Clue #1 - And so it begins!

The first clue to this season's Crochet-Along is made of diagrams accompanied by text, and pictures that will show you the progress of the clue, step by step. You will also find videos and the complete diagram for the clue at the bottom, in case you prefer to skip the pictures and work that way!

So let's get started!

First, the colors

In this first step (A.1) you will use the following color combination:

CASTING ON + ROUND 1: 01 white
ROUND 2: light wash
ROUND 3: 06 light jeans blue
ROUND 4: 17 light lilac
ROUND 5: 16 lilac

Information written within two * is meant to be repeated everytime it appears a *-* in the pattern.
The symbols in red in the diagrams are the one explained in the text above the pictures.

Work 4 chain stitches with white, form them into a ring with 1 slip stitch in the first chain stitch – see point on circle, the round starts and finishes here.

Work 3 chain stitches (= 1 double crochet).

Work * 1 chain stitch, 1 double crochet around the chain-stitch ring *, repeat *-* 11 times in total, 1 chain stitch = 12 double crochets around the chain-stitch ring.

The round finishes with 1 slip stitch in the 3rd chain stitch, read COLOR CHANGE TIP below, change to light wash and cut the white strand.

To get the neatest transition when changing colors, work the last slip stitch on the round with the new color.

Work 3 chain stitches.

Work * 2 double crochets around the next chain stitch, 1 double crochet in the next double crochet *, repeat *-* 11 times in total, 2 double crochets around the last chain stitch.

The round finishes with 1 slip stitch in the 3rd chain stitch, read COLOR CHANGE TIP above, change to light jeans blue and cut the light wash strand.

Work 4 chain stitches (equivalent to 1 treble crochet), work 2 treble crochets in the next stitch, but wait with the last yarn over and pull through on both of these treble crochets, work 1 treble crochet in the next stitch and pull the last yarn over through all 4 loops on the hook, 5 chain stitches.

Work *1 treble crochet in the next stitch, but wait with the last yarn over and pull through, work 2 treble crochets in the next stitch, but wait with the last yarn over and pull through on both of these treble crochets, work 1 treble crochet in the next stitch and pull the last yarn over through all 5 loops on the hook, 5 chain stitches *, repeat *-* 11 times in total.

Finish with 1 slip stitch in the 4th chain stitch at the beginning of the round, read COLOR CHANGE TIP above, change to light lilac and cut the light jeans blue strand.

Work 1 chain stitch.

Work 6 single crochets around each chain-space the complete round (= 72 single crochets).

Finish with 1 slip stitch in the 1st chain stitch at the beginning of the round. Change to lilac, read COLOR CHANGE TIP above, do not cut the light lilac strand.

Work 1 chain stitch.

Work * 1 single crochet in each of the next 6 stitches, 1 half double crochet around the top of the treble crochet group from the 3rd round *, repeat *-* the complete round (= 12 times total).

Put your work a side and crochet the same circle again in this new color combination:

Finish with 1 slip stitch in the chain stitch at the beginning of the round, read COLOR CHANGE TIP above. Change to white and cut the lilac strand. 72 single crochets and 12 half double crochets.

Put your work a side and crochet the same circle again in this new color combination (B):

A.1 – color combination B:
CASTING ON + ROUND 1: 01 white
ROUND 2: 17 light lilac
ROUND 3: 16 lilac
ROUND 4: 05 light wash
ROUND 5: 06 light jeans blue


Here's how both color combinations of diagram A.1 will look up to and including round 5.

The final result of clue #1 is 2 circles measuring approx. 5 3/4" in diameter each.

Are you using a different color combination than the one we are crocheting with?
Make a small note of which color number replaces which before starting, by seeing the original materials here. here.

Complete clue diagram

= 4 chain stitches, form them into a ring with 1 slip stitch in the first chain stitch – see point on circle, the round starts and finishes here
= chain stitch
= slip stitch
= single crochet around chain-space
= single crochet in stitch
= double crochet around chain stitch/chain-stitch ring
= double crochet in stitch
= 4 TREBLE CROCHETS WORKED TOGETHER AT THE BEGINNING OF THE ROUND: 4 chain stitches (equivalent to 1 treble crochet), work 2 treble crochets in the next stitch, but wait with the last yarn over and pull through on both of these treble crochets, work 1 treble crochet in the next stitch and pull the last yarn over through all 4 loops on the hook
= 4 TREBLE CROCHETS WORKED TOGETHER: work 1 treble crochet in the next stitch, but wait with the last yarn over and pull through, work 2 treble crochets in the next stitch, but wait with the last yarn over and pull through on both of these treble crochets, work 1 treble crochet in the next stitch and pull the last yarn over through all 5 loops on the hook
= 5 chain stitches
= work 1 half double crochet around the top of the treble crochet group from the 3rd round.

Video clue

Need more help with the techniques?

In this video we show you all the different techniques you need to know to complete Clue #1.

Comments (148)

Marta wrote:

Yo he cogido otra combinación de colores, como se a cual corresponde cada uno? Gracias.

02.03.2017 - 15:26

DROPS Design answered:

Hola Marta. Si estás usando una combinación de colores diferente a la que estamos trabajando, haz una pequeña nota de cuales de tus colores sustituyen nuestros colores antes de comenzar. Puedes ver los colores originales aquí :

04.03.2017 - 11:46

Jacqueline wrote:

De legenda bij het haakschema in de Nederlandse versie lijkt niet te kloppen. Bij de symbolen voor de vasten staat 'stokje' geschreven i.p.v. 'vaste'.

