 6-6-5-6-6-6 times in total = 23-25-27-29-31-35 stitches. When piece measures approx. 49-51-53-55-57-59 cm, work next row from right side as follows: Knit 4-5-5-6-6-7, * knit 2 together, knit 4-4-5-5-6-7 *, work from *-* 3 times in total and knit 1-2-1-2-1-1 = 20-22-24-26-28-32 stitches. Purl 1 row from wrong side. Cast off knitting from right side. RIGHT FRONT PIECE: Cast on 31-33-35-38-40-44 stitches on circular needle size 8 mm with 2 strands DROPS Brushed Alpaca Silk. Purl 1 row from wrong side. Continue in stocking stitch. When piece measures 28-28-28-29-30-31 cm, decrease for V-neck on next row from right side as follows: Knit 5, slip 1 stitch on to right needle knitwise, knit 1 and pass slipped stitch on right needle over stitch worked (1 stitch decreased), knit the remaining stitches. Decrease like this every 6th row 2-2-3-3-3-3 times in total, then every 4th row 6-6-5-6-6-6 times in total = 23-25-27-29-31-35 stitches. When piece measures approx. 49-51-53-55-57-59 cm, work next row from right side as follows: Knit 4-5-5-6-6-7, * knit 2 together, knit 4-4-5-5-6-7 *, work from *-* 3 times in total and knit 1-2-1-2-1-1 = 20-22-24-26-28-32 stitches. Purl 1 row from wrong side. Cast off knitting from right side. SLEEVES: Cast on 46-48-50-54-56-58 stitches on circular needle size 8 mm with 2 strands DROPS Brushed Alpaca Silk. Purl 1 row from wrong side. Continue in stocking stitch. When piece measures 46-45-44-42-41-39 cm, cast off all stitches by knitting from right side. Knit another sleeve the same way. ASSEMBLY: Sew shoulder seams from edge of shoulder and in towards the middle, sew with 1 strand (the middle 11-11-11-13-13-13 cm on back piece is the neck). Insert 1 marker on front pieces and back piece 19-20-21-22-23-24 cm from shoulder seam and down. Sew in sleeves between marker on front piece and back piece - the middle of sleeve should with the shoulder seam - sew with 1 strand. Sew underarm seams and side seams in one, sew with 1 strand in outer loops of edge stitch. |
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