02.03.2017 - 15:17

LINDA wrote:

I love this and the fact that you have charts with it is awesome. thank you.

02.03.2017 - 15:15

Birthe Skødt wrote:

Ved sidste CAL var der en mulighed for at lave en udskrift. Kommer der også det denne gang. Dejligt at have mulighed for at se diagrammet på papir.

02.03.2017 - 15:06

DROPS Design answered:

Hej Birthe. Vi vil faa en printervenlig version fra naeste ledetraad.

02.03.2017 - 16:13

Charlotte Ankartjärn wrote:

Hej, hur många ledtrådar är det totalt?

02.03.2017 - 14:32

DROPS Design answered:

Hej Charlotte. Det er ikke helt fastlagt endnu, men der vil komme en oversigt med det hele senere.

02.03.2017 - 16:13

Birgitta Gustafsson wrote:

Hej jag har garnpaket 2 förstår inte vilka färger som ersätter de som finns i mönstret🤔🙄mvh Birgitta💝

02.03.2017 - 14:28

DROPS Design answered:

Hej Birgitta, Du bestämmer själv din färgkombination. Har du valt andra färger så byter du ut den vita mot den färg du har 400 g av, den ljusblå byter du mot den färgen du har 200 g av osv. Gör du på detta sätt så vet du att färgerna blir fördelade på samma sätt som i vårat förslag. Lycka till!

02.03.2017 - 14:59

Sue wrote:

How many motifs of each colour combination should you make?

02.03.2017 - 14:26

DROPS Design answered:

Dear Sue, you have to crochet 1 circle in each colours as shown at the bottom of the clue. Happy crocheting!

02.03.2017 - 14:54

Anna Landsfeldt wrote:

Hvorfor står der at man ikke skal klippe tråden når man er færdig med lys syren?

02.03.2017 - 14:25

DROPS Design answered:

Hej Anna, nu skal du vente til næste ledetråd (det kan jo være at du skal bruge den igen.... ;) )

02.03.2017 - 14:55

Schaller Anita wrote:

Wie viele Blüten braucht man von jeder Sorte. Immer nur eine oder mehrere

02.03.2017 - 14:04

DROPS Design answered:

Liebe Frau Schaller, 1 Kreis wird nun in jeden beiden angegebenen Farbkombinationen gehäkelt. Viel Spaß beim häkeln!

02.03.2017 - 14:54

Stina Bork-Nielsen wrote:

Jeg kan ikke finde ud af at få den udskrevet. Er der en printfunktion som jeg bare ikke kan finde ?

02.03.2017 - 13:43

Christina wrote:

Jeg ville også gerne vide, hvor mange af hver man skal lave😊

02.03.2017 - 13:34

DROPS Design answered:

Hej Christina. Du laver 1 i hver farve som der staar :)

02.03.2017 - 13:47

Anita Tankred wrote:

Anita Tankred 2. mar. 11.35 CET Hej ! Jag har beställt ett garnpaket för CAL .... som blir en filt .Har idag fått första ledtråden .Men har nu en fråga. När man gjort de 2 första kombinationerna av ledtråd 1 .Hur många ska man göra för att det ska stämma storleksmässigt till denna filt ? Likaså hur många av varje ledtråd för att det ska stämma med storleken när den är klar ? M.v.h Anita

02.03.2017 - 13:32

DROPS Design answered:

Hej. Du gör bara det antal som uppges på varje ledtråd, dvs ledtråd 1 består bara av 2 cirklar totalt. När alla ledtrådar är gjorda så kommer filten ha det mått som uppges för den färdiga filten. Lycka till!

02.03.2017 - 14:03

Nadège wrote:

C'est très clair. Bravo ! Y a-t-il plusieurs exemplaires des 2 fleurs à faire ? Merci

02.03.2017 - 13:18

DROPS Design answered:

Bonjour Nadège, on fait 1 exemplaire de chaque cercle, dans chacune des 2 couleurs, comme on le voit à la fin de l'indice. Bon crochet!

03.03.2017 - 10:20

Ulla Swanljung-Eidam wrote:

Video ei toimi (Windows 10).

02.03.2017 - 13:14

Ronel wrote:

Good day, This is beautiful - I can't wait for the finished product!! Will there be a link to a printable version like in the The Meadow Mystery Blanket CAL? Thank you. xxx

02.03.2017 - 12:59

DROPS Design answered:

Dear Mrs Ronel, we will be making a printer friendly version available before next clue is out :)

02.03.2017 - 13:07

Anette Pedersen wrote:

Hvilken farver til Cal 2 ???

02.03.2017 - 12:51

Julia wrote:

En el anterior cal indicasteis en las dos propuestas opcionales que se correspondia con lapropuesta principal. Podríais darnosla en este? Muchas gracias

02.03.2017 - 12:49

Siw Pedersen wrote:

Hvornår kommer 2. ledetråd?

02.03.2017 - 12:31

DROPS Design answered:

Hej Siw, 2. ledetråd bliver sendt ud i næste uge :)

02.03.2017 - 13:30

Heike wrote:

Und wie viele Blüten von jedem Clue werden benötigt? Oder braucht man immer nur eine Blüte?

02.03.2017 - 12:28

Timi wrote:

Hány darabra lesz szükségünk a két motívumból? (How many pieces will we need from these motives?)

02.03.2017 - 12:27

DROPS Design answered:

Hi Timi, The final result of clue #1 is then 2 circles of approx. 14,5 cm in diameter each.

07.03.2017 - 09:01

